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今年以来,房地产一切投资持续快速增长,其规模已经超过更新改造投资,首次成为仅次于基本建设的第二大类投资,实现了一个重要的历史性突破,从发展轨迹看,1990年房地产开发投资只有254亿元,相当于更新改造投资的30%,占全社会投资的比重仅为5.6% ,到2000年,房地产开发投资规模已经达到4984亿元,与更新改造投资(5108亿元)旗鼓相当,占全社会投资的比重达到15.1%,平均每年提高约1个百分点,1990-2000年全社会固定资产投资平均增长22%《而房地产开发投资平均增长34.7%,高于全社会投资增长12.7个百分点,今年前三季度,房地产开发投资增长31.4%,在各类投资中仍然遥遥领先,其对总投资增长的贡献达到31%,令人刮目相看。  相似文献   

2001年房地产业是国民经济发展中的亮点,受住宅需求拉动,投资规模明显增长,开发结构趋向合理,市场交易活跃。那么房地产业是否已进入新周期的上升通道呢?作者收集了本市房地产业的2001年市场数据及九五期间的历史数据,对开发投资、价格波动和市场交易情况进行了详细的分析,以期对房地产供求对比及市场短期走势作出合理的预期。 一、房地产开发投资规模:2001年增幅明显,住宅投资比大幅上升。 据统计,2001年1-10月本市完成房地产开发投资504亿元,比去年同期增长20.1%。其中商品住宅受市场需求的拉动,完成投资达384亿元,占投资…  相似文献   

中国房地产投资现状分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自1998年以来,我国房地产投资和销售额出现了新一轮的持续快速增长,增长幅度逐年递增;而且每年的商品房销售额增长率都高于房地产投资增长率、销售面积增长率,也高于竣工面积增长率。其中单2004年第一季度,房地产开发投资增长41.1%,增幅比去年同期提高6.2个百分点。针对这种情况,中央采取了一系列宏观调控措施,连续出台与房地产市场相关的多项重大政策,如对房地产项目坚持适度从紧的供地政策、紧缩房地产开发信贷政策等,旨在从房地产开发的源头———土地和金融两方面来对行业进行调控。从2004年第一季度开始,房地产投资增长幅度逐月降低,其…  相似文献   

我国房地产业正处于新一轮发展的高潮,房地产开发价升量增、供需两旺,新一轮的房地产开发可谓“如火如荼”,全国的住宅开发、竣工面积及销售价格更是叠创新高,房地产及固定资产投资对国民经济的贡献日益显著,以住宅为主的房地产已经成为我国经济新的增长点和支柱产业。随着我国国民经济和住宅产业的发展,我国老百姓的居住条件有了很大的改善  相似文献   

1993年到2003年,我国房地产开发投资从1937.5亿元增长至10106.1亿元,10年间增长了4.2倍,平均每年增长17.96%,尽管比同期全社会固定资产投资增长率低约1.5个百分点,但却远远超过了同期GDP的增长速度。2004年1-5月房地产开发投资同比增长速度虽然逐月回落,但同比增长仍达32%,占固定资产投资的比例为26.1%。在新一轮的投资增长中,在进入统计的19个行业中,房地产业占固定资产投资的比重仅次于制造业居第二位。一、房地产开发投资的主要问题1、资金来源结构存在严重缺陷,银行贷款和经营性欠款数量巨大。1997年以来,房地产投资的各种资金渠道中,…  相似文献   

房地产业属于国民经济的先导型产业,房地产业的增长在一定程度上可以拉动投资需求和消费需求,促进整个国民经济的发展。基于自身的一些特殊性.在房地产开发、消费过程中都离不开金融融资与信贷业务的支持。但是,我国房地产业目前市场化的程度仍有待提高,相应的投资与融资渠道十分狭窄,房地产金融体系也不完善。  相似文献   

基于全国2013~2021年31个省市区面板数据,应用空间杜宾模型验证不同用途的房地产投资经济效益。结果显示:全国范围来看,房地产开发住宅投资、房地产开发办公楼投资、房地产开发商业营业用房投资总体上均促进了经济发展。在空间效应中,住宅投资、商业营业用房投资与办公楼投资均存在正向空间效应,且空间溢出效应主要表现在东部地区与西部地区。  相似文献   

一、房地产投资现状与特征 (一)房地产投资保持快速增长 “十一五”以来,我省房地产投资继续保持快速增长势头,2006和2007年房地产开发完成投资394.86亿元、535.32亿元,同比增长32.1%和35.6%。2008年上半年,房地产开发完成投资334.03亿元,同比增长56.4%,增速高于同期城镇固定资产投资增速15.6个百分点。  相似文献   

2002年以来,我国房地产开发投资增势强劲,投资规模迅速扩大。随着西部大开发的深入和城乡改革试验区的确立,重庆房地产开发热情也空前高涨。2002年全年房地产投资338.12亿元,而到了2006年则上升到786.28亿元,增加了132.63%。在我国三次产业分类中,房地产业属于第三产业,房地产业投资迅猛增长必然会对产业结构造成一定影响。  相似文献   

本文收集了2000~2014年共15年的相关数据,运用EVIEWS软件建立计量模型并修正,分析安徽省房地产开发投资的主要影响因素,从而说明了安徽省地区生产总值(X1)、安徽省房地产开发企业计划总投资(X2)、地方财政土地增值税(X3)与安徽省房地产开发投资完成额(Y)的关系及其影响,分析出其内在关联性与规律,并得出各因素对安徽省房地产开发投资的影响程度,提出相关政策性建议。  相似文献   

