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在我国,尽管近年来以维护公共利益为目标的民事公益诉讼层出不穷,但法院大都以不具备原告资格而不予受理.本文在对民事公益诉讼原告资格的缺失和理论缺陷进行分析的基础上,提出建立以公民提起民事公益诉讼为主的民事公益诉讼制度.  相似文献   


The aim of this paper is to describe, conceptualise and critically discuss how and with what consequences marketing is used to construct a mass market for vegan substitutes. Drawing on the concepts of the marketing device and qualification, it shows how Oatly – a Swedish company making oat-based products – enrols three sets of marketing devices, i.e. digital media, packaging and stores, to simultaneously ‘alternativise’ and ‘convenienise’ its range of vegan products. The result is the material and discursive construction of a range of vegan products that is qualified as different enough from conventional dairy products to be an attractive alternative, but similar enough to fit into existing practices of shopping for food, cooking and eating. By qualifying products along multiple registers, Oatly constructs ‘plastic’ products, which can be consumed, for various reasons, by various groups of consumers thus enacting a multi-niche market for its products.  相似文献   


How do market intermediaries help other market actors see the market and their opportunities for action within it? This article introduces a theoretical framework of performative sensemaking to explore this question using the case of advertising agencies and their clients. Drawing on 12 months of participant observation and 81 interviews conducted across four general market American advertising agencies, the article illustrates how advertising practitioners provide their clients with visions of what the market is and what opportunities for action lie within it, developing advertising campaigns to match that vision. These performed accounts of the market are dynamically negotiated and socially embedded, reflecting the identities of the clients, their target audiences, and the intermediaries themselves. Because intermediaries dramaturgically perform these interpretations of the market for their client in micro-level interactions, they must also deal with contestation and negotiation over their visions of the market.  相似文献   

Wine products possess pronounced cultural and symbolic characteristics. Given how hard it is to differentiate the product's more objective dimensions, it is important to understand the emotions and feelings that accompany wine purchasing, consuming or sharing experiences. The present study uses a writing workshop and literature review to uncover the relationships between the dimensions of the emotions that people feel during an experience of this kind, along with the mode of expression of different consumer groups. It also offers specific analysis of the role played by brands among the different characteristics of emotions. Towards this end, a series of wine‐related experiential narratives has been compiled and treated via a structural text analysis approach followed by lexical contents analysis. One of the findings breaks consumers' involvement down into four categories of emotions. Another comes from a content analysis of the narratives that will differentiate among three separate consumer groups. Lastly, suggestions will be made in terms of wider consequences for the field of wine marketing.  相似文献   

This research examines the previously unstudied role of cultural attachment in international negotiations. Specifically focusing on the fearful attachment style, this article reveals the intricate interaction of cultural attachment, risk perception, and risk regulation on negotiators' ability to claim value in international negotiation. Supporting our theorizing based on cultural attachment and prospect theory, findings show that risk‐averse sellers with fearful attachment to their national culture perceive greater risk and in turn are more motivated to regulate risk through relationship‐building with their counterpart (Study 1). Moreover, these individuals achieve lower economic gains when they regulate relational risk by making fewer threats to walk away (Study 2). We discuss the implications and the importance of understanding one's attachment to own national culture as its interplay with role and risk mechanisms impacts effectiveness in international negotiations.  相似文献   


The study of resilience for organisations and their extended supply chains has become an important field given the increase of supply chain disruptions. The 2010 and 2011 Christchurch earthquakes provide an opportunity to examine the resilience of supply chains to a disaster; the specific context of this study is the product category of wine. Theoretically, we use a three phase model of disaster resilience; readiness, response and recovery, to frame our study of the wine supply chain. We adopt a case study method to examine five members of the wine distribution channel, as a subsector of the fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) industry, from the wholesale sector to retail. We identify key factors of supply chain resilience: building performance, distributed networks of locations and IT, owned assets, critical infrastructure and adaptable work force. We report on the actions taken and what can mitigate future risk and enhance resilience in FMCG supply chains.  相似文献   

历史文化名城旅游发展优化:以西安市为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
体验经济时代的到来对历史文化名城旅游提出了新的挑战,体验经济与历史文化名城旅游的不和谐体现在文物保护和旅游开发、资源禀赋和体验经济内涵、旅游产品形式和游客体验本质的不和谐三个方面。在构建历史文化名城旅游系统基础上,从开发理念、产品设计和旅游服务等角度提出历史文化名城旅游发展优化的思路,并结合典型历史文化名城西安进行案例研究。  相似文献   

