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We propose a model of dynamic correlations with a short- and long-run component specification, by extending the idea of component models for volatility. We call this class of models DCC-MIDAS. The key ingredients are the Engle (2002) DCC model, the Engle and Lee (1999) component GARCH model replacing the original DCC dynamics with a component specification and the Engle et al. (2006) GARCH-MIDAS specification that allows us to extract a long-run correlation component via mixed data sampling. We provide a comprehensive econometric analysis of the new class of models, and provide extensive empirical evidence that supports the model’s specification.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an estimation method for a partial parametric model with multiple integrated time series. Our estimation procedure is based on the decomposition of the nonparametric part of the regression function into homogeneous and integrable components. It consists of two steps: In the first step we parameterize and fit the homogeneous component of the nonparametric part by the nonlinear least squares with other parametric terms in the model, and use in the second step the standard kernel method to nonparametrically estimate the integrable component of the nonparametric part from the residuals in the first step. We establish consistency and obtain the asymptotic distribution of our estimator. A simulation shows that our estimator performs well in finite samples. For the empirical illustration, we estimate the money demand functions for the US and Japan using our model and methodology.  相似文献   

We study estimation and model selection of semiparametric models of multivariate survival functions for censored data, which are characterized by possibly misspecified parametric copulas and nonparametric marginal survivals. We obtain the consistency and root-nn asymptotic normality of a two-step copula estimator to the pseudo-true copula parameter value according to KLIC, and provide a simple consistent estimator of its asymptotic variance, allowing for a first-step nonparametric estimation of the marginal survivals. We establish the asymptotic distribution of the penalized pseudo-likelihood ratio statistic for comparing multiple semiparametric multivariate survival functions subject to copula misspecification and general censorship. An empirical application is provided.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of testing for seasonal unit roots in monthly panel data. To this aim, we generalize the quarterly cross‐sectionally augmented Hylleberg–Engle–Granger–Yoo (CHEGY) test to the monthly case. This parametric test is contrasted with a new non‐parametric test, which is the panel counterpart to the univariate record unit–root seasonal (RURS) test that relies on counting extrema in time series. All methods are applied to an empirical data set on tourism in Austrian provinces. The power properties of the tests are evaluated in simulation experiments that are tuned to the tourism data.  相似文献   

We propose a Bayesian nonparametric model to estimate rating migration matrices and default probabilities using the reinforced urn processes (RUP) introduced in Muliere et al. (2000). The estimated default probability becomes our prior information in a parametric model for the prediction of the number of bankruptcies, with the only assumption of exchangeability within rating classes. The Polya urn construction of the transition matrix justifies a Beta distributed de Finetti measure. Dependence among the processes is introduced through the dependence among the default probabilities, with the Bivariate Beta Distribution proposed in Olkin and Liu (2003) and its multivariate generalization.  相似文献   

A new semiparametric estimator for an empirical asset pricing model with general nonparametric risk-return tradeoff and GARCH-type underlying volatility is introduced. Based on the profile likelihood approach, it does not rely on any initial parametric estimator of the conditional mean function, and it is under stated conditions consistent, asymptotically normal, and efficient, i.e., it achieves the semiparametric lower bound. A sampling experiment provides finite sample comparisons with the parametric approach and the iterative semiparametric approach with parametric initial estimate of Conrad and Mammen (2008). An application to daily stock market returns suggests that the risk-return relation is indeed nonlinear.  相似文献   

