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In this paper we propose estimators for the regression coefficients in censored duration models which are distribution free, impose no parametric specification on the baseline hazard function, and can accommodate general forms of censoring. The estimators are shown to have desirable asymptotic properties and Monte Carlo simulations demonstrate good finite sample performance. Among the data features the new estimators can accommodate are covariate-dependent censoring, double censoring, and fixed (individual or group specific) effects. We also examine the behavior of the estimator in an empirical illustration.  相似文献   

This paper computes the semiparametric efficiency bound for finite dimensional parameters identified by models of sequential moment restrictions containing unknown functions. Our results extend those of Chamberlain (1992b) and Ai and Chen (2003) for semiparametric conditional moment restrictions with identical information sets to the case of nested information sets, and those of Chamberlain (1992a) and Brown and Newey (1998) for models of sequential moment restrictions without unknown functions to cases with unknown functions of possibly endogenous variables. Our results are applicable to semiparametric panel data models and two stage plug-in problems. As an important example, we compute the efficiency bound for a weighted average derivative of a nonparametric instrumental variables regression (NPIV), and find that simple plug-in NPIV estimators are not efficient. We present an optimally weighted, orthogonalized, sieve minimum distance estimator that achieves the semiparametric efficiency bound.  相似文献   

In this paper estimators for distribution free heteroskedastic binary response models are proposed. The estimation procedures are based on relationships between distribution free models with a conditional median restriction and parametric models (such as Probit/Logit) exhibiting (multiplicative) heteroskedasticity. The first proposed estimator is based on the observational equivalence between the two models, and is a semiparametric sieve estimator (see, e.g. Gallant and Nychka (1987), Ai and Chen (2003) and Chen et al. (2005)) for the regression coefficients, based on maximizing standard Logit/Probit criterion functions, such as NLLS and MLE. This procedure has the advantage that choice probabilities and regression coefficients are estimated simultaneously. The second proposed procedure is based on the equivalence between existing semiparametric estimators for the conditional median model (,  and ) and the standard parametric (Probit/Logit) NLLS estimator. This estimator has the advantage of being implementable with standard software packages such as Stata. Distribution theory is developed for both estimators and a Monte Carlo study indicates they both perform well in finite samples.  相似文献   

This paper explores the inferential question in semiparametric binary response models when the continuous support condition is not satisfied and all regressors have discrete support. I focus mainly on the models under the conditional median restriction, as in Manski (1985). I find sharp bounds on the components of the parameter of interest and outline several applications. The formulas for bounds obtained using a recursive procedure help analyze cases where one regressor’s support becomes increasingly dense. Furthermore, I investigate asymptotic properties of estimators of the identification set. I describe a relation between the maximum score estimation and support vector machines and propose several approaches to address the problem of empty identification sets when the model is misspecified.  相似文献   

《Journal of econometrics》2002,109(1):67-105
Censored regression models have received a great deal of attention in both the theoretical and applied econometric literature. Most of the existing estimation procedures for either cross-sectional or panel data models are designed only for models with fixed censoring. In this paper, a new procedure for adapting these estimators designed for fixed censoring to models with random censoring is proposed. This procedure is then applied to the CLAD and quantile estimators of Powell (J. Econom. 25 (1984) 303, 32 (1986a) 143) to obtain an estimator of the coefficients under a mild conditional quantile restriction on the error term that is applicable to samples exhibiting fixed or random censoring. The resulting estimator is shown to have desirable asymptotic properties, and performs well in a small-scale simulation study.  相似文献   

This paper considers the semiparametric estimation of binary choice sample selection models under a joint symmetry assumption. Our approaches overcome various drawbacks associated with existing estimators. In particular, our method provides root-nn consistent estimators for both the intercept and slope parameters of the outcome equation in a heteroscedastic framework, without the usual cross equation exclusion restriction or parametric specification for the error distribution and/or the form of heteroscedasticity. Our two-step estimators are shown to be consistent and asymptotically normal. A Monte Carlo simulation study indicates the usefulness of our approaches.  相似文献   

