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We build a dynamic equilibrium model of a durable goods oligopoly with a competitive secondary market to evaluate the bias in estimating the structural parameters of demand and supply when durability is omitted. We simulate data from our dynamic model and use them to estimate the model’s static counterpart. We find that the static estimate of the elasticity of demand is an overestimate of the true elasticity and that the static estimate of the markup is an underestimate. Our results provide a benchmark on the magnitude and sign of the bias when static models are used for economic inference.  相似文献   

自由贸易使得双方达到均衡的收入和福利水平,因而也就达到了均衡的货币购买力。本文研究发现,两国货币之间的汇率取决于两国相对的劳动力供给、两国临界商品生产的相对劳动生产率、消费者的消费偏好、两国相对的货币供给数量以及两国相对的货币周转速度。同时,得出汇率仅取决于两国临界商品价格水平之比的结论,这与Cassel购买力平价理论存在差异。本文提出解决人民币升值压力问题的基本思路是使临界商品向着中国具有更小比较优势的商品移动。  相似文献   

人民币汇率波动对我国HS分类商品出口的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以1997~2006年HS分类商品出口的月度数据为样本,采用边限检验方法判别长期协整关系,并采用自回归多元滞后分布-误差修正模型(ARDL-ECM)分析人民币实际有效汇率波动,对不同类别商品出口的长期和短期影响。估计结果显示,不同类别商品出口受人民币汇率水平和波动率变化的影响有较大差异。  相似文献   

We model aggregate delinquency behaviour for consumer credit (including credit card loans and other consumer loans) and for residential real estate loans using data up until 2008. We test for cointegrating relationships and then estimate short run error correction models. We find evidence to support the portfolio explanations of declines in credit quality for consumer and for real estate loans, but support for the reduced stigma explanation was restricted to real estate loans. Evidence supportive of household-level explanations of irrational borrowing and unexpected net income shocks was found for consumer and real estate loans, but evidence of strategic default was restricted to the volume of consumer loans and real estate loans, and not for credit cards. We also found that the error correction model gave forecasts of the volume of delinquent consumer debt which were of an accuracy comparable to that of an ARIMA model.  相似文献   

《Journal of econometrics》2005,128(1):165-193
We analyze OLS-based tests of long-run relationships, weak exogeneity and short-run dynamics in conditional error correction models. Unweighted sums of single equation test statistics are used for hypothesis testing in pooled systems. When model errors are (conditionally) heteroskedastic tests of weak exogeneity and short run dynamics are affected by nuisance parameters. Similarly, on the pooled level the advocated test statistics are no longer pivotal in presence of cross-sectional error correlation. We prove that the wild bootstrap provides asymptotically valid critical values under both conditional heteroskedasticity and cross-sectional error correlation. A Monte-Carlo study reveals that in small samples the bootstrap outperforms first-order asymptotic approximations in terms of the empirical size even if the asymptotic distribution of the test statistic does not depend on nuisance parameters. Opposite to feasible GLS methods the approach does not require any estimate of cross-sectional correlation and copes with time-varying patterns of contemporaneous error correlation.  相似文献   

Implications of ERM2 for Poland's monetary policy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We propose an extension to the inflation targeting regime currently pursued by Poland. It incorporates the exchange rate stability constraints as imposed by the obligatory participation in the ERM2 that Poland needs to satisfy prior to adopting the euro. The modified policy is based on the forward-looking inflation targeting supplemented with the exchange rate stability objective. Its effective implementation depends on the determined long-term equilibrium exchange rate and the observed degree of exchange rate volatility. Both are empirically estimated by employing the Johansen cointegration tests and the threshold generalized autoregressive heteroscedasticity model with the in-mean extension and generalized error distribution (TGARCH-M-GED).  相似文献   

We specify a structural asymmetric vector error‐correction model to identify and estimate the demand and supply functions in hourly day‐ahead wholesale electricity markets. In doing so, we provide, inter alia, new insights into a well‐established but unresolved issue concerning the extent of the demand elasticity to price in these markets. We show that whilst demand appears to be inelastic in the short‐run, the quantity traded on the market is significantly influenced by the price level and responds to previous disequilibria in the supply curve through an asymmetric error‐correction mechanism, reacting to a positive disequilibrium but not to a negative one.  相似文献   

