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The aim of this study is to examine the differential impacts of networking in the public and private spheres on the export performance of first- and second-generation immigrant entrepreneurs, as well as native-born entrepreneurs. We apply transnational and ethnic theories to elaborate hypotheses using data collected by the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor on 26,591 native-born entrepreneurs, first-generation immigrant entrepreneurs, and second-generation immigrant entrepreneurs. In examining this fairly global representation of entrepreneurs, we found that such networking had a significant impact on the exporting of second-generation immigrant entrepreneurs. More specifically, we show that although they benefited the least from private-sphere networking, compared to first-generation immigrant and native-born entrepreneurs, they derived more benefits from public-sphere networking than the other two groups. This study contributes to the theory in this field by accounting for the skewness of dual-embeddedness among immigrant entrepreneurs and its effect upon networking and export performance.


沈爱荣 《价值工程》2012,31(31):237-238
本文首先提出高职学生创业意愿影响因素的四个假设,包括:个人背景、个人特征、家庭情况、创业环境,然后建立实证模型进行逻辑回归分析,得出学科性质、获得奖学金情况、注册资本零首付、接受创业教育情况、意志是否坚定和家族成员中创业人数是影响高职学生创业意愿的六个因素。  相似文献   

Situated in the context of academia, this study integrates ideas from institutional theory, person‐environment fit theory and leadership research to conceptualize and examine the cross‐level link between the organizational‐level institutional logic of research commercialization and the entrepreneurial intentions of researchers. Multi‐level analyses based on a sample of 254 researchers working for 85 research group leaders in 49 German research institutes reveal that two distinct attributes of research group leaders – that is, their track records of entrepreneurial behaviour and their entrepreneurial intentions – play a significant role in transmitting the organizational‐level logic to the individual level. We also observe a complementary interaction between organizational‐level commercialization logic and the entrepreneurial track records of leaders. We discuss how these findings advance our understanding of science commercialization through academic entrepreneurship and how they inform institutional theory and theory development in other domains of entrepreneurship research.  相似文献   

近年来,越来越多的人们选择创业,但创业失败是当前社会环境中普遍存在的现象,所以创业失败的研究在创业活动中就显得尤为重要。利用韦纳的归因理论,叙述了创业失败归因(内因、外因)和创业失败学习(探索式学习、利用式学习)的相互作用关系。再根据佛隆的期望理论,将在创业失败背景下的期望模式的四个因素作为的中间变量,说明了创业失败归因、学习以及成本对创业者的后续创业意向影响。  相似文献   

创业学习对创业企业成长具有积极的作用。本研究通过对上海市浦东新区新创企业的跟踪调研资料,运用学习理论和企业成长理论,结合具体案例信息,区别分析了创业者个人学习、组织学习同创业企业成长之间的关系。本文认为创业企业中,创业者更为注重个人学习,并且创业者个人学习同企业成长之间表现出更为显性的相关关系;而组织学习在创业企业中的受重视程度低于创业者个人学习,同时对创业企业成长的贡献并不显著。因此,本文建议创业企业需要重视组织学习,实现创业企业从生存到持续发展的转变。  相似文献   

创业自我效能感及其对农民创业意向的传导作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文对陕西省的730户农户进行入户访谈调查,考察其创业自我效能感的维度;利用结构方程模型分析创业自我效能感对农民创业意向的传导作用.发现:其传导作用效果为0.746,其中直接效果为0.325,间接效果为0.421.可行性感知中介变量发挥了部分中介作用;社会环境的改变显著地影响了农民对创业观念、风险意识以及管理方式的感知.  相似文献   

组织内以激励为目的的积分其性质是具有少量交换价值的激励性媒介。员工根据自己的积分数量并基于组织积分奖励计划和兑换规则获得少量的物质和非物质回报。采用积分的目的是促使员工广泛参与组织的生产、技术和管理过程,提高组织运营效率。本文首先提出积分媒介对员工角色内绩效和角色外绩效影响的基本假设,并以上海三家工厂122名的员工为样本为研究对象,通过主管对这些员工实施积分一段时间前后的角色内和角色外绩效的对比评价检验了上述假设。结果表明,施以积分媒介能有效提升员工的任务绩效以及利他、责任担当和建言水平。  相似文献   

