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In the Choice Questionnaire (Neijens et al. 1992) respondents have to choose between several policy options. Within this questionnaire they are provided with information about the consequences of each option. Until now, only indirect evidence as to whether or not respondents base their preferences on the information provided was available and plausible alternative explanations for the Choice Questionnaire's effect could not be ruled out. In the present study, we demonstrate that Choice Questionnaire respondents do base their preferences on the information provided: different information resulted in significantly different choices.  相似文献   

A practical methodology is presented for collecting data on the location of students and for recording this data in such a form that it is easily converted into computer input. This computer input may be used to construct graphical displays of student locations and/or to determine school bus routes automatically.  相似文献   

The demand for and supply of analysts’ opinions in this model yield an equilibrium that demonstrates how the information content of the opinions reacts to changes in exogenous parameters. The model also shows how changes in the parameters make analysts’ opinions more or less dispersed; for example, a decline in investor risk aversion, a decrease in market volatility, and an increase in information costs can lead to analysts’ opinions becoming more similar. Recognizing how exogenous factors can affect the supply and demand of analysts’ opinions gives additional insights into questions concerning what may appear to be herd behavior by analysts and also the relationship between forecast dispersion and information content. (JEL: G29, C71)  相似文献   

The Intercultural Communication Motivation Scale (ICMS) is a tool to assess the intercultural communication motivation of candidates for international assignments. The ICMS performed well in four studies conducted with undergraduate students in New Zealand, the United States, the United Arab Emirates, and Germany. Generally showing a stable fi ve‐factor structure, high test‐retest correlations, very high Cronbach's alphas, and almost no social desirability bias in self and peer evaluations, the ICMS is sensitive enough to detect test‐retest differences. Thus, socially responsible strategic international HR programs can use this scale to reliably evaluate employees and their families for specifi c international locations. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We study a service provider, who, at the time of offering a contract, is better informed than the potential client. A service provider that is hired to increase the client's chance of a gain, an “enhancer,” may be better informed of whether the client has a big or small opportunity. A service provider that is hired to reduce the client's chance of a loss, a “problem solver,” may be better informed of whether the client has a big or small problem. We show that an enhancer predominantly offers a contingent contract, while a problem solver predominantly offers a flat fee due to their signaling incentives. This explains the differences in real‐world contracts and also provides a novel explanation for the existence of low‐powered incentive contracts. We evaluate the policy intervention that limits the contingent part of the service providers' contracts.  相似文献   

A simple model for simulating tug of war game as varying the player number in a team is discussed to identify the slow pace of fast change. This model shows that a large number of information sources leads slow change for the system. Also, we introduce an opinion diffusion model including the effect of a high degree of clustering. This model shows that the de facto standard and lock-in effect, well-known phenomena in economics and business management, can be explained by the network clusters.  相似文献   

We study a model of informed principal with private values where the principal is risk neutral and the agent is risk averse. We show that the principal, regardless of her type, gains by not revealing her type to the agent through the contract offer. The equilibrium allocation transfers some ex-ante risk from one type of agent to the other. Despite the increase in the principal's surplus, allocative efficiency does not necessarily improve. Received: 26 January 2004, Accepted: 5 May 2005 JEL Classification: C72, D23, D82 I would like to thank my supervisor Leonardo Felli for suggestions and Leo Ferraris for helpful discussions. All remainig errors are my own.  相似文献   

中小企业在技术创新与经济增长中有着不可替代的作用,中小企业有其内在的技术创新动力,能够承担和分散技术创新的不确定性和风险,成为培育企业家的摇篮和基地.建立和完善中小企业技术创新政策,利用中小企业技术创新政策工具促进中小企业发展,具有非常重要的意义.因而,必须重新认识中小企业的地位和作用,建立健全政府中小企业管理机构,构建系统的中小企业技术创新激励政策体系,充分发挥中小企业技术创新政策工具的作用,促进我国中小企业快速健康发展.  相似文献   