We consider estimation of panel data models with sample selection when the equation of interest contains endogenous explanatory variables as well as unobserved heterogeneity. Assuming that appropriate instruments are available, we propose several tests for selection bias and two estimation procedures that correct for selection in the presence of endogenous regressors. The tests are based on the fixed effects two-stage least squares estimator, thereby permitting arbitrary correlation between unobserved heterogeneity and explanatory variables. The first correction procedure is parametric and is valid under the assumption that the errors in the selection equation are normally distributed. The second procedure estimates the model parameters semiparametrically using series estimators. In the proposed testing and correction procedures, the error terms may be heterogeneously distributed and serially dependent in both selection and primary equations. Because these methods allow for a rather flexible structure of the error variance and do not impose any nonstandard assumptions on the conditional distributions of explanatory variables, they provide a useful alternative to the existing approaches presented in the literature.  相似文献   

本文基于BEKK-MGARCH模型建立了中、美、日三国的实际均衡汇率方程和方差方程,对1994年以来中国、美国和日本的实际均衡汇率及其波动溢出效应进行了深入细致的分析。结果表明:三个国家的实际均衡汇率受其经济基本面因素的影响不同,人民币实际均衡汇率还受到了美元和日元实际汇率的影响;中美、中日、美日之间的联动关系存在显著的ARCH和GARCH效应。  相似文献   

Many asset prices, including exchange rates, exhibit periods of stability punctuated by infrequent, substantial, often one‐sided adjustments. Statistically, this generates empirical distributions of exchange rate changes that exhibit high peaks, long tails, and skewness. This paper introduces a GARCH model, with a flexible parametric error distribution based on the exponential generalized beta (EGB) family of distributions. Applied to daily US dollar exchange rate data for six major currencies, evidence based on a comparison of actual and predicted higher‐order moments and goodness‐of‐fit tests favours the GARCH‐EGB2 model over more conventional GARCH‐t and EGARCH‐t model alternatives, particularly for exchange rate data characterized by skewness. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文运用协整分析建立误差修正模型,重点分析了我国经济内外均衡与人民币汇率调整机制之间的关系。研究表明:我国经济内外部均衡变量与人民币实际有效汇率之间存在着协整关系,短期内,对人民币实际有效汇率产生影响的主要是贸易顺差、货币供给量和经济增长因素。长期来看,决定长期汇率均衡走势的是实体因素(外汇储备、经济增长和货币供应量)。价格因素(通货膨胀率和利率)在短期内可能对汇率影响较大,但长期内不再重要。  相似文献   

We explore the effectiveness of capital controls in Colombia. We analyze the impact of administrative restrictions to capital flows on aggregate capital flows, the composition of capital flows, the real exchange rate, and economic activity using restricted versions of vector error correction models (VEC) that control for exogenous global financial conditions. The models are estimated using monthly data ranging from August of 1998 to May of 2008. In addition we estimate GARCH models to identify if capital controls have had relevant impacts on the volatility of the nominal exchange rate and of other relevant asset prices. These models are estimated using weekly data covering the same time period. Results suggest that the capital controls used since 1998 have been ineffective in reducing capital flows and the trend of the Colombian peso to appreciate. In addition there is no evidence suggesting a change in the composition of capital flows induced by capital controls. We find some evidence in favor of capital controls reducing nominal exchange rate volatility at high frequencies.  相似文献   

This paper considers joint estimation of long run equilibrium coefficients and parameters governing the short run dynamics of a fully parametric Gaussian cointegrated system formulated in continuous time. The model allows the stationary disturbances to be generated by a stochastic differential equation system and for the variables to be a mixture of stocks and flows. We derive a precise form for the exact discrete analogue of the continuous time model in triangular error correction form, which acts as the basis for frequency domain estimation of the unknown parameters using discrete time data. We formally establish the order of consistency and the asymptotic sampling properties of such an estimator. The estimator of the cointegrating parameters is shown to converge at the rate of the sample size to a mixed normal distribution, while that of the short run parameters converges at the rate of the square root of the sample size to a limiting normal distribution.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2014,38(4):597-613
This paper describes an empirical model of country risk premiums and their determinants, relying on recent theories of balance sheet effects. We approach the latter by introducing a novel approach to country risk premiums that assumes that nominal exchange rates can move away from or towards equilibrium exchange rates, which allows exchange rate movements towards equilibrium to stimulate favourable competitiveness effects as opposed to adverse balance sheet effects. We investigate eight European emerging economies that suffer from “original sin” over the period 2001–2013, using the pooled mean group estimator of the dynamic panel error correction model. This methodology improves estimation efficiency and model performance, but also allows differentiation between long- and short-run country risk premium determinants. We find that, in the long run, country risk premiums increase in response to higher inflation and a higher total debt-to-GDP ratio, while they move in the opposite direction when the real GDP growth rate rises. Our results suggest that, in the short run, higher external debt service caused by exchange rate depreciation, i.e. the balance sheet effect, and market volatility tends to raise risk premiums, while higher international reserves and the federal funds rate tend to decrease them. Moreover, we show that the negative balance sheet effect is much stronger than the potentially favourable competitiveness effect, and that the rise in risk premiums is not due to the increase in the size of external debt, but to the larger debt burden represented by balance sheet effects.  相似文献   