In the area of environmental analysis using hedonic price models, we investigate the performance of various nonparametric and semiparametric specifications. The proposed model specifications are made up of two parts: a linear component for house characteristics and a non‐(semi)parametric component representing the nonlinear influence of environmental indicators on house prices. We adopt a general‐to‐specific search procedure, based on recent specification tests comparing the proposed specifications with a fully nonparametric benchmark model, to select the best model specification. An application of these semiparametric models to rural districts indicates that pollution resulting from intensive livestock farming has a significant nonlinear impact on house prices. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We propose a nonparametric likelihood ratio testing procedure for choosing between a parametric (likelihood) model and a moment condition model when both models could be misspecified. Our procedure is based on comparing the Kullback–Leibler Information Criterion (KLIC) between the parametric model and moment condition model. We construct the KLIC for the parametric model using the difference between the parametric log likelihood and a sieve nonparametric estimate of population entropy, and obtain the KLIC for the moment model using the empirical likelihood statistic. We also consider multiple (>2)(>2) model comparison tests, when all the competing models could be misspecified, and some models are parametric while others are moment-based. We evaluate the performance of our tests in a Monte Carlo study, and apply the tests to an example from industrial organization.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a new flexible mixed model for multinomial discrete choice where the key individual- and alternative-specific parameters of interest are allowed to follow an assumption-free nonparametric density specification, while other alternative-specific coefficients are assumed to be drawn from a multivariate Normal distribution, which eliminates the independence of irrelevant alternatives assumption at the individual level. A hierarchical specification of our model allows us to break down a complex data structure into a set of submodels with the desired features that are naturally assembled in the original system. We estimate the model, using a Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo technique with a multivariate Dirichlet Process (DP) prior on the coefficients with nonparametrically estimated density. We employ a “latent class” sampling algorithm, which is applicable to a general class of models, including non-conjugate DP base priors. The model is applied to supermarket choices of a panel of Houston households whose shopping behavior was observed over a 24-month period in years 2004–2005. We estimate the nonparametric density of two key variables of interest: the price of a basket of goods based on scanner data, and driving distance to the supermarket based on their respective locations. Our semi-parametric approach allows us to identify a complex multi-modal preference distribution, which distinguishes between inframarginal consumers and consumers who strongly value either lower prices or shopping convenience.  相似文献   

We propose two new types of nonparametric tests for investigating multivariate regression functions. The tests are based on cumulative sums coupled with either minimum volume sets or inverse regression ideas; involving no multivariate nonparametric regression estimation. The methods proposed facilitate the investigation for different features such as if a multivariate regression function is (i) constant, (ii) of a bathtub shape, and (iii) in a given parametric form. The inference based on those tests may be further enhanced through associated diagnostic plots. Although the potential use of those ideas is much wider, we focus on the inference for multivariate volatility functions in this paper, i.e. we test for (i) heteroscedasticity, (ii) the so-called ‘smiling effect’, and (iii) some parametric volatility models. The asymptotic behavior of the proposed tests is investigated, and practical feasibility is shown via simulation studies. We further illustrate our methods with real financial data.  相似文献   

Two recent studies of SME share determination have employed a partial adjustment model which specifies disequilibrium as the sole means of explanation. Contemporaneous information is found to be crucial in both analyses and suggests forward looking behaviour in the equilibrium specification. Time series data available for Venezuela allows the testing of such an equilibrium using the Engle and Granger (1987) error correction methodology. We find that current dated variables are important in the short rather than long run determination of SME shares and that only information known at the time the equilibrium is formed enters the long run component. The primary factors explaining equilibrium share are barriers to entry, factor mix, enterprise modernisation and a new exogenous proxy variable, GDP. The main determinants of short run movements are factor mix and enterprise modernisation. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Multivariate panel data provides a unique opportunity in studying the joint evolution of multiple response variables over time. In this paper, we propose an error component seemingly unrelated nonparametric regression model to fit the multivariate panel data, which is more flexible than the traditional error component seemingly unrelated parametric regression. By applying the undersmoothing technique and taking both of the correlations within and among responses into account, we propose an efficient two-stage local polynomial estimation for the unknown functions. It is shown that the resulting estimators are asymptotically normal, and have the same biases as the standard local polynomial estimators, which are only based on the individual response, and smaller asymptotic variances. The performance of the proposed procedure is evaluated through a simulation study and a real data set.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new approach to handle nonparametric stochastic frontier (SF) models. It is based on local maximum likelihood techniques. The model is presented as encompassing some anchorage parametric model in a nonparametric way. First, we derive asymptotic properties of the estimator for the general case (local linear approximations). Then the results are tailored to a SF model where the convoluted error term (efficiency plus noise) is the sum of a half normal and a normal random variable. The parametric anchorage model is a linear production function with a homoscedastic error term. The local approximation is linear for both the production function and the parameters of the error terms. The performance of our estimator is then established in finite samples using simulated data sets as well as with a cross-sectional data on US commercial banks. The methods appear to be robust, numerically stable and particularly useful for investigating a production process and the derived efficiency scores.  相似文献   

