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张科平  王婷 《商业研究》2007,(9):161-167
上海是我国日本料理店发展较早、速度较快、规模较大的城市之一。以问卷调查的形式,重点了解上海日本料理店的店铺情况,顾客情况、采购情况及经营现状。详细了解上海日本料理店的经营状况对未来其他城市的料理店经营发展具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

褚伶利  卢宝岩 《商业研究》2005,(18):188-189,198
世界已经进入信息时代,以国际互联网络为基础的信息技术正在改变着我们的生活方式、工作方式和商务方式。从万维网到电子邮件,正逐渐成为广告媒体用以接触消费者,向消费者传递信息的强有力的工具。互联网络的前景正在以前所未有的速度在全球范围内普及开来。在适当的时间向人们传递适当的广告,能给商家带来不可预测的促销影响,能产生更大的经济效益。  相似文献   

体育营销作为现在一种重要的营销手段,对公司产品的品牌推广有着无与伦比的作用。重大体育赛事具有高度的关注度,媒体参与报道的力度也是空前的,品牌曝光率往往因此发挥到最大化。部分企业在新产品的品牌推广时会借助体育营销来搭建一个高效率的载体,但同时这也是一个风险承担的过程。体育营销战略的制定是否契合企业的品牌推广和企业的整体营销模式,则需要我们进一步的分析和思考  相似文献   

目前,我国零售业竞争异常激烈,各大超市在品牌资产建设上却显得捉襟见肘,品牌资产提升效果不尽人意。要从本质上提升品牌资产,大型超市必须在深入理解品牌知名度、品牌形象来源等因素基础上,探究影响品牌资产的关键驱动因素。在超市的选址、商品的选择、价格策略、促销手段等方面制定品牌价值的提升策略。管理者要有效实施顾客满意工程,创新企业为文化,从而实现品牌价值增值,提升品牌竞争力。  相似文献   

随着竞争加剧,会员卡定向促销方式作为企业保留忠诚顾客的手段之一越来越受到企业青睐。采用2×5实验法研究企业打折促销对会员的会员卡价值感知的影响,结果表明当企业提供打折促销,会员对促销品能享受"折上折+积分"赠品+积分"时,能够增强会员的会员卡感知价值;会员对促销品只享受"积分"和"不享受会员待遇"时,会降低会员的会员卡感知价值;会员对促销品享受"折上折"或在节假日提供打折促销,会员只能对促销品享受"积分"优惠时,不会影响会员的会员卡感知价值。  相似文献   

通过对国内酒店的相关研究进行汇总、梳理和分析,指出国内酒店研究在创新研究以及价值提升研究现状、存在的问题并提出需要进一步深入研究的方向。  相似文献   

随着资本市场的发展,辽宁上市公司在数量及融资规模上却呈现弱势。这是由于辽宁上市公司资产管理效率低,持续盈利能力和成长性不足;公司治理水平与效率低,缺乏价值创造的内生动力;投资者关系管理表面化,保护投资者利益的积极性和主动性不够。要提高辽宁上市公司融资能力和公司价值,就应改善公司持续盈利能力,提高资产管理效率;完善公司治理结构,提高公司治理水平和效率;加强投资者关系管理,注重投资者利益保护。  相似文献   

This research examines how consumers’ efforts as a nonmonetary sacrifice influence their price and promotion fairness perceptions in the context of price promotions. Multiple studies using different price promotion tactics demonstrate that consumers’ perceived level of effort to obtain a reduced price negatively influences their fairness perceptions when they deny the promoted price. Exploring the underlying mechanisms of this effect, we show that the amount of effort consumers exert to obtain a promoted price leads to their feeling of deservingness and entitlement. When the promoted price is denied, this feeling of entitlement is violated, causing unfairness perceptions to occur. The research demonstrates that, in addition to retailers’ actions such as price changes, consumers’ actions, in the form of their effort input, are also an important determinant of fairness perceptions.  相似文献   

目前对招商引资评价中对社会效益的忽视带来了很多负面影响,有必要从社会效益角度设计具有可操作性的评价体系来满足实际工作的需求。在明确了招商引资社会效益评价的经济行为主体和评价原则后,基于招商引资的社会性,构建了包括就业效果、社会进步、生态效益和科技进步四个二级指标和26个三级指标的社会效益评价指标体系。据此,讨论了招商引资社会效益评价的应用前景。  相似文献   

Recent decades have witnessed the increasing adoption of personalized price promotion (PPP) at grocery stores. Despite the growing body of research debating whether PPP is more effective than untargeted price promotions, there is no literature synthesizing the relevant evidence on food products. Therefore, we conduct a systematic review to examine empirical findings on the effects of PPP targeting food products. Outcomes of 12 identified studies demonstrate larger sales and profit boosting effects of PPP than its non-personalized counterparts. Meanwhile, the results on how this approach influences consumer behavior are mixed. The effectiveness of PPP varies among different targeting strategies (e.g. reward or cross-selling) and information collection methods (e.g. using within- or across-chain data). The findings of this review have important managerial implications for the future evaluation and application of PPP as well as imply potential directions of further research on this topic.  相似文献   


