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基于农户视角的农村公共品供需均衡研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
基于3省245个农户的调查表明,农民当前最急需的公共品是卫生医疗、农田基础设施;农民的公共品需求有如下特点:硬品优先于软品;物质需求优先于精神需求;现实优于长远;切身利益重于宏观环境。合意的公共品供给有新型农村合作医疗、粮食直补政策和义务教育,农民对公共品供给最不满意的是农村社会养老、农业科技信息服务和农村金融。农民对公共品供给的满意度主要取决于公共品的规模、质量、价格和农户的人口社会学背景。最后,对农村公共品供需均衡矩阵进行了分析,并建议根据公共品供需衔接状况、农民对公共品供给的满意程度,实行不同的公共品供给策略。  相似文献   

The paper presents a (theoretical) investigation of the distributional impacts of environmental commodities. It introduces an appropriate framework, defines concepts for measuring benefits and examines the determinants of benefit incidence within this setup. Its emphasis is on methodology and on recognizing the relevant economic variables and information. It turns out that in an equal-preference model the magnitude of the income elasticity of marginal willingness to pay for an environmental good is the crucial variable determining progressivity. It is related to a number of other elasticities which are more easily accessible to an empirical estimation.  相似文献   

刘健 《技术经济》2012,31(4):98-103
利用2003—2010年我国29个省(自治区、直辖市)的面板数据,对教育支出、医疗卫生支出、科技支出、社会保障补助支出和环境保护支出五类非经济性公共物品支出需求函数进行了估计,实证检验了与公共支出需求相关的因素。结果显示:非经济性公共物品需求与人均收入、人口规模和城市化率正相关;在温饱问题解决后,随着居民收入的增加,即使居民的税收负担有所上升,居民对教育、医疗和科技的需求也会不断增加;失业率的上升会减少居民对教育、科技和医疗的需求,但会增加对社会保障的需求;环境保护关系到城市的可持续发展,产业结构调整可能有助于缓解环境保护支出与需求的矛盾。  相似文献   

论农村公共品供给过程中的需求表述机制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李汉文  王征 《当代财经》2005,(10):30-35
农民要在农村公共品供给过程中进行需求表述,必然需要借助于一定的表述渠道。现阶段我国农民的表述渠道主要有向组织(社、村)和政府(乡级政府或者农民越级上访的上级政府)就他们面临的公共品困境进行呼吁;还有就是借助于各级群众大会(乡、村、社三级)通过投票的方式就公共品的各类供给方案进行表决。我们知道,“通则畅”,需求表述渠道的通畅与否在很大程度上决定着需求表述的质量。  相似文献   

During the Doha Round at the World Trade Organization, reductions in trade barriers on environmental goods (EG) were put forward as a means of helping developed and developing countries alike deal with current environmental problems. We examine the potential effectiveness of such a strategy in a developing country that imports all its consumption of EG from an imperfectly competitive foreign eco-industry. We point out that trade liberalization of EG might in fact lead to less stringent pollution taxes, which can result in an actual rise in pollution levels. We then show that the environmental effectiveness objective of this trade reform can be achieved when the regulator uses quantitative abatement standards as an alternative pollution policy instrument. However, this environmental achievement comes at the expense of social welfare.  相似文献   

Assuming that improvements in environmental quality lead to lower demand for medical care, it has been shown that general-equilibrium interactions with the tax-distorted labor market reduce the benefits from such improvements, and thus lower the second-best optimal environmental tax. This paper provides some insights on how the link between environmental quality, individual’s health capital, and the demand for medical care affects the analysis of pollution taxes. The paper develops structural conditions under which improvements in environmental quality decrease/increase the demand for medical care and discusses their implications for environmental tax interactions.   相似文献   

