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Different studies have examined the ability of the Black-Scholes option pricing model to estimate accurately market prices of publicly traded options and reached conflicting results. This study examines commonly used ex ante measures of option mispricing, finds that they can produce differing conclusions about option prices, and develops an alternative measure for gauging option mispricing. Empirical analysis of returns to options selected using the various mispricing measures indicates that this new measure is more likely to detect mispricing and identify options that yield excess returns before commissions.  相似文献   

Researchers have reported mispricing in index options markets. This study further examines the efficiency of the S&P 500 index options market by testing theoretical pricing relationships implied by no-arbitrage conditions. The effect of a traded stock basket, Standard and Poor’s Depository Receipts (SPDRs), on the link between index and options markets is also examined. We find that pricing efficiency within option markets improves but there is little evidence to support the hypothesis that a stock basket enhances arbitrage across markets. When transactions costs and short sales constraints are included, very few violations of inter-market pricing relationships such as put–call parity are reported. However, violations of within market pricing relationships such as the box spread remain frequent. Extensive analysis suggests that the results are robust.  相似文献   

In this study a mixture call option pricing model is derived to examine the impact of non-normal underlying returns densities. Observed fat-tailed and skewed distributions are assumed to be the result of independent Gaussian processes with nonstationary parameters, modeled by discrete k-component independent normal mixtures. The mixture model provides an exact solution with intuitive appeal using weighted sums of Black-Scholes (B-S) solutions. Simulating returns densities representative of equity securities, significant mispricing by B-S is found in low-priced at- and out-of-the-money near-term options. The lower the variance and the higher the leptokurtosis and positive skewness of the underlying returns, the more pronounced is this mispricing. Values of in-the-money options and options with several weeks or more to expiration are closely approximated by B-S.  相似文献   

An adaptation of the Cox-Ross/Emanuel-MacBeth call option valuation model for constant elasticity of variance diffusion processes is tested here against an adaptation of the Black-Scholes call option valuation model for the pricing of call currency options. Synchronized transactions data supplied by the Philadelphia Exchange are used. A maximum likelihood estimation procedure indicates a significant association between currency return variances and exchange rate levels. The constant elasticity of variance model exhibits significantly superior pricing accuracy for predictive intervals of three or fewer trading days.  相似文献   

This paper tests the ability of Black's commodity option pricing model to provide prices for over-the-counter Ginnie Mae call options, which are not significantly different from actual market prices. The test is applied to a unique data set on option prices and Ginnie Mae forward contracts, furnished by a brokerage house specializing in trading government-backed securities. The model generates prices close to those actually available when trading is reasonably active.  相似文献   

Several authors suggest that the opening of a market in traded options constitutes a “feasibility-expanding” change. In this paper evidence on changes in the price of underlying stocks at the time of option listing is examined to determine whether option listing constitutes such a change. Evidence supports the hypothesis that call option listing is feasibility expanding, that put option listing is not feasibility expanding, and that call listings closer to the initiation of organized option trading have a larger impact relative to later listings.  相似文献   

We study the relative and absolute pricing of CMBX contracts (commercial real estate derivatives) during the recent financial crisis. Using a structural CMBX pricing model, we find little systematic mispricing relative to REIT equity and options. We do find short-term deviations from this relative pricing relationship that are statistically and economically significant. In particular, the CMBX market temporarily overreacts to news announcements. We provide evidence that this temporary mispricing is caused by price pressure due to hedging activities. Finally, an absolute pricing analysis provides no substantial evidence that CMBX contracts traded at fire sale levels during the crisis.  相似文献   

This paper derives a call option valuation equation assuming discrete trading in securities markets where the underlying asset and market returns are bivariate lognormally distributed and investors have increasing, concave utility functions exhibiting skewness preference. Since the valuation does not require the continouus time riskfree hedging of Black and Scholes, nor the discrete time riskfree hedging of Cox, Ross and Rubinstein, market effects are introduced into the option valuation relation. The new option valuation seems to correct for the systematic mispricing of well-in and well-out of the money options by the Black and Scholes option pricing formula.  相似文献   

Since 1998, large investment banks have become active as issuers of options, generally referred to as call warrants or bank‐issued options. This has led to an interesting situation in the Netherlands, where simultaneously call warrants are traded on the stock exchange, and long‐term call options are traded on the options exchange. Both entitle their holders to buy shares of common stock. We start with a direct comparison between call warrants and call options, written on the same stock and with the same exercise price, but where the call option has a longer time to maturity. In 13 out of 16 cases we find that the call warrants are priced higher, which is a clear violation of basic option pricing rules. In the second part of the analysis we use option pricing models to compare the pricing of call warrants and call options. If implied standard deviations from options are used to price the call warrants, we find that the call warrants are strongly overpriced during the first five trading days. The average overpricing is between 25 and 30%. Only a small part of the overpricing can be explained by rational arguments such as transaction costs. We suggest that the overvaluation can be explained by a combination of an active financial marketing by the banks and the framing effect.  相似文献   

The values of quality options in Treasury futures contracts are set relative to the prices of all coupon bonds in their respective deliverable sets. As a result, any model used to value the quality option should set its price relative to the set of observed bond prices. This requirement rules out the use of most simple equilibrium models that represent all bond prices in terms of a finite number of state variables. We use the two-factor Heath-Jarrow-Morton model, which permits claims to be priced relative to observable bond prices, to investigate the potential value of the quality option in Treasury bond and note futures. We show that the quality option has significantly more value in a two-factor interest rate economy than in a single-factor economy, and that ignoring it could lead to significant mispricing.  相似文献   

