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中西方品牌忠诚度测评研究及应用启示   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
品牌忠诚是企业品牌资产的重要组成部分 ,是企业利润增长的关键因素之一。国内外学者虽然对品牌忠诚进行了广泛的研究 ,但对品牌忠诚度的测评研究尚未达成共识。系统了解国内外学者有关品牌忠诚测评的研究成果 ,不仅有助于该方面研究的深入与拓展 ,而且有助于我们将相关研究成果应用于实践。  相似文献   

Although Fair Trade has recently experienced rapid growth around the world, there is lack of consumer research that investigates what determines consumers’ loyalty toward Fair Trade brands. In this research, we investigate how ethical consumption values (ECV) and two mediating variables, Fair Trade product beliefs (FTPB) and Fair Trade corporate evaluation, (FTCE) determine Fair Trade brand loyalty (FTBL). On the basis of two empirical studies that use samples from the U.S. and Korea, we provide evidence demonstrating that the manner in which ECV influence FTBL differs in the U.S. and Korea. In the U.S., ECV determine FTBL only indirectly via FTPB, whereas in Korea they determine FTBL directly as well as indirectly via FTCE. We discuss theoretical and managerial implications of these findings.  相似文献   

The Fourth Annual Conference Of Excellent Overseas Chinese Business Elites & The Second Award Ceremony to Top 100 Overseas Chinese Investors were held in Beijing from December 13 to 15. Worid Eminence Chinese Business Association and China International Economic Cooperation society co-organized the grand feast for the overseas Chinese all around the world.  相似文献   

丁邦清 《广告大观》2006,(12S):135-135
随着国家对自主品牌的关注与支持,越来越多的企业开始对自主品牌倾注更多的精力与注意力。一些原来主要精力是放在合资的国有大企业开始注重自主品牌的建设,如上海汽车集团刚刚推出了自主品牌(荣威),广州汽车集团也准备推出自主汽车品牌等;一些原来热衷于OEM的企业也对建立自主品牌跃跃欲试,试图摆脱给人做下线,辛苦制造,利润微薄,受制于人的命运;一些原来主要是做出口的外贸型企业也在对自主品牌产生浓厚的兴趣,改弦更张,不再只是做皮包公司,不再是做大路货的以量取胜的贸易方式。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the relationships between logistics and brand‐related resources, and assess their impact on the retailer's perceptions of customer loyalty to manufacturer brands. On the basis of theoretical underpinnings of the resource‐based view, this study explores the relationships among four main variables: (1) variety of collaborative logistics technologies shared between retailers and manufacturers, (2) manufacturer's logistics operations quality provided to retailers, (3) retailer's brand differentiation orientation, and (4) retailer's perceptions of customers loyalty to manufacturer brands. An online survey was conducted on 313 senior marketing and supply chain managers from retailer firms. The results of the structural equation analysis support a mediated relationship between logistical resources and perceived loyalty to manufacturer brands. The retailers believe that shared logistics technologies enable manufacturers and retailers to offer higher levels of availability and visibility of preferred brands to their end‐user customers. In turn, the end‐users become more confident with their decisions to repurchase the same brand offerings.  相似文献   

有这样一种观点:品牌建设的游戏规则改变得如此之多,使品牌整合概念成为再也不是进行品牌建设的有效方式,至少在涉及到媒体抉择时确实如此。在今天的新媒体领域里,品牌整合只是太简单、太旧式的概念。  相似文献   

Global Brands: Taking Stock   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Global brands have never quite delivered on their promise. This article focuses on why this may now be about to change. The author first addresses three basic issues: why global brands matter more now than in the past; what distinguishes them from national brands; and the main building blocks for a global brand. He then moves on to some of the key problems which face managers of international brands today: the new Euro-zone, instability in emerging markets, the problem of diversion, and management of global relationships with advertising agents and market researchers. He concludes with a discussion of the issues involved in deciding whether brands should be taken global.  相似文献   

胡隼 《广告大观》2006,(2S):34-36
现代市场环境中,不论是消费者还是生产厂商,都毫无争议地承认品牌的重要性,如何让消费者把对一个品牌的认知度提升到忠诚度成为众多国内厂商所面临的重大课题。对于企业的可持续性发展能力而言,能够让其产品在众多相似者中脱颖而出的重要因素就是品牌的强弱和生命力了.  相似文献   