房价、地价与土地供应的前因后果   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
近年来,征地费用和拆迁费用越来越高,加大了土地取得成本,这种成本的升高,和土地出让方式是无关的。更重要的是,熟地价远远高于毛地价,由此导致的成本差异很大,对房价的影响迥然不同,不加区别地推论地价上涨对房价的影响是不科学的。就近期而言,土地供应量并没有大幅度减少。“三个暂停”以来,全国各地土地征占用数量有所减少,出现了“土地紧缩”,但是主导房地产开发的国有土地出让基本上没有受到影响,反而由于“8·31”大限,一些地区还呈现了大幅度增长的趋势。无论是协议出让还是招拍挂,都是土地市场中的资源配置方式,也可以说是一种形式。这种形式上的改革,充分体现了公开、公平、公正的原则。从对地价和房价影响的角度看,形式毕竟是形式,不会从本质上改变土地市场中最基本的供求矛盾,因而不能在根本上决定地价和房价的高低。  相似文献   

This article investigates agricultural price transmission during price bubbles. The empirical approach concerns the horizontal transmission of cereal prices both across different market places and across different commodities. The trade policy intervention put forward to mitigate the impact of price exuberance is considered. The analysis is performed using Italian and international weekly spot (cash) price data over years 2006–2010, a period of generalized turbulence of agricultural markets. Firstly, the properties of price time series are explored; then, interdependence across prices is specified and estimated by adopting appropriate cointegration techniques. Results suggest that the bubble had only a slight impact on the price spread and the temporary trade‐policy measure, when effective, has limited this impact.  相似文献   

一、价格的基础条件不同最低收购价是在全面放开粮食市场、价格、粮食市场化改革的前提下,引导农民种好粮,发挥价格的导向作用,用市场手段配置农业资源的要求下出台的。而保护价是在粮食供给有余,避免谷贱伤农,稳定粮价,保护种粮农民利益而制定的政策。二、价格本质不同最低收购价是建立在放开收购价格,收购主体多元化,收购市场充分竞争的市场机制基础上,完全引入市场机制。而保护价制度是政府定价和国有粮食购销企业垄断的产物。三、价格执行主体不同最低收购价格政策执行主体是由政府按价格执行预案要求委托个别发挥主渠道作用的国有粮食…  相似文献   

We study price transmission processes within EU pork marketsafter the implementation of the EU single market in 1993. Wecompare results derived from non-parametric regressions withthose obtained using alternative non-linear threshold models.Both techniques support the hypothesis that prices are transmittedacross spatially separate EU pig markets and provide evidencefor asymmetric price adjustments. They also suggest the existenceof a range of price differentials where equilibrating priceadjustments are less intense. Non-parametric techniques oftensuggest a higher degree of price transmission than that impliedby threshold models.  相似文献   

The article assesses the stabilization effects of the EU import regime for fresh fruit and vegetables based on the entry price system (EPS). The analysis is carried out on the EU prices of tomatoes and lemons and those of imports from some of the main competing countries on the EU domestic markets: Morocco, Argentina, and Turkey. It is based on the estimation of a threshold vector autoregressive econometric model that is shown capable of taking the workings of the import regime into account. The model shows that prices behave differently when import prices are above/below the trigger entry price. This article allowed to highlight the cases for which the isolation effect of EPS seems reached and the resulting stabilization effects.  相似文献   

粮价,人们习惯称之为“百价之基”,它无时不刻地牵动着人们的心。 一段时间以来,由于粮价的上涨,真可谓一石激起千层浪,引起了一系列食品价格的不断上涨。据新华社报道,由于受粮价上涨较快的影响,我国的CPI同比涨幅从去年11月份开始加快。粮食价格以及受其影响的食品价格在CPI中的权重在1/3左右,因此,粮价波动对CPI至关重要,人们会更加关注粮食价格的变化。  相似文献   

A sheep market survey was undertaken to determine the effects of certain animal and market characteristics on price and the pattern of sheep prices in relation to seasons. Nine key Ethiopian central highlands markets were surveyed for a period of one year in 1989. Each market was surveyed once a week on the main market day. Price, weight, sex, age, colour, condition score, breed type and buyer's purpose were recorded for all completed transactions as well as the numbers offered and sold on each market day. A total of 50062 cases were recorded. Three markets, each representing redistributive, intermediate and terminal markets, as identified by the distribution in buyer's purpose were chosen for further analysis. Considerable weekly price variation was evident in these markets. Prices were also seasonal with higher premiums paid during some religious festivals. Animal characteristics (weight, age, condition, sex, colour) as well as buyer's purpose and seasons were variably important in explaining variation in price among animals within weeks. Variations in the composition of these characteristics from week-to-wcek were among factors underlying changes in weekly mean prices. R2 varied from 0.2659 to 0.3583 in the quadratic price per kg model and from 0.7822 to 0.8413 in the quadratic price per head model in the three markets. However, it was found that price per head was predicted equally well overall by estimated price per kg multiplied by actual weights and that because of wide variation in weights, both within and between weeks, price per kg is more useful market information.  相似文献   

This paper uses error correction models to evaluate the extent to and speed at which world agricultural commodity price movements affect consumer food prices in the European Union member states. We consider three types of world commodity price indices, each containing different commodities and weighting criteria. Results reveal a long‐run relationship between world agricultural commodity and consumer food prices in over half of the member states. Consumer prices in different member states and categories of member states respond differently to specific world price indices, suggesting that there are disparities in the structure and the efficiency of their food markets. The eurozone founders generally have lower transmission elasticities. This should be taken into account when predicting the impacts of extreme world price volatility and consumer food price rises, prompting governments to pay attention to the most vulnerable households.  相似文献   

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