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Despite the massive growth in sponsorship activity of all kinds, academic research is still in its infancy in this area. This is particularly true with regards the effect of sponsorship on the brand image of the sponsor. This article seeks to address this by producing a conceptual framework of factors that influence sponsorship's effect on brand image transfer (BIT) amongst consumers. The findings from existing research are summarised and highlighted. Where there is a lack of research, 'appropriate' theory from the wider branding literature is used to develop the discussion. Thus, brand knowledge, power, fit and quality are considered as influences on the BIT process. A model of the actual process by which brand image transfers is developed and conditions influencing the strength of the transfer are identified. From this overall analysis, implications for both sponsors and sponsored are discussed and future research directions are outlined.  相似文献   

Trust and the concept of the brand are increasingly of interest in the study of business relationships on the Internet. Synthesising studies of trust from other disciplines such as accounting, sociology, psychology and biology can provide useful insights into the application of trust both specifically and generally, to Internet business relationships. While there is a plethora of models, those with potential application for Internet business relationship theory are described and analysed. The argument is extended to discuss the concept of the brand as a surrogate for trust, and hence as a reliable identifier of a certain cluster of values.  相似文献   

This paper considers the importance of building the brand image of parties and leaders in modern day politics. Firstly, the appropriateness of branding in the sphere of politics is considered. Then, brand image research on political parties and their leaders is identified and discussed. From this, the advertising (positive and negative), events and celebrity endorsements that affected the June 2001 election are discussed. Finally, some tentative conclusions on political image management are forwarded along with the likely future developments in this area.  相似文献   

《Journal of Marketing Management》2013,29(9-10):1001-1023
Given the growing role of affective factors in consumer behaviour and particularly on brand loyalty, the deterioration of these factors can provide an additional explanation of the dissolution of the relationship between the brand and the consumer. A new concept, brand detachment, was developed in marketing research to enhance understanding of the dissolution process of the relationship between brands and consumers. Brand detachment results from the dissolution of the affective bond existing between a brand and a consumer and can be seen as an attitudinal aspect of the dissolution process of certain relationships. After conceptualizing brand detachment, the results of a quantitative study (N=434, use of regression analysis) allow this concept to be used as an indicator of the consumer's propensity to end the relationship with the brand. Thus brand detachment has a negative influence on the consideration of the brand and the consumer's subsequent buying behaviour in relation to it.  相似文献   

伴随着内外部营销相结合的平衡视角的推广应用,员工得到更多关注和研究,而雇主品牌建设也成为重要议题.文章首先强调了服务业中员工的重要性.然后,主张在企业-员工互动关系管理中,一方面要鼓励员工买入-知识买入和情感买入,另一方面要重视雇主品牌化和提高雇主吸引力.  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2022,98(2):294-314
This study investigates how retailers can leverage their brand to shape customers’ satisfaction with service encounters. It develops and tests hypotheses about how brand, store, and consumer factors moderate customer responses to experience clues during retail service encounters. Six meta-regression analyses synthesize and compare results from 842 satisfaction equations describing customers’ encounters with a global retailer operating 400 stores in 32 countries. The results show how customers weigh their perceptions of service encounters differently depending on brand, store, and consumer factors. In markets where customers believe the retailer has high holistic brand quality, they place less weight on experience clues within the store. In markets where customers believe the retailer’s service brand promise, they place more weight on in-store experience clues. In markets where the retailer promises utilitarian value, customers weigh functional experience clues more heavily. In markets with an online purchasing channel, the effect of experience clues common to offline and online store environments is magnified, and unique clues are diminished. In addition, customers heavily weigh experience clues that fit their goals. In general, retail success factors include high brand quality (which makes customers more forgiving), a service brand promise that is mirrored in the store image (which makes customers attend to the experience clues aligned with them), and the careful monitoring and managing of retail touchpoints (to customize experience clues to each market). In this way, retailers can use customer-based strategies to effectively design and manage their global retail brand in different markets.  相似文献   