In this study, we conducted an experimental auction to determine the impacts that “experiential augmentation,” a phenomenon in which a physical location impacts decision‐making, has on consumers’ willingness to pay (WTP) for wine. The experiment elicited subjects’ valuation under experiential augmentation conditions for three types of wine grown in the Mt. Etna area in Sicily, Italy. Our findings indicate that experiential augmentation increased consumers’ WTP for wine. Our results suggest that experiential marketing practices explicitly related to the environment where the wine is produced and consumed can lead to increased valuation for wine.  相似文献   

Using a sample of 146 Canadian wine‐producing firms, I analyze the link between knowledge sources and innovation by examining the way in which different strategies influence a firm's capacity for innovation. I then examine which innovation strategies are more strongly linked to innovation and the extent to which there are differences amongst wine‐producing regions in Canada. Copyright © 2015 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This project examines the advertising industry as a self-governing space that is guided by its own internal logics, but is nonetheless influenced by social dynamics at play in the larger social space. Using Bourdieu's theory of practice as a theoretical and analytical framework, this study explores the relationship between cultural capital and economic capital. Specifically, I examine the degree to which Hispanic practitioners have leveraged their knowledge of Latina(o) culture and their proficiency in Spanish as profits of distinction within the marketplace. Qualitative interviews conducted with Hispanic ad agents, general market ad agents and clients reveal that the position that Latinas(os) occupy within the social hierarchy has created both opportunities and boundaries for Hispanic agencies. This paper focuses on the practices that allow Hispanic agencies to isolate Latinas(os) from other consumers, distinguishing them institutionally and entitling them to dedicated marketing resources, but I also discuss the limitations to these practices and how such a narrow expression of the Hispanic agency's cultural capital ultimately limits their access to economic capital.  相似文献   


This qualitatively-based empirical research explored the strategies used by two museums to manage their roles in co-production as well as how they manage, motivate and guide visitors through the process of co-production. We also gained insights into how visitors responded to these strategies. Our findings suggest that the two museums employ different strategies to co-produce the consumption experience and that their strategies were linked to the nature of authenticity that is apparent in the museums. Strategies included explicitly controlling the visitor experience through empowering visitors to design their own visitor experience. The success of these strategies relied on the two museums recognising the situational variables of the context of consumption and adopting appropriate strategies that enabled them and the visitors to leverage the value of the visitor experience. The findings from this study suggest that further research should be undertaken on how authenticity might be integrated into a service-dominant logic paradigm and service strategies aimed at enhancing the co-creation of value.  相似文献   

While places are recognized as sites of consumption within the field of consumer behaviour, they have yet to be generally accepted as forms of consumption. This study investigates the idea of place as a consumption object by comparing conceptions of city and country within a cross‐cultural sample. Thirty‐six consumers living in the US, the UK and Australia were interviewed to explore their thoughts and feelings relating to the cities and countries in which they reside. The findings provide empirical support for key conceptualizations of place in the sociology literature and extend consumer behaviour theory to include considerations of the physical, social and cultural aspects of place that impact upon consumption. In addition, the findings portray places as entities that are assessed, selected and experienced in comparable ways to products.  相似文献   

This article describes the role of health and life sciences as drivers for regional development and prosperity in the Baltic Sea Region. The rapid development of new technologies in combination with steadily increasing data mining capabilities revolutionizes prediction, prevention, and treatment of illnesses. Together with the demographic change, this will challenge the sustainability of regional and national health systems across the BSR. Furthermore, globalization potentially leads to major threats to the health of citizens by pandemic incidents. Due to their dimension and the fragmentation of health care systems and markets, these challenges can be met only with new, multidimensional, cross-sectoral, and innovative approaches involving a broad range of actors and stakeholders. Furthermore, there is a growing need to incorporate health concerns and innovation issues into all policy levels. For the Baltic Sea Region this is both a challenge and an economic opportunity.  相似文献   

公证执业的风险与控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
公证执业风险的表现形态分为真实性风险、合法性风险。公证执业风险应从加强公证执业保障体系、完善公证处内部质量管理制度、加强公证员业务技能培训和完善立法等四个方面进行控制。  相似文献   

