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自2008年6月第四次战略经济对话上中美双方领导人就正式启动双边投资协定(BIT)谈判达成共识以来,谈判已经进行了九轮。但在九轮的谈判中,双方仅限于技术性磋商,进展缓慢,根本原因在于双方分歧较大,主要集中在美国范本中的准入前国民待遇和负面清单模式,这两个问题对我国现有经济管理体制和外商投资政策构成了一个很大的挑战。因此,中美之间的双边投资协定谈判似乎注定将是一个漫长的过程。  相似文献   

On the basis of two case-studies (commercial services and educational or training services) this article tries to point out the main types of output which can be &fined and possibly measured in order to extend to service activities the traditional approach of industrial output. Two lines are finally suggested, distinguishing between direct (or immediate) output, which designates the amount of services received; and indirect (or mediate) output, which would be the concepts of effects produced, beyond immediate supply, by the services on their beneficiaries (households or producers).  相似文献   

Geo-economic tensions, notably associated with the rise of China, and global collective action problems—climate change and the COVID-19pandemic—call for international cooperation to revise and develop rules to guide both the use of domestic subsidies and responses by governments to cross-border competition spillover effects. Current WTO rules dividing all subsidies into prohibited or actionable categories are no longer fit for purpose. Piecemeal efforts in preferential trade agreements and bi- or trilateral configurations offer a basis on which to build but are too narrow in scope. Addressing spillover effects of subsidies could start with G20 countries launching a work programme to mobilise an epistemic community concerned with subsidy policies, tasked with building a more solid evidence base on the magnitude, purpose and effects of subsidy policies. The need for such cooperation has become even more pressing by the COVID-19 pandemic and associated increase in the use of subsidy programmes in major economies.  相似文献   

More than ever, corporations are expected to practice “citizenship” by engaging in various community or social philanthropy programs. These corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs have broad appeal among business scholars, business executives, and the public. After first setting some theoretical boundaries for CSR as it relates to the legal and strategic management fields, the authors examine how CSR (both its implementation and expectations) can lead to unintended results, compromising the distinct roles business and government play in market-driven, democratic systems.  相似文献   

我们对国际金融危机的预测是失误的,解读是失误的,教训的吸取也是失误的。本文指出,经济危机并非只和资本主义制度相伴随,只要存在三个必备条件,就会周期性地出现经济危机。尽管经济危机必不可免,但它具有三重革命性作用。中国应对国际金融危机为国际社会作出了重大贡献,但中国式的应对定会产生许多中国式的问题和困难。  相似文献   

晚近,国际法学界掀起了一股"WTO宪政化"的思潮,本文从实然、应然两个层面对WTO宪政化进行分析与反思,在实然状态上,WTO具有不完全的宪政化特征,在应然方面,WTO既不应该也不能够宪政化。文章在分析了"WTO宪政化"思潮兴起的原因后,指出应从发展中国家的角度分析问题,正确对待WTO宪政思潮。  相似文献   

关于刺激消费问题的理论反思   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
田学斌 《消费经济》2003,19(1):57-60
在刺激消费的研究中,有些观点存在谬误,这些谬误可能造成理论上的混乱和实践中的误导。本文试就此提出反思,抛砖引玉,就教于师长同仁。  相似文献   

Participation at the local level is an important factor in determining the success of programmes developed to achieve sustainable development. This paper is concerned with debates over the role of the individual citizen in relation to that participatory process. In particular, it focuses on the UK government's citizens’ environmental initiative ‘Going for Green’. Through this initiative a five‐point Green Code was developed to assist in the delivering of its sustainable development message. The initiative's overall approach to participation was based on an assumption that the primary barrier to translating environmental concern into local action was a lack of information, and individuals would respond to messages in a similar way. As a research strategy, the case study was used to evaluate methods and processes used to implement the initiative's pilot Sustainable Communities Project in two comparative geographical communities in Merthyr Tydfil (South Wales). Research findings from this study have demonstrated that the case study was invaluable in terms of understanding the participatory process and experiences of a broad range of community stakeholders. Promoting a single model of participation was found to restrict the participatory process in terms of who was encouraged to participate, the scope of their participation, and those outcomes that could be achieved. This paper concludes that if significant progress is to be made in relation to achieving sustainable development, the role of individual citizens needs to be extended beyond that of a consumer of the environment, and also include active participation in a process that is based on collective action.  相似文献   

孙敏 《大经贸》2001,(3):94-95
现代都市生活紧张的节奏让很多人吃不消,心理疾患成了都市流行病,于是"善待自己"成了时尚。生活在繁华都市中的人们,为工作忙碌,为家庭操劳,紧张  相似文献   

