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陈业忠是闽西革命老区这块红土地孕育出来的“营销明星”、“农民企业家”。他为朱德红军曾经战斗过的革命老区——福建漳平市永福的花卉、反季节蔬菜打开外地销售市场、先富带后富、激活老区“三农”一片天,成为倍受老区人民推崇、爱戴的致富奔小康领路人。  相似文献   

被誉为“农民运动的大王”。采取农会的组织形式,在农村掀起了一场社会革命。 彭湃自1922年6月开始到农村从事农民运动。他采取农会的组织形式,把农民组织起来与剥削阶级作斗争。1922年7月29日,彭湃邀集志同道合的进步农民张妈安等5人,正式成立“六人农会”,这是形成农会组织的第一步。  相似文献   

“革命老区+民族地区”叠加区域见证了中国各族人民选择中国共产党的历史,有着全国各族人民认同中国共产党的牢固根基。“革命老区+民族地区”叠加区域的特殊性在于它不仅是民族成分多元的革命老区,而且有别于一般少数民族聚居区。“革命老区+民族地区”叠加区域乡村地理位置偏远、经济发展水平落后、民族特质显著、发展依赖政策扶持。“革命老区+民族地区”叠加区域高质量推进乡村振兴,要充分考虑到区域因素与民族因素有机结合,进一步发掘丰厚的红色资源和革命元素。具体到实践,亟待在审视均衡性治理与国家化整合、政策衔接与战略规划的基础上,深入探析历史牵绊与现实挑战,把握政策联动、社会巨变、生态治理、文化集成的“后发”优势。“革命老区+民族地区”叠加区域乡村振兴行动的开展,需要加快产业融合振兴,积极培育“红色产业+民族特色产业”;就地盘活党史中的民族团结教育资源,为铸牢中华民族共同体意识凝心聚力;发挥红色文化与生态文化浸润功能,防止返贫文化惯性并防范民俗异化;有效推进基层全过程人民民主,扭转民主治理的“少-边-穷”困局。  相似文献   

职业农民(farmer)是指将农业作为产业进行经营,并充分利用市场机制和规则来获取报酬,以期实现利润最大化的理性经济人。与职业农民相对的是传统农民(peasantry)。据美国人类学家沃尔夫的经典定义,传统农民主要以维持生计为目标追求,他们是身份有别于市民的群体。长久以来,西方学术界一直以“peasantry”,而不是“farmer”称呼中国农民。原因是“peasantry”作为构成中国社会的主体,过去的自给自足小农生产模式和长期未得到解决的城乡二元化结构,使得中国农民大多源自“无奈的世袭”。如今,在长三角地区,农民正由“身份”向“职业”转变,从而涌现出一个日渐扩大的职业农民群体,他们正运用市场经济规律破解“农民无法致富”的“难题”。  相似文献   

为加快农村富余劳动力向非农产业转移,促进农民增收,2004年3月农业部、财政部等六部委共同启动了“农村劳动力转移培训阳光工程”(以下简称为“阳光工程”)。阳光工程是按照“政府推动、学校主办、部门监管、农民受益”的原则,以市场需求为导向,在粮食主产区、劳动力主要输出地区、贫困地区和革命老区开展的非农产业职业技能示范性培训。  相似文献   

一项改革,让21万农民开始告别生活环境“脏乱差”的历史;一条纽带,把一个城区与118个村庄紧紧联在一起——一场由山东省烟台市莱山区发起的“垃圾革命”,首开全省城乡环卫管理一体化之先河,令农村居民体验到了一种城区居民的生活。  相似文献   

读了《农村财务会计》2002年第1期上钟声写的《农民不赞成砸“泥饭碗”》一文后,心中有些不同感触,我认为是“农民不愿捧‘泥饭碗’”,这样表述或许更准确。不可否认,农民曾经是“祖祖辈辈靠种田吃饭的”,承包田的减少可直接导致农民减收。但是,随着社会经济的发展,这种情形正在发生变化。从农民中分离出来的剩余劳力进入二、三产业的人数越来越多,有的甚至已完全“改行”,彻底打破了祖辈种田的传统。所以,农村土地承包政策也应与时俱进,才能适应社会经济发展的需要,这是其一。其二,当前农民手里的承包田确实由于各种原因…  相似文献   