This article presents and examines four different reconstructions of Ronald Duska’s argument for the thesis that employees’ loyalty to their employers is misguided. One of them is the reconstruction presented by John Corvino in this journal. The remaining three revolve around, respectively, employers’ failure to reciprocate employees’ (attempts at) loyalty, the commercial character of employment, and the instrumental character of employment. The result of the examination is that the argument does not withstand scrutiny in any of the four reconstructions. The failure of Duska’s argument, however, does not mean that employee loyalty is justified, because the burden of proof is on the defenders of the loyalty. Moreover, a different argument, which is also presented in the article, shows that the loyalty of most present-day employees to their employers is bound to be significantly limited, because of the radical changeability of corporations with publicly traded stock.  相似文献   

The term alumni loyalty (AL) is widely used by scientists in various disciplines and particularly often in discussions of the key factors influencing alumni contributions. However, research in this field varies considerably in its assumptions and methods and contains contradictory findings. Additionally, there is no consistent definition of AL. This situation makes it difficult for the university administration to see the overall picture or to evaluate which results are most reliable and should be used as the basis for practice and policy decisions. A systematic literature review (SLR) would address these problems by identifying, meticulously evaluating, and integrating findings of the relevant studies. To date, no SLR has been undertaken in the field of alumni loyalty. The purpose of this study is twofold. First, the paper conducts an SLR in this research area. Second, the study provides a more comprehensive definition of alumni loyalty. The research identified 102 relevant articles and classified them according to seven theoretical approaches: microeconomics, charitable giving, management, relationship marketing, educational science, services marketing, and the integrative approach, which combines the above disciplines. Having determined four primary aspects of AL (behavioral, attitudinal, material and nonmaterial), the paper derives four quadrants of AL definitions and assigns each publication to one or two of them. Following this step, the overall picture and definition of AL were derived. The findings can be used by academics as a framework to position new research activities appropriately and by practitioners as a roadmap to enhance AL rate.  相似文献   

品牌定位:让品牌充满活力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代啤酒市场是复杂多变且非常广阔的,不管啤酒企业的规模有多大,都不可能满足所有消费者对啤酒产品的需求,只能满足特定目标消费者的部分需求。这就要求企业根据自身的优势,进行准确的品牌定位,并有针对性地开展营销活动,最大限度地发挥企业资源效益。所谓品牌定位,就是针对目  相似文献   

"中国品牌"的困境 困境一:品牌营销战略 雷同发达国家企业对于品牌营销战略工作都极其重视,不惜花费巨资进行品牌规划,创造出了众多各具特色,拥有巨大感染力、让人回味无穷的品牌,从而迅速占领国际市场.而典型的中国企业在品牌营销战略上没有突现特色与个性,而是盲目跟风和雷同.近年来出现一些现象足可说明,如保健品"补钙"热,服装业"保温内衣"风,彩电业"数字化"概念……太多从众、跟风,该细分的没细分,该定位的没定位.结果产品在技术、工艺、特色上没有进步,市场无序、混乱,似乎永远创不出企业的营销个性.  相似文献   

Parallel Brands     

The competitive environment of national and private brands may be substantively changing because of a confluence of events in the marketing and legal environments for branding. A 1994 trademark case has paved the way for a new private branding opportunity: parallel branding. A parallel brand closely imitates the trade dress and form of a national brand, while avoiding a trade dress infringement suit by simply coupling the imitative trade dress with an invitation to compare the two products. This article examines the current legal environment that surrounds trade dress and analyzes different managerial strategies for members of the distribution system in light of parallel branding.  相似文献   

李传屏 《广告大观》2005,(12):172-172
科学的营销,在大陆可算是个正在逐渐茁壮成长中的青少年吧!营销这个词,出现在大家的口中并经常在各种场合中被提到,我估计应该是近十几二十年之内的事情。  相似文献   

