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刘军 《涉外税务》2000,(10):14-17
我国现行税收法律体系的形成主要源于七十年代末期以来的历次税制改革.进入经济转型时期二十年来,随着国家对税收法制建设的日益重视,经过历次对税收法律体系的修订和完善,尤其是1994年的税制改革,初步理顺了我国税收法律关系,构建了我国税收法律体系的雏形.但目前税收法律体系还跟不上经济发展的需要,完整的税收法律体系还远未建立,已有的税收法律关系有待进一步理顺.税收实践中立法滞后,执法不严,独立司法体系还远未建立等因素造成我国税收法制建设仍落后于经济的发展.  相似文献   

完善我国依宪治税的思考   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
李香菊 《涉外税务》2003,(10):17-21
依法治税的根本前提是依完治税,但是我国现行宪法中涉税规定仍然存在着不完善、滞后性以及与单行税法的冲突等问题,我们必需在借鉴成熟市场经济国家依完治税的做法和经验的基础上,确立税收法定主义的宪法原则,完善宪法中纳税主体的规定,合理划分税收立法权限。  相似文献   

随着“十五”计划宏伟目标的确定和加入WTO最终时刻的到来,我国的税制必将发生更大的变革,税法也将进行大幅度的修订。国家在新一轮税制改革过程中,必须根据21世纪的国际新经济、新动身和我国社会发展的新情况,全面调整税收立法的价值取向。针对我国现行税收立法之不足,未来税收立法应以促进社会公平、鼓励科技创新、推进可持续发展、倡导善良风俗的基本的价值取向。  相似文献   

Local authorities in the UK are responsible for waste management. Since the introduction of the landfill tax in 1996, the costs of disposing of municipal solid waste in landfill has increased markedly. The money collected is being paid to central government, through Customs and Excise. Some remission of landfill tax money can be claimed by commercial organizations to develop sustainable waste management, but local authorities, which also have an important role in this, cannot do so. The authors explain why the hypothecation of landfill tax revenue would be helpful and why local authorities need additional funds to develop sustainable waste management projects.  相似文献   

2001年4月28日<中华人民共和国税收征收管理法>(以下简称新<征管法>)正式审议通过,并于2001年5月1日施行.  相似文献   

This paper considers the development of tax policy in the UK over the last decade or so and assesses policy change against a low bar – consistency and coherence. While this government has followed some consistent policies – notably, in some aspects of corporation tax and in increasing the income tax personal allowance – there are few signs of a wider coherent strategy. The same has been true of other recent governments. Many aspects of the system have become more complex. There have been numerous policy reversals. And few of those aspects of the system in most need of reform have been tackled. The need for reform, and a clear strategy for reform, remain as pressing as ever.  相似文献   

我国加入世界贸易组织与深化税收改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
加入世界贸易组织是当前我国面临的重大挑战,为此,中央各有部门高度重视,积极行为,研究入世给我国带来的利弊影响,旨在保证入世后我国国民经济持续快速健康发展。本文从加入WTO对我国税收工作的要求入手,分析加入WTO对我国税收工作的利弊得失,并在此基础上提出深化税收改革的必要性和基本原则及深化税收改革的具体内容。  相似文献   

加入WTO与我国税收法制的完善   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
加入WTO,中国将以前所未有的广度和深度融入国际社会,我国经济社会生活各方面将发生深刻变化.加入WTO,表明中国坚持改革开放并融入世界经济主流的决心,有利于我国社会主义市场经济的建立和完善.同时,加入WTO,也要求我国遵循WTO的规则,适应世界经济一体化的要求,加快建立和完善相应的市场经济法制体系.经济法制不健全,无法实现市场经济所追求的"公平"和"效率"."没有合适的法律和制度,市场就不会体现任何价值最大化意义上的'效率'①".  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of regulation and earnings management incentives on the evolution of tax effect accounting in Australia. Following the release of the first accounting standard on the issue the method spread roughly equally throughout the mining and industrial sectors. Amendments to the standard, which loosened the recognition criteria for tax loss carry forwards, led to a significant increase in the proportion of companies (particularly industrials) adopting income tax allocation. Subsequent amendments restricting such carry forwards were associated with a significant decline in the proportion of companies allocating tax (particularly miners). We also observe differential financial statement effects between mining and industrial companies and, within both sectors, differential financial statement effects across time. Consistent with the arguments of Leppinus (1977) and Gibson (1984) the adoption of tax effect accounting is, on average, earnings enhancing in the post-DS4 period. However, in the pre-DS4 period, adoption was just as likely to reduce income for industrial companies as it was to increase it. In contrast, adoption was almost uniformly earnings reducing for mining companies. Thus something other than an earnings management hypothesis is needed to explain the voluntary adoption decision of the early (pre-DS4) adopters. We conjecture on the alternatives.  相似文献   