由农业部等六部委组织实施的阳光工程,目前在全国28个区示范地区全面展开。阳光工程是以政府公共财政支持,主要在粮食主产区、劳动力主要输出地区、贫困地区和革命老区开展的农村劳动力转移到非农领域就业前的职业技能培训示范项目。按照“政府推动、学校主办、部门监管、农民受益”的总体原则全面推进,2004年作为试点年,有250万农民在阳光工程中沐浴党的阳光雨露。  相似文献   

11月21日,一辆披红挂彩的水果保鲜车驶入北京天安门国旗护卫队兵营.山东省烟台市牟平区观水镇将满载着胶东革命老区人民深情厚谊的近百箱“观水”牌红富土苹果送到了国旗卫士们的手中。  相似文献   

1949年,我还在学校读书,高唱着“东方红,太阳升”和“解放区的天,是明朗的天”等革命歌曲,迎来了中华人民共和国的成立。到了1951年,农村开始实行土地改革,翻身农民分到了土地,我也小学毕业在家务农。1953年,党号召农民群众组织起来,走互助合作化的道路,我们村也成立了互助组,乡村干部找到我家说:“年轻人要为社会主义建设事业出力,互助组现在还缺一个记账员,  相似文献   

This article examines the political conflict in rural society during the Popular Unity Government (1970–73) by focusing on the mobilization of forestry workers in Panguipulli, a district in southern Chile. Adopting land invasions as their main strategy in the struggle for land and power, Panguipulli workers experienced a radical politicization by aligning themselves with the Peasant Revolutionary Movement, the “peasant front” of the Revolutionary Left Movement. Because of its relation with this emerging “new left,” rural mobilization was a significant expression of the “revolution from below”, which challenged the Popular Unity's “Chilean road to socialism.” Moreover, because rural mobilization also took place in other areas throughout Chile where the Revolutionary Left Movement was influential, it gave rise to a grassroots project for radicalizing the government's agrarian reform. As a result, the rural “revolution from below” strongly influenced the content and trajectory of political conflict under the Popular Unity Government.  相似文献   

要素流动、结构转型与中国“三农”问题困境   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在总结农村改革30年的巨大成就的基础上,指出了新时期农村改革所面临的困境:虽然改革使得农村的要素流动加速、结构快速转型,但农村经济的基本制度转型却处在滞后的状态,农民始终面临着"权利贫困";既有改革只是对不平等赋权体系进行了帕雷托微小优化;基础制度的缺陷限制了农民的选择权和社会资本,降低了他们可供支配的资源流动能力,为其他利益集团损害农民权利设置了制度漏洞.30年后的农村改革又面临着新的起点和新的挑战,改革需要重塑信心,重拾勇气,凝聚智慧,从农村资源赋权制度入手,进一步落实"多予、少取、放活"的政策.  相似文献   

农村旅游厕所是我国厕所革命的短板,存在重建设轻管理等问题,下一阶段厕所工作重点在于如何"管好"、"用好"上。基于用户体验逻辑的实证研究有助于为农村旅游厕所提升公共服务质量和运营管理水平提供参考借鉴。本文运用权重综合评价方法,构建了用户体验评价指标体系,选取广东省农村旅游厕所206座进行实地评测,结合大众用户对农村旅游厕所的体验偏好调查,利用IPA方法分析农村旅游厕所用户体验评价指标的重要程度和实际表现感知,提出丰富用户体验、加强卫生保洁、创新经营模式等政策建议。  相似文献   

[目的]对英国城乡规划体系及农村规划管理的发展历程、基本经验和主要特点进行归纳总结,分析其对我国当前加强农业与农村规划管理、推进城乡统筹发展、促进新型城镇化建设的启示和借鉴意义。[方法]基于赴英国进行城乡规划体系及农村规划管理与保护方面的实地考察、培训以及相关文献的综述分析。[结果]英国城乡规划体系建立缘于其解决城镇化发展过程所产生的"大城市病"问题,其发展经历了多次修改和调整,目前形成了"区域空间战略"和"地方发展框架"两级规划结构;英国的城乡规划体系十分注重对农村地区和小城镇的规划管理和保护,形成了一系列重要规则和制度。[结论]英国在城镇化发展过程中,完整地保存了传统乡村的历史建筑、风土文化和景观环境,值得充分学习和借鉴。当前,在统筹城乡发展和推进新型城镇化建设过程中,应充分发挥规划的引导作用和社会公众的参与作用,高度重视对农业与农村的保护和规划管理,同时要注重基于中国国情的再创新。  相似文献   