In this study, I provide new evidence on consumer inventory from a unique survey on the purchase and inventory of a storable product. I confirm that the predictions regarding the correlations between the key variables of purchase probability, purchase quantity and inventory derived from the standard dynamic models of consumer inventory are consistent with the data. Furthermore, I find that the amount of daily consumption varies within a household across time and depends on inventory holding. The evidence does not conform to a constant consumption rate, which studies often assume for tractability.  相似文献   

Demand Revelation,Hypothetical Bias,and Threshold Public Goods Provision   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We examine the issues of hypothetical bias, demand revelation, and gender differences in a threshold public goods experiment with heterogeneous induced-values. First, we find no evidence of hypothetical bias in our threshold provision public goods experiments, despite the fact this is an open-ended type mechanism. Our results support recent experimental findings that use induced-values to investigate hypothetical bias. Second, we investigate the demand revealing performance of real and hypothetical payments and find no evidence that real payment performs better than hypothetical payment in our experiments. Third, we examine whether payments, real and hypothetical, are positively related to induced-values. Our results suggest there is statistical evidence that payments are positively related to true values. Finally, we examine the effect of gender on real and hypothetical payments in our experiment. The results show that gender matters for contributions through both real and hypothetical payments, after controlling for true values as well as socio-economic variables. Results also indicate that females are more likely to truthfully reveal their value than males through hypothetical payments, but gender is not significant for truthfully revealing their value through real payments.  相似文献   

收入水平与公共品需求结构关系探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
秦颖 《经济与管理》2006,20(12):5-9
在影响公共品需求结构的诸多因素中,收入水平的高低为最关键,收入水平与公共品需求结构有着直接的关系。按照需求弹性可将公共品分为高端产品、中端产品和低端产品三种类型。通过对收入水平不同群体的效用差异分析,推导出均衡公共品需求结构的形成与公共品收入扩展线。理论分析表明公共品需求结构随着收入增加而逐渐由低端产品向高端产品转移,并在一定经济水平出现拐点,从而为研究公共品的最佳供给结构提供了理论依据和基础。  相似文献   

Environmental and Resource Economics - The Kyoto Protocol has received much criticism for its effectiveness as well as the spillover effect (i.e. carbon leakage and competitiveness loss). This...  相似文献   

文章考察了当前背景下政府对地方民众公共品需求偏好的响应能力,利用1998~2008年期间的公共支出样本值测算了中国地方公共支出偏差指数,并引入不同选区人大代表指标作为民主参与的工具变量,以此体现政府响应能力。实证结果发现,财政分权、民主参与和公共品供需偏差三个变量之间存在着显著的内生关联;分权体制导致了政府公共品供给扭曲,而民主参与则部分抵消了公共品供需偏差。  相似文献   

本文在Anam和Shiang的研究框架中,提出一个基于随机和相关需求的相互贸易模型,其中政府通过设置环境税(或提供生产补贴)来实现环境改善(或市场份额扩张)的目标。论文的结论表明,在相关需求条件下非合作与合作最优环境税均高于确定需求条件下的环境税水平,且环境税将随着随机需求风险、市场间正相关系数和风险偏好态度的增加而上升。同时,由于相关需求和跨边界污染的存在,政府在合作条件下更加关注怎样抑制生态倾销的动机,因此,合作条件下的环境税高于古诺纳什均衡条件下的水平。  相似文献   

鉴于我国环境问题日益突出的现实,企业层次环境信息的重要性日益突出.本文从需求与供给的角度分析了企业环境信息披露行为.在需求角度,投资者、政府,社会公众等是企业环境利益的重要相关者;在供给角度,企业管理层可能在披露成本及行为合法化、竞争策略影响等因素之间进行权衡.由此需要增加环境利益相关者的影响力,从而提升企业的环境信息披露水平.  相似文献   