This paper extends previous research on the framing effect from single-alternative and single-attribute to multi-alternative and multi-attribute situations. Two experimental studies demonstrate that attribute framing and goal framing influence consumer decision-making in multi-attribute and multi-alternative situations. The results indicate that attribute framing influences only the perceived evaluation of the specific alternatives along a framed attribute, in that the perceived evaluation of the framed attribute is higher in the positive attribute framing condition than in the negative. On the other hand, goal framing influences only the weight of a framed attribute. Specifically, the weight of the framed attribute becomes more important in the positive goal framing condition than in the negative. Further, the results suggest that the attribute framing effects are attributable to the changes in mental representation in the encoding stage of the decision, rather than in the judgment stage.  相似文献   

The demise of communism in the post command economies (PCEs) has created considerable interest from both academics and practitioners. As a result, a myriad of Western marketing academics and practitioners have been exploring the region. Despite the abundance of literature on cross-cultural research and practice, many PCE researchers have failed to consider fundamental issues related to cross-cultural/cross-national research design. This paper highlights a number of problems researchers face when investigating PCE regional phenomena. In particular, the authors discuss the issue of commonality and demonstrate how the use of multivariate analyses can be effectively used to: (1) identify more homogenous groupings of PCEs; and, (2) validate marketing constructs developed outside the PCEs. Though based on analyses of the interdependence of political and economic variables, the authors identify sub-groupings of countries that largely reflect traditional geo-cultural groupings: the Baltics, Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Russia and Peripheral, and Ccntral Asia. The authors also discuss traditional cross-cultural research approaches and demonstrate how the operationalisation of appropriate approaches can improve the application of regional marketing stratey and validity of PCE findings.  相似文献   

In the past few decades, the modern marketplace has offered consumers a proliferation of models for consumption based on sharing and access. Extant literature provides systematic examinations of motives for consuming products through the sharing economy on the demand side, but factors that affect consumers' asset-providing decisions on the supply side remain understudied. The current paper explores whether the socioeconomic environment one grew up in might produce a long-lasting impact on willingness to sharing one’s unused assets. Results from the analysis of a national-level field dataset and six preregistered studies (combined N = 45,289) reveal that lower childhood socioeconomic status can hinder consumers’ asset-providing behavior, an effect that holds beyond the influence of other factors such as current SES and asset availability. We identify greater territorial feelings towards one’s assets as a central mechanism driving the decreased asset-providing behavior of consumers with a lower childhood socioeconomic background, and we show that asset providers’ closeness to potential borrowers attenuates the negative impact of lower childhood SES.  相似文献   

论新经济下虚拟经济的阶段发展与实体经济   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
邓瑛 《财贸研究》2004,15(1):7-12
作为新经济的一种重要形态 ,虚拟经济在其发展过程中经历了四个阶段与形态。它不仅对实体经济具有极大的依赖性 ,而且由于其运行方式的独特性 ,虚拟经济在其不同发展阶段也能对实体经济产生巨大的反作用 ,突出地表现在递增效应、溢出效应、异化效应和挤出效应上。由于当前虚拟经济的发展规模已经大大超过实体经济 ,逐渐在向异化效应的方向发展 ,因此 ,采取有效措施防止虚拟经济进一步趋向膨胀阶段 ,最大限度地消除“挤出效应” ,乃是各国宏观经济管理部门的当务之急。  相似文献   

自然人亦称个人,是最古老的国际贸易经营主体,其资格几乎都已得到各国法律的确认。然而,我国主要法律则一向未承认自然人的外贸经营主体资格,直到2004年修订新《对外贸易法》时,才确认了本国自然人的主体资格,并确立了备案登记制。各国法律、我国外贸法关于自然人外贸经营主体资格的认定和取得;我国自然人主体在国际贸易经营中的作用与缺憾。  相似文献   

This article suggests that under weak institutional arrangements, adverse economic conditions, and institutional voids in a late liberalizing economy, local firms that are part of the global value chains of multinational enterprises develop international networks as a balancing strategy to engage in exploratory innovations. We argue that local firms do so in order to counter the negative influences of local institutions on exploratory innovations. Using exploratory in-depth qualitative analysis, we study the suppliers of motorcycle parts in Pakistan that are working with leading Japanese and Chinese motorcycle assemblers. The results suggest that in adverse economic situations local institutional factors can sustain only the development of exploitative innovations. As a balancing strategy, motorcycle part suppliers develop international networks with global Tier 1 suppliers, international trade fairs, and international institutions. This strategy helps circumvent the negative influence of home institutional factors on developing exploratory innovations. Our study highlights the importance of global networks as a balancing strategy for creating exploratory innovations by firms in a late liberalizing economy.  相似文献   

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