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This paper examines product policy in relation to the experience curve and product life cycle concepts in the context of the experience of the thirteen major firms in the Western European synthetic fibers industry. It examines the hypothesis based on Boston Consulting Group and the Profit Impact of Market Share (PIMS) evidence that late entrants to a market will be at a competitive disadvantage because they lack the accumulated experience of the pioneering firms. For each of the three main synthetic fibres, acrylic, nylon and polyester, it was found that the early entrants who established major market shares early in the growth phase of the product life cycle were able to maintain that leadership nearly twenty years later. In contrast not only did almost all the late entrants fail to achieve significant market shares but in the difficult market conditions between 1974 and 1981 they provided seven out of nine market withdrawals.  相似文献   

This paper presents and examines a simple Weberian model of location under conditions of imperfect competition. Given the number of homogeneous Cournot entrants, conditions are shown under which the firm may move toward the market site or to an input site. Demonstrated also is how output may be increased or decreased correspondingly. In any case, insofar as profit remains to be positive, new entry is kept attracted. The paper shows how in the process locational choice along with output may fluctuate as entry continues over time until a long-run non-negative/minimum profit equilibrium obtains.  相似文献   

沈玉燕  钱言 《价值工程》2010,29(18):174-175
本文首先通过对杭州动漫产业消费者和动漫企业两方面的状况调研,分析了杭州发展创意产业过程中存在的瓶颈问题。然后通过对杭州创意产业价值链的分析,如何影响对企业商业模式竞争力,找到影响创意产业发展的关键因素,提出针对性的策略,从而推动杭州创意经济的快速可持续发展。  相似文献   

This paper measures market dynamics within the U.S. grocery industry (defined as supermarket, supercenter, and club retailers). We find that despite being a mature industry, the grocery industry is remarkably dynamic. Each year retailers open or close roughly 7% of U.S. stores. We also find significant changes in the size of firms’ operations within markets over time. These changes in relative size are largely the result of expansion or contraction by incumbents rather than the result of firm entry or exit. In fact, entry and exit are quite rare, except by small firms. Moreover, only in small markets do new entrants gain substantial market share.  相似文献   

孟威 《价值工程》2010,29(15):135-135
全球金融危机使得动漫产业的投资行为更加谨慎,所以作为起步较晚的龙江动漫创意产业更应该抓住这个机遇,降低投资风险,不但要力争把损失减小,还要在大危机中寻求大转机,在危机中实现平稳过渡,并着眼于未来,积极为这一朝阳产业在危机后的快速发展探索新的路径。  相似文献   

邹玲 《中国企业家》2012,(9):80-83,10
这是一个没人关心"文化"但所有人关心"产业"的时代。"文化造富"正演绎着新一轮的悲喜剧浙商创投合伙人李先文最近被朋友称为"拼命三郎"。作为浙江投资圈内最勤奋的投资人之一,他最忙碌的时候平均一天看四个项目、飞三个城市,"忙得连孩子都顾不上生。"李先文开玩笑说。但即使这样,他还是感到很焦虑,"害怕在这个领域被对手超过。"  相似文献   

动漫产业是我国战略性新兴产业之一,打造中国式动漫产业链迫在眉睫。目前中国动漫产业原创能力不足,缺少完整的产业链和成熟的商业运作模式,阻碍了中国动漫产业的发展。中国原创动漫企业应明确自己在整个产业链中处于核心位置,要把自身角色定位为产业价值链协调者,最终建立起动漫产业循环价值链,推动中国动漫产业的健康发展。  相似文献   

This paper documents and assesses the economic performance of metropolitan technology centres in the USA during the business downturn of the early 2000s. We find that many of the USA's leading high-technology centres have performed at or near the national average, but that some of the nation's most prominent technology centres have fared poorly during the downturn, including Silicon Valley. The main factors that accentuated economic decline in technology centres during the recent recession include: a poorly diversified overall economic base; limited diversity within high-technology industries; relatively high (all industry) wages; and high levels of venture capital funding during the end of the ‘boom’ period of the late 1990s. We find that counter to some of the recent literature on regional development and knowledge-based industry clustering and networking, the rules of regional economic development have not changed dramatically with the so-called ‘new economy’. High-technology regions, just as ‘traditional’ industry regions over the past century, are vulnerable to pronounced economic cycles of growth and decline. The cycles can be particularly pronounced if regional economies are not well diversified and labour costs are not moderated during economic downturns. We also find that venture capital can exaggerate rather than moderate regional economic cycles, such as economic growth years in the USA from the late 1990s to the recession of 2001. The model suggests that free-flowing venture capital dollars may result in an over reliance on these funds, at the expense of a sound business model with sustainable growth and reasonable cash flow. Also, business networks associated with venture capital fund flow might be detrimental at critical economic turning points, often resulting in a rush of dollars in a limited business sector, rather than a diversified set of entrepreneurial ventures.  相似文献   

Markets with network effects are typically concentrated. The aim of this paper is to discuss some recent work on “incumbency advantage.” That is, the fact that firms already installed generate higher profits than entrants even if the latter offer identical or even better terms (in terms of price and quality) to consumers. In particular, we review recently known sources of the advantage and potential mitigating factors and point to a number of open issues.  相似文献   

