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Abstract: In this paper we discuss the various policies now being implemented in Sub-Saharan Africa geared to the liberalization, de-regulation and privatization of transport enterprise. (JEL: 055; L 92). Résumé: Ce document traite des différentes politiques mises en ?euvre actuellement en Afrique subsaharienne en vue de la libéralisation, la déréglementation et la privatisation des entreprises de transport.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of financial and trade liberalization on growth volatility of real output and consumption in Africa. Our results suggest trade liberalization is associated with greater output and consumption growth volatility while financial liberalization increases the efficacy of consumption smoothing and stabilizes income and consumption growth. In addition, we find financial market depth and institutional quality operate jointly with trade and financial openness to reduce volatility in output and consumption growth. There is also evidence that good institutions which foster low inflation levels and volatility promote consumption and output growth stability.  相似文献   

This study aims to examine and analyze the impact of financial development and foreign bank penetration on African economies. An empirical study for the period 1995–2015 is conducted using the system GMM estimator. Our empirical results indicate that foreign bank entry has a positive and significant impact on economic growth in the countries of North and Southern Africa, while in the other two regions considered in this study (West and Central Africa, East Africa) the impact is negative and rarely significant. In addition, our results show that the development of financial markets has a positive and significant effect on economic growth only in the Southern African region. The paper concludes that policymakers should focus on long‐term policies to strengthen the financial sector to truly meet the needs of African people.  相似文献   

Abstract: There has been a remarkable shift in the attitudes towards globalization. Specifically, the discussion among academics and policymakers has shifted from whether globalization should be encouraged to how countries can position themselves to benefit from globalization. This paper focuses on one aspect of globalization — the liberalization of investment policies — and analyzes its impact on employment and investments by multinational corporations in Africa. We use data for 33 countries over the period 1984–2003 and we employ a dynamic panel estimator for our analysis. There are two major findings. First, liberalization has a significant and positive effect on investment. Second, liberalization does not have a direct impact on multinational employment — the effect is indirect: liberalization stimulates multinational investments which in turn increases multinational employment. By increasing investment and employment from multinational firms, these liberalization programs contribute to poverty alleviation.  相似文献   

通过利用25个转型国家1993-2003年的面板数据,对转型国家金融中介部门发展与经济增长的关系进行检验后发现:存贷款利差与实际GDP增长率互为因果关系;对私人部门信贷的相对增加不仅没有加速经济增长,相反在有些国家还阻碍了经济的长期增长。广义货币量的相对增加对转型国家的经济增长没有促进作用,甚至在CEE和波罗的海国家,M2占GDP的比重与实际GDP增长率之间存在显著负相关。实证结果表明,在软约束盛行的转型国家,提高金融中介部门的效率比其增加其对私人部门的信贷更有利于加速经济增长。  相似文献   

Abstract: The paper conducts an empirical investigation into the effects of financial liberalization policies on the growth of 19 countries in sub‐Saharan Africa (SSA). Two indexes are constructed which measure the gradual progression and institutional changes involved in financial liberalization. Because these indexes track specific financial liberalization policies, they provide better measures of financial liberalization than the indicators of financial development often used in the literature. Panel data estimates show a significant positive relationship between economic growth and financial liberalization policies. Our results are robust to alternative specifications of the model, and also across slow‐ and fast‐growing countries.  相似文献   

霍强  蒋冠 《改革与战略》2014,(10):58-62
当前我国正面临经济增长放缓、流动性趋紧、利率居高不下的复杂局面,如何推进利率市场化改革以维护金融稳定、促进经济增长是重要的课题。文章构建包含金融摩擦因素的经济增长模型,并选用1980—2013年的数据进行实证检验。研究认为,利率变化对储蓄的影响是正向的,对投资的影响在2000年前后由正转负,与经济增长长期负相关,随着利率市场化改革的深入,利率的经济增长弹性呈增大趋势。未来利率市场化改革的重点,在短期应稳健审慎推进存款利率上限放开,在长期应优化金融市场结构畅通利率微观传导机制。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代中期以后,在一系列因素的作用下,新兴市场国家的FSFDI迅速增长。FS-FDI具有提高新兴市场国家的资本分配效率等积极作用,但同时也产生了新的金融脆弱性,使新兴市场国家的金融监管当局面临重大挑战。新兴市场国家在吸收FSFDI时应当加强审慎有效的金融监管;合理控制FSFDI的数量并鼓励本国金融机构提高国际化程度;统筹规划FSFDI的格局,避免来源国过于集中。目前,外资银行对中国金融部门的直接投资尚处在准备阶段,随着中国金融自由化步伐的逐步加快,以中国为首的东亚新兴市场国家将成为吸收国际FSFDI的主力。  相似文献   

影响资本账户开放策略选择的因素——金融稳定的视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金融稳定下影响资本账户开放策略选择的关联因素分析是目前国内外文献的研究热点。本文构建一个包含资本账户开放、金融稳定、国内储蓄率、对外债务履约状况、公众对金融体系的信心、金融深化以及消费不均等程度等诸多因素组成的系统分析框架,采用理论模型和实证方法探讨影响新兴市场经济体金融开放的相关因素。综合研究成果表明,资本账户开放在某种程度上会导致金融风险的上升。一国较低的储蓄率以及对外债务状况的恶化则会加剧开放引致的金融风险,而金融深化与消费水平不均等程度的改善以及公众对金融体系信心的提升在一定程度上都会有效增强开放进程中经济体的金融稳定程度,进而实现占优策略均衡。值得注意的是,本文提出了中国存在针对金融开放进程进行重新再思考的现实必要性。  相似文献   

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