Many estimation methods of truncated and censored regression models such as the maximum likelihood and symmetrically censored least squares (SCLS) are sensitive to outliers and data contamination as we document. Therefore, we propose a semiparametric general trimmed estimator (GTE) of truncated and censored regression, which is highly robust but relatively imprecise. To improve its performance, we also propose data-adaptive and one-step trimmed estimators. We derive the robust and asymptotic properties of all proposed estimators and show that the one-step estimators (e.g., one-step SCLS) are as robust as GTE and are asymptotically equivalent to the original estimator (e.g., SCLS). The finite-sample properties of existing and proposed estimators are studied by means of Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analytically investigate three efficient estimators for cointegrating regression models: Phillips and Hansen’s [Phillips, P.C.B., Hansen, B.E., 1990. Statistical inference in instrumental variables regression with I(1) processes. Review of Economic Studies 57, 99–125] fully modified OLS estimator, Park’s [Park, J.Y., 1992. Canonical cointegrating regressions. Econometrica 60, 119–143] canonical cointegrating regression estimator, and Saikkonen’s [Saikkonen, P., 1991. Asymptotically efficient estimation of cointegration regressions. Econometric Theory 7, 1–21] dynamic OLS estimator. We consider the case where the regression errors are moderately serially correlated and the AR coefficient in the regression errors approaches 1 at a rate slower than 1/T1/T, where TT represents the sample size. We derive the limiting distributions of the efficient estimators under this system and find that they depend on the approaching rate of the AR coefficient. If the rate is slow enough, efficiency is established for the three estimators; however, if the approaching rate is relatively faster, the estimators will have the same limiting distribution as the OLS estimator. For the intermediate case, the second-order bias of the OLS estimator is partially eliminated by the efficient methods. This result explains why, in finite samples, the effect of the efficient methods diminishes as the serial correlation in the regression errors becomes stronger. We also propose to modify the existing efficient estimators in order to eliminate the second-order bias, which possibly remains in the efficient estimators. Using Monte Carlo simulations, we demonstrate that our modification is effective when the regression errors are moderately serially correlated and the simultaneous correlation is relatively strong.  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore partial identification and inference for the quantile of treatment effects for randomized experiments. First, we propose nonparametric estimators of sharp bounds on the quantile of treatment effects and establish their asymptotic properties under general conditions. Second, we construct confidence intervals for the bounds and the true quantile by using the approach in Chernozhukov et al. (2009). Third, under additional conditions, we develop a new approach to construct confidence intervals for the bounds and the true quantile and refer to it as the order statistic approach. A simulation study is conducted to investigate the finite sample performance of both approaches.  相似文献   

Estimators of parameters in semi-parametric left truncated and right censored regression models are proposed. In contrast to the majority of existing estimators, the proposed estimators do not require the error term of the regression model to have a symmetric distribution. In addition the estimators use asymmetric “trimming” of observations. Consistency and asymptotic normality of the estimators are shown. Finite sample properties are considered in a small simulation study. For the left truncated case, an empirical application illustrates the usefulness of the estimator.  相似文献   

This paper considers estimation of censored panel‐data models with individual‐specific slope heterogeneity. The slope heterogeneity may be random (random slopes model) or related to covariates (correlated random slopes model). Maximum likelihood and censored least‐absolute deviations estimators are proposed for both models. The estimators are simple to implement and, in the case of maximum likelihood, lead to straightforward estimation of partial effects. The rescaled bootstrap suggested by Andrews (Econometrica 2000; 68 : 399–405) is used to deal with the possibility of variance parameters being equal to zero. The methodology is applied to an empirical study of Dutch household portfolio choice, where the outcome variable (portfolio share in safe assets) has corner solutions at zero and one. As predicted by economic theory, there is strong evidence of correlated random slopes for the age profiles, indicating a heterogeneous age profile of portfolio adjustment that varies significantly with other household characteristics. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fixed effects estimators of nonlinear panel models can be severely biased due to the incidental parameters problem. In this paper, I characterize the leading term of a large-T expansion of the bias of the MLE and estimators of average marginal effects in parametric fixed effects panel binary choice models. For probit index coefficients, the former term is proportional to the true value of the coefficients being estimated. This result allows me to derive a lower bound for the bias of the MLE. I then show that the resulting fixed effects estimates of ratios of coefficients and average marginal effects exhibit no bias in the absence of heterogeneity and negligible bias for a wide variety of distributions of regressors and individual effects in the presence of heterogeneity. I subsequently propose new bias-corrected estimators of index coefficients and marginal effects with improved finite sample properties for linear and nonlinear models with predetermined regressors.  相似文献   

We present a variety of semiparametric models that produce bounds on the average causal effect of a binary treatment on a binary outcome. The semiparametric assumptions exploit variation in observable covariates to narrow the bounds. In our main model, the outcome is determined by a generalized linear model, but the treatment may be arbitrarily endogenous. Our bounding strategy does not require the existence of an instrument, but incorporating an instrument narrows the bounds. The bounds are further improved by combining the semiparametric model with the joint threshold-crossing assumption of Shaikh and Vytlacil (2005).  相似文献   

This paper introduces large-T bias-corrected estimators for nonlinear panel data models with both time invariant and time varying heterogeneity. These models include systems of equations with limited dependent variables and unobserved individual effects, and sample selection models with unobserved individual effects. Our two-step approach first estimates the reduced form by fixed effects procedures to obtain estimates of the time varying heterogeneity underlying the endogeneity/selection bias. We then estimate the primary equation by fixed effects including an appropriately constructed control variable from the reduced form estimates as an additional explanatory variable. The fixed effects approach in this second step captures the time invariant heterogeneity while the control variable accounts for the time varying heterogeneity. Since either or both steps might employ nonlinear fixed effects procedures it is necessary to bias adjust the estimates due to the incidental parameters problem. This problem is exacerbated by the two-step nature of the procedure. As these two-step approaches are not covered in the existing literature we derive the appropriate correction thereby extending the use of large-T bias adjustments to an important class of models. Simulation evidence indicates our approach works well in finite samples and an empirical example illustrates the applicability of our estimator.  相似文献   