Executive stock option plans have asymmetric payoffs that could induce managers to take on more risk. Evidence from traded call options and stock return data supports this notion. Implicit share price variance, computed from the Black-Scholes option pricing model, and stock return variance increase after the approval of an executive stock option plan. The event is accompanied by a significant positive stock and a negative bond market reaction. This evidence is consistent with the notion that executive stock options may induce a wealth transfer from bondholders to stockholders.  相似文献   

This paper performs lower boundary condition tests based on rational pricing of call options and an implied standard deviation test based on the bid/ask prices of options. These efficiency tests attempt to closely approximate conditions in the option markets to avoid the pitfalls indicated by Phillips and Smith (1980). The tests use transactions data and account for the effects of stock and option bid/ask prices, simultaneity of stock and option prices, depth of market, execution lag and transaction costs. The small and relatively infrequent profits due to market mispricing disappear in the lower boundary tests when transaction costs are taken into account. Frequent violations of the tighter boundary conditions in the implied standard deviation test are reported, but the estimated profits cannot be unambiguously attributed to option market inefficiency.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a pricing model for the FDIC's reinsurance risk. We derive a closed‐form Weibull call option pricing model to price a call‐spread a reinsurer might sell to the FDIC. To obtain the risk‐neutral loss‐density necessary to price this call spread we risk‐neutralize a Weibull distributed FDIC annual losses by a tilting coefficient estimated from the traded call options on the BKX index. An application of the proposed approach yield reasonable reinsurance prices.  相似文献   

We pursue the robust approach to pricing and hedging in which no probability measure is fixed, but call or put options with different maturities and strikes can be traded initially at their market prices. We allow the inclusion of robust modelling assumptions by specifying a set of feasible paths on which (super)hedging arguments are required to work. In a discrete-time setup with no short selling, we characterise absence of arbitrage and show that if call options are traded, then the usual pricing–hedging duality is preserved. In contrast, if only put options are traded, a duality gap may appear. Embedding the results into a continuous-time framework, we show that the duality gap may be interpreted as a financial bubble and link it to strict local martingales. This provides an intrinsic justification of strict local martingales as models for financial bubbles arising from a combination of trading restrictions and current market prices.  相似文献   

Here, the relationship between Value Line rankings and option implied standard deviations is investigated. Each Value Line ranking (safety, price stability, timeliness, and earnings predictability) is significantly related to option implied standard deviations for a sample of 62 companies with Value Line timeliness rankings of 1, 2, 4, and 5 and with a total of 1,217 call options traded over a 3-day period. The index for price stability would be most valuable to investors for assessing future risk since only this index has a significant association with residual implied volatility, i.e., those unexplained by historical volatility.  相似文献   

We show that the conclusions to be drawn concerning the informational efficiency of illiquid options markets depend critically on whether one carefully recognises and appropriately deals with the econometrics of the errors‐in‐variables problem. This paper examines the information content of options on the Danish KFX share index. We consider the relation between the volatility implied in an option's price and the subsequently realised index return volatility. Since these options are traded infrequently and in low volumes, the errors‐in‐variables problem is potentially large. We address the problem directly using instrumental variables techniques. We find that when measurement errors are controlled for, call option prices even in this very illiquid market contain information about future realised volatility over and above the information contained in historical volatility.  相似文献   

Most options are traded over-the-counter (OTC) and are dividend “protected;” the exercise price decreases on the ex date by an amount equal to the dividend. This protection completely inhibits the early exercise of American call options. Nevertheless, OTC-protected options have market values which differ systematically from Black-Scholes values for European options on non-dividend paying stocks. The pricing difference is related to both the variance of the underlying stock return and to time until expiration of the option, but it is quite small in dollar amount.  相似文献   

Financial models with stochastic volatility or jumps play a critical role as alternative option pricing models for the classical Black–Scholes model, which have the ability to fit different market volatility structures. Recently, machine learning models have elicited considerable attention from researchers because of their improved prediction accuracy in pricing financial derivatives. We propose a generative Bayesian learning model that incorporates a prior reflecting a risk-neutral pricing structure to provide fair prices for the deep ITM and the deep OTM options that are rarely traded. We conduct a comprehensive empirical study to compare classical financial option models with machine learning models in terms of model estimation and prediction using S&P 100 American put options from 2003 to 2012. Results indicate that machine learning models demonstrate better prediction performance than the classical financial option models. Especially, we observe that the generative Bayesian neural network model demonstrates the best overall prediction performance.  相似文献   

In this paper, we provide a new dynamic asset pricing model for plain vanilla options and we discuss its ability to produce minimum mispricing errors on equity option books. Given the historical measure, the dynamics of assets being modeled by Garch-type models with generalized hyperbolic innovations and the pricing kernel is an exponential affine function of the state variables, we show that the risk-neutral distribution is unique and again implies a generalized hyperbolic dynamics with changed parameters. We provide an empirical test for our pricing methodology on two data sets of options, respectively written on the French CAC 40 and the American SP 500. Then, using our theoretical result associated with Monte Carlo simulations, we compare this approach with natural competitors in order to test its efficiency. More generally, our empirical investigations analyse the ability of specific parametric innovations to reproduce market prices in the context of an exponential affine specification of the stochastic discount factor.  相似文献   

This paper empirically examines the performance of Black-Scholes and Garch-M call option pricing models using call options data for British Pounds, Swiss Francs and Japanese Yen. The daily exchange rates exhibit an overwhelming presence of volatility clustering, suggesting that a richer model with ARCH/GARCH effects might have a better fit with actual prices. We perform dominant tests and calculate average percent mean squared errors of model prices. Our findings indicate that the Black-Scholes model outperforms the GARCH models. An implication of this result is that participants in the currency call options market do not seem to price volatility clusters in the underlying process.  相似文献   

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