Multivariate GARCH (MGARCH) models are usually estimated under multivariate normality. In this paper, for non-elliptically distributed financial returns, we propose copula-based multivariate GARCH (C-MGARCH) model with uncorrelated dependent errors, which are generated through a linear combination of dependent random variables. The dependence structure is controlled by a copula function. Our new C-MGARCH model nests a conventional MGARCH model as a special case. The aim of this paper is to model MGARCH for non-normal multivariate distributions using copulas. We model the conditional correlation (by MGARCH) and the remaining dependence (by a copula) separately and simultaneously. We apply this idea to three MGARCH models, namely, the dynamic conditional correlation (DCC) model of Engle [Engle, R.F., 2002. Dynamic conditional correlation: A simple class of multivariate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity models. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 20, 339–350], the varying correlation (VC) model of Tse and Tsui [Tse, Y.K., Tsui, A.K., 2002. A multivariate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity model with time-varying correlations. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 20, 351–362], and the BEKK model of Engle and Kroner [Engle, R.F., Kroner, K.F., 1995. Multivariate simultaneous generalized ARCH. Econometric Theory 11, 122–150]. Empirical analysis with three foreign exchange rates indicates that the C-MGARCH models outperform DCC, VC, and BEKK in terms of in-sample model selection and out-of-sample multivariate density forecast, and in terms of these criteria the choice of copula functions is more important than the choice of the volatility models.  相似文献   

This paper presents results from a Monte Carlo study concerning inference with spatially dependent data. We investigate the impact of location/distance measurement errors upon the accuracy of parametric and nonparametric estimators of asymptotic variances. Nonparametric estimators are quite robust to such errors, method of moments estimators perform surprisingly well, and MLE estimators are very poor. We also present and evaluate a specification test based on a parametric bootstrap that has good power properties for the types of measurement error we consider.  相似文献   

This paper considers joint estimation of long run equilibrium coefficients and parameters governing the short run dynamics of a fully parametric Gaussian cointegrated system formulated in continuous time. The model allows the stationary disturbances to be generated by a stochastic differential equation system and for the variables to be a mixture of stocks and flows. We derive a precise form for the exact discrete analogue of the continuous time model in triangular error correction form, which acts as the basis for frequency domain estimation of the unknown parameters using discrete time data. We formally establish the order of consistency and the asymptotic sampling properties of such an estimator. The estimator of the cointegrating parameters is shown to converge at the rate of the sample size to a mixed normal distribution, while that of the short run parameters converges at the rate of the square root of the sample size to a limiting normal distribution.  相似文献   

In this paper a nonparametric variance ratio testing approach is proposed for determining the cointegration rank in fractionally integrated systems. The test statistic is easily calculated without prior knowledge of the integration order of the data, the strength of the cointegrating relations, or the cointegration vector(s). The latter property makes it easier to implement than regression-based approaches, especially when examining relationships between several variables with possibly multiple cointegrating vectors. Since the test is nonparametric, it does not require the specification of a particular model and is invariant to short-run dynamics. Nor does it require the choice of any smoothing parameters that change the test statistic without being reflected in the asymptotic distribution. Furthermore, a consistent estimator of the cointegration space can be obtained from the procedure. The asymptotic distribution theory for the proposed test is non-standard but easily tabulated or simulated. Monte Carlo simulations demonstrate excellent finite sample properties, even rivaling those of well-specified parametric tests. The proposed methodology is applied to the term structure of interest rates, where, contrary to both fractional- and integer-based parametric approaches, evidence in favor of the expectations hypothesis is found using the nonparametric approach.  相似文献   

Consider a multivariate nonparametric model where the unknown vector of functions depends on two sets of explanatory variables. For a fixed level of one set of explanatory variables, we provide consistent statistical tests, called local rank tests, to determine whether the multivariate relationship can be explained by a smaller number of functions. We also provide estimators for the smallest number of functions, called local rank, explaining the relationship. The local rank tests and the estimators of local rank are defined in terms of the eigenvalues of a kernel-based estimator of some matrix. The asymptotics of the eigenvalues is established by using the so-called Fujikoshi expansion along with some techniques of the theory of U-statistics. We present a simulation study which examines the small sample properties of local rank tests. We also apply the local rank tests and the local rank estimators to a demand system given by a newly constructed data set. This work can be viewed as a “local” extension of the tests for a number of factors in a nonparametric relationship introduced by Stephen Donald.  相似文献   

We provide a convenient econometric framework for the analysis of nonlinear dependence in financial applications. We introduce models with constrained nonparametric dependence, which specify the conditional distribution or the copula in terms of a one-dimensional functional parameter. Our approach is intermediate between standard parametric specifications (which are in general too restrictive) and the fully unrestricted approach (which suffers from the curse of dimensionality). We introduce a nonparametric estimator defined by minimizing a chi-square distance between the constrained densities in the family and an unconstrained kernel estimator of the density. We derive the nonparametric efficiency bound for linear forms and show that the minimum chi-square estimator is nonparametrically efficient for linear forms.  相似文献   

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