区块链是当前生产经营领域提高绩效、质量的系统内超级平台。这一超级平台的机理是在一个开放的系统内建立分布式公共账本、机器信任以及智能合约。这一技术的广泛应用使经济活动本身产生了一次新的革命。如何不失时机地应用区块链技术,将乡村与不同层级城市以及国际关联主体建立共享的系统平台,迎头赶上并超越城市经济发展,是各级地方政府抓住时代机遇,转变传统理念,勇于实践的当务之急。文章就区块链经济的机理以及如何影响乡村振兴战略等进行了探索分析。  相似文献   

Giovanni Arrighi joined together questions of agrarian political economy with questions concerning the livelihoods of rural migrants and the fate of peasant communities as they dissipated. In this article, we apply Arrighi's concerns to the case of Iran to examine how processes of agrarian transformation link with trends in social stratification and upward mobility. First, we argue that land reform implemented during the reign of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi contributed to a heterogenous social differentiation of the Iranian peasantry. Second, we claim that the widening of access to credentials fostered by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini's Islamic Republic laid the tracks by which peasants and rural households could convert landholding assets into newly accessible forms of cultural capital. The benefits of these transformational processes, however, fell disproportionately to the rural middle strata created under the Pahlavi monarchy. Through the use of a new survey dataset, we show how pre‐1979 land reform in Iran favoured segments of the peasantry, not for those who remained in rural agricultural production, but instead for those who utilized landholdings as a means to transfer status and opportunities to their children after the 1979 Iranian revolution.  相似文献   

Land Tenure and Tenure Regimes in Mexico: An Overview   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This article provides an overview of the evolution of land tenure and tenure regimes in rural Mexico from colonial times to the present. It shows how, by the late nineteenth century, the dual system of indigenous communal tenure and Spanish and criollo landholdings was undermined by liberal legislation that sought to privatize community lands. This resulted in a process of disappropriation and concentration of land in a few hands, which created the setting for rural upheaval during the Mexican revolution and for the subsequent redistributive land reform and the creation of a 'social sector' consisting of ejidos and agrarian communities. By the 1960s, however, the reform sector began to enter into crisis. A reform of the Constitution and new agrarian legislation of 1992 opened the way to privatization of land in the social sector, expecting that this would dynamize production. It is shown that this has not been the case. In a context of globalization and asymmetric free-trade relations the crisis has only deepened.  相似文献   

我国城市土地储备制度的绩效分析与完善建议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作为一项制度创新,城市土地储备制度在实施过程中取得了一定的制度绩效,但也出现了很多问题;结合我国城市土地储备制度的实施情况,分析了城市土地储备制度取得的绩效和存在的问题,提出了完善城市土地储备制度的建议。  相似文献   

This article reviews the trends in government subsidies and investments in and for Indian agriculture; develops a conceptual framework and a model to assess the impact of various subsidies and investments on agricultural growth and poverty reduction; and presents reform options with regard to re‐prioritizing government spending. Subsidies in credit, fertilizer, and irrigation have been crucial for small farmers to adopt new technologies particularly during the initial stage of the green revolution in the late 1960s and 1970s. But it is now investments in agricultural research, education, and rural roads that are the three most effective public spending items in promoting agricultural growth and reducing poverty.  相似文献   

The impact of the ‘green revolution’ on wages has been a contentious issue. This paper uses the cointegration and error correction approach to identify long and short-run relationships between prices, agricultural production and wages of agricultural labourers in Bangladesh, test for homogeneity, test for weak exogeneity with the Johansen-Juselius methodology, test for a structural break, and estimate the long and short-run elasticities of nominal wages with respect to rice prices. We find that agricultural wages have strong positive long run relationships with rice prices, manufacturing wages and agricultural productivity. The short run response of wages, estimated consistently with these longer run relationships, to rice prices is small, highlighting the vulnerability of the rural poor to sudden rises in rice prices, even though in the longer run nominal wages respond sufficiently to rice prices. Policy can promote growth of agriculture and manufacturing but should also mitigate the short run food insecurity of agricultural labourers.  相似文献   

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