We consider the Case 1 interval censoring approach for right‐censored survival data. An important feature of the model is that right‐censored event times are not observed exactly, but at some inspection times. The model covers as particular cases right‐censored data, current status data, and life table survival data with a single inspection time. We discuss the nonparametric estimation approach and consider three nonparametric estimators for the survival function of failure time: maximum likelihood, pseudolikelihood, and the naïve estimator. We establish strong consistency of the estimators with the L1 rate of convergence. Simulation results confirm consistency of the estimators.  相似文献   

This paper illustrates how the use of random set theory can benefit partial identification analysis. We revisit the origins of Manski’s work in partial identification (e.g., [Manski, 1989] and [Manski, 1990]) focusing our discussion on identification of probability distributions and conditional expectations in the presence of selectively observed data, statistical independence and mean independence assumptions, and shape restrictions. We show that the use of the Choquet capacity functional and the Aumann expectation of a properly defined random set can simplify and extend previous results in the literature. We pay special attention to explaining how the relevant random set needs to be constructed, depending on the econometric framework at hand. We also discuss limitations in the applicability of specific tools of random set theory to partial identification analysis.  相似文献   

This article develops influence diagnostics for log‐Birnbaum–Saunders (LBS) regression models with censored data based on case‐deletion model (CDM). The one‐step approximations of the estimates in CDM are given and case‐deletion measures are obtained. Meanwhile, it is shown that CDM is equivalent to mean shift outlier model (MSOM) in LBS regression models and an outlier test is presented based on MSOM. Furthermore, we discuss a score test for homogeneity of shape parameter in LBS regression models. Two numerical examples are given to illustrate our methodology and the properties of score test statistic are investigated through Monte Carlo simulations under different censoring percentages.  相似文献   

We study the problem of building confidence sets for ratios of parameters, from an identification robust perspective. In particular, we address the simultaneous confidence set estimation of a finite number of ratios. Results apply to a wide class of models suitable for estimation by consistent asymptotically normal procedures. Conventional methods (e.g. the delta method) derived by excluding the parameter discontinuity regions entailed by the ratio functions and which typically yield bounded confidence limits, break down even if the sample size is large ( Dufour, 1997). One solution to this problem, which we take in this paper, is to use variants of  Fieller’s ( 1940, 1954) method. By inverting a joint test that does not require identifying the ratios, Fieller-based confidence regions are formed for the full set of ratios. Simultaneous confidence sets for individual ratios are then derived by applying projection techniques, which allow for possibly unbounded outcomes. In this paper, we provide simple explicit closed-form analytical solutions for projection-based simultaneous confidence sets, in the case of linear transformations of ratios. Our solution further provides a formal proof for the expressions in Zerbe et al. (1982) pertaining to individual ratios. We apply the geometry of quadrics as introduced by  and , in a different although related context. The confidence sets so obtained are exact if the inverted test statistic admits a tractable exact distribution, for instance in the normal linear regression context. The proposed procedures are applied and assessed via illustrative Monte Carlo and empirical examples, with a focus on discrete choice models estimated by exact or simulation-based maximum likelihood. Our results underscore the superiority of Fieller-based methods.  相似文献   

We consider estimation of nonparametric structural models under a functional coefficient representation for the regression function. Under this representation, models are linear in the endogenous components with coefficients given by unknown functions of the predetermined variables, a nonparametric generalization of random coefficient models. The functional coefficient restriction is an intermediate approach between fully nonparametric structural models that are ill posed when endogenous variables are continuously distributed, and partially linear models over which they have appreciable flexibility. We propose two-step estimators that use local linear approximations in both steps. The first step is to estimate a vector of reduced forms of regression models and the second step is local linear regression using the estimated reduced forms as regressors. Our large sample results include consistency and asymptotic normality of the proposed estimators. The high practical power of estimators is illustrated via both a Monte Carlo simulation study and an application to returns to education.  相似文献   

We provide new results regarding the identification of peer effects. We consider an extended version of the linear-in-means model where interactions are structured through a social network. We assume that correlated unobservables are either absent, or treated as network fixed effects. We provide easy-to-check necessary and sufficient conditions for identification. We show that endogenous and exogenous effects are generally identified under network interaction, although identification may fail for some particular structures. We use data from the Add Health survey to provide an empirical application of our results on the consumption of recreational services (e.g., participation in artistic, sports and social activities) by secondary school students. Monte Carlo simulations calibrated on this application provide an analysis of the effects of some crucial characteristics of a network (i.e., density, intransitivity) on the estimates of peer effects. Our approach generalizes a number of previous results due to Manski [Manski, C., 1993. Identification of endogenous social effects: The reflection problem. Review of Economic Studies 60 (3), 531–542], Moffitt [Moffitt, R., 2001. Policy interventions low-level equilibria, and social interactions. In: Durlauf, Steven, Young, Peyton (Eds.), Social Dynamics. MIT Press] and Lee [Lee, L.F., 2007. Identification and estimation of econometric models with group interactions, contextual factors and fixed effects. Journal of Econometrics 140 (2), 333–374].  相似文献   

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