To maintain a competitive advantage, the strategy of the creation and maintenance of brand loyalty plays a vital role. The main aim of this study is to examine the theoretical and empirical evidence on the causal relationships among different factors i.e., brand personality, image, experience, satisfaction, trust and commitment that have direct and indirect effects in the creation of brand loyalty. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) using Partial Least Squares (PLS) method was applied to test the relationships in this study. The findings indicate that brand personality, brand image and brand experience are key sources of brand satisfaction.  相似文献   

黄海峰  张镇洁 《商业研究》2002,(11):137-138
品牌在商业领域里所起的作用是显而易见的,强势品牌能为企业带来竞争优势。在当今激烈竞争的市场上,任何强势品牌的塑造都离不开广告,在广告中形象代言人的选择是十分关键的,企业必须根据企业自身的定位来选择形象代言人,找到企业定位与代言人的形象的最佳结合点,使形象代言人在企业的强势品牌的塑造中充分发挥作用。  相似文献   

This article examines a number of issues in relationship marketing through the perspective of the competence-based view of the firm. It draws on data from a 53-year case history of a firm in the Irish building materials industry. Relationship marketing emerges from this data as a significant market-related competence helping the firm to enjoy a preeminent position in the marketplace over five decades.

Discussion focuses on the dynamic nature of relationship marketing in the company – how the intent, thrust and characteristics of relationship marketing evolved over 53 years and five eras of the firm's history. In this context, customer loyalty is observed to have an enduring and at times idiosyncratic character. Further, relationship marketing is found to be enmeshed in other competences and capabilities of the firm, and to have an important tacit dimension. Finally, aspects of best practice in the firm are considered in the light of contemporary conceptualisation about relationships and marketing.  相似文献   


In order to understand how to manage for excellence in the food and beverages industry, one must recognize some key principles that are utilized by top companies in this industry. The following article will provide detail examples of three top organizations to let the readers realize the strategies used by each company and what makes them superior than other competitors. The first example is about Nestlé's excellent achievement on market research and successful story about “Wellness strategy”. The second example shows how Coca-Cola produces the world's best known product and implements “Total Quality Management” and “Just-In-Time” system. The third example reveals the success secrets of McDonald's franchise kingdom and “three-legged-stool” relationship with its franchisees and suppliers. To be the top leader in the food and beverage industry, we suggest learning these skills.  相似文献   

《Journal of Marketing Management》2013,29(9-10):1037-1054
This research considers the issue of franchisees who exit the franchise system in order to continue operating independently. The literature regarding incentives for entering franchising is reviewed in an attempt to reveal why franchisees become dissatisfied and leave. The use of power by the franchisor and its relationship to brand piracy by franchisees is explored. Franchisors and their current and former franchisees are interviewed to uncover insights into this phenomenon. Explanations concerning the effectiveness of contractual remedies, dissatisfaction with the franchise, level of dependence and expectations in the relationship, and franchisor-franchisee goal incongruence are proposed.  相似文献   

Worldwide, the wine industry has become tremendously competitive, with new world wine countries, such as Chile, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa becoming relevant players. Consumers are increasingly offered a broad range of wine brands in supermarkets, restaurants, and wine stores. Consequently, wine marketing managers are required to develop strategies for building consumer brand loyalty for their own wines. This study attempts to investigate this issue and tests a model of antecedents of wine brand loyalty with 300 consumers from Chile, a new world wine producer. Results are analyzed with structural equation modeling (SEM). Our results indicate that wine brand satisfaction has the strongest relationship with wine brand loyalty. Additionally, wine experience is positively related to brand trust and brand satisfaction.  相似文献   

论浙江产业集群区域品牌的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吕群智 《中国市场》2008,(15):131-133
浙江经济以企业集群为特色,在经济得到迅速发展的同时,出现了一些以地方产业为特色的区域品牌。本文从浙江产业集群现状出发,分析了构建区域品牌的必要性,提出了从政府、品牌层次和行业协会三方面来构建浙江区域品牌的策略。  相似文献   

