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In this study, restaurant operators rated the importance of criteria used to select foodservice distributors. Overall, items related to logistics received the highest ratings, with various value-added services receiving much lower ratings. Differences in ratings were observed between groups of restaurant operators based on size of operation and number of distributors used. Awareness of these attribute importance ratings will benefit distributors by assisting them in decisions regarding value-added service offerings and core service emphasis.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to assess the restaurant patronage practices (food habits) of three major ethnic groups (Chinese, Malays, and Indians) of Singapore. A total of 390 questionnaires were distributed. In spite of major cultural, socio-economic and religious differences, the three ethnic groups have common food habits while eating out. Eating at theme restaurants is not popular across the three ethnic groups. Among the ethnic groups under consideration, the food habits while eating out differed from the food habits of those groups while eating at home. The study indicated that all three ethnic groups eat out regularly. Chinese patronize quick service restaurants more frequently than the other ethnic groups. Chinese and Indians patronize “Hawker centers” more often than the Malays. Perception of nutrition and gender has very little affect on food habits while eating out. The obtained results partially supported the Barker's model.  相似文献   


Every year in the US, over 20% of all traffic fatalities are caused by drunk drivers. The average Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) of fatally injured drivers is 0.17, with almost half of these have a BAC of 0.20 or higher. In October of 2000, a new federal law was passed requiring states to lower the BAC from 0.10 to 0.08 or lose millions in highway funding. Proponents of this legislation feel it will save over 500 lives a year. Those opposed feel this law will target the social drinker, overburden the justice system, and will not address the real problem, the habitual drunk driver. This study looks at these issues concentrating on: other laws that could affect the number of alcohol-related fatalities; the number of fatalities involving habitual offenders; legislative efforts in the state of Indiana; and the effect this legislation could have on the hospitality industry.  相似文献   

餐厅是商业空间中一类特殊形态,尤其是时下商业营销模式正向着体验式方向不可逆地发展,餐厅也在逐渐形成一股新的体验式主流。本文简略描述了上海主要商圈内主题餐厅的大致类型,并对不同类别的主题餐厅中同一景观元素的营造差异作了相应的统计分析。针对主题餐厅中的餐饮景观方面、配置景观方面、服务景观方面的尚存问题提出了相应的解决对策。  相似文献   

独立董事制度与我国上市公司治理结构的完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
段存广  霍佳震 《商业研究》2006,(18):101-104
2001年8月,中国证监会颁布《指导意见》标志着独立董事制度在我国的全面推行。刚刚修订的《公司法》明确规定上市设立独立董事。但四年多的实践表明,独立董事制度在我国实施的并不成功。“花瓶董事”甚至“饿狼董事”的斥责以及对独立董事制度的争论从未停止过。由于我国上市公司自身的结构性问题,来自异域的独立董事制度扎根我国存在着适应性问题。只有在完善公司治理的前提下,改革创新,不断探索,完善资本市场,健全法律体系,才能够探索出一条适合我国国情的,使有效的独立董事与监事会协调一致,成为互为补充的监督体制。  相似文献   


As the fast food restaurant industry grows in the Western industrialized world, it has also become increasingly competitive. In such an environment, marketers are concerned about how to increase or maintain market share through better service quality and effective segmentation strategies. This paper reports a two-phase exploratory study conducted to determine the dimensions of service quality in the fast food industry, from the consumer's perspective. Factor analysis revealed 10 dimensions made up of 57 different attributes. The 10 dimensions were able to discriminate among three groups of fast food patrons, namely: frequent, less frequent, and more frequent patrons. Managerial implications of these findings, for market segmentation, targeting, positioning, and promotional strategies are discussed.  相似文献   


The competition for meeting consumer preferences for beef steak in the casual dining restaurant is increasing. In order to better understand these preferences researchers employed Sapp's expanded rational expectations intention model, a depiction of Ajzen and Fishbein's theory of reasoned action, to investigate consumers' intentions to consume beef steak in the casual dining restaurant. The expanded model added the social acceptability construct to Ajzen and Fishbein's rational expectations model. Social acceptability had significant causal path estimates for attitude, intention, and subjective norm. Additionally, researchers looked at possible gender differences in the social acceptability, attitude, and behavioral intention constructs. The path estimate between social acceptability and behavioral intention was significant for females but not for males. The attitude to behavioral intention causal path was the strongest path for both males and females; however, neither gender differed in the amount of weight placed on this causal path. The results of this study may assist the beef and restaurant industry to more effectively compete for market share by meeting consumer preferences for beef steak in the casual dining environment.  相似文献   


We examine the potential role that agency costs have on dividend payout policy in the restaurant industry. Specifically, we hypothesize that dividends serve to constrain the actions of management. Interest payments also have the same effect, and in a sense, may act as an effective substitute for dividend payments. Furthermore, the larger number of firm owners, the greater the need for dividends to control agency costs. Our findings show significant differences in debt ratios and the number of shareholders between restaurant firms that pay dividends and those that do not.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to explore the adoption, challenges, and current uses of social media in small restaurants. Past research in this area is scarce, and most focuses on larger establishments. To address the research objectives, 20 small restaurants in Northeastern United States were interviewed. Literature identifies a variety of goals that social media can play in fostering interactions, engagement, relationships, and building communities online, but this study shows that few restaurants attempt to do this. Even though in most small restaurants social media significantly contributes to their marketing strategy, the majority of small restaurants use it as a low-cost advertising tool to gain exposure, generate interest, inform, and spread word of mouth. The study suggests ways in which social media could be embraced by small restaurants to help them address the challenges they face, so they can go beyond using social media as merely an advertising tool.  相似文献   