The current study compares better-fitting and worse-fitting new brand names and brand extensions on brand attitudes and choice shares across situations that differ in terms of the amount of product information available and consumer knowledge of the target product category (which had limited effects), 35[emsp4 ]mm cameras (choice-set competitors Nikon and Minolta). While brand extensions and better-fitting brands generally enjoyed more positive brand attitudes and larger choice shares, effects were moderated by product information. When information was limited to brand name and price, the better-fitting brand extension (Sony) commanded more share than did the better-fitting new brand (Optix) which in turn commanded more share than did either the worse-fitting extension (Nike) or the worse-fitting new brand (Topix). But when information on product features was added, target brands were chosen similarly across brand names where the better-fitting new brand Optix garnered slightly (non-significantly; 5%) more share than the better-fitting extension Sony. This weak preference was reversed, however, in the attitude data where Sony was rated significantly higher in liking than Optix. Two focal conclusions emerge. First, new brands can perform as well as or better than brand extensions when consumers process product information. In this study, brand-extension advantages were confined to situations of limited information processing and better fit. Second, since branding effects differed across attitudes and choice, researchers hoping to duplicate in the laboratory the types of branding effects likely to occur in the marketplace may want to expand their traditional focus on attitudes to include choice.  相似文献   

The effects of advertisement and context type on the responses to advertisements for different brands of new and existing products were tested. In the first experiment (243 graduate students) a positive emotional advertisement and a non‐emotional advertisement for a well‐known and a new brand of printer were tested in a positive emotional context and a non‐emotional media context. In the second experiment (206 graduate students) positive emotional and non‐emotional advertisements for new brands of watches and healthy drinks were tested in an emotional and a non‐emotional context. The type of context moderated the responses to advertisements for the well‐known and new products: a positive emotional context led to a more positive attitude towards the advertisement and the brand and purchase intention for the well‐known brand than for the new brand. A non‐emotional context led to more positive responses for the new brand than for the well‐known brand. In general, emotional advertisements led to more positive affective reactions and non‐emotional advertisements led to more positive cognitive reactions. However, the type of advertisement did not have a moderating effect on the responses to advertising for the new or well‐known brands or different product types. The studies illustrated the relevance of media context for advertising new versus existing products.  相似文献   

Compromising the compromise effect: Brands matter   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Consumer behavior research has a long history indicating that preferences are influenced by the relative positions of members of a choice set. The realism of this work, however, is somewhat limited because alternatives are typically labeled with letters rather than with real brand names. We investigate the boundaries of prior research by testing whether preferences for alternatives in compromise and superior positions generalize to a more realistic market scenario that includes choices between real brands. In particular, we conduct two studies that examine if preferences for brands in a choice set are moderated by the inclusion of more or less familiar brand names. We find that consumers prefer extreme brands when compromise brands are relatively less familiar and compromise brands when they are relatively more familiar. In this scenario brand familiarity and not the position of the alternatives determine choice. In situations where a choice alternative is superior, we find no moderation due to brand familiarity.
Ronald C. Goodstein (Corresponding author)Email:

The UK's leading coalition loyalty card scheme was launched at a time when questions were raised regarding the viability of such schemes. Two years into the scheme, it is now appropriate to review the scheme's relationship with its' customers and judge its' success in terms of its ability to influence card holders' behaviour.

To meet the objectives a survey methodology was adopted, and a new questionnaire devised for administration to a sample of coalition loyalty card scheme cardholders. The survey achieved 153 responses from the scheme members.

Findings from the study revealed that coalition loyalty card scheme holders' exhibit weak bonds between the card provider and its customers and that customers display signs of low commitment, low trust and low perceived relational benefits. There is a decisive lack of awareness of many sponsors and this confusion seemed to be leading to the use of coalition loyalty card scheme as a single-brand card. Although usage rates are on a par with other loyalty schemes, a lack of involvement seems apparent; indicating that no considerable increase in share of customer had occurred. This is mainly down to poorly targeted communications and irrelevant reward offerings.

Finally, there was little to suggest that coalition loyalty card scheme are currently having much influence over consumer behaviour, as the bonds between the two parties were not strong enough to encourage this. However, this does not indicate that the current market leader is currently unsuccessful, there is evidence to suggest consumers perceive real benefits in coalition schemes and that there is a willingness to alter their behaviour if the motivation is sufficient. Implications for future research include more specific investigations into the dynamic of the relationship between loyalty schemes and consumers and further research on coalition schemes per se.  相似文献   

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