智慧产业、创意产业、知识型服务业发展创新的关键是人才,而影响人才发展的智力因素包括观察力、思维能力、创造力等,其能力的培养主要依靠高校的教育。目前,广东省各大高校由于教学方式陈旧、教师素质较低、教育体系不完善等原因,还存在人才观察力不足、思维能力较弱、缺乏想象力等问题。广东省高校应加快形成开放式的育人模式,完善自身的教育体系,建立多渠道的交流机制,增强与政府、企业的互动,构建多层次的发展平台,以培养一批优秀的人才,促进其服务业的进一步发展。  相似文献   

我国快递业品牌建设现状及对策思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文认为,面对已进入我国的国际快递业品牌巨头,我们不难发现,我国快递业品牌和品牌建设方面存在的问题十分突出,主要是品牌意识淡漠,品牌不成规模,品牌定位不准,品牌缺乏内涵,品牌推广乏力。当前,审视WTO市场环境下中国快递业的竞争态势,我国快递业的品牌建设应从以下几方面下功夫:转变品牌经营观念,正确认识品牌价值;加强品牌整合,实施差异化战略;明确品牌定位;重视品牌内涵建设;构建品牌推广体系,提升品牌实际价值等。  相似文献   

明星是电影产业中最为重要的创意人才之一,明星凭借其广受赞誉的演技、为观众所喜爱的性格特征,吸引众多注意力,从而具有很高的商业价值。为加速实现华语电影产业振兴与文化繁荣的双重发展目标,华语电影产业开始在明星品牌定位、明星品牌如何介入电影产品的生产、明星品牌的价值评估等三个层面积极采取有效的品牌化运作,以进一步满足电影受众/消费者的需求而获得电影市场优势,进而满足电影生产者的利益。  相似文献   

本文采用存在主义现象学方法,在超产品类别的水平上对品牌形象在消费者心目中发生嬗变的机制进行了研究,提出个体品牌形象在消费者心目中一经形成就会处于一种相对稳定的意义图式结构平衡状态,但消费者在受到对于自身具有敏感性的诱因的刺激后且在其心目中现有品牌形象不能成功同化新的刺激的情况下,其认知的顺化机制将被启动进而打破其心目中现有的意义图式结构平衡状态并最终生成新的品牌形象。  相似文献   

This paper places corporate identity studies in a historical context with the writer arguing that there have been four distinct phases in the area's evolution. Currently, there is increasing international and interdisciplinary contact between scholars engaged in identity research. Recent developments have led the writer to postulate that the literature on corporate identity, organisational identity and corporate communication may be regarded as forming the basic building blocks of a new, cognate area of management which in time may be known as Corporate Marketing.

However, the marketing mix as applied to organisations in their totality will need to be rethought. In this paper the 4Ps are extended to 10Ps with philosophy, personality, people, performance, perception and positioning complementing the existing 4Ps. In addition, the author identifies nine key interfaces, which need to be examined by managers and consultants when reviewing an organisation's identity. Such interfaces represent 'moments of truth' for an organisation's senior management when evaluating their organisation's identity.  相似文献   

本文首先分析了我国服务业与服务贸易的现状,随后构建模型实证分析了两者的协调度。研究结果表明,1982-2006年间我国服务部门的贸易能力比货物部门要弱且服务贸易近年来发展相对滞后,服务业子系统有序度的变化较服务贸易子系统缓和,服务业与服务贸易的复合系统在1984-2001年间的协调度较低。  相似文献   

本文对互联网环境下消费者互动以及品牌原产地形象的形成进行新的思考、界定并考虑新的影响因素,探讨消费者互动对品牌原产地形象在消费者心目中形成的难易程度所产生的影响。通过网络在线调查,应用相关分析和回归分析验证变量间的关系假设,结果表明:对原产地形象形成起重要作用的原产地认知影响变弱;对原产地形象形成起反作用的产品认知影响变强;消费者对原产地刻板印象的形成变得更加困难。  相似文献   

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