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为加强土建类专业人才综合工程素质的培养,在结构设计原理课程中引入了体验式教学模式,即课程教学和培养过程中,将学生置于实际工程环境中进行实践或体验,帮助他们迅速而正确地理解教学内容,实现学生专业知识、实践能力以及工程素养的提升。  相似文献   

团体心理咨询课程体验式实践教学是以学生为主体负责团体心理咨询方案的设计实施、老师为督导的教学形式。本文从教学设计的理论基础、实践主题的确定、教学设计的内容、教学的价值和意义、实践的组织与实施等方面做了详细的介绍,期望能够为教育教学管理部门和心理健康教育工作提供参考依据。  相似文献   

随着我国邮轮行业的兴起,邮轮公司对高素质技能型海乘人才的需求尤为迫切。如何通过邮轮英语课程的教学提高学生的职业能力与英语交际能力,是教学研究的重要部分。体验式英语教学能够有效地提高学生学习兴趣,拓宽学生的专业知识面,提高学生的岗位英语口语水平,达到良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

基于建构主义理论,主张学生作为教学活动的中心和主体,全程参与课堂教学过程的参与体验式教学模式可以帮助学生在参与中主动思考、认真研究、解答问题,在体验中学会理解、增进了解、提升思想道德素养,促使他们成为课堂真正的主人,增加了学生的自信,锻炼了学生的情商,符合新时代的人才培养的要求。另外,还需要在思想政治理论课的顶层设计、尊重学生的学习差异、教师主导作用、考核评价体系和实践教学等方面加强研究,持续保持学生学习的关注度和兴趣,增强思想政治理论课的亲和力和针对性,提高教学效果。  相似文献   

高职院校《统计学》课程的"体验式"教学模式探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高职院校的<统计学>课程应本着基础性、前沿性和实际应用相结合的原则,精选现代统计学的基本理论、基本方法作为本课程内容,以介绍统计思想、如何使用统计方法解决问题为主,力求实用、够用.  相似文献   

商务英语专业课程必须根据学科特点、社会需求以及教学对象的实际情况来实施和改进教学方法。国际营销课程作为商务英语专业课程研究范围具有国际性、研究内容具有经验性、研究结论具有应用性。案例教学模式应用在国际营销课程的教学中符合课程的这些特点。案例教学模式通过教学准备、课堂教学、分析报告三个步骤提高学生综合素质和实践能力,可以解决目前课程教学中存在的教师过于重视知识传授以及学生对于专业性较强的营销知识缺乏兴趣的问题。从课堂教学效果来看,案例教学方法比传统讲授方法更有效;从长远看,它是培养适应市场需求复合型专业人才的重要途径。  相似文献   

针对高职院校学生的特点与会计专业学生基础差别大的实际,分析高职院校会计教学中存在的问题,结合自身的教学体会提出基于会计岗位工作过程的体验式教学模式的改进措施。  相似文献   

企业ERP沙盘模拟对抗课程在高校中的应用是一个新生事物,该课程突出应用性和实践性,强调"体验式"教学,更适合高职院校的教学模式和培养目标的实现,但因起步较晚,专业人才缺乏等原因,其研究和进展情况不甚理想,有很多值得探索和研究之处。  相似文献   

戴嵘 《全国商情》2009,(11):86-87
上一期《全国商情&#183;分销时代》营销实战栏目刊登了笔者一篇题为《浅谈打追柔性营销企业》的文章。在这篇文章里,笔者从战略.职能和资源三个层面浅谈了如何打造柔性营销企业。其实,柔性战略也包含产品销售的柔性战略,目前风靡一时的体验式营销模式即是产品柔性战略的一种体现。因此,在本文中,笔者将继续谈谈体验式营销模式的“柔性”。  相似文献   

体验式教学在德育教学工作中的借鉴教育管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文针对在德育教学工作中理论灌输教育的不足,通过对体验和体验式学习的探讨,提出体验式教学和体验式德育教学模式,探索适合德育教学工作的新模式。  相似文献   

人类进入21世纪,消费者不仅重视物品和服务,更渴望获得体验的满足.力图满足消费者体验需要的体验营销应运而生.企业应在深刻把握消费者所需体验的基础上,制定相应的体验营销策略,并通过多种途径向消费者提供体验.只有尽快把体验营销这一新的营销理念付诸实践,企业才能在激烈的市场竞争中赢得主动的竞争优势.  相似文献   

