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文章在分析家族企业发展现状的基础上,根据新的形势,从宏观的角度引出职业经理人这一特殊的社会群体。进而通过实际情况分析家族企业和职业经理人合作过程中所出现的问题,了解引起合作受阻的影响因素,为提出解决问题的措施提供重要依据。文章最后从家族企业和职业经理人两个方面提出了具体的解决方法和措施,也强调了实行职业经理人制度,努力实现家族企业的职业化管理,将是家族企业实现转型过程中的必然选择。  相似文献   

十八届三中全会对国企提出要求,一方面将公司法人治理结构进一步进行完善,促进企业协调运转;另一方面建立健全职业经理人制度,对国企的职业经理人进行系统的培训以及职业规划,利用其先进的管理理念与管理方式促使国企顺利完成改革,增强企业竞争力。本篇文章首先将国企现行的职业经理人培训与发展制度的概况进行了总结,然后试图分析了这些制度存在的部分问题,并且有针对性地对如何实现国企职业经理人的职业化、市场化与国际化提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

近些年来,随着我国经济的不断发展,职业经理人队伍不断发展壮大,整体教育素质不断提高,职业经理人队伍的职业化、市场化、专业化、国际化水平不断提升。职业经理人是我国人才队伍的重要组成部分。党的十八届三中全会提出"建立职业经理人制度,更好发挥企业家作用"。国家"十二五"规  相似文献   

龙淋 《企业导报》2012,(1):48-49
引入职业经理人是家族企业由家族化管理向职业化管理转型的必要手段,家族企业自身情况及外部环境都将对其引入职业经理人产生影响。本文通过SWOT分析方法评价家族企业引入职业经理人的企业内在优势、劣势,外部机会、威胁,提出相应的战略以望对家族企业的职业化管理提供启示。  相似文献   

寿兴 《企业导报》2010,(10):83-84
从我国职业经理人的弱点分析入手,分析了我国职业经理人薪酬激励机制及其存在的问题,提出了健立和健全我国职业经理人薪酬制度的若干对策和建议。  相似文献   

职业经理人及职业经理人制度是现代企业制度的重要组成部分,但我国目前的职业经理人市场还存在着大量的问题亟待解决.在对河南省上市公司高管现状进行分析的基础上,对河南省职业经理人市场存在的问题进行评析,并提出了相应的改进措施,以促进职业经理制度的健康发展.  相似文献   

从外部引进职业经理人进行职业化管理是家族企业持续发展的必然趋势。本文在对家族企业与职业经理人之间进行博弈分析的基础上,认为在家族企业内部以血缘构筑起天然的信任关系及激励与约束机制不完善,在家族企业外部法制不健全及职业经理人市场发展不完善是造成家族企业与职业经理人信任缺失的深层原因,并且从个人、企业、社会三个层面提出了解决家族企业与职业经理人信任问题的对策建议。  相似文献   

唐仁 《企业经济》2003,(7):26-28
美国企业管理界大师史考特·派瑞博士曾经说过:“未来市场中的稀缺资源不再是资本,而是优秀的人才。”尤其是优秀的高级管理人才,更是极为稀缺的资源。目前我国职业化的经理人短缺已成为向市场经济体制转轨和建立现代企业制度的瓶颈。尽快建设一支真正的职业经理人队伍,已成为我国企业迎接加入WTO的挑战,加快发展的必然选择。然而,令人费解的是,近年这种稀缺的资源却出现了一系列与市场经济飞速发展不和谐的现象:要么职业经理人纷纷被老板解聘,要么便是职业经理人纷纷跳槽。这到底是怎么回事?一、职业经理人跳槽现象分析近来,国内某些行业…  相似文献   

职业经理人是企业经营管理人才队伍的重要组成部分和骨干力量,加强职业经理人队伍建设,培养造就一大批优秀企业经营管理者,是我国人才工作的重要任务.文章指出了我国职业经理人体系建设面临的问题,并分析了问题原因,提出以改革创新精神推动我国职业经理人体系建设.  相似文献   

中国物业管理协会会长谢家瑾指出,伴随着物业管理的发展,一大批物业管理职业经理人肩负着带领团队开拓创业、直至达到成功的重任,物业管理职业经理人正逐步成为行业的中坚力量。2005年12月1日起施行的《物业管理师制度暂行规定》为我国物业管理行业规范化、专业化和职业化发展提供了制度保证。特别是今年10月28日举办的首届物业管理师资格认定考试和相关培训、考试及即将进行的注册等工作,将对我国物业管理行业的发展产生深远的影响。本期专题在2006年11月25日海南三亚市物业管理经理人论坛稿件基础上,又邀请到了部分参加考试的人员、业界企业领导、业内专家,围绕物业管理师制度、企业用人制度、行业资格准入制度,以及物业管理职业经理人与构建和谐社会等话题,畅谈行业发展,展望行业未来。  相似文献   

Management Ethics and Corporate Policy: A Cross-cultural Comparison   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper reports the results of a cross-cultural empirical study that investigated differences in the clarity of corporate attitudes towards ethical 'grey areas' and their influences on managers' ethical decision making. The study encompassed managers in France, Germany, Britain, Spain and the USA working in over 200 companies operating in these countries. Comparisons are made at both individual manager level and at corporate level. At the former level significant differences are found among nationalities of managers themselves. For the latter, differences are found among companies according to the nationality of their home country rather than the host country. Despite identifying national differences in areas of gift giving and receiving, loyalty to company, loyalty to one's group, and reporting others' violations of corporate policy, the study presents evidence that clarity of corporate policy has little influence on managers' reported ethical decision making. The perceived behaviour of managers' colleagues is far more important in predicting attitudes towards decision making of managers across the nationalities surveyed. This has implications for the efficacy of the growing popularity of corporate codes across Europe. Companies should place more emphasis on intervening in peer dynamics rather than trying to legislate for managers' ethical conduct.  相似文献   