全生态协同系统由多个创业孵化基地、多个创业团队及多个创业项目之间相互打通融合而形成具有平台开放、资源共享功能的全生态闭环。系统借助全生态闭环模型发挥创业孵化的作用,具有空间利用效率高、资源共享效应高、孵化项目定位精准和孵化成功率高的效果,在发展中会呈现出孵化基地跨界互补化、项目细分化、创业高端化的趋势。对于培育大众创业、万众创新的新引擎,催生经济社会发展新动力,促进经济创新式的内生增长有着重要意义。  相似文献   

This article discusses the effects of ideological control in conventional entrepreneurial discourses and praxis. Following postmodernist, deconstructionist and critical theory traditions, the ideas expressed about the phenomenon of entrepreneurship, and its contiguous notions and concepts, are deconstructed to reveal the dysfunctional effects of ideological control both in research and in praxis. It is shown that the concept of entrepreneurship is discriminatory, gender-biased, ethnocentrically determined and ideologically controlled, sustaining not only prevailing societal biases, but serving as a tapestry for un- examined and contradictory assumptions and knowledge about the reality of entrepreneurs.  相似文献   

We extend the cultural entrepreneurship perspective by investigating how entrepreneurs in deprived contexts gain legitimacy by leveraging proprietary and public places in their entrepreneurial storytelling. Inspired by the sociology of place, we present a longitudinal study of ten new venture journeys over four years in Kasoa, Ghana. We identify three distinct ways places are used in entrepreneurial narratives: projective significance of place, connective significance of place, and authoritative significance of place. We show how impoverished entrepreneurs construct and communicate places in diverse ways, not only as locations, but also as material and symbolic resources that provide legitimacy for their venturing activities. Drawing from our findings, we generate a model of place-based cultural entrepreneurship and elaborate place as a central resource in cultural entrepreneurship and new venture creation in deprived contexts.  相似文献   


This paper contributes to uncovering the role of metacognition in the decision-making process of entrepreneurs. Specifically, we analyze nascent entrepreneurs in their process of start-up development while relying on metacognitive processes. The experiences of a sample of new venture initiatives are explored in two distinct phases, a start-up competition and the subsequent launch of their venture. Following the Gioia protocol, the study contextualizes the process in which social capital reinforces metacognitive processes. This process stimulates nascent entrepreneurs to consider alternatives, such as extending expertise outside the start-up. Moreover, we find that these processes support entrepreneurs and their teams in improving their decision-making processes. The findings support that nascent entrepreneurs rely heavily on the input of others in their start-up creation process, and contribute to new empirical insights about entrepreneurial metacognition. A dynamic model in which these relationships emerge is developed. The study’s results contribute to a better understanding of the antecedents and consequences of metacognitive processes in nascent entrepreneurship.


abstract    Drawing from the organizational behaviour and services marketing literature, we develop a conceptual model of self-managing team (SMT) service climate, taking into account characteristics of the organizational context, the SMT, and the individual employee. In order to assess the impact of SMT service climate, we include a number of internal consequences (i.e., in-company performance data) and external service performance outcomes (i.e., customer-perceived service quality). As a result of the hierarchically nested data-structure (i.e., groups and individuals), we investigate the antecedents of SMT service climate in service groups using a multi-level approach. Our results reveal that organizational and group factors have a significant cross-level influence on individual employee perceptions of SMT service climate. Furthermore, we demonstrate that employee perceptions of SMT service climate are positively related to customer-perceived service quality, while there is no relationship with service productivity measures.  相似文献   

Opportunity formation plays a central role in the entrepreneurship literature. The two dominant perspectives on this topic (discovery view and creation view) tended to consider search and action as the main mechanisms. Drawing on strategic issue interpretation view and managerial cognition perspective, we argue for the inclusion of a third mechanism (entrepreneurial interpretation). Specifically, we develop the boundary assumptions and testable propositions of an entrepreneurial interpretation model. Then, we show how entrepreneurial interpretation informs both discovery and creation processes. Overall, our theory provides an expanded understanding of how individuals form and decide to exploit opportunities.  相似文献   

创业机会的识别、开发和利用既是小企业成功创业的重要法宝,也是大公司持续成长的永恒课题。本文以微软与谷歌公司为案例研究对象,选择两大技术型企业的核心业务进行追溯性解剖,揭示影响机会识别和开发的四大关键因素:个人特征、创业者网络、战略匹配、愿景与文化,从而验证了机会识别与开发的概念性模型。  相似文献   

