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对企业提高国际工程承包竞争力的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,在国家"走出去"战略的指引下,我国对外工程承包业务发展迅速,无论是承揽项目规模,还是项目运作水平都在快速提升.目前,从完成营业收入看,我国已跻身国际工程承包六强,并形成了多元化的市场格局;从行业分布来看,我国对外承包工程遍及国际承包工程市场几乎所有的行业,并且在房建、石油化工、通信、路桥、水利电力、矿山建设等方面形成了一定的竞争优势;从承包方式来看,已从初期的施工分包逐渐向施工总承包和EPC总承包等模式发展.我国对外工程承包在国际上的地位不断提升,影响力逐年扩大.  相似文献   

This article presents a qualitative analysis method based on fuzzy relations for a cross-impact model designed for a technology impact assessment. The cross-impact knowledge is often uncertain or fuzzy when dealing with future events. Assessing the cross-impact relationships among future technologies creates a more uncertain or fuzzy situation because of the time and the uncertainty involved in evaluating future technologies. In addition, experts prefer to use linguistic terms or fuzzy values in their predictions. Thus a cross-impact matrix is represented as fuzzy relations on causal concepts. We therefore develop inference algorithms based on fuzzy relations and show a simple technology assessment example to illustrate this approach. This approach is useful in finding the key technology because it considers not only the direct impact but also the indirect impact.  相似文献   

发展中国家有能力在某些支柱产业创造新的竞争优势。这是巴西飞机制造业、南非汽车制造业和印度制药业在成功进入国际市场的同时向世界作出的证明。其中,产业政策、科技政策尤其是技术转移政策等,在三国支柱产业发展过程中发挥了关键作用。巴西、南非、印度克服面临的种种困难,推动本国支柱产业发展,并使本国产品在世界市场占有一席之地,其经验值得我们借鉴。  相似文献   

《Research in Economics》2014,68(3):230-238
This paper analyzes a duopolistic model wherein each firm׳s owner can hire a biased manager for strategic reasons. We focus on the situation wherein each firm׳s owner evaluates the performance of her/his manager on the basis of her/his relative profit, which is equal to the weighted sum of her/his absolute profit and the absolute profit of her/his opponent firm. We show that in both price-setting and quantity-setting competitions, the owners of the two private firms employ aggressive managers rather than absolute profit maximizing managers regardless of the degree of importance of each firm׳s relative performance. Furthermore, in both the price competition and the quantity competition, as the degree of importance of each firm׳s relative performance increases, we show that the firms׳ owners tend to hire more aggressive managers when the degree of importance of each firm׳s relative performance is sufficiently low, whereas in both the price competition and the quantity competition, the firms׳ owners tend to hire less aggressive managers otherwise. Thus, in both the price competition and the quantity competition, the type of each firm׳s manager is not monotone with respect to the degree of each firm׳s relative performance. Thus, in both the price competition and the quantity competition, we find that the change in the optimal type of manager hired by each firm is non-monotone against the change of competitiveness in the market with the increase in the degree of importance of each firm׳s relative performance.  相似文献   

Using lattice programming and order theoretic fixpoint theory, we develop a new class of monotone iterative methods that provide a qualitative theory of Markovian equilibrium decision processes for a large class of infinite horizon economies with capital. The class of economies includes models with public policy, valued fiat money, monopolistic competition, production externalities, and various other nonconvexities in the production sets. The results can be adapted to construct symmetric Markov equilibrium in models with many agents and market incompleteness. As the methods are constructive, they provide the foundations for a rigorous analysis of numerical approximation schemes that study extremal Markovian equilibrium. Equilibrium comparative statics results relative to the space of economies are available. Of independent interest, we provide new conditions for preserving complementarity under maximization, and new generalized envelope theorems for nonconcave dynamic programming problems. Our fixed point algorithms are sharp, and are able to distinguish sufficient conditions under which Markovian equilibrium form a complete lattice of Lipschitz continuous, uniformly continuous and semicontinuous monotone functions as well as unique continuously differentiable equilibrium.  相似文献   

