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In this paper, we study the effect of labour market rigidity on the impact of exchange rate shocks on employment. We use a panel dataset comprising 22 manufacturing sectors across 23 OECD countries. In our econometric model, the impact of exchange rate fluctuations on sectoral employment is mediated by the degree of openness and by a measure of labour market rigidity: the OECD's employment protection legislation (EPL) index. Our results suggest that greater labour market rigidity reduces the impact of exchange rate shocks on employment. This effect is statistically significant for low‐technology sectors.  相似文献   

央行外汇市场干预与协调国内货币政策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国央行的汇率政策目标已演变成稳定汇率的单一目标,央行频繁地对外汇市场进行冲销干预,使人民币对美元的名义汇率处于超稳定状态,这种汇率政策的施行与国内货币政策目标可能协调,也可能发生冲突。国家应采取综合治理的办法,提高人民币汇率波动的弹性,大力发展债券市场回购,以加强对基础货币的调控  相似文献   

I analyse whether countries with flexible exchange rates are able to pursue an independent monetary policy, as suggested by traditional theory. I use data for three Latin American countries with flexible exchange rates, inflation targeting and capital mobility – Chile, Colombia and Mexico – to investigate the extent to which Federal Reserve actions are translated into local central banks' policy rates. The results indicate that there is significant ‘policy contagion’ and that these countries tend to ‘import’ Fed policies. The degree of monetary policy independence is lower than what traditional models suggest.  相似文献   

Changes in exchange rates affect countries through their impact on cross‐border activities such as trade and foreign direct investment (FDI). With increasing activities of multinational firms, the FDI channel is likely to gain in importance. Economic theory provides two main explanations why changes in exchange rates can affect FDI. According to the first explanation, FDI reacts to exchange rate changes if there are information frictions on capital markets and if investment depends on firms’ net worth (capital market friction hypothesis). According to the second explanation, FDI reacts to exchange rate changes if output and factor markets are segmented, and if firm‐specific assets are important (goods market friction hypothesis). We provide a unified theoretical framework of these two explanations. We analyse the implications of the model empirically using a dataset based on detailed German firm‐level data. We find greater support for the goods market than for the capital market friction hypothesis.  相似文献   

文章运用多变量协整检验方法对两岸三地的利率联系进行了检验。文章对政策性利率和货币市场利率做了区分,用前者分析两岸三地货币政策的趋同程度,用后者分析两岸三地金融市场之间的联系。同时,本文也考虑了美国与日本的货币政策和金融市场对两岸三地可能存在的影响。实证分析结果是:总体上,两岸三地的政策性利率和货币市场利率均存在长期均衡关系;政策性利率相对于区外保持一定的独立性,从长期趋势看,香港与大陆的利率联系比与美国的联系更为紧密,但是台湾地区还没有表现出这样的趋势;货币市场利率对区外经济体仍有较大的依赖性,区内联系相对较弱,尤其大陆与台湾地区之间。  相似文献   

本文首先建立外汇市场压力、国际资本流动与国内货币市场均衡状况的理论模型,分析了三者之间的理论关系。进而通过LS、ECM、Johansen协整和State-Space等方法估算出1996年1月至2009年9月的外汇市场压力、国内货币市场均衡状况和国际资本净流动,然后采用VAR模型分析了三者之间的动态关系。最后得出结论如下:国际资本净流入时,我国外汇市场压力为正(人民币升值压力),同时我国货币市场会出现短暂的超额供给。  相似文献   

This paper systematically analyses the longer-term effects on the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) trade of changes in competitiveness brought about by changing real exchange rates. We introduce a model to explain exports from four ASEAN countries which highlights the role of real exchange rates. Specifically, we provide evidence on the price responsiveness of export demand. The results indicate that (i) there have been large changes in real exchange rates; and (ii) the pattern of ASEAN trade responds to relative prices (real exchange rates). Suprisingly, however, the impact of observed changes in real exchange rates on ASEAN trade is only relatively minor.  相似文献   

本文以近期掀起的又一轮呼吁人民币升值的讨论为背景,再次对人民币汇率以及中国货币控制进行分析。通过分析因人民币升值而引起的中国所面临的货币困境,以及解决困境所采取的措施(即建立CIC和对流动性的对冲操作),评论了措施的局限性,并从汇率的利率平价理论入手分析人民币汇率与中国货币控制的互动关系;借鉴日本经验分析并佐证了关于汇率的几个错误概念,提出近期应去除人民币单向升值的预期,只有保持汇率相对稳定才有利于中国经济发展。  相似文献   

陆前进 《财贸经济》2017,(12):51-65
本文首先考察了典型代理人效用最优化下的消费和健康人力资本等最优一阶条件,得到实际汇率和出生率均衡方程;同时结合生产者最优化进一步拓展该模型,得到健康支出、出生率等对实际汇率的影响.理论分析表明:政府健康支出、人口出生率、非贸易品与贸易品劳动生产率之比和实际汇率存在长期的均衡关系,政府健康支出、出生率对实际汇率都有一定的影响.面板数据动态最小二乘法的实证结果显示:政府健康支出和实际汇率是同向变化,两者之间都是正相关;人口出生率和实际汇率变化则依赖于具体的条件.  相似文献   