Are environmental services luxuriesor necessities? Are low-income groupsrelatively more willing to pay forenvironmental improvements than high-incomegroups? The discussion on the shape of theenvironmental Kuznets curve and environmentaljustice call for analyses that approach thesequestions. Following a survey-based approachfor modelling the demand for public goods, thispaper provides estimates of income and priceelasticities of demand for reduced marineeutrophication effects in the case of theBaltic Sea, using data from five Swedishcontingent valuation studies. Point estimatesindicate that reduced marine eutrophicationeffects can be classified as a necessity and anordinary and price elastic service. Confidenceintervals show however that the classificationas a necessity is not statisticallysignificant. Income elasticities of willingnessto pay, not to be confused with incomeelasticities of demand, are estimated for abroad range of environmental services inSweden. A basic finding is that income tends toinfluence willingness to pay positively andsignificantly. The elasticity estimates are inmost cases greater than zero, but less thanunity, indicating that the benefits ofenvironmental improvements tend to beregressively distributed. In a cost-benefitanalysis of a project suggesting environmentalimprovements, distributional concerns thereforecall for an introduction of weights or at leasta sensitivity analysis of how weighting wouldchange decisions about the project's socialprofitability.  相似文献   

In this paper, we model a two‐sector small open economy with emissions and unemployment associated with the fair wage effort hypothesis, and investigate the environmental and employment impact of an emission tax, a subsidy for purchasing environmental goods in the downstream polluting industry, and a subsidy to the upstream eco‐industry. We then show that if the eco‐industry is skilled labor intensive relative to the polluting final goods industry, while a subsidy for purchasing environmental goods decreases the unemployment rate of unskilled labor, it may increase total emissions. In contrast, the emission tax and the subsidy to eco‐industry firms worsen the unemployment rate, though both policies decrease total emissions. Hence, if the emission tax is set equal to the marginal environmental damage, and either a downstream or upstream subsidy is used to mitigate unskilled unemployment, the optimal subsidy to purchase the goods is positive whereas the optimal subsidy to the eco‐industry is negative, i.e., a tax on the eco‐industry.  相似文献   

城市社区公共物品的供给成为社区基层治理和促进社区建设发展的关键问题,供需不匹配是制约社区公共物品有效供给的主要困境.基于供给和需求主体心理偏好行为,以内在整体感知价值最大化目标为导向构建公共物品供需双边匹配目标优化模型,对社区养老服务进行实证分析.最终,从主体心理行为不同角度得出不同供需匹配方案,并提出供需匹配要以供需主体心理偏好为出发点,信息对称为保障前提,供需主体互评体系为手段,形成系统化自主决策机制,进而实现供需高效对接并增进供给整体满意度,为提升城市社区公共物品资源配置效率提供理论支撑.  相似文献   

Benefit transfer is a method for estimating the value of environmental goods that involves the use of past information on identical or similar goods. This paper considers the extent to which benefit transfer can be based on prior distributions elicited from expert opinion. We propose two alternative methods to elicit the parameters of a prior distribution from experts on environmental valuation. An experiment is carried out on the value of National Parks in Spain. The results from the elicited distributions are compared with the information provided by onsite samples of visitors. The results indicate that individual experts made different predictions about the potential value of the policy areas that were diverse and unable to accurately predict the value for each policy site. However, the average across the elicited distributions approaches the estimated distribution with empirical data and accurately predicts the relative values for the two policy sites considered.  相似文献   


In recent years, there has been an increase in awareness of trans-boundary pollution that places environmental assets at risk both globally and regionally. Globally, manmade pollutants have degraded the stratospheric ozone shield, the oceans, the atmosphere and the biodiversity of the planet. Regionally, these pollutants have harmed aquifers, rivers, lakes, soils and forests. Harmful effects of acid rains, greenhouse gasses, and thin ozone shield are not concentrated within political boundaries of a country, thus jeopardizing the well-being of people in other countries. These trans-boundary pollution problems—termed as Transnational Public Goods (TPGs)—often share two common features: strategic interactions among nations and public good properties. This paper applies the theory of voluntary provisions of TPGs to the behavior of nations to curb chloro-fluoro-carbon emissions that, in large part, preceded the ratification and institution of the Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer.


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