The purpose of this research is to demonstrate the negative effects of the conditional sales promotion tactics on nonpreferred consumers' feelings of unfairness from the viewpoint of motivation. A two-by-two between-subjects design experiment was conducted to examine the consumers' psychological mechanism. The results show that three types of consumers' perceptions—tactic attractiveness, task difficulty, and tactic irrationality—positively affected their feelings of unfairness. The results show an important mediating role among consumers' perceptions, short-term consumption intention and long-term satisfaction. This research provides new insights for future research and concrete strategic suggestions for retailers.  相似文献   

文章构建了错过价格促销情境下价格促销类型、促销幅度、感知价值损失和负向购买意愿关系的理论模型.通过2(价格促销类型:直接降价/间接降价)×2(价格促销幅度:大/小)的因子实验设计,研究发现:在错过价格促销情境下,消费者感知价值损失因价格促销的类型不同、幅度不同而有显著差异,价格促销类型和价格促销幅度对消费者感知价值损失有交互作用,消费者感知价值损失对负向购买意愿存在显著的正向影响.  相似文献   


This article presents a meta-analysis aiming to assess the short- and long-term effects of sales promotions on consumer behavior. We found 221 studies addressing this relationship. Our final sample provided 139 observations. First, the results revealed a significant relationship between sales promotion and both purchase intentions and sales volume. Second, we identified significant and positive connections with brand loyalty, perceptions of quality, consumer attitudes, and switching costs for consumers. Third, we noted that the sample type, the number of promoted products and sample size partially moderated the relationship between sales promotion and short/long-term effects.  相似文献   


The traditional formulation of customer value is a trade off of benefits and sacrifices, with intrinsic quality typically being the primary benefit, and price typically being the primary sacrifice. While additional sacrifices have been proposed in the literature (e.g., time and effort), we explore three additional benefits, the extrinsic attributes of industry leadership, innovation, and customer focus and their effects on a hierarchical quality-value-intention system. Data gathered from two distinct business-to-business domains, one goods and one services, showed that extrinsic attributes impacted elements of the quality-value-intention system. It was also found that quality and customer focus (an extrinsic attribute) differed in their effects across goods and services contexts. Managerial implications are discussed for creating customer perceived value in goods and services industries.  相似文献   

从广告代理制的核心优势出发,指出其在中国推行的主要矛盾,即媒介在广告运作中不可动摇的主导地位和强势话语权。通过对这一矛盾的分析,结合其他国家的运作经验,就广告代理制在中国推行的未来前景作了初步的探索。  相似文献   


The applicability of the traditional marketing models to online marketplaces has been of great interest since the advent of the Internet. This study examines the applicability of the Hierarchy of Communication Effects model to the online auction environment through the use of proprietary archival data. The results provide support for a new model, which we call the Hierarchy of Internet Communications Effects, which is applicable to online environments. The Hierarchy of Internet Communications Effects is analogous to other hierarchical effects models from consumer behavior literature known as the learning hierarchies. We provide suggestions to promote products or services at different stages in the Hierarchy of Internet Communications Effects; several implications and limitations are discussed, and future research is suggested.  相似文献   

Two experiments tested the coupon framing effect with both existing products and new products, whereby the percentage-off format (vs. cents-off format) held an overall advantage in consumers' value perception, thus leading to higher purchase intention. We also found that different product price levels (high vs. low) and product types (physical goods vs. services) moderated this framing effect. Moreover, the context of new products' purchase significantly made this effect more salient than that in existing products. These results could contribute to the guidance of price and promotion strategy for business practitioners, especially in new product launch management.  相似文献   


This paper investigated the current levels of environmental sustainability in restaurants across the U.S. to determine whether a restaurant’s proclivity for environmental sustainability depended on its characteristics such as chain affiliation or restaurant type.

A web-based survey was administered to 2,500 top-level restaurant managers, from which a total of 218 responses were judged as usable. The data were analyzed using independent

sample t-tests and ANOVA. This study presents an in-depth account of the environmental sustainability in restaurants across the U.S. based on an evaluation of top-level managers. This study also highlights the differences in restaurant environmental sustainability across different restaurant segments.  相似文献   

手机对于营销最大的价值,在于无可比拟的精准度及即时互动性,手机营销已成为营销专家们不容忽略的话题。以酒店行业为依托,在研究手机营销意义的基础上,分析了手机营销在酒店行业中的阶段性运用,并探讨手机营销的新模式。  相似文献   

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