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We consider estimation of the regression function in a semiparametric binary regression model defined through an appropriate link function (with emphasis on the logistic link) using likelihood-ratio based inversion. The dichotomous response variable ΔΔ is influenced by a set of covariates that can be partitioned as (X,Z)(X,Z) where ZZ (real valued) is the covariate of primary interest and XX (vector valued) denotes a set of control variables. For any fixed XX, the conditional probability of the event of interest (Δ=1Δ=1) is assumed to be a non-decreasing function of ZZ. The effect of the control variables is captured by a regression parameter ββ. We show that the baseline conditional probability function (corresponding to X=0X=0) can be estimated by isotonic regression procedures and develop a likelihood ratio based method for constructing asymptotic confidence intervals for the conditional probability function (the regression function) that avoids the need to estimate nuisance parameters. Interestingly enough, the calibration of the likelihood ratio based confidence sets for the regression function no longer involves the usual χ2χ2 quantiles, but those of the distribution of a new random variable that can be characterized as a functional of convex minorants of Brownian motion with quadratic drift. Confidence sets for the regression parameter ββ can however be constructed using asymptotically χ2χ2 likelihood ratio statistics. The finite sample performance of the methods are assessed via a simulation study. The techniques of the paper are applied to data sets on primary school attendance among children belonging to different socio-economic groups in rural India.  相似文献   

This paper is about how to estimate the integrated covariance X,YTX,YT of two assets over a fixed time horizon [0,T][0,T], when the observations of XX and YY are “contaminated” and when such noisy observations are at discrete, but not synchronized, times. We show that the usual previous-tick covariance estimator is biased, and the size of the bias is more pronounced for less liquid assets. This is an analytic characterization of the Epps effect. We also provide the optimal sampling frequency which balances the tradeoff between the bias and various sources of stochastic error terms, including nonsynchronous trading, microstructure noise, and time discretization. Finally, a two scales covariance estimator is provided which simultaneously cancels (to first order) the Epps effect and the effect of microstructure noise. The gain is demonstrated in data.  相似文献   

Classical estimation techniques for linear models either are inconsistent, or perform rather poorly, under αα-stable error densities; most of them are not even rate-optimal. In this paper, we propose an original one-step R-estimation method and investigate its asymptotic performances under stable densities. Contrary to traditional least squares, the proposed R-estimators remain root-nn consistent (the optimal rate) under the whole family of stable distributions, irrespective of their asymmetry and tail index. While parametric stable-likelihood estimation, due to the absence of a closed form for stable densities, is quite cumbersome, our method allows us to construct estimators reaching the parametric efficiency bounds associated with any prescribed values (α0,b0)(α0,b0) of the tail index αα and skewness parameter bb, while preserving root-nn consistency under any (α,b)(α,b) as well as under usual light-tailed densities. The method furthermore avoids all forms of multidimensional argmin computation. Simulations confirm its excellent finite-sample performances.  相似文献   

In this paper we show that the Quasi ML estimation method yields consistent Random and Fixed Effects estimators for the autoregression parameter ρρ in the panel AR(1) model with arbitrary initial conditions and possibly time-series heteroskedasticity even when the error components are drawn from heterogeneous distributions. We investigate both analytically and by means of Monte Carlo simulations the properties of the QML estimators for ρρ. The RE(Q)MLE for ρρ is asymptotically at least as robust to individual heterogeneity and, when the data are i.i.d. and normal, at least as efficient as the FE(Q)MLE for ρρ. Furthermore, the QML estimators for ρρ only suffer from a ‘weak moment conditions’ problem when ρρ is close to one if the cross-sectional average of the variances of the errors is (almost) constant over time, e.g. under time-series homoskedasticity. However, in this case the QML estimators for ρρ are still consistent when ρρ is local to or equal to one although they converge to a non-normal possibly asymmetric distribution at a rate that is lower than N1/2N1/2 but at least N1/4N1/4. Finally, we study the finite sample properties of two types of estimators for the standard errors of the QML estimators for ρρ, and the bounds of QML based confidence intervals for ρρ.  相似文献   

We consider a stochastic frontier model with error ε=v−uε=vu, where vv is normal and uu is half normal. We derive the distribution of the usual estimate of u,E(u|ε)u,E(u|ε). We show that as the variance of vv approaches zero, E(u|ε)−uE(u|ε)u converges to zero, while as the variance of vv approaches infinity, E(u|ε)E(u|ε) converges to E(u)E(u). We graph the density of E(u|ε)E(u|ε) for intermediate cases. To show that E(u|ε)E(u|ε) is a shrinkage of u towards its mean, we derive and graph the distribution of E(u|ε)E(u|ε) conditional on uu. We also consider the distribution of estimated inefficiency in the fixed-effects panel data setting.  相似文献   

In the first part of the paper, we study concepts of supremum and maximum as subsets of a topological space XX endowed by preference relations. Several rather general existence theorems are obtained for the case where the preferences are defined by countable semicontinuous multi-utility representations. In the second part of the paper, we consider partial orders and preference relations “lifted” from a metric separable space XX endowed by a random preference relation to the space L0(X)L0(X) of XX-valued random variables. We provide an example of application of the notion of essential maximum to the problem of the minimal portfolio super-replicating an American-type contingent claim under transaction costs.  相似文献   

