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"There is no smooth way for entrepreneurs.The business world is just like a battlefield. Nothing venture,nothing win."[第一段]  相似文献   

Out of Nothing     
Wit Yuntie’s painting is"good-looking",not only for the refined and beautiful effect but also for many inexplicable things filled up in the work,which makes it interesting.To me,he is also interesting,because he is a thinking and questioning stubborn person.For example,he once recorded a song which sounds like an over-careful Young Werther,and also a sunshine and  相似文献   

李珊 《电子商务》2005,(9):12-15
沈南鹏:我们的故事和新浪、搜狐唯一的不同就在于携程在最早创立时就是有“预谋”的,我们按照这个计划做,首先让风险基金来支持,再通过三四年的时间,最终走到纳斯达克。我们的商业模式和设计的路子比较清晰,一步步走过来,没有什么特别大的惊喜。  相似文献   

作为2005年风靡全国的一档电视节目,正是国内各媒体全情投入,一路推波助澜,才使《超级女声》成为2005年的重要“现象”。尽管媒体褒贬不一,然而,从报纸到网络,再到短信,其实媒体所发出的任何声音都在为这档节目的利润做出贡献。可以说,这的确是《超级女声》策划者的最大成功。尽管对那些满怀梦想的超级女生来说,节目的宗旨在于“想唱就唱”,对于节目制作者而言,该档节目的宗旨却正是“想赚就赚”,一直赚到盆满钵满。其间,众媒体实在是为《超级女声》拉足了票,做足了免费广告。当然,众媒体并不一定都是盲目跟风炒作,相反,各种不同的表现应该也都有其利益所在吧。其中,经济利益的驱动可以说是众媒体纷纷搭车的主要原因。  相似文献   

朱熹妍  刘睿 《中国市场》2011,(21):50-52
<正>日前,美国著名科技杂志Fast Company公布2011年度全球50家最具创新力的公司,绝大多数上榜公司均为世界著名企业。中国企业除华为与曙光电子两家上榜外,另一家则是鲜为人知的长春大成实业集团有限公司(下称大成)。  相似文献   

“消费券”——成都等地相继派发购物券,但在社会保障不健全的情况下,消费券促进的只可能是短期繁荣。  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2021,97(3):439-458
Given the challenges and costs of implementing high sensory congruence, this article examines whether all sensory attributes, such as product color and ambient music, must match a product's primary function to ensure favorable product evaluation or whether a match of only some sensory attributes is sufficient. For this purpose, we consider multiple sensory attributes and their fit with a product's primary function in terms of key semantic associations. In contrast with approaches that focus on a single sensory attribute and its fit with a product's primary function, this approach allows investigating the impact not only of high versus low sensory attributes–function congruence but also of partial sensory attributes–function congruence. We conduct three experimental studies in online and field settings and two product settings (cooling and heating pads) that consider sensory attributes at the product and ambience level across the senses of vision, smell, and hearing. Our findings show that depending on its type, partial sensory attributes–function congruence can lead to favorable product evaluation similar to high sensory attributes–function congruence or unfavorable product evaluation similar to low sensory attributes–function congruence. Thus, sensory attributes–function congruence has non-linear degressive or progressive positive effects on product evaluation. Overall, these findings indicate that if properly designed, a match of only selected sensory attributes with a product's primary function can indeed lead to sufficiently favorable product evaluation and, thus, help avoiding unnecessary effort in implementing high sensory congruence.  相似文献   

改革开放三十年创造了中国的经济奇迹,使中国跃升为世界第三大经济体,两亿多人口脱离了贫困,成为第三大贸易国,第一大出口国。这一基本事实无人能够否认,但作为改革开放两根支柱的出口导向和开放外资政策始终存在争议。现在遭到指责的是出口导向和开放外资导致外汇储备剧增到两万多亿美元,使中国陷入美元陷阱,把人民挣来的血汗钱都打水漂了。  相似文献   

Four hundred parents were interviewed in the Southwestern United States to study parental response to the idea of child marketing and specifically television advertising to children. Findings indicate that the children of those parents interviewed are exposed, on the average, to more than twenty hours of television each week and that in-store product recognition on the part of the children is quite high. General response of the parents indicate a strong doubt in the honesty of advertising to children and a call for greater federal legislation to correct the situation. Also, a strong degree of cynicism was observed among parents interviewed about the institution of television advertising to children and its apparent misleading aspects. Parents were quick to criticize the use of premiums and prizes as a tool of selling to children.  相似文献   

付晓 《中国会展》2020,(5):80-81
拱手不握手、不再亲吻、互相拍背……新冠肺炎疫情期间,为了避免传播病毒,各国民众的问候方式也和以往不一样了。如果在展会上遇到不同国家的观众,请这样和他们打招呼。Say no to a handshake, give up highfives, refuse kisses onthe cheekand definitely avoid hugging.不再握手,放弃击掌,拒绝贴面,绝不拥抱。  相似文献   

从幕后到台前,这是我们编辑部成员集体的第一次亮相。在我们手中接力而诞生的第112期杂志,持续记载的是过去十年中关于责任的中国式成长,始终传承的是导刊人专注.执着的责任信仰。借此机会,我们希望分享置身其中的真实心情。我们也希望与您一道,共创更精彩的未来。  相似文献   

重视植物营养平衡 加快专用肥发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物营养元素的不平衡,不仅造成植物产量和品质的下降,而且会造成土壤养分耗竭,降低化肥利用率,同时会污染环境,因此,重视植物营养元素平衡,加快专用肥发展是当今化肥工业发展的重点和热点。本文还论述了专用肥应具备的七个特性,专用肥配方设计方法的发展趋势,同时还提出了若干建议和意见。  相似文献   

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