A certain country can increase production and welfare only if it produces in industries in which price is not the single factor explaining the competitive edge. This paper attempts to assess the qualitative competitiveness of Macedonia as a candidate country for European Union (EU) accession. EU remains a main trading partner of the country, making up around two-thirds of its foreign trade. Having a small economy implies that Macedonia has to rely mainly on export-led growth. As such, addressing external competitiveness has become a more prominent issue than ever before, while improving the competitiveness is quite important in terms of EU accession. We calculate unit values to signal the Macedonia’s quality position, and then perform a country-specific segmentation of markets according to the revealed price elasticity concept (REVELAST 1). The findings suggest that Macedonia exhibits low export unit values due to the country’s specialization mostly in industries at the lower end of the quality spectrum. The analysis of product groups indicates a certain weakening—inadequate position prevails both for the levels and the type of competitive performance. The rising number of product groups in the segment with structural problems is particularly worrisome, and specifically for sectors which are the most important for achieving competitiveness with dynamic potentials. The only way for Macedonia to establish an adequate structure of foreign trade and higher levels of competitiveness is to create an appropriate environment, so that some product groups of this segment move into the segments of successful quality—and/or price competition.  相似文献   

The neoclassical theory of international trade says little of relevance about the dramatic shifts in world trade patterns in the postwar period. Much of the weakness of the Hecksher-Ohlin-Samuelson model has been attributed to its assumption of globally uniform technology and thus the instantaneous international diffusion of technological innovation. In this paper we relax these assumptions, focusing instead on the role of innovation in the determination of international trade flows. We develop a disaggregated, dynamic Ricardian trade model (based on Pasinetti's 1981 growth model), in which the sectoral rate of process innovation is important in relation to the average innovation rate in the economy. The level of this ratio compared to that of foreign rivals drives long-run trends in international competitiveness. This is called the Pasinetti Trade Hypothesis (PTH). Ricardian comparative cost considerations form the logical foundation for the PTH in that they establish the conditions under which dynamic considerations are relevant. The model is tested for the case of Canada, during the period 1961–72, with the USA serving as a proxy for Canada's international competition. The rate of process innovation in a sector is measured as the rate of change in the vertically integrated labour coefficient in that sector. The results support the PTH in its pure and modified form and provide much weaker support for the static Ricardian hypothesis, indicating that in a world in which more than one country exports each good, the dynamics of structural change - process innovation - may be as important as static comparative cost considerations as a determinant of a sector's international competitiveness. The focus on international differences in technology and innovation rates gives support to government policies aimed at boosting sectoral innovation in relation to foreign rivals. At the least, a laissez-faire response to such ‘industrial tinkering’ by foreign competition may be extremely costly.  相似文献   

韩广华 《生产力研究》2007,(17):111-112
竞争力是指中小企业在一定的市场环境中整合自身内外要素以实现可持续发展状态的能力。根据竞争力的不同层次,通常可分为国家竞争力、产业竞争力、企业竞争力和产品竞争力。而产品竞争力是一项产品或服务由于其特殊性或价格优势而形成的占有市场、获得长期利润的能力。文章通过对某制药企业的产品竞争力进行调查、研究,发现在产品竞争力中,有很多因素直接影响甚至制约着企业的发展。  相似文献   

论产业竞争力--一个理论综述   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
赵洪斌 《当代财经》2004,(12):67-70
本文从产业的基本内涵和特征入手,认为产业竞争力是指产业获得并利用资源参与竞争的能力,是一定综合技术水平的集中体现。在此基础上,逐步放宽假设条件,提出了产业绝对竞争力、产业相对竞争力、产业差别竞争力等三个产业竞争力的表现形式,认为产业绝对竞争力是产业竞争力的核心和基础,贯穿其他竞争力形式,并构建了产业竞争力的框架和模型用来解释现实世界的形式各异的产业竞争力,提出了提高产业竞争力的理论和现实途径:产业差别竞争力—产业相对竞争力—产业绝对竞争力;比较优势(外生)—内生比较优势—竞争优势—绝对优势,而产业竞争力的提高主要表现为技术进步的发展程度和相对速度。  相似文献   

北京市生物制药产业国际竞争力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物制药是典型的资本和技术密集型产业。虽然近三十年来我国生物制药技术和产业的发展取得了令人瞩目成就,但在技术发展、人力资本水平、科研投入及产业化水平等诸多方面与发达国家相比还有明显的差距。本文希望通过对北京市生物制药产业的现状描述,并通过与国际、国内相关企业的比较,向读者展示北京市生物制药产业的竞争力以及我国在该领域的状况。  相似文献   

姜丽群  袁梓晋  郭昕 《技术经济》2022,41(10):45-55
国际化创新是中国跨国企业实现全球价值链攀升的必然途径。如何持续促进国际化创新呢?现有研究尚未关注到高管心理韧性这一心理资源因素的影响作用。本文整合高阶梯队理论和资源基础观研究高管心理韧性对国际化创新的影响,选取2012—2019年我国电子信息行业上市公司数据进行实证。结论表明:(1)高管心理韧性显著正向促进企业国际化创新;(2)海归高管团队的国际化经验和供应链集中度的创新集聚效应对此均有正向调节作用;(3)进一步研究发现,中美贸易摩擦这一外部事件冲击放大了高管心理韧性对企业国际化创新的影响。研究结论揭示出高管心理素质因素对企业国际化创新的影响作用,并探明其边界条件,为我国跨国企业加强高管心理建设以推动国际化创新发展提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

