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While the problem of the gap between espoused and implemented HR practices has been widely recognized in the past, consideration of the role that leaders, and particularly direct managers, play in implementing HRM has not been well defined. In an effort to close this gap, we argue that more attention needs to be paid to the critical role of managers, as they are the ones who shape employees' climate perceptions by interpreting and providing meaning about the intended messages of HR practices as they relate to the specific job expectations of employees. In particular, we identify four HR implementation leader behaviors for facilitating a strong HR system. We expect that when leaders verbally articulate the intended meanings and expectations, role model desired behaviors, reinforce preferred behaviors, and assess followers' interpretations of the provided meanings so that further adjustments can be made in the meaning-making process, that cohesive climate perceptions that drive a strong HR system will ensue.  相似文献   

Despite the proliferation of studies of HR systems, there are still substantial gaps in our understanding of how such systems actually work. This article, by focusing on the neglected areas of HR philosophy and HR processes in the composition of HR systems, and by using a qualitative, employee‐centred approach in the collection and analysis of data, provides new insights into the working of HR systems. Using data from interviews with 56 knowledge workers employed in the information and communications technology sector in Ireland and the UK, we explore employee‐level reactions to two different types of HR systems. We highlight the various ways in which HR processes interact with HR practices and the different outcomes that may result, and we identify the key role of HR philosophy in HR system operation.  相似文献   

略论国有企业技术创新的人力资源激励机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建立良好的国有企业技术创新人力资源激励机制是技术创新成功的重要一环。本文通过对相关的激励理论和现代企业理论的分析,在借鉴国内外成功经验的基础上,提出了建立国有企业技术创新人力资源激励机制的构想。  相似文献   

建立良好的国有企业技术创新人力资源激励机制是技术创新成功的重要一环。本文通过对相关的激励理论和现代企业理论的分析,在借鉴国内外成功经验的基础上,提出了建立国有企业技术创新人力资源激励机制的构想。  相似文献   

Funding is an on-going, not just a one-time start-up, challenge. If we want to add "bells and whistles" to reap a full return on our hefty investments in basic computing and telecommunication structures, we need to think about funding as an integral, on-going part of our information systems.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to describe the definition and scope of health information systems. Specifically, the article seeks to identify the types and sources of data for health information systems, to present a sample of useful indicators derived from these data, to describe some techniques which may be used to portray and analyze these indicators and to discuss various categories of uses of health information systems. The health information system subject matter content is limited to five broad areas. These are: (1) status of community health, (2) utilization of health services, (3) general population and housing characteristics, (4) inventory of health facilities and health service manpower and (5) status of community environment.  相似文献   

本文着眼于人力资源的产权运作与权益分配的内在机制,按照人力资源产权运作形式和权益分配结果的不同重新划分会计事项,并据以设计有关人力资源管理信息指标生成的会计模式.  相似文献   

Increasingly employers are using social media as a mechanism to screen potential job candidates. This study examined college students' perceptions of the amount and degree of information available to potential employers who use social media. The study employed a survey of college students to determine how much information they felt someone could learn about them through their Facebook page. Results indicated that participants did not perceive much information about key job categories could be derived from their pages and they planned very few changes even though many believed it highly likely an employer would review their page. A subgroup also had their pages reviewed by HR professionals. A comparison analysis revealed that in several key job‐related areas, such as potential unethical behaviours and communication skills, HR personnel felt that they were able to learn significantly more about the participants than the participants believed themselves.  相似文献   

我国城市劳动力供求总量大幅增长 劳动和社会保障部日前发布了全国90个城市劳动力市场今年三季度职业供求状况信息。统计显示,三季度全国90个城市劳动力市场景气程度回升,供求总量均出现大幅度增长。 这90个城市分布在全国各大区域,拥有市区人口1.24亿人,占全国地级以上城市市区人口的48%;拥有市区从业人员(含城镇个体劳动者)近5391万人,约占全国地级以上城市市区从业人员的55%。  相似文献   



在证券公司里当好一名HR 总监,可并不像在其它行业里那样容易  相似文献   



HR megatrends     


SARS不影响今年就业指标 劳动和社会保障部部长郑斯林日前指出,今年将实现全国净增就业800万人以上,实现下岗失业人员再就业400万人以上、城镇登记失业率控制在4.5%左右的就业工作任务不会改变。 郑斯林还提出了加快推进再就业工作的四项具体措施: ——在政策落实上加快进度 6月底前,地级城市所有配套政策的实施办法必须出台,7月底前,全面进入政策实施阶段。各地必须采取有力措施,加强调度,明确时限,确保按时完成任务。  相似文献   

10年间1.5亿人摆脱收入贫困 按“人类发展指数HDI”的测评指标,中国属于中等人类发展水平,而且,全球贫困大幅度减少在许多方面都归因于中国经济神奇的增长。这是7月10曰在北京发布的《2003年度人类发展报告》提及的内容,该报告为联合国发展计划署委托撰写。  相似文献   

上半年职工收入平均增长13% 据国家统计局7月30日发布的报告显示,二季度末,全国城镇单位就业人员比上年同期减少166万人。但是,上半年平均劳动报酬依然保持较快的增长。 二季度末,全国城镇单位就业人员为10841万人。这一就业数量不仅比上年同期减少,而且比上年末也有所下降。国家统计局的专家说,城镇单位就业人员的下降与非典有着直接的关系。  相似文献   

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