In this paper, we use several indicators of trade informativeness to search for informed traders on the final trading days of Banco Popular, the first and only bank resolution case to date in the euro area. In particular, we use the model proposed by Preve and Tse (2013) to estimate the adjusted daily probability of informed trading and the probability of symmetric order-flow shock using high-frequency transaction data. Our empirical results indicate that upon the anticipation of a possible liquidation of the bank, informed investors reacted to the bad news by placing more weight on it and that Banco Popular experienced large increases in both buy- and sell-orders during the last days of trading when the bank registered a significant depletion of its deposit base. Moreover, we find evidence supporting the presence of inside trading and illiquidity, especially after speculation in the media that the bank could face a liquidation. Our study has important implications for market participants and regulatory authorities.  相似文献   

Our opinions and ideas are shaped by what our friends said and what we read or watched on mass media. In this paper, we propose a concise and analyzable model to study the effects of mass media modeled as an applied external field, and social networks on public opinions based on the multi-state voter model, and a tuned parameter can control the relative intensity of the effects of mass media and social networks. We consider a generalized scenario where there exist committed or stubborn agents in the networks whose opinions are not affected by their friends or mass media. We find that the fraction of each opinion will converge to a value which only relates to the fractions and degrees of stubborn agents, and the relative intensity between media and network effects. The final agents with media opinion, except the stubborn agents, also include the increment produced by the internal impact of social networks and that caused by the external impact of media. Interestingly the second increment is composed of two parts, one is from the media effect when there are no interactions between agents and the other is from the influence of media on agent opinions caused by social network structure. That is the interactions among agents within social networks can amplify media influence. Finally we also discuss several extensions to the dynamics model which consider more realistic scenarios.  相似文献   

盈余管理与审计意见的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
盈余管理一直以来是会计实证研究的一个热点问题,本文主要从上市公司的盈余管理对审计意见的影响进行分析,研究发现,公司的盈余管理行为并未对审计意见的类型产生重要影响。但对于财务状况较差的上市公司而言,其盈余管理程度越高,其被出具非标准无保留审计意见的可能性越大。  相似文献   

深化经济责任审计的几点意见   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经济责任审计是广大审计干部在实践中创造,并受到党中央、国务院充分肯定的,具有中国特色的一项审计工作.自从1999年中办、国办两个通知下发以后,这项工作进展很快,全国各地在经济责任审计方面取得了可喜的成绩.这里我就如何深入开展这项工作讲几点具体意见.  相似文献   

This study investigates public knowledge of basic economics and public opinion on economic issues. The primary data sources are five national surveys, administered from 1992 to 1999, which contain a rich set of questions to conduct multiple tests and comparisons of the factors that affect economic knowledge and public opinion. As a whole, the results offer significantly stronger evidence of factors that influence knowledge and opinion than is possible from a study of a particular sample of adults using a single set of survey questions.The analysis proceeds in two ways following methods that were originally used with one of the five data sets, a 1992 survey of adults (Walstad, 1997). First, a regression model is specified and estimated with each data set to identify how personal characteristics, general education, course work in economics, income, and political party affect economic knowledge. Second, probit analysis is used to evaluate the effect of economic knowledge on public opinion on selected economic issues after controlling for the above variables. The results from the 1992 data serve as the baseline for comparing the findings across the other surveys.  相似文献   

Measuring the performance of Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs) is a complicated issue: data envelopment analysis (DEA) is a popular quantitative tool in the past literature. However, the subjective opinions of NPOs could disturb their actual performance, and this problem is seldom considered. In this study, we use the qualitative DEA as a tool to find the emphasized inputs and outputs for these NPOs. Most DEA models are established by the basis of quantitative data, they are difficult to describe the qualitative performance of NPOs. This paper proposes a new perspective for computing the efficiency of a Decision Making Unit based on qualitative data by affinity Set. The DEA model for qualitative data could be traced back to the work of Cook et al. early in 1993. Our contribution prevents the identical efficiency scores from the model of Cook et al., and a combinatorial optimization technique is used to solve the new problem. Finally, we found most NPOs would like to get more resources from outside; but interestingly, they don’t like to be officially monitored. Therefore, we should use the quantitative DEA on NPOs very carefully.  相似文献   

We consider a revenue-maximizing seller who, before proposing a mechanism to sell her object(s), observes a vector of signals correlated with buyers’ valuations. Each buyer knows only the signal that the seller observes about him, but not the signals she observes about other buyers. The seller first chooses how to disclose her information and then chooses a revenue-maximizing mechanism. We allow for very general disclosure policies, that can be random, public, private, or any mixture of these possibilities. Through the disclosure of information privately, the seller can create correlation in buyers’ private information, which then consist of valuations plus beliefs. For the standard independent private values model, we show that information revelation is irrelevant: irrespective of the disclosure policy an optimal mechanism for this informed seller generates expected revenue that is equal to her maximal revenue under full information disclosure. For more general allocation environments that allow also for interdependent, for common values, and for multiple items, disclosure policies may matter, and the best the seller can do is to disclose no information at all.  相似文献   