选取1978年-2008年全国农业劳动日工价和农民人均纯收入的时间序列数据,通过基于VAR模型的协整分析、脉冲响应分析和方差分解的有机结合进行研究,发现两序列间存在长期均衡。对标准化协整方程和误差校正模型的分析表明,抽样区间的农民人均纯收入增长对农业劳动日工价形成了长期的、稳定的依赖,且后者是前者的格兰杰原因。脉冲响应分析和方差分解均显示,来自劳动日工价在过去三十年内对农民人均纯收入产生了持续性的贡献。实证结果表明,农业劳动日工价与农民人均纯收入具有长期稳定的关系,需要逐步提高偏低的农业劳动日工价。  相似文献   

田茂君 《价值工程》2014,(10):13-15
以甘肃省1978-2012年数据为例,采用协整与误差修正模型技术研究了甘肃省电力需求的决定因素,建立了甘肃电力需求函数,检验了电力需求与国内生产总值、电力价格、经济结构、电力使用效率之间的长期均衡关系及短期波动关系。  相似文献   

This study explores the effect of owner-occupied housing asset holdings on the short and long run determination of exchange rates. In the presence of consumption goods that can simultaneously serve as investment allocation subject to capital gains—such as owner-occupied housing—the general equilibrium model, based on the Obstfeld and Rogoff Redux model, produces exchange rate overshooting both in the presence and in the absence of price rigidities in the markets for final goods. This effect depends on the size of owner-occupied housing expenditures relative to total consumption expenditures, the initial level of housing market inflation, capital gains in housing and other parameters of the model. Depending on parameter values and initial conditions, the model supports the possibility for exchange rate dynamics that include either overshooting or undershooting.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the PPP-hypothesis over the post-Bretton Woods period using a representation of the equilibrium exchange rate (EER) that is an alternative to the real exchange rate. The results provide evidence in support of the relative-PPP hypothesis over the current period of floating exchange rates (1974–2005); while stronger evidence is found for the post-Plaza Accord period (1986–2005). EERs based on export price indexes (EPI) and constructed traded goods price indexes (TPI) best demonstrate the mean reverting behavior of the spot exchange rate as opposed to those EERs based on CPI, PPI, or the GDP-deflator. This mean reverting behavior is slightly improved if one takes international interest rate differentials into account; however EERs extended by productivity differentials do not indicate any improvements over the base model. Over the post-Plaza Accord period average half-lives of less than 1 year are reported using TPI-based EERs, adjusted by interest rate differentials. For large misalignments, we find probabilities that the spot exchange rate will converge towards the constructed CPI-based equilibrium exchange rate of up to 80%. Lastly, over the post-Plaza Accord period, the TPI-based EERs are able to statistically significantly outperform the pure random walk at short-term forecast horizons of less than 1 year for some spot exchange rates.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2014,38(1):73-88
We employ a two-stage empirical strategy to analyze the impact of macroeconomic news and central bank communication on the exchange rates of three Central and Eastern European (CEE) currencies against the euro. First we estimate the nominal equilibrium exchange rate based on a monetary model. Second, we employ a high-frequency GARCH model to estimate the effects of the news and communication along with the estimated exchange rate misalignment on the exchange rate as well as its volatility. The analysis is performed during the pre-crisis (2004–2007) and crisis (2008–2009) periods. CEE currencies react to macroeconomic news during both periods in an intuitive manner that corresponds to exchange rate-related theories. However, the responsiveness of the currencies to central bank verbal interventions becomes important only during the crisis period.  相似文献   

We present a dynamic framework for the interaction between borrowing (liquidity) constraints and deviations of actual hours from desired hours, both measured by discrete‐valued indicators, and estimate it as a system of dynamic binary and ordered probit models with panel data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. We analyze a household's propensity to be liquidity constrained by means of a dynamic binary probit model. We analyze qualitative aspects of the conditions of employment, namely whether the household head is involuntarily overemployed, voluntarily employed, or involuntarily underemployed or unemployed, by means of a dynamic ordered probit model. We focus on the possible interaction between the two types of constraints. We estimate these models jointly using maximum simulated likelihood, where we allow for individual random effects along with an autoregressive process for the general error term in each equation. A novel feature of our method is that it allows for the random effects to be correlated with regressors in a time‐invariant fashion. Our results provide strong support for the basic theory of constrained behavior and the interaction between liquidity constraints and exogenous constraints on labor supply. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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