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Past research suggests that concrete ad stimuli generate more imagery than abstract stimuli. However, this finding may not be culturally universal. Our research suggests that East Asians tend to generate more imagery than Westerners when exposed to abstract advertising messages, but these differences in imagery generation tend to subside when both cultural groups are exposed to concrete stimuli. Exposure to abstract stimuli while limiting mental resources results in narrowing the differences in number of images generated by Westerners and East Asians as does providing subjects with instructions to imagine.  相似文献   

This article examines the implications of adopting concrete and abstract purchase goals over several stages of information processing. Results are reported from a computerized experiment that demonstrates three important goal effects. At the acquisition stage, goals guide information exposure, inducing tendencies to engage in attribute-based or brand-based elaboration. During encoding, goals influence the level at which information is encoded, causing it to be more attribute-level or conceptual in nature. Finally, under certain conditions, goals may continue to guide product-related thinking through successive generations of product judgments. Implications of these findings for marketing theory and practice are discussed. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

用下述语言形容中国车市目前的火热可以说是毫不夸张的:它不仅是全球低迷的车市中最耀眼的光芒,更当之无愧地成为集万千宠爱于一身的投资焦点。大公司抢摊登陆,小公司雄心勃勃,一时之间,中国车市就像一场正端上主菜的盛宴,吸引了世界各地投资者的目光。  相似文献   

近年来,中国加快了自贸区建设的推进速度,截至2019年底,已签订了17个自贸协定。相对而言,中国签订的自贸协定规则覆盖面还比较小、规则标准还比较低。与此同时,以CPTPP、USMCA协定为代表的高标准自贸协定,形成了数字贸易规则、知识产权规则、国有企业规则等多个非传统领域规则。我国应坚持长期宏观战略利益高于短期经济利益、先广覆盖后高标准价值导向和大型新兴经济体与发达经济体自贸谈判并重的原则,从组织上建立直属于最高决策机构的高标准自贸区战略机构、加强对非传统领域议题的整理与研究、建立针对新规则的损益衡量指标体系、健全高标准自贸区谈判的产业受损补偿机制,加快推进我国高标准自贸区建设。  相似文献   

东北亚经济圈现状及前景浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济全球化进程的加快,东北亚区域经济发展受到更加广泛的重视。尽管该区域内中日韩三国的GDP之和已占亚洲GDP总量的70%以上,但区域内贸易额比重只占其对外贸易总额的20%,大大低于北美自南贸易区46.5%、欧盟50%左右的水平。因此,推动相互间交流与合作,谋求共同发展,日益被提上日程。  相似文献   

随着电子商务的不断发展,会计电算化是会计工作进入信息化的基础,是今后企业决策的重要依据.本文就我国会计电算化的现状进行分析,并建议性的提出解决问题的有效措施.  相似文献   

随着我国市场经济的飞速发展,规范会计行为,加强会计监督已成为社会经济可持续发展的一项重要内容.本文就我国会计监督的现状进行分析,并建议性的提出解决问题的有效措施.  相似文献   

一、2005年生产资料价格水平持续回落 2005年以来,国家各项宏观调控措施取得明显成效,作为重点调控对象的生产资料市场价格,其过快上涨的局面基本扭转.  相似文献   


This study explores the mediating role political visualization – the process of imagining future political scenarios – plays in determining how political advertising affects voting behaviour. Specifically, we theorize that when partisans are exposed to political ads that are narrative (compared to non-narrative) in nature, they will engage in more political visualization. Partisans will then experience emotional reactions to these imagined futures – specifically, enthusiasm for the in-group candidate and anger towards the out-group candidate. These emotional reactions, in turn, will make a partisan more likely to vote for the in-group candidate and less likely to vote for the out-group candidate. We test this model by employing an experimental design where American partisans were presented a political ad (in the form of an email) that is either narrative or non-narrative. Results provide support for most of our expectations and suggest that visualization may play an important role in determining the influence of a political ad.  相似文献   

生物柴油是一种可再生清洁燃料,它既可替代大量石化能源,又可有效减少环境污染.德国是世界上开发利用生物柴油最成功的国家之一.考察者对德国生物柴油加工利用现状、发展生物柴油所采取的措施及其主要加工企业CampaR-Biodiesel公司生物柴油生产过程,进行了实地考察.也从中国石化能源消费、环境保护、油菜生产实际出发,提出在国内利用油菜籽油发展生物柴油的构想.  相似文献   

中日贸易现状及发展趋势分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本首先从中日两国相互依存关系入手,分析了两间的贸易状况和新的贸易特点:贸易结构的不断改变——从产业间贸易向产业内贸易转变。然后在此基础上指出了中日两国产生贸易摩擦的原因,最后进一步阐述两国贸易现状发展的趋势。  相似文献   

船舶的非批量化建造决定了船舶工业劳动密集性的特点.船舶建造不象制造汽车和生产电子产品那样可以在流水线上生产,而且即使相当工序实现了自动化和机械化,但放样、号料、切割、焊接和舾装等工序仍需要大量依赖于手工操作.正因如此,造船先进国家日本建造一艘7.5万吨级的散货船仍需要耗用13~15万工时,我国还需近100万工时,建造一艘现代化船舶必须集中使用大量的劳动力,消耗大量的活劳动.不仅这样,船舶工业的产业关联度也很高,成为了许多国家和地区的基础工业之一,是吸纳富余劳动力,稳定社会就业的一个工业发展途径.  相似文献   