滚动轴承在使用时,由于套圈、滚动体、保持架之间存在摩擦力,由摩擦力产生的阻力矩又称摩擦力矩。轴承摩擦力矩是影响轴承噪声、振动和寿命的重要因素,是衡量轴承动态性能的重要指标。文章所介绍的摩擦力矩测量仪是对深沟球轴承在轴向载荷和径向载荷的联合作用下测量轴承转动时的动态摩擦力矩。利用本仪器可以对轴承进行摩擦力矩的平均值、最大值、最小值和变动范围进行自动化检测。  相似文献   

文章针对电测试验专业人员在进行热工仪表校验时,校验仪表输出信号过程中可能会出现电压、电流值计算错误,拆接二次线后造成误接线,而且工作量大、耗时等问题进行了论述,并提出了新的方法。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to construct-validate an instrument of value-based performance excellence measurement for higher education institution (HEI) in Malaysia. The HEI performance is measured using 6 value indicators of leadership, culture, productivity, employee, stakeholders and overall performance. 1,100 questionnaires were distributed and 275 questionnaires were used for analysis. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) approach was deployed by using analysis of moment structures software. The results for the hypothesised CFA model revealed the fit statistics of CFI = 0.944, TLI = 0.939 and RMSEA = 0.075. In conclusion, the CFA model fitted the data well. Implications of the study was significant to HEI to consider and adapt the value-based assessment approach in university assessment for total excellence.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to determine the levels and use of perception management by school administrators. The study group consists of teachers working in Private Primary School and Secondary Schools affiliated to the Ministry of National Education in Nicosia, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus in the 2016–2017 academic year. The sample of the study is composed of 282 teachers representing the universe selected by the method of easy reachable case sampling. As a means of collecting data in the survey, “Personal Information Form” by Kline (An easy guide to factor analysis, Routledge, New York, 1994) and “Manager Perception Management ent Scale” developed by Uylas (Yönetici Alg? Yönetimi Ölçe?i, Türkiye Ölçme Araçlar? Dizini, 2017a, Okul Yöneticilerinin Sosyal-Duygusal E?itim Liderli?i ve Alg? Yönetimine ?li?kin Ö?retmen Görü?leri, T.C. Abant ?zzet Baysal Üniversitesi, E?itim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Bolu, 2017b) was used. The obtained data were analyzed in an analysis program. In the research, the values of perception management use levels of managers according to teacher opinions were examined. According to the results and comments obtained from the research, some of the proposals developed for researchers and educators working in the field of education management are as follows. Towards practical; trainings can be given on how school administrators can use perception management for successful perception management practices in educational organizations. In interviews to select school administrators, choosing school administrator with high perception management skills can be prioritized. Towards newstudies; including multidimensional evaluation of all elements of educational organizations such as managers, parents and servants in new researches to be conducted and comparison of teachers ‘and administrators’ views. This study has brought out suggestions that can be implemented in other stages of education.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the impact of public disclosure and partially informed outsiders on a risk-averse insider’s trading behavior, market efficiency, and market depth. In our model, under disclosure requirements, except for the final auction, market depth is the same at every auction. When informed outsiders are risk-neutral, in contrast to the case of a risk-averse insider with no informed outsiders, the insider is more concerned about the uncertainty about future price risk. When the number of informed outsiders increases, market liquidity improves, and the insider increases the variance of her random component to conceal her trading strategy. However, since the insider is relatively more risk-averse, she pays less attention to doing this on her own. Besides, the order flow provided by informed outsiders and randomly added by the insider injects additional liquidity into the market. When informed outsiders are risk-averse, compared to risk-neutral informed outsiders, an insider is most concerned about trading risks brought by informed outsiders at the beginning of trading. Furthermore, whether the trader is an insider or informed outsider, the more risk-averse trader has lower expected profits. Moreover, outsiders’ greater risk aversion leads to a smaller market depth.  相似文献   

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