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Holmström’s [Holmström, B., 1982/1999. Managerial incentive problems: a dynamic perspective. Review of Economic Studies 66, 169–182. Originally published in: Essays in Economics and Management in Honour of Lars Wahlbeck, Helsinki] career concerns model has become a workhorse for analyzing agency issues in many fields. The underlying signal jamming argument requires players to use information in a Bayesian way, which is difficult to directly test with field data: typically little is known about the information that individuals base their decisions on. Our laboratory experiment provides prima facie evidence: (i) the signal jamming mechanism successfully creates incentives on the labor supply side; (ii) decision errors take time to decrease; (iii) while subjects’ average beliefs are remarkably consistent with play, a mild winner’s curse arises on the labor demand side.  相似文献   

团队科学创造力是高校创新教育的前沿主题,其形成机理亟待研究。80个理工科大学生科技创新团队样本数据表明:团队创新氛围对团队科学创造力具有显著正向预测作用,团队内部动机在两者关系中起部分中介作用。同时,协作型共享心智模式调节了团队内部动机与团队科学创造力之间的关系,而任务型共享心智模式的调节效应不显著。  相似文献   

We study optimal incentive contracts when commitments are limited, and agents have multiple tasks and career concerns. The agent's career concerns are determined by the outside market. We show that the principal might want to give the strongest explicit incentives to agents far from retirement to account for the fact that career concerns might induce behavior in conflict with the principal's preferences. Furthermore, we show that maximized welfare might be decreasing in the strength of career concerns, that optimal incentives can be positively correlated with various measures of uncertainty, and that career incentives have strong implications for optimal job design.  相似文献   

While much attention has been devoted to information and communication technologies, a more fundamental change at the start of the new millennium is the increasing importance of innovation for economic prosperity and the emergence of a learning society. The analysis in this paper shows that innovation should be understood as a broad social and economic activity: it should transcend any specific technology, even if revolutionary, and should be tied to attitudes and behaviors oriented towards the exploitation of change by adding value.We build on the idea of inclusive learning, which entails a process of shared prosperity across the globe following local specific conditions, and argue that it is crucial to understand the features of knowledge-induced growth in rich countries, as well as the challenges and opportunities for late-industrialized and less-developed countries. To achieve these objectives, we emphasize the relative importance of infrastructures and incentives, but considering the increasingly important role of institutions towards the development of social capital. This is because learning societies will increasingly rely on “distributed knowledge bases” as a systematically coherent set of knowledge maintained across an economically and/or socially integrated set of agents and institutions.This broad concept has motivated the work behind the present paper, which builds on material presented at the 5th International Conference on Technology Policy and Innovation (ICTPI), which was held in Delft, The Netherlands, in June of 2001. Under the broad designation of “critical infrastructures,” the Conference brought together a range of experts to discuss technology, policy and management in a context much influenced by the dynamics of the process of knowledge accumulation, which drives learning societies. Thus, this special issue includes a set of extended contributions to the Delft conference, and the aim of this introductory paper is to set the stage for these contributions, with an original contribution on possible views on the role critical infrastructures play to foster innovation in the learning society.  相似文献   

领导-团队模式普遍存在于各种各样的企业中,已有研究表明,领导风格会对团队成员造成多方面影响,进而影响团队绩效,但这些研究未从不同维度区分团队管理绩效,尤其忽略了创新绩效,也没有结合中国特定情境对领导风格进行划分,更没有考虑不同领导风格对不同绩效尤其是创新绩效的影响。基于团队理论和领导行为理论,将团队绩效划分为常规绩效和创新绩效,结合中国情境将领导风格划分为专制型和民主型,研究了不同领导风格对不同绩效的影响及其影响机制。结果表明,团队绩效的变化能够用领导风格来解释,民主型领导风格通过组织认同影响团队创新绩效,专制型领导风格通过团队执行力影响团队常规绩效。  相似文献   