This study compares the effects of four types of ads: a functional green ad promoting the environmental advantages of a product, an emotional green ad using a visual representation of pleasant natural scenery, a mixed type green ad using functional and emotional strategies, and a control group. Findings of an experimental study using a representative sample of U.S. consumers suggest that both the emotional and the mixed-type ads significantly affect brand attitude, mediated by attitude toward the ad. These effects do not depend on consumers' green involvement. Functional ads, in contrast, only impact brand attitudes when involvement, measured as green purchase behavior or green product attitudes, is high.  相似文献   

金融危机过后,国内外宏观经济形势发生了巨大的变化,在该形势下商业银行如何正确、合理的开展信贷风险管理,正日益成为金融系统内关注的焦点.本文从实际出发,对商业银行信贷风险管理的现状及所存在问题展开了深入的探讨,并随之提出了具体的改进措施,以期可作为各商业银行决策管理层及相关理论研究者的借鉴或参考之用.  相似文献   

中等职业学校德育课的现状及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
德育课是中等职业学校学生的必修课之一,它是帮助学生形成正确的世界观、人生观、价值观的重要途径,在帮助学生树立正确的择业观、创业观,培养良好的政治素质和职业道德素质等方面发挥着重要作用.目前,随着时代和社会的发展,现行德育课教学中存在着一些问题,本文拟就德育课程现状及对策提出了几点见解.  相似文献   

This article explores the emotional contagion hypothesis, proposed by Hatfield, Cacioppo, and Rapson (1994), in a sales context. Specifically, the emotional contagion hypothesis explains how the emotions of two people (e.g., salesperson and customer) during a conversation are transmitted from one to the other via facial cues, and that these emotions affect the outcome of that interaction. The emotional contagion hypothesis implies that there are definitive individual differences concerning whether someone is either sensitive to emotions from others or able to transmit his or her emotions onto others. This study explores whether these individual differences are assets or liabilities over the long term for salespersons in a sales organization. The data in this study show that a salesperson's ability to infect others with his or her emotions is an asset (because it can lead to higher performance). In addition, being sensitive to the emotions of others is an asset (it can also lead to better performance); at the same time it is a liability (because of the higher risk of burnout). This study further explores how emotionally sensitive salespersons develop burnout as a consequence of role stress, which then affects their performance. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

近几年来,收视率数据在我国电视行业中扮演起了越来越重要的角色,成为业内外人士共同关注的热点话题。2009年年初,曾在中国收视率市场上运作了十余年的AGB Nielsen退出中国市场,其直接后果是让在中国市场上本已占有了80%以上份额的CSM媒介研究某种意义上垄断了中国的收视率调查市场。垄断市场结构的形成,以及国际广告公司WPP对CSM的控股,引发了人们对数据客观性和公正性的关注。本文通过回溯历史.归纳全球收视率调查的商业模式,认为要推动中国收视率调查行业的健康发展,关键问题不在于关注垄断或者外资参股的问题,而在于对收视率调查业务的规范和监督问题.一个由行业各万共同参与和运作的收视平调查监督机制,正是未来中国收视半调查行业健康发展的必须。  相似文献   

The current studies examined why hospitality employees flirt with customers, and the interaction between flirting and authentic or faked emotional displays. In Study 1, 245 restaurant servers reported their flirting motivations, emotional labor strategy, and perceived rapport. Flirting motivations had a positive effect on rapport when servers engaged in either surface acting or deep acting but not when servers engaged less in emotional labor strategies. In Study 2, 130 servers reported their flirting displays, emotional labor strategies and tip sizes. Flirting displays only increased tips when deep acting was involved. The theoretical and practical implications of flirting are discussed.  相似文献   

城市供热包括热电公司向城镇居民提供热水、热气以及向城市有关部门提供蒸汽。我国城市集中供应蒸汽的数量近5年中平均每年以3.1%速度在下降,而同期集中供应热水总量平均每年以9.4%的速度在增长。而热气生产单位由于热气价格由政府控制,已大大低于其成本,出现亏损。亏损还来源于生产热气的原料煤价格上涨过快、热气输送管道(线)维修、维护费用升高等。政府为了保护城市居民的切身利益,往往采取一定方式对热气生产单位进行暗补。对热气商品成本进行监审既要政策法规制度进行,更重要的是对热气商品进行市场化改革,变暗补为明补,并在政策上予以引导。  相似文献   

世贸组织允许各成员方在国际贸易中建立或维持国营贸易,但同时,又对国营贸易企业的经营行为作了诸多限制性规定,加入世贸组织谈判中,我国在承诺遵守有关国营贸易的国际规则的同时,也取得了在原油、成品油等商品的进口中,可继续实行国营贸易的权利,但这种权利是以石油市场的不断开放为条件的。本分析了WTO的国营贸易规则及我国石油进口中的国营贸易的现状,指出石油进口中国营贸易拥有垄断地位的现状。进而提出了对此种现状的看法。  相似文献   

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