This paper extends the cross-sectionally augmented panel unit root test (CIPSCIPS) proposed by Pesaran (2007) to the case of a multifactor error structure, and proposes a new panel unit root test based on a simple average of cross-sectionally augmented Sargan–Bhargava statistics (CSBCSB). The basic idea is to exploit information regarding the mm unobserved factors that are shared by kk observed time series in addition to the series under consideration. Initially, we develop the tests assuming that m0m0, the true number of factors, is known and show that the limit distribution of the tests does not depend on any nuisance parameters, so long as k≥m0−1km01. Small sample properties of the tests are investigated by Monte Carlo experiments and are shown to be satisfactory. Particularly, the proposed CIPSCIPS and CSBCSB tests have the correct size for all   combinations of the cross section (NN) and time series (TT) dimensions considered. The power of both tests rises with NN and TT, although the CSBCSB test performs better than the CIPSCIPS test for smaller sample sizes. The various testing procedures are illustrated with empirical applications to real interest rates and real equity prices across countries.  相似文献   

Let r(x,z)r(x,z) be a function that, along with its derivatives, can be consistently estimated nonparametrically. This paper discusses the identification and consistent estimation of the unknown functions HH, MM, GG and FF, where r(x,z)=H[M(x,z)]r(x,z)=H[M(x,z)], M(x,z)=G(x)+F(z)M(x,z)=G(x)+F(z), and HH is strictly monotonic. An estimation algorithm is proposed for each of the model’s unknown components when r(x,z)r(x,z) represents a conditional mean function. The resulting estimators use marginal integration to separate the components GG and FF. Our estimators are shown to have a limiting Normal distribution with a faster rate of convergence than unrestricted nonparametric alternatives. Their small sample performance is studied in a Monte Carlo experiment. We apply our results to estimate generalized homothetic production functions for four industries in the Chinese economy.  相似文献   

In a sample-selection model with the ‘selection’ variable QQ and the ‘outcome’ variable YY, YY is observed only when Q=1Q=1. For a treatment DD affecting both QQ and YY, three effects are of interest: ‘participation  ’ (i.e., the selection) effect of DD on QQ, ‘visible performance  ’ (i.e., the observed outcome) effect of DD on Y≡QYYQY, and ‘invisible performance  ’ (i.e., the latent outcome) effect of DD on YY. This paper shows the conditions under which the three effects are identified, respectively, by the three corresponding mean differences of QQ, YY, and Y|Q=1Y|Q=1 (i.e., Y|Q=1Y|Q=1) across the control (D=0D=0) and treatment (D=1D=1) groups. Our nonparametric estimators for those effects adopt a two-sample framework and have several advantages over the usual matching methods. First, there is no need to select the number of matched observations. Second, the asymptotic distribution is easily obtained. Third, over-sampling the control/treatment group is allowed. Fourth, there is a built-in mechanism that takes into account the ‘non-overlapping support problem’, which the usual matching deals with by choosing a ‘caliper’. Fifth, a sensitivity analysis to gauge the presence of unobserved confounders is available. A simulation study is conducted to compare the proposed methods with matching methods, and a real data illustration is provided.  相似文献   

An infinite-order asymptotic expansion is given for the autocovariance function of a general stationary long-memory process with memory parameter d∈(−1/2,1/2)d(1/2,1/2). The class of spectral densities considered includes as a special case the stationary and invertible ARFIMA(p,d,qp,d,q) model. The leading term of the expansion is of the order O(1/k1−2d)O(1/k12d), where kk is the autocovariance order, consistent with the well known power law decay for such processes, and is shown to be accurate to an error of O(1/k3−2d)O(1/k32d). The derivation uses Erdélyi’s [Erdélyi, A., 1956. Asymptotic Expansions. Dover Publications, Inc, New York] expansion for Fourier-type integrals when there are critical points at the boundaries of the range of integration - here the frequencies {0,2π}{0,2π}. Numerical evaluations show that the expansion is accurate even for small kk in cases where the autocovariance sequence decays monotonically, and in other cases for moderate to large kk. The approximations are easy to compute across a variety of parameter values and models.  相似文献   

Most panel unit root tests are designed to test the joint null hypothesis of a unit root for each individual series in a panel. After a rejection, it will often be of interest to identify which series can be deemed to be stationary and which series can be deemed nonstationary. Researchers will sometimes carry out this classification on the basis of nn individual (univariate) unit root tests based on some ad hoc significance level. In this paper, we suggest and demonstrate how to use the false discovery rate (FDR)(FDR) in evaluating I(1)/I(0)I(1)/I(0) classifications.  相似文献   

In this paper we develop a simple test procedure for a linear trend which does not require knowledge of the form of serial correlation in the data, is robust to strong serial correlation, and has a standard normal limiting null distribution under either I(0)I(0) or I(1)I(1) shocks. In contrast to other available robust linear trend tests, our proposed test achieves the Gaussian asymptotic local power envelope in both the I(0)I(0) and I(1)I(1) cases. For near-I(1)I(1) errors our proposed procedure is conservative and a modification for this situation is suggested. An estimator of the trend parameter, together with an associated confidence interval, which is asymptotically efficient, again regardless of whether the shocks are I(0)I(0) or I(1)I(1), is also provided.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the concept of risk parameter in conditional volatility models of the form ?t=σt(θ0)ηt?t=σt(θ0)ηt and develops statistical procedures to estimate this parameter. For a given risk measure rr, the risk parameter is expressed as a function of the volatility coefficients θ0θ0 and the risk, r(ηt)r(ηt), of the innovation process. A two-step method is proposed to successively estimate these quantities. An alternative one-step approach, relying on a reparameterization of the model and the use of a non Gaussian QML, is proposed. Asymptotic results are established for smooth risk measures, as well as for the Value-at-Risk (VaR). Asymptotic comparisons of the two approaches for VaR estimation suggest a superiority of the one-step method when the innovations are heavy-tailed. For standard GARCH models, the comparison only depends on characteristics of the innovations distribution, not on the volatility parameters. Monte-Carlo experiments and an empirical study illustrate the superiority of the one-step approach for financial series.  相似文献   

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