Although prior research has established that entrepreneurs have idiosyncratic perceptions about opportunity attributes, we do not yet understand the level of importances attached to attributes when evaluating opportunities. This article uses conjoint analysis to assess how trade‐offs are decided when evaluating opportunities considering both individual and business criteria. We hypothesize differences in the perceived importances of opportunities and the unique constellations therein. The results indicate that there is a significant difference in the degree of importance attached to the business sector, capital intensity, technology maturity, market potential and return on investment potential, when individuals evaluate an entrepreneurial opportunity. The business sector was identified as the principal determinant of opportunity attractiveness, followed closely by the market growth rate, which reflects emerging market conditions. By contextualizing the findings, it is suggested that emerging economies impose higher bureaucratic burdens on entrepreneurs, increasing uncertainty as well as operational and transactions costs of firms; therefore, reducing the incentive to invest in capital or technology. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

How and from whom prospective entrepreneurs seek their start-up capital for new venture formation represent fundamental questions in entrepreneurial financing. Drawing on research of help-seeking behavior, we propose that apart from economic rationale entrepreneurs’ decisions to seek financing may be influenced by socio-psychological factors. Using a scenario experiment (venture risk x relational proximity) to investigate how prospective entrepreneurs considered funding from family and outsiders, it was found that they tended to seek family financing when the family was close and the risk was high, and inclined to seek outsider funding when the venture risk was high and the family was not close. The findings might seem paradoxical but they actually underscore the influence of socio-psychological factors in entrepreneurial financing decisions and offer novel contributions to the entrepreneurship, informal investment, and education literatures.  相似文献   

Portuguese firms engage in intense reallocation, most employers simultaneously hire and separate from workers, resulting in high excess worker turnover flows. These flows are constrained by the employment protection gap between open-ended and fixed-term contracts. We explore a reform that increased the employment protection of open-ended contracts and generated a quasi-experiment. The causal evidence points to an increase in the share and in the excess turnover of fixed-term contracts in treated firms. The excess turnover of open-ended contracts remained unchanged. This result is consistent with a high degree of substitution between open-ended and fixed-term contracts. At the firm level, we also show that excess turnover is quite heterogeneous and quantify its association with firm, match, and worker characteristics.  相似文献   

本文选取湖北九州通集团为研究对象,采用案例研究的方法考察了其创业与快速成长过程,运用PCDO范式分析其创业要素与战略动态演进,重点分析了其成功的经营模式,最后针对调研与分析中发现的问题作了一些总结与评述,希望为民营创业企业的成长提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

World cities attract two major streams of migrants – those who occupy the upper levels of their occupational hierarchies (the ‘globalized professionals’) on the one hand and marginalized, low–skill workers on the other. These two groups are often of different ethnic status, and it is argued that multicultural world cities are thus fractured in both their labour and housing markets along ethnic as well as economic lines. There has been little formal testing of these ideas, however. In this introductory article we introduce a method that can be used for comparative studies of residential fragmentation – an index of residential concentration – and apply it to three cities which have experienced rapid, multiethnic immigration in recent decades (New York, Sydney and Auckland). The patterns displayed indicate much greater fragmentation in New York than in the other two cities, suggesting that the ‘conventional wisdom’ regarding ethnic residential patterns may over–emphasize ‘American exceptionalism’. Les villes mondiales attirent deux grands flux de migrants: ceux qui occupent les niveaux supérieurs de leurs hiérarchies professionnelles (les ‘experts mondialisés’) d’une part, et les travailleurs peu qualifiés et marginalisés, de l’autre; ces deux groupes sont souvent de statut ethnique différent. De ce fait, ces grandes villes multiculturelles subissent, dit–on, une fracture de leurs marchés du travail et du logement selon des critères à la fois ethniques et économiques – affirmations qui ont rarement été mises à l’épreuve. Cet article introductif présente une méthode utilisable dans des études comparatives de fragmentation résidentielle – indice de concentration résidentielle – en l’appliquant à trois villes ayant connu une rapide immigration multiethnique au cours des dernières décennies (New York, Sydney et Auckland). Les modèles obtenus indiquent une fragmentation bien plus importante à New York que dans les deux autres villes, suggérant que la ‘croyance populaire’à l’égard des schémas résidentiels ethniques surestime peut–être ‘l’exception américaine’.  相似文献   

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