浅谈市场营销学课程中的互动式教学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过分析市场营销课程教学特点和传统教学模式的弱点,指出师生共同参与的互动式教学模式是改善市场营销课程教学的好方法,并就课堂教学的组织,学生课外学习的安排,师生的课外交流和相应的考试改革总结了作者个人的经验和认识。  相似文献   

Marketing is a youthful discipline. Therefore, it has experienced accelerated growth and change in its conception and framework. The emergence of social and societal marketing is illustrative of the changes endured. Because of its recent development, Lazer and Kelley indicated that social marketing is ill-defined and the definitive statement on it is yet to be written.  相似文献   

MBA的营销课程是门实践性极强的课程。面对有着多年营销实战经验的经理们,讨论和讲解营销案例,更是对主讲教师的极大挑战。笔者结合在厦门大学主讲MBA营销课程多年的经验,谈了对此的看法和改进意见。  相似文献   

If future academic research is to make a meaningful contribution to marketing practice, we must know more about the strengths and gaps in our existing marketing knowledge base. This article reports the findings of a survey of marketing research managers employed by firms serving both consumer and industrial markets. Data were collected on researchers' perceptions of (1) importance of decision making areas, (2) need for additional knowledge accumulation, and (3) type of additional knowledge development. Survey results suggest that some decision areas are perceived to be in far greater need of further study than others, and that academic research output does not always correspond to the information requirements of marketing practitioners. General Electric Company  相似文献   

The debate over the nature and scope of marketing is far from settled, but the desire for change among marketers is apparent. It is urgent that marketers determine what the scope of their field should become as a necessary first step in developing an adequate definition. The effort so far has been somewhat haphazard with a variety of authors-extolling the virtues of their viewpoint. This article represents an attempt to add order to the search for a useful scope for marketing. To achieve this purpose, four norms are developed which seem suitable for testing the scope and definition of marketing. They include the level of abstraction norm, the norm of correspondence, the pragmatic norm, and the norm of simplicity. These four norms are first used to test two extreme positions and then to test a third compromise definition of marketing.  相似文献   

In this paper we assess the reading preference for marketing journals by deriving a journal utility scale based on click responses to table of contents postings to the ELMAR virtual community. Use of ELMAR data provides a unique window into journal importance, allowing us to look at table of contents reading behavior rather than citing behavior or attitudinal constructs as has been the case in previous studies. At the time of the study, there were more than 5,100 ELMAR subscribers, easily making this the largest journal ranking study ever undertaken. The external validity of our sample is high since ELMAR subscribers include a high percentage of the population of those interested in scholarly research in marketing. Our results are based on actual choice behavior of subscribers as they simply decide what tables of contents to read. The list of journals included in the study contains 165 different titles posted during the study period, which spanned a year. During that period there were multiple issues posted of these 165 journals, resulting in a replicated field study with high reliability. In fact, our journal reading utility measurement yielded a model with an R2 value of .95. We use this model to suggest ways that researchers might come to a richer understanding of the journal consumption process.  相似文献   

Practical, useful marketing models are a function of the skill and ingenuity applied during their development. A good deal of creative art, within a framework of systematic, scientific procedure, goes into the building of new marketing models. In practice a marketing organization may do well to gain experience with off-the-shelf models and to proceed to specific, tailor-made projects gradually as experience and skills grow. guidelines for over-all programs and specific procedures in model building are provided and illustrated with examples.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to report the development of a communications model which could be helpful in making marketing decisions. The proposed model shows relationships between persuasibility, self-esteem, source credibility, and communication discrepancy. The importance of these variables is explained in the context of a general marketing situation. Because a major goal of marketing activities is to influence buyer attitudes, it is important to know how the buyer's self-esteem, the seller's credibility, and attitude discrepant communications may influence the effectiveness of persuasive efforts. Knowledge of these relationships can aid decision making on the part of manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, and other channel members. The proposed model can be used to optimize efforts in choosing target markets, selecting advertising media, selecting price levels, developing advertising formats, and in making a multitude of additional marketing decisions.  相似文献   

网上营销是在虚拟空间进行的营销活动,消费者固有的消费心理、购买习性决定了并非所有的商品均能在网上实现销售.为弄清哪些商品适合网上营销,哪些商品不适合网上营销的基本情况,本文通过问卷的形式对经过分类后的12类产品网上营销的现状及前景进行了调研.在对照My8848网上商店的产品销售实态检验、修正上述结论后,本文提出了这两类产品开展电子商务时的不同对策.  相似文献   

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