创业激情是创业活动的关键驱动力,失败情境下如何激发创业激情成为学者关注焦点。现有研究主要探讨创业激情的影响,缺少对创业激情激发机制的研究,针对创业失败团队创业激情激发机制的研究更少。从失败修复视角探讨团队创业激情激发路径,构建创业失败修复与团队创业激情关系概念模型,以核心团队成员作为研究样本进行实证检验。结果发现,创业失败修复过程的有效推进是激发团队创业激情的先决条件;创业失败修复通过影响团队成员共享心智模式而影响团队创业激情,将创业失败修复产生的学习成果聚合为团队共享认知模式,从而加速创业知识向创业能力转化,是重燃创业激情的关键。据此,提出团队创业激情激发策略,为创业团队重燃创业激情、重启创业行动提供理论指引。  相似文献   

Collaboration, peer review and open source software   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Open source software development may be superior to proprietary development because the open source organizational form naturally minimizes transactions costs associated with privately distributed information. This manifests itself in the ability of open source communities to encourage critical peer review and the sharing of ideas. When these activities are important, the open source organizational form may do better than a proprietary organizational form. My results suggest why open source is particularly powerful when maintainability of software is critical, and also suggest that the founder of a software project may be more likely to choose open source if there is an existing dominant proprietary software project.  相似文献   

以离心力和向心力为中介变量,以共享领导为调节变量,实证考察了高技术企业研发团队成员异质性对团队创新绩效的影响。研究发现:成员异质性一方面增加了团队向心力而具有创新优势,另一方面增加了离心力而具有创新劣势;共享领导作为调节变量,正向调节了成员异质性与团队离心力的正相关关系,负向调节了成员异质性与团队向心力的负相关关系。  相似文献   

心理资本的概念最早被应用于描述个体层面的成长和发展。近年来,研究者已将心理资本的概念从个体层面拓展到了团队层面,并由此对其展开了一系列研究。通过对已有文献进行述评发现,对于团队心理资本的结构、测量、机理还缺乏深入的理论和实证研究。提出后续研究应从团队心理资本结构要素的构建、作用机理的厘清,以及研究对象、方法、视角等方面展开更为深入的探讨。  相似文献   

本文以汕头澄海"见客制"为例,在salop环状城市模型中引入产品差异性,通过这个扩展模型,对集群的两种营销模式(联盟营销和团体营销)进行了分析.本文的主要结论是,集群的营销模式与产品的差异性有关,随着集群产品差异性的演变,集群的营销模式也会随之演变.当集群产品差异化较大的时候,厂商更愿意采取联盟营销,反之,厂商会采取团体营销.另外,本文给出了最优的团体营销规模.  相似文献   

团队共享心智模式的构建有利于提高团队绩效,是增强科研团队综合实力的关键因素。以团队过程敏捷性为中介变量,以团队互依性为调节变量,探索共享心智模式对团队绩效的作用机制。以238名软件开发行业人员为研究对象,运用层级回归分析法以及基于拔靴法的结构方程模型对理论框架进行实证分析。研究结果表明:过程敏捷性在共享心智模式与团队绩效之间具有完全中介作用,团队互依性在共享心智模式与过程敏捷性之间具有正向调节作用,但在共享心智模式、团队互依性、过程敏捷性和团队绩效关系模型中,有调节的中介效应并不显著。  相似文献   

长期以来,对于分配制度原则的选择,我国经历了从单纯的按劳分配,到按劳分配为主、其他分配形式为辅,再到按劳分配与按生产要素分配相结合这样一个较长的过程。按劳分配是以马克思主义理论为依据的。社会主义初级阶段的基本经济制度决定了我们必须把按劳分配和按要素分配两种不同的分配方式结合起来。按劳分配与按生产要素分配两种分配方式的结合是我国建立社会主义市场经济体制的客观要求。  相似文献   

The relationship between man and nature seems highly diverse during the evolving process of human society.Numerous destructive consequences incurring from the early stage of the industrialization led to man's severe concern about ecological and environment issues. In 1972, a book entitled "The Limits To Growth" ushered in a worldwide argumentation cam paign, and forced man to realize that the bearing capacity of ecological surroundings is finite, and the quantity of resources is numbered as well. Admittedly, the human advance in science and technology, from the long-term viewpoint, is capable of discovering new types of energy and resources. However, each specific period of human history is always endangered due to the crisis of energy and resources. Therefore the core of the retainable development lies in variation of the outdated pattern of economic growth as well as pursuit to the new substitutes.  相似文献   

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