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郑剑 《中国报业》2016,(23):5-5
"一带一路"倡议强调"五通"即政策沟通、设施联通、贸易畅通、资金融通、民心相通,其中最基础、最持久也最困难的当是民心相通。促进民心相通,需要各个国家、各个层面以多种方式、从多个方面努力,其中媒体责任重大。推进"丝绸之路"经济带建设,促进丝路沿线国家民心相通,需要媒体发挥先导作用,架设心灵之桥。抓住公约数。当前,虽然世界形势错综复杂,人类社会发展面临很多挑战,但和平、发展、合作、共赢的时代主题和潮流没有变。  相似文献   

2014年11月21日,慧聪网与全球知名的测试、检验、认证和技术咨询公司必维国际检验集团(Bureau Veritas,以下简称"必维")强强联手,共同签署了"百城优企,实地认证"合作协议。根据协议,慧聪网将引入第三方权威认证公司必维,对产业带入驻企业进行实地认证,以真正助力慧聪网的在线交易。  相似文献   

玩腻了iPhone,买不到iPad,广大苹果粉丝们完全可以另辟蹊径。不管在车内为iPhone设计的充电接口,还是可以播放iPod里音乐的音响,乃至为苹果系列产品设计的数据接口,国内外的车厂都在努力与苹果沾亲带故。如此盛况,颇有些"我的朋友胡适之"旧景重现的味道。  相似文献   

当前中国政府绩效管理过程中政府自身之"被动"、学术界倡导绩效管理理念之"冲动"、媒体舆论对政府绩效评估之"盲动"、社会公民在政府绩效管理中之"不动"现象,值得剖析与反思;只有清醒领悟政府绩效管理是一场持续渐进之运动,只有建构以伦理与制度结合之中国特色的政府绩效管理,才有助于实现政府持续改进、人民满意与社会和谐之目的。  相似文献   

漆婷婷 《广告大观》2011,(11):85-86
题记:中国爱是一种包罗万象的"爱",其外延博大,它既包含了人类之爱、祖国之爱、自然之爱、社会之爱等大爱,又涵盖了生活中家庭之爱、亲情之爱、友谊之爱等与个人息息相关的细微之处。四川卫视定位于"中国爱"是媒体品牌与公益形象的高度融合,它发扬了中国精神,展现了中国力量,彰显了四川卫视作为主流媒体的社会责任感。四川卫视以倡导大爱为己任,用爱的视角,旨在为广大观众打造一个凝聚力量、承载责任、塑造精神、弘扬正义的优质媒介,成为传播中国爱的第一电视平台。  相似文献   

调查表明,幼儿特别喜爱那些"爱搞笑"、"能搞笑"、"幽默"的教师,因为幽默不仅能给幼儿带来欢乐,而且能让幼儿在轻松的氛围里受到教育,获得发展。因此,教师在与幼儿交往过程中,要努力让自己幽默起来,努力在班级里创造一种幽默的氛围,让幼儿在幽默的氛围里成长,让自己在幽默的氛围里快乐地工作。  相似文献   

周晓红 《创业家》2013,(1):14-15
@创业家杂志:【2012年那些大败局】看十个成功故事,不如看一个失败故事更让自己警醒。团宝资金链断裂、24券停业、维棉网之死、红孩子"贱卖"、品聚网夭折、雷士照明罗生门、星辰急便瘫痪、尚德生死劫、赛维LDK债务危机……在2012年这个所谓的"末日年"里,活着对这些公司来说是最幸福的事!  相似文献   

车驰 《上海商业》2014,(10):18-21
民以食为天。自原始人学会"钻木取火",人类就逐渐摆脱"茹毛饮血"的蒙昧状态,开始尝试烘烤、"石烹法",以烹饪食物、享受美味,同时有了烹饪历史文化的延续。松江,上海之根。早在6000年前的新石器时代,就有拓荒者在松江九峰一带开拓上海最早的居住小区,在荒原上播下了上海第一粒文明的种子。  相似文献   

二、企业社会责任报告的基本情况 中国石油天然气集团公司作为中国最大的国家石油公司,2006年发布了首份企业社会责任报告。报告集中表述了中国石油履行社会责任的承诺和努力,紧紧围绕经济、环境、社会三大责任,分"持续稳定的能源供应"、"安全清洁的生产运营"、"促进员工发展"和"支持社会公益"四个方面的重要议题展开,结构明晰、严谨、完整,  相似文献   

"锤子",从一开始,其宣传推广就几乎完全系于罗永浩一人。罗永浩的"情怀"对锤子科技的重要性怎么强调都不为过月20日晚,罗永浩在锤子的手机发布会上。在两个多小时的产品介绍之后,他说:"尝试努力去把这个世界变得更好,是我们启动这个公司的初衷。通过处心积虑地改善人类的生活品质来获取利润,而不是通过处心积虑地获取利润来获取利润。  相似文献   

通过对两岸律师主管机关、惩戒组织、律师执业行为、专业行为、受理业务以及律师互动准则等方面进行共通性与差异性的比较研究得出:台湾律师伦理以实践中的律师为出发点,注重培育法律专业伦理;大陆律师伦理以法与道德的关系为代表,侧重于理论的研究。  相似文献   