陈国华 《价值工程》2014,(31):327-328
文章以河南戏曲文化创意产业发展为切入点,对电视传媒技术和互联网多传媒技术对河南戏曲创意产业发展的影响进行了分析,并通过对《梨园春》栏目和河南戏曲动画的实证和个案研究,有针对性地对现代化的传媒技术对河南戏曲文化创意产业发展的影响进行一些探析,研究如何提高河南文化创意产业发展的方法和途径,进而推动河南文化创意产业向深层次发展,为从科技的视角出发研究河南文化创意产业的运行规律提供一些思路。  相似文献   

乔国娜 《价值工程》2011,30(23):19-20
动漫企业的核心竞争力的提高、动漫产业链的完善都离不开大量的高质量、多层次的动漫人才的有力支撑。如何按照动漫产业链条需要,横向培养我国动漫产业急需的各种专业人才,高等院校特别是中高等职业学院应该如何开展动漫专业人才培养教育教学活动是我国动漫专业教育的目的,也是广大教育工作者致力探索的方向。  相似文献   

Cluster emergence is an important topic but weakly conceptualized in the literature. Focusing on the interaction of the local knowledge pool and firm growth, the paper develops a comprehensive framework to understand cluster emergence. In the framework, the cluster formation process starts with the collision of local and external knowledge which generates an innovation and stimulates the creation of local pioneering firms in a new field. To support the growth of follow-up entrants in the new industry, the local knowledge pool needs to be expanded and deepened through local knowledge sharing and external knowledge inflows. The enlarged local knowledge pool enables local firms to grow and explore other fields further. To promote cluster emergence, public policies need to facilitate the interaction of the local knowledge pool and firm growth. The paper illustrates the interactive framework with two aluminum extrusion clusters in China that emerged in different ways over different time periods.  相似文献   

段晓明 《价值工程》2011,30(36):254-254
动画片《喜羊羊与灰太狼》的成功使陷入困局的中国动画业"羊"眉吐气,其经验也为高校动画专业教学提供了诸多启示。剖析《喜》剧的成功原因,探讨如何培养具有综合素养的高校动画人才,为国产动画产业做有益的积累,具有积极的现实意义。  相似文献   

旅游产业与动漫产业的协同发展对推动产业结构调整、促进社会经济发展具有十分重要的意义。文章分析了桂林旅游产业与动漫产业协同发展的现状及其重要性,并提出了促进两者协同发展的几点对策。  相似文献   

梁元贞 《价值工程》2011,30(6):273-273
中国的动漫教学受到动漫产业发展热潮的影响而迅速的膨胀和发展,随着我国各类动漫院校动漫专业的设立。各种教学中急需解决的问题正在不断显露。本文就高职动漫教学中的学生非理性创造力的培养做一些探析,分析非理性创造力培养的重要意义和途径。  相似文献   

This paper models industry location as a process of successive stages of agglomeration, dispersion, and reagglomeration. External economies lead firms to agglomerate in an industry center. Agglomeration drives up wages in the center, compelling firms to move low-skill activities to low-wage regions. A pioneer firm provides intermediation services between outlying regions and the center. The result is a regional production network: an industry center served by high-volume production sites, where pioneers are active, and low-volume production sites, where they are not. Evidence from the Mexican garment industry supports the theory.  相似文献   

动漫产业是21世纪的朝阳产业,已成为我国新的经济增长点,正引起研究者的关注。研究我国动漫产品市场就不可避免要涉及灰色动漫产业,该产业迅速发展的势头,不但应加以遏制,同时也值得借鉴。根据产业经济理论,灰色动漫产业链可分为上、中、下游三部分,每一部分都有着不同的市场结构及组织形式。若想对此链条加以规制,也必须针对不同环节的特点因势利导制定政策。  相似文献   


Workforce development is central to public management theory and practice. However, little is known about the impact that organizations have on public workforce development. This paper contributes by examining the attitudes, identities, and motivations of an entering cohort of police officers over a 10-year period. Analysing survey responses, the paper shows little evidence that the department radically remade entrants or that the fit between entrants and the department was a key determinant of attrition. Because police socialization is particularly intense, these findings suggest that public workforce development may be more determined by pre-entry selection and recruitment than by post-entry influences.  相似文献   

吕明明 《价值工程》2014,(13):268-269
目前,我国影视后期制作行业正处于快速上升的通道,但影视后期制作人才目前较为缺乏,现在国内大多数高职高专院校均开设了动画专业,影视后期制作课程在动画专业中的重要性日益凸显。本文就高职院校影视后期制作专业的发展情况进行了研究与探讨。  相似文献   

目前国家在大力地扶持民族动画事业,中国动画艺术家也在为国产动画的发展花费大量心血,而国产动画却仍旧由于缺乏创新,思维固定等等众多原因不能举步。由此,中国动漫的配音也由20世纪前半期的辉煌到现在的疲软状态。中国动漫配音的出路在哪里,是值得我们迫切需要解决的问题。  相似文献   

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