International competitiveness is advanced whenever the economic welfare of a nation is enhanced through an increase in the flow of trade or through an alteration in the conditions of trade starting from a presumed initial equilibrium. In order to describe the processes involved in securing and maintaining international competitiveness, the conventional models of international trade theory are used, namely the Ricardian, Heckscher-Ohlin, contemporary standard trade, and industrial organization models. Then, the role of the commodity terms of trade as they are manifested in exchange rates, which are affected by both short- and long-term international capital flows, is considered. Finally, possible implications regarding economic policy are briefly addressed. The author is grateful for the support in this endeavor of John Reid, Benwari L. Kedia, and Presh Daniel.  相似文献   

The publication of the Global Competitiveness Report 2005‐2006 by the World Economic Forum (WEF) (2005 World Economic Forum. 2005. The global competitiveness report, 2005–2006, Hampshire: Palgrave MacMillan.  [Google Scholar]) has focused attention once more upon the relative abilities of many countries to compete in world markets. This article provides an analysis and evaluation of the approach taken by the WEF in constructing its measure of international growth competitiveness, the Growth Competitiveness Index (GCI) which is used to rank countries. In particular, the study identifies three areas where the GCI is vulnerable to criticism. First, the treatment of outliers for hard data items is ambiguous and we identify alternative methods for dealing with outliers that are justifiable or even superior. Second, the crucial role of the variable utility patents in the calculation of the GCI is questioned and serious doubts concerning the use of this variable are raised. Third, the article suggests an alternative approach, based upon structural equation modeling, which should be used for the determination of weights in the index calculation process, rather than the arbitrary method adopted by the WEF.  相似文献   

独立学院教育竞争力指标体系设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章在对独立学院教育质量观探讨的基础上,立足于指标体系设计的一般技术要素和独立学院教育竞争力指标体系设计的基本原则,设计了独立学院教育竞争力评价指标体系。  相似文献   

中国服务产业国际竞争力:多维视角的分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着服务产业在世界各国经济增长中作用的不断提高,国内学者对我国服务产业的国际竞争力也愈加关注.从目前所发表的研究结果看,结论似乎是一致的,即中国服务产业的国际竞争力相对低下,并且在逐渐下降,其中最主要的依据是中国服务贸易出口与发达国家差距巨大,服务贸易各项竞争指数为负值以及占有不足3%的世界服务贸易出口市场份额.  相似文献   

This paper examines the properties of a dynamic equilibrium model focused on sectoral specialization and dynamic competitiveness in international trade. Factors of competitiveness and growth were broken down into three parameters on the export side, two parameters on the import side, and two parameters on the productivity side. Furthermore, the relation between the growth rate of productivity and the wages index is examined. In the first period, 1960–1972, the rapid change in the structure of Japanese production and the composition of Japanese exports paralleled the rapid structural change in the international market and the rapid change in the prices of Japanese exports, stimulating Japanese exports to the international market. The engine of economic growth here is a significant technological change along with improvement of labor and capital productivity. In the second period, 1973–1996, factors such as improving the quality of production, cumulative experience, and the flexibility of price elasticity were crucial factors in increasing Japanese exports. Despite the decline in growth rate of technological change, the engine continued to grow and was supported by increasing the value of the economies of scale.  相似文献   

In many publications, the notion of economic competitiveness has different meanings. For example, it could mean competitiveness by county or by creating more goods and services than competitors in the world market [The World Competitiveness Report, 1944]. In this paper, a proposal is given for measuring competitiveness and preparing a ranking list for selected European countries (the European Union members and Poland) based on data obtained fromThe World Economic Competitiveness Report [1994]. To fulfill such an objective, special producers are used. Moreover, results obtained from similarity, distance, and development measures calculated for every country serve as the basis for dividing the analyzed countries into three homogeneous groups.  相似文献   

In this paper, a model of the input-output type is developed which enables the quantitative analysis of personal influence between firms, induced by simultaneous presence in the boards of directors. The empirical part is confined to the system of the most important Belgian holding companies. The structure of personal influence in this system is tackled by means of the calculation of matrices of so-called direct and total communication coefficients. Subsequently, these matrices are dichotomised using appropriate thresholds, and quasi-block-diagonalised. The resulting groups of holding companies are checked with a priori information and with the results of clique detection.  相似文献   

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