本文认为,管理主义动机是推动西方企业并购的主要因素之一,在我国特殊的制度背景下,企业高层经营管理者基于维护控制权及其控制权收益(包括政治收益)的管理主义动机则是促进我国国有企业并购行为的深层次原因。分析表明,并购有利于提高经营者的控制权收益,并且在一定程度上能满足经营者体现其“企业家精神”、自我实现的控制权需要。经营者控制权激励(即对控制权收益最大化的要求)是推动我国国有企业并购的制度动因。  相似文献   

何行  马永开 《价值工程》2005,24(5):116-119
风险预算是针对积极投资管理者进行的,所以我们预算和控制的风险主要来自于相对风险而不是绝对风险。本文中的风险预算方法则是在相对风险的基础上,利用边际跟踪误差、相对于基准的调整量、积极因子和积极beta系数等一系列相对概念。通过两个最优化模型,分别在战略资产配置和战术资产配置过程中,将风险配置于投资管理者和管理者资产,并且根据投资者,给定的管理者风险贡献和管理者实际风险贡献之间的误差,进行及时的动态调整,从而完成风险预算的整个过程。  相似文献   

The assumption of a mutually supportive, ‘symmetric’ relationship between institutionalization and professionalization is central to the institutionalist perspective on professional work. Our inductive qualitative study of corporate social responsibility (CSR) managers in multinational corporations (MNCs) prompts to rethink the validity of this assumption. We show that as the institutionalization of CSR advances and consolidates, CSR managers are pushed to the organizational periphery. This indicates that the relationship between professionalization and institutionalization can be ‘asymmetric’ under certain conditions. To advance the study of this asymmetry, we develop a conceptual framework and a set of corresponding propositions that explain why some groups are able to advance their professionalization projects, while others cannot. Our study makes three main contributions to the literature: First, we explicate under which conditions the relationship between institutionalization and professionalization is more likely asymmetric than symmetric. Second, our explanation of the shifting organizational positions of different professional groups allows for further delineating occupational from organizational professionals. Third, we contribute to the CSR literature by examining the dynamic yet ambiguous role of CSR managers as driving forces behind the implementation of CSR.  相似文献   

abstract    Using a sample of 89 mid-level managers in a US based urban hospital, this study investigates relationships among three measures of network centrality and managers' divergent strategic activity. While prior work has demonstrated a relationship between managers' boundary-spanning responsibilities and strategic activity, inadequate attention has been paid to managers' internal network position. Drawing from established theory, we consider expected network flows associated with three elements of the strategic renewal process. From this, we hypothesize and test relationships among managers' divergent activity and three measures of network centrality. Our findings suggest specific relationships between alternative forms of network centrality and particular elements of the strategic renewal process. Consistent with existing research, the findings also show boundary-spanning managers to be more strategically active than their non-boundary-spanning counterparts.  相似文献   

肖嫣  张国民  陈进 《企业活力》2011,(12):45-49
经理人报酬激励制度是现代企业激励机制的重要组成部分,现代经理人的报酬激励具有多种实现形式。为了激励经理人的有效行为,利用最优报酬契约经济理论构建了一个包含短期激励以及长期激励的财务性组合报酬契约模型,以及分析非财务性报酬对经理人行为选择的影响,是十分必要的,尤其是对我国国有企业经理人报酬激励制度优化问题,应该是很好的借鉴。  相似文献   

abstract    Empowerment initiatives have become popular in recent years in programmes of organizational change, but their impact as a practical managerial policy remains shrouded in ambiguities. We attempt to provide a fuller understanding of their impact, firstly by exploring managers' understanding of what constitutes empowerment, and secondly by locating the analysis of changes in managers' experiences of empowerment in the context of their experiences of changes in accountability practices. Drawing on data from interviews with managers and a mail questionnaire, we argue that the experience of empowerment is multi-faceted, and shaped by managers' attitudes towards it. Moreover we find that accountability plays a more significant and independent role in encouraging managers to engage in empowerment than has hitherto been acknowledged.  相似文献   

随着以所有权和控制权相分离为特征的现代公司组织的形成和发展,在公司所有者不参与日常管理的前提下,如何通过公司治理机制实现对经理人的激励和约束,使股东财富最大化是现代企业管理的核心问题。本文通过委托-代理理论,对股东和经理人之间的关系进行了分析和研究,试图解释目前我国基于公司治理机制的经理人激励制度中存在的问题。  相似文献   

In the literature on privatisation and restructuring it is a generally held belief that manager owned firms will be restructured more rigorously than worker owned companies. This gives the clear recommendation that property rights and control rights should be allocated to managers in the process of (insider-) privatisation. One of the implied arguments is, that managers' career concerns will make them eager to prove their ability by improving company efficiency. The present model shows that in the transition context managers' career concerns might result in the opposite effect. If the bulk of job opportunities are in worker controlled firms, the managers of the few manager controlled firms will want to appear soft on excess labour capacity – hence, restructure less harshly – in order to improve their career opportunities.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This study first develops an empirically based Western charismatic leadership profile. Using confirmatory factor analysis, the profile is compared with a profile of Iranian managers. The results demonstrate that despite major cultural differences in the two countries, there are core similarities in the profiles across the two cultures. The Canadian charismatic profile of vision, tenacity, intellectual challenge, self-sacrifice, and eloquence is substantially confirmed within the Iranian sample. But we also show that Iranian managers' ratings are significantly lower than those of the Canadian managers, indicating potentially different behavioural manifestations. The paper speculates that while the differences are probably due to cultural differences, the similarities may be due to universal intrinsic human desire for morality, autonomy, and achievement.  相似文献   

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