人是社会性动物,会因为所处的环境而表现出不同的行为。"入乡随俗"就有这个意思。生活在中国的人们,越来越多地读到报刊上评论"中医衰落"的文字,却没有意识到,其实中医的理念早已深入生活的每个角落:  相似文献   

This paper analyses VAT policy in the UK, in the light of interviews conducted in 1988–89 with specialists drawn mainly from accounting and legal partnerships, industry and the civil service. The prime concern among interviewees was simplicity: it was considered highly desirable to avoid making the tax more complicated and to improve efficiency where possible. It would be undesirable to introduce additional tax rates. Compared with VAT in other countries, the UK tax has two idiosyncratic aspects: a high registration threshold and an extensive use of zero-rating. Policy-making, on these two aspects of the tax involves resolving important conflicts between administrative efficiency, competitive equity and political acceptability. Zero-rating is well-entrenched politically in the UK; and the high registration threshold is popular with Customs and Excise. However, other EC countries have taken a different stance on these issues, and any moves towards VAT harmonisation would encounter strong resistance from the UK.  相似文献   

《税收基本法》已列入全国人大五年立法计划,确立和贯彻税收的基本原则是《税收基本法》立法的核心工作之一。为此,建议借鉴国内研究成果和国际经验,在《税收基本法》的立法工作中确立和贯彻税收法定主义原则、财政收入原则、税收公平原则、税收效率原则,并对相关税收原则的关系进行定位。  相似文献   

张瀛 《海南金融》2009,(12):39-41,44
国际金融中心除了具备人才、语言及商业环境等有利因素外,优惠的税收政策也是其中非常关键的因素。对于任何金融中心来说,税收政策都是其核心竞争力的一个重要方面。本文通过分析税收政策对国际金融中心建设的作用以及我国目前金融市场存在的的税收问题,指出我国无论场内还是场外交易,实行的是营业税和所得税双主体课税结构且税率较高,这将不利于增强上海的吸引力和凝聚力及国际金融中心建设,并对存在的问题提出了相关的政策建议。  相似文献   

考虑到1999年7月2日的大选,南非政府在预算和税法方面引入了极少的一些变化.在税收方面唯一的一项实质性的变化是公司税率由35%降低到30%.然而在公司法方面的变化却是意义深远的,其中包括一项允许公司买卖自已股票的修订,也有一些其他方面的修订如增加公司股东和董事薪金方面的透明度.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a postal survey designed to examine the teaching of taxation in UK universities. The project looks at taxation in undergraduate accounting degree programmes and adopts an objective centred focus. The principal aim of the survey was to examine the relationships between some characteristics of individual tax courses, including the course objectives and coverage, staffing, teaching and assessment methods, in an attempt to draw some conclusions on the nature of tax education in UK accounting degrees. The results of the survey and consequent analysis may provide taxation and accounting educators, professional bodies and researchers into accounting education with an insight into approaches to, and methods used in, taxation teaching. It may also present a framework for comparative international research in tax education.  相似文献   

《Accounting in Europe》2013,10(1):97-122
The literature on the links between tax and financial reporting suggests that the strength of those links varies over time and from one jurisdiction to another. The links in Germany were seen to be particularly strong, and those in the UK rather weak. Previous literature was largely set in the context of unconsolidated statements but authors have suggested that their findings were relevant for consolidated reporting. This paper examines the scope for tax influence on IFRS consolidated financial reporting in the two above countries. We find that the overall position for Germany and the UK is now similar, that is, that the potential for tax influence is much weaker in Germany than recorded in previous studies. We also find that, even for unconsolidated reporting under domestic accounting rules, the extreme positions recorded for the two countries in the 1990s have been modified.  相似文献   

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