美国是中国远程入境旅游的第一客源国。自1994人民币汇率体制改革,尤其是2005年完善人民币汇率形成机制改革以来,美元兑人民币汇率大幅贬值,不可避免地影响了美国居民对中国旅游产品的需求。本文选取1994-2007年美国旅华市场及汇率变化的相关数据,实证分析汇率变化及相关因素对美国旅华市场需求的影响,认为汇率的短期波动和中国旅游产品的独特性弱化了美元贬值对美国居民旅华市场的影响。  相似文献   

本文尝试构建一个开放条件下的总供给-总需求模型,通过名义进口价格刚性在模型中引入汇率传递因素。模型对各种货币政策工具规则下社会福利损失函数进行比较,考察在不同的汇率传递程度下的各种货币政策工具规则。研究结果显示,社会福利水平随着汇率传递程度下降而提高;货币政策工具规则对消费者物价指数(CPI)上涨作出反应一定程度上优于对国内制造商品价格上涨作出反应,制定的货币政策工具规则应该以CPI为目标,以使社会福利损失最小。  相似文献   

本文先构建带有汇率波动的内生经济增长模型,理论分析人民币汇率波动加剧对资本流入的影响,进而基于TVP-VAR-SV模型,实证研究人民币汇率波动、货币政策与资本流入之间的互动关系。理论结果表明,人民币汇率波动加剧对资本流入的影响是不确定的,主要取决于厂商对进口资本的依赖程度,以及出口商品价格在一般价格水平中的相对权重。实证结果表明,人民币汇率波动对于利率和资本流入的影响乘数在整个样本期内均表现为负值,且保持相对稳定,而利率波动对于资本流入的影响乘数则表现为"先低-后高-再低"的趋势,表现出时变特征;对于不同提前期的汇率波动冲击,预期在利率和资本流入反应中,起到重要作用;而不同时点的汇率波动冲击,资本流入反应程度与汇率波动幅度之间呈正相关关系。  相似文献   

This paper argues that relative exchange rates between the host countries of foreign direct investment affect their competition for FDI. Specifically, if the host country currency appreciates against the source country's currency more than that of its rival, FDI inflows of the host country will decrease, while FDI inflows increase in the rival country. Using the data of Japanese FDI in nine Asian manufacturing sectors from 1981 to 2002, the paper examines the hypothesis in the context of the competition between China and ASEAN‐4 (Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand). Empirical results show that the relative exchange rate is a statistically significant factor that determines the relative inflows of Japanese FDI for manufacturing as a whole, and for such sub‐sectors as textiles, food, electronics, transportation equipment, and others. Exchange rate policies of China and ASEAN‐4 played a critical role in dynamically reshaping the geographic distribution of Japanese FDI in Asia.  相似文献   

当前,我国经济已经进入了一个市场化与国际化的转型时期,在经济全球化背景下,利率政策和汇率政策在我国货币政策中的作用日益显著。我国很多学者在这一领域进行了积极的探索,部分成果实现了学术突破,但对于价格型货币政策即利率政策和汇率政策的综合研究还远远不够丰富和深入。我国应进一步深入研究利率政策和汇率政策的交互作用下对中国宏观经济的影响程度,这种影响是否与货币当局的预期相吻合;包含汇率政策在内的扩展的泰勒规则在中国经济的适应性;研究价格型货币政策工具之间的协调机制。通过梳理利率与汇率的关系、利率政策与汇率政策有效搭配的相关理论,可以更好地为新时期我国利率政策和汇率政策的协调搭配提供参考。  相似文献   

随着银行业持续的改革开放,其市场力量和竞争状况发生了巨大变化.本文研究我国银行系统的市场力量和竞争如何影响货币政策传导的银行信贷渠道,并且考察这种关系是否随着银行特征的变化而变化.借助2003-2014年102家商业银行的面板数据和固定效应模型,我们发现,竞争通过银行信贷渠道强化了货币政策的传导机制,而且这种强化关系在小规模、高资本和高流动性的银行中表现得更为明显.本文为理解我国货币政策信贷传导机制的影响因素提供了一个新的重要视角,对于完善货币政策传导机制,健全金融宏观调控体系也具有的重要参考意义.  相似文献   

It is possible to specify a model for interest rates in various ways, by giving the dynamics of the spot rate or of the forward rates, for example. A less well–developed approach is to specify the law of the state–price density process directly. In abstract, the state–price density process is a positive supermartingale, and the theory of Markov processes provides a rich framework for the generation of examples of such things. We show how this can be done, and provide simple examples (some familiar, some new) where prices of derivatives can be computed very easily. One benefit of the potential approach is that it becomes very easy to model the yield curve in many countries at once, together with the exchange rates between them.  相似文献   

The single market programme of the EU covers services as one of the four fundamental freedoms. While the legislative effort has been impressive and positive results evident in areas such as mobile telephony and low cost air transport, the impact on many services has been weak as yet. This holds in particular true for a group of services that share specific characteristics such as the overriding importance of quality, the existence of asymmetric information and the need to produce in a tailor-made way. The combination of these characteristics and trends such as globalisation, the usage of ICT and enlargement, calls for a fresh view on the functioning of the single market. An effective future single market is based on a bottom up approach, integrating single market policies with other policies, starting from the functioning of national markets and being less uniform in nature.  相似文献   

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