This study aims to explore consumer perceptions of sugar-free specialty coffee in the quick-service restaurant (QSR) segment. Sugar-free specialty coffee products are made using nonnutritive sweeteners (NNS). Participants from a nationwide panel were surveyed about purchase intent of two categories of specialty coffee: syrup-sweetened with sugar or NNS in four popular flavors. Consumer demographics were used in a multistep multiple regression. The study found that, overall, females and younger consumers are most likely to purchase specialty coffee beverages. Additionally, an interaction revealed that younger consumers are most likely to purchase sugar-sweetened coffee beverages, whereas little variation in purchase intent was found between NNS and sugar-sweetened coffee beverages in older consumers.  相似文献   

国有独资公司是国企转轨公司制运作的较为常见的实现形式,一方面这是国有企业建立企业制度的积极探索,另一方面又因其具有股东唯一的特殊产权结构造成内部法人治理制度的局限性。文章分析了国有独资公司法人治理结构的缺陷,明确应以董事会建设为核心,以引进外部董事为措施,完善国有独自公司的法人治理结构。  相似文献   

The importance of “brand dilution” is changing with the rise in internet-mediated consumer power and increasing consumer involvement in the brand identity and message creation processes. In light of recent legal rulings, this study re-conceptualizes brand dilution as a matter of counter-posed brand meanings and associations in digital markets. Anti-branding dilution cases from both a blurring and a tarnishment dilution basis are examined through consumer interviews. The results show that consumer anti-branding has less potential for brand dilution, and more potential for brand identity collusion. By addressing both legal and marketing views of the meaning systems associated with the dilution versus collusion perspectives, this study provides an approach for understanding anti-branding dilution discussions and a way to develop better functioning branding exchange systems for digital markets. Consequently, possible changes in future branding ownership issues for digital markets are envisioned.  相似文献   

杨蔚 《商》2014,(12):276-276,225
国际结算是独立学院为适应社会发展需要,培养综合应用型国际贸易人才开设的核心课程。但由于该课程的特点和独立学院开设中存在的问题,使得教学效果欠佳、难以引起学生的兴趣。本文针对上述问题,提出相应的教学建议。  相似文献   

通过对独立院校毕业生就业方向分布现状的分析,探讨了形成这种现状的原因,在确定人才培养定位目标;提高教育质量,突出办学特色;加强就业指导服务,完善就业服务体系;提高学生综合素质,树立正确的就业观念等方面提出了解决独立学院学生就业工作的对策。  相似文献   

对我国实施自主品牌战略的思考   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
陈宝明 《商业研究》2006,(18):24-26
自主品牌已得到越来越多的重视,但在许多问题上还没有述成共识。在国际化背景下,应从控制权角度对自主品牌进行界定,并由政府推动实施自主品牌战略,对企业和消费者行为进行引导以及为自主品牌建设创造良好的外部环境。  相似文献   

郝静  甄慧 《中国市场》2008,(10):32-33
电子商务作为新经济的核心,就需要人们以务实的态度克服电子商务发展中的各种瓶颈。据有关专家估计,随着电子商务、网络经济的发展,我们也会面临着极大的挑战。本文从法律角度分析发展电子商务面临的主要问题及其法律体系的构建。  相似文献   

本文认为,企业在不同的环境、不同的发展阶段及不同的战略中,应有内外部不同的独立董事机制,以降低企业在运营过程中的决策风险。针对当前独立董事机制实际运行过程中存在的诸多缺陷,如股份公司商业逻辑不清晰,决策层、执行层、监管层界限不明,公司信息不对称或披露不及时,独立董事产生机制、激励机制不能有效保护股东利益等,文章提出必须建立独立董事市场化模式,将之推向市场,促使独立董事职业化;建立有效激励机制,明确独立董事的权利和责任,责权分明,与薪酬挂钩;建立简单、准确、可操作性强的独立董事评价体系,确保激励机制正常作用的发挥。  相似文献   

我国企业自主创新的障碍与对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为,当前我国缺乏创新人才,企业远未成为创新主体,国家创新战略存在偏颇与失误,风险投资机制远未建立和完善。这成为我国企业自主创新能力提升的关键性障碍,严重制约了我国经济增长与国际竞争力的提升。文章指出,为培育和提升我国企业自主创新能力,一要进行人才机制创新、管理机制创新及动力与激励机制创新,二要进行创新体系的结构优化、产业结构的调整优化与引进技术的结构优化。  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to assess organizational climate in restaurants and to examine the impact of the individual-level characteristics of employees on organizational climate based on the well-known 17-dimension-framework. Survey questionnaires were distributed to more than 380 foodservice establishments in the United States. For the data analysis, 418 responses from managers and frontline employees were used. Principal component analysis, factor analysis, and analysis of variance were employed. This study indicated that age, education, work experience, title, and employee status impacted the organizational climate in restaurants. These results will be useful in developing managerial strategies to improve organizational performance in restaurants.  相似文献   

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