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Economic transition in Eastern Europe should generate market growth. In addition, current discussions on economic integration and the development of a free-trade area in Eastern Europe will improve market accessibility. These two forces will significantly affect the strategies by which external firms will choose to supply markets in Eastern Europe. This paper examines the ways in which supply strategy is likely to change. We show that both market growth and improved market accessibility will lead the external firms to switch from exporting to foreign direct investment. However, market growth is likely to lead to dispersed investment in the growing economies, whereas increased market accessibility, by establishing an integrated regional bloc in Eastern Europe, is more likely to lead to concentrated investment plus infra-regional exports to the remainder of the regional bloc. The switch from exporting to local production through foreign direct investment will favor consumers through lowered prices but will harm national producers by depressing profit margins.  相似文献   

A critical discussion of a comparative growth analysis about Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries is performed. The main conclusion is that there was economic convergence for most CEE accession candidates, but not between them and Western Europe. Results do justify a separation into first and second-wave accession countries, but also undermine differences in Central and Eastern Europe between accession and non-accession countries.This paper critically examines theories and empirical studies for three types of convergence, namely , and club convergence. Each can be in absolute terms or conditional to the long-term equilibrium (steady state) for each country.Empirical results are provided for all types of convergence from 1996 to 2000, both with population-weighted and non-weighted data. The analysis is performed for differently framed country subgroups considering even Western Europe for better comparability. Once absolute convergence is found through a unit root test about a standard deviation time series of cross-sectional income per capita, the regression coefficient for initial income per capita with the average growth over the sample period as dependent variable ( convergence) establishes the speed of this process. The same method applies to the conditional version by using the distance of the income from the corresponding steady state instead of the level of GDP. Then Markov chain probability matrixes (club convergence) provide information about the past behaviour of the whole cross-sectional income distribution over time, but also about intra-mobility of single countries.  相似文献   

通过对社会经济、政治舆情的监测,采集热点舆情进行综合整理和深入分析,对社会领域相关舆情民意进行收集,能够为政府决策作为参考。文章回顾了国内外舆情研究的现状和进展,分析了舆情研究的实践意义,并从舆情分析报告的整体架构、媒体分析、组织安排三个方面探讨了编写热点社会舆情分析报告的具体实施过程。  相似文献   

本文认为国民经济增长率的波动与经济波动是既相互区别,又相互联系的不同概念,并以此为基础,分析了经济增长率波动对其他经济变量的影响,提出了经济增长率波动演化为经济波动的数量界限,最后,还对我国经济波动的合理区间作出了界定。  相似文献   

网络舆情已成为不可忽视的社会舆情,成为公众表达心声的重要表达形式。本文从主体和环境两个层面对影响网络舆情传播的因素进行综述,以对该领域研究现状有较全面的认识。通过对现有成果的梳理分析,发现后续研究可向多维多层发展,但同时需注意网络舆情信息传播过程中主体的差异性。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的发展,高校已经成为信息化的主要阵地。在高校校园中,每天的数据量按照PB的规模级进行增长,进而给学校学生工作和思想教育带来极大的挑战。基于上述的背景,在分析大数据和舆情分析的基础上,对高校网络舆情的新特点进行了深入的分析。由此,根据上述的需求,提出一种高校网络舆情分析系统,并对其需求、功能和架构等进行了初步设计。以此,通过设计,为大数据在高校网络舆情中的应用提供借鉴参考。  相似文献   

随着网络舆情问题的日益突出,国家和政府对网络舆情予以了高度关注。文章阐述了高校图书馆网络舆情的重要性及加强网络舆情的管控与引导的方法和策略,指出了西藏高校图书馆关注和加强藏族大学生网络舆情具有重要意义。  相似文献   

作为经济法调整对象的宏观调控和市场主体行为规制领域的社会关系,有其自身本质属性,正是此种本质属性决定了经济法的独立性;进一步,通过对经济法与其他部门法(尤其是民法与行政法)间关系的揭示与说明,使我们能更深刻认识到经济法作为独立法部门的存在.  相似文献   

This study reviews recent articles discussing the benefits of International Public Sector Accounting Standards(IPSAS)implementation in reforming public sector accounting,specifically in developing countries.These benefits are among others better transparency,accountability,and decision making in public sector financial transactions.The purpose of this study is to examine the role of IPSAS in addressing some critical financial issues,including financial aids,budget deficit,taxes,and corruption,which may hinder the progress of Jordanian public sector and the country’s economic growth.This study concludes that IPSAS has an effective role in addressing these thorny issues and its implementation would therefore allow the Jordanian public sector to reach its development goals.The unique contribution of this study is that it enriches the body of knowledge regarding the benefits of IPSAS implementation in a more holistic manner and in a new context,Jordan.  相似文献   

One type of economic behaviour in the marriage market is trading off the desired age of partner against other benefits. This paper demonstrates the presence of this effect using samples of females seeking partners from the UK and women from Eastern Europe marrying to migrate to the UK. It is found that the age of man deemed acceptable is substantially greater for women moving from the poorer to the richer economy.  相似文献   

"北京市社情民意调查网"于1999年建立了12条线的电话调查系统.2003年年底,为了提升社情民意调查中心的综合能力,更加充分地满足市委市政府及政府各部门了解民情民意的需要,从美国引进设备,建立起100条专用电话调查线的计算机辅助电话调查系统(CATI),该系统在扩大规模的同时,还扩展了软件的功能,如监听监视功能、样本配额功能、时时监控项目进展情况的功能,等等.  相似文献   

"北京市社情民意调查网于1999年建立了12条线的电话调查系统。2003年年底,为了提升社情民意调查中心的综合能力,更加充分地满足市委市政府及政府  相似文献   

The article concerns some European thought on the issue of city and country. We discuss the contributions of Henri von Storch, Gustav von Schmoller, Werner Sombart, Wilhelm Röpke, and Friedrich Hayek and attempt to translate these theories into practice in documenting the case of the city of Marl.  相似文献   

A common finding for developed stock markets is that negative shocks entering the market lead to a larger return volatility than positive shocks of a similar magnitude. The following paper considers two emerging Eastern European Markets where the first point of investigation is whether an analogous asymmetric characteristic is reflected in emerging markets. The second point of investigation is whether the findings differ depending on the institutional microstructure of the exchange being examined. Hence, econometric techniques are adjusted and a ‘double-censored tobit GARCH’ model is developed. This paper finds that no asymmetry exists on either markets and possible reasons for this are proposed. JEL Classification: G14, G15, P21, P34. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In Central and Eastern Europe, outward foreign direct investment (FDI) has not yet become as a prominent factor in the regions reintegration into the world economy as trade liberalisation used to be in the early 1990s or inward foreign direct investment is currently. In the terminology of the investment–development path, with the notable exception of the Russian Federation, the region is in stage 2, whereby inward flows are still growing faster than outward flows. This article argues that a combination of the latecomer status of the regions transnational corporations and the transition shock can explain most of that laggard situation. It hypothesises that the enlargement of the European Union (EU) would give a major push to the outward foreign direct investment flows of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), on condition that adequate government policies to promote those investments are put in place. The impact on the investment–development path, however, is uncertain, because accession to the EU is often accompanied by a surge in foreign direct investment inflows, too. Finally, the article also looks at the options available to deal with the specific problems of the Russian Federation in relation to capital flight, including ways of regularisation and potential return to the home economy.  相似文献   

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