以实在法学派的研究方法为主导的国际经济法学面临着南北尖锐对立、国际经济法规则发展停滞不前的困境。中国国际经济法学可以另辟蹊径,选择采纳与批评主义方法论不同的建构主义方法,占领国际经济关系的舆论和道德制高点,推动国际经济体系的改革和正义国际经济秩序的回归。  相似文献   

Based on an empirical analysis of a yearlong netnography of a Swedish online fashion community, and the explication of the concept of modern cynicism, this paper develops a novel perspective on consumer morality. The analysis suggests that modern cynicism informs consumers of the reasonableness in consciously stating one type of morality while acting out another, in order to handle the morally conflicting demands put on them by contemporary consumer culture. The contribution of the paper is mainly threefold: (i) it conceptualizes instances of consumer morality as a form of consumer cynicism; (ii) it advances our understanding of consumer morality by showing how instances of consumer morality are articulated through cynical discursive practices, steeped in an enlightened disbelief in: the market, the other consumer and the self; and (iii) it shows that consumer cynicism, as enlightened critique, does not necessarily constitute an effective form of resistance. It is concluded that we may observe yet another type of morality developing within contemporary consumption, markets and culture: a morality of cynicism where consumers, actors and organizations not only find something healthy, but also something right or good in a cynical reason.  相似文献   

The name "School of Salamanca" refers to a group of theologians and natural law philosophers who taught in the University of Salamanca, following the inspiration of the great Thomist Francisco de Vitoria. It turns out that the Scholastics were not simply medieval, but began in the 13th century and expanded through the 16th and 17th centuries; and they developed some original theories about economics and international law.Why should a few men mainly interested in theology and ethics apply themselves in analyzing issues so far from their worries? The answer leads us to a revision of the morality rules, due to the new problems in business ethics. Thus, for example, the appearance of inflation made them have doubts about the merchant's morality. In order to solve this and other problems, they began to analyze the new and suspicious economic activity. As a result of their observations about ethical issues they discovered some advanced theories for the history of economic thought, such as the early formulation of the quantity theory of money.In this article, we shall review the Spanish bibliography on this matter, to introduce the reader to a new and historical perspective of business ethics in Spain.  相似文献   

中国农民集体土地产权配置的实证辨析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
聂佳 《商业研究》2005,(4):165-169
在偏重公平价值的中国农民集体土地产权配置的基本框架下,任何追求效率的具体法律安排均无法避免与之发生内在冲突;无论是集体土地所有权的性质悖论、主体悖论还是土地承包经营权的性质悖论都是这种冲突的必然结果。要提高农业生产的效率,必须从实证的角度改革农民集体土地的产权配置,化解现存悖论;改革只能以明晰土地承包经营权的物权性质为切入点。  相似文献   

Morality and business ethics are topics facing increased attention in modern management, yet they tend to be looked at only in relation to external relationships. However one of the most important contributions to management practice and theory (human relations) was built upon a sociological theory that was totally concerned with morality. That sociological theory was borrowed by Mayo (the father of human relations) without reading the original theory; consequently he missed the real point that the theory made, i.e. a common morality embracing everyone was necessary to maintain order and social cohesion. Such a morality was only possible when we realised our social dimension through continuous contact with each other. Moral man had to be social man; occupational groups were a way of attempting to achieve this. Yet morality is a dimension of group dynamics and management training rarely mentioned, partly through ignorance, partly through a fear of what discussions of morality might lead on to, and partly through a structural blindness to non-operational problems.  相似文献   

网络自恋形式各异,从群体自恋的网络语言到个体自恋的疯狂自拍以及他恋姿态的网络围观,无不体现着网民对现实社会的认识、思考。网络自恋的内容和形式挑战着网络自由的极限、社会道德和法律的底线,必须从网络技术、网络道德和网络法律规范方面进行规范。  相似文献   

This study explores the relationship between managerial networking and corporate morality in a guanxi context where personal relationship is widely used for organizational purposes. Using a sample of 6361 Chinese private firms, we find a significantly positive relationship between managerial networking and corporate social responsibility, including corporate charitable donations and environmental protection, and an insignificant relationship between managerial networking and the prevalence of business bribery. We also find that such relationships depend on corruption perception, that is, when corruption perception is high, the negative effects of managerial networking are more likely to rise but the positive effects of managerial networking are more likely to be weakened. These results are robust and consistent across various measurements and models.  相似文献   

徽商诚信道德折射中国本土法律资源中的诚信因子,突破了传统研究认为商法层面上的诚信土壤来源于西方徽商商业道德中的诚信因子符合商法本质中私法性和“保障营利性”特点的需要、因此徽商商业道德中的诚信因子在我国商法体系中商法总则和分则的吸收、信用机制的建立、商事裁判的效力位阶排序中具有良好的借坚,从而推动我国商法的逐步完善。  相似文献   

马克思分工理论认为社会分工和企业内分工协同演进,社会化大生产产生了分工协调问题,而流通具有协调社会分工的重要功能。因此,流通效率的提高可以形成一个发达的现代流通体系,成为实现市场经济秩序和财富增长有机统一的载体。流通经济学的研究应以流通效率的提高为核心,寻求构筑现代流通体系的制度基础、技术基础、法律基础和道德基础,联系生产组织和消费行为的结构性变化分析流通组织的演变机理,探索社会分工协调的自循环实现机制。并且,流通经济学的研究应结合中国转型和开放的双重背景,借鉴国际贸易理论的最新进展,探讨实践中出现的问题并提出相应的理论观点、分析结论和政策建议。  相似文献   

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