A book written by John H. Jackson,'Sovereignty, the WTO and Changing Fundamentals of International Law, published by Cambridge University Press, compares some of the traditional views concerning the fundamentals and logic of the general subject of international law, and to relate those issues to the subject of international economic law, particularly as represented by the history and practice of the WTO system. The author's thoughts are based on the book.  相似文献   

In this paper we review the changes in economic theory that have taken place since current consumer protection regimes were first developed in the 1960s and 70s. We draw from this evolution in economic theory the basic principle that information, and the complex ways in which information works both in the marketplace and in regulatory regimes, should form the core of a set of principles for rethinking consumer protection policy. We go on to propose a number of such information-based principles as a guide for the redesign of consumer protection policy to deal with an increasingly global and complex consumer marketplace.  相似文献   

教学督导是教学质量监控、维护教学秩序、保障教学质量的重要因素。面对高职教育迅猛发展的今天,教学督导存在督导内容单一、疏于实践、轻于指导等不足,为了改善督导这一机制,必须树立以人为本的督导理念,明确督导内容、提高督导水平,从而更好地发挥教学督导的作用。  相似文献   

绿色消费:未来消费的必然选择   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘飞燕 《消费经济》2001,17(4):14-15
随着人们生活水平的提高,人们环境意识的增强和国际环保浪潮的高涨,以购买使用“环境标志”产品为特征的“绿色消费”越来越成为世界总体消费的大趋势,无论是家用电器,还是食品及日用口 ,只要使用了绿色环保标志,不仅意味着产品的质量有保障,而且还能给人们带来健康和安全,上方是太阳,下方是叶片,中心为蓓蕾,组成一个正圆形,这就是绿色产品的标志,实施环境标志,意味着对一种产品进行“从摇篮到坟墓”的全过程环保控制,从而使产品从原料生产到回收利用全过程对环境影响最小,有专家预言,未来的消费必将是完全绿色的消费。  相似文献   

目前每每谈论绿色消费,人们想到的就是绿色产品的生产、技术、标准、认证、营销与消费、其实,这样理解绿色消费很不全面,生产、技术、标准、认证与营销属于生产、流通的范略,绿色消费固然不能缺少绿色生产与绿色流通的条件,却并不以它们为内容构成,否则,就会造成理论混乱,影响我们从绿色消费本身去研究绿色消费的发展问题,消费绿勾通产品当然属于绿色消费,但如果说它就是绿色消费,那我们的祖先早已有绿色消费,偏远落后地区的人们正在进行绿色消费,如此绿色消费,还有什么内涵与价值呢?笔者以为,所谓绿色消费,是我们对于自身长期以来无视生态环境而片面追求高额消费行为的深刻反思,并在此基础上提出的坚持在人与自然和谐统一中实现需要全面,持续与最大化满足的全新的消费方式,这样认识问题,我们对绿色消费的理论研究才能系统,深入,也才能引导消费在新世纪真正走向文明、健康与科学。  相似文献   

随着经济和社会的发展,市场提供给消费者的选择更加多种多样,新产品、新品牌的大量涌现令消费者无所适从。然而,消费者不可能也没必要去透彻了解产品所有特性、用法、品牌为人们提供了购买的理由,消费者通常通过品牌来了解产品及企业的信息,依据品牌选购商品已成为一种普遍现象。品牌与消费有着内在的非常积极的良性互动关系。  相似文献   

This paper examines the concept of sustainable consumption by focusing on the consumption habits of Irish consumers. The key research findings fit into three broad and interrelated categories. Firstly, whilst recent sustainable consumption literature suggests that new research should focus on the issue of consumption, in and of itself, our study shows that consumers themselves view environmental problems from a supply and not a demand perspective. They focus on issues such as recycling and waste and not consumption itself. Secondly, our study shows that consumers have green opinions about very diverse issues and these are directly related to the individuals' lifestyles. Finally, our research shows that “material green” consumers are buying into a particular image in their consumption practices. This is very much connected to the meanings of their consumption that are derived from the communication value they attach to commodities. As such our study provides support for earlier conceptual research which suggests that in order to encourage less consumption we must use existing commodity discourse to achieve such ends.  相似文献   

重新认识流通(上)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文认为,流通是商流、物流、信息流和资金流的总和.在卖方市场常态下,生产决定流通,但在买方市场常态下,消费通过流通决定生产是一个客观的实际;分配方式决定流通方式,而流通调节分配数量和结构,对分配能否进行到底起决定作用;消费水平、结构和速度对流通规模、结构和速度具有制约作用,而流通对实现消费有决定作用.目前我国流通业并未形成大流通格局,流通主体不成熟,流通秩序比较混乱,流通科技含量低,尚未形成完善的市场体系,制约着流通业的进一步发展.  相似文献   

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