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We propose a new class of models specifically tailored for spatiotemporal data analysis. To this end, we generalize the spatial autoregressive model with autoregressive and heteroskedastic disturbances, that is, SARAR(1, 1), by exploiting the recent advancements in score‐driven (SD) models typically used in time series econometrics. In particular, we allow for time‐varying spatial autoregressive coefficients as well as time‐varying regressor coefficients and cross‐sectional standard deviations. We report an extensive Monte Carlo simulation study in order to investigate the finite‐sample properties of the maximum likelihood estimator for the new class of models as well as its flexibility in explaining a misspecified dynamic spatial dependence process. The new proposed class of models is found to be economically preferred by rational investors through an application to portfolio optimization.  相似文献   

In the presence of heteroskedastic disturbances, the MLE for the SAR models without taking into account the heteroskedasticity is generally inconsistent. The 2SLS estimates can have large variances and biases for cases where regressors do not have strong effects. In contrast, GMM estimators obtained from certain moment conditions can be robust. Asymptotically valid inferences can be drawn with consistently estimated covariance matrices. Efficiency can be improved by constructing the optimal weighted estimation.  相似文献   

Pseudo maximum likelihood estimates are developed for higher-order spatial autoregressive models with increasingly many parameters, including models with spatial lags in the dependent variables both with and without a linear or nonlinear regression component, and regression models with spatial autoregressive disturbances. Consistency and asymptotic normality of the estimates are established. Monte Carlo experiments examine finite-sample behaviour.  相似文献   

GMM and 2SLS estimation of mixed regressive,spatial autoregressive models   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The GMM method and the classical 2SLS method are considered for the estimation of mixed regressive, spatial autoregressive models. These methods have computational advantage over the conventional maximum likelihood method. The proposed GMM estimators are shown to be consistent and asymptotically normal. Within certain classes of GMM estimators, best ones are derived. The proposed GMM estimators improve upon the 2SLS estimators and are applicable even if all regressors are irrelevant. A best GMM estimator may have the same limiting distribution as the ML estimator (with normal disturbances).  相似文献   

Efficient semiparametric and parametric estimates are developed for a spatial autoregressive model, containing non-stochastic explanatory variables and innovations suspected to be non-normal. The main stress is on the case of distribution of unknown, nonparametric, form, where series nonparametric estimates of the score function are employed in adaptive estimates of parameters of interest. These estimates are as efficient as the ones based on a correct form, in particular they are more efficient than pseudo-Gaussian maximum likelihood estimates at non-Gaussian distributions. Two different adaptive estimates are considered, relying on somewhat different regularity conditions. A Monte Carlo study of finite sample performance is included.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce the one-step generalized method of moments (GMM) estimation methods considered in Lee (2007a) and Liu, Lee, and Bollinger (2010) to spatial models that impose a spatial moving average process for the disturbance term. First, we determine the set of best linear and quadratic moment functions for GMM estimation. Second, we show that the optimal GMM estimator (GMME) formulated from this set is the most efficient estimator within the class of GMMEs formulated from the set of linear and quadratic moment functions. Our analytical results show that the one-step GMME can be more efficient than the quasi maximum likelihood (QMLE), when the disturbance term is simply i.i.d. With an extensive Monte Carlo study, we compare its finite sample properties against the MLE, the QMLE and the estimators suggested in Fingleton (2008a).  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider GMM estimation of the regression and MRSAR models with SAR disturbances. We derive the best GMM estimator within the class of GMM estimators based on linear and quadratic moment conditions. The best GMM estimator has the merit of computational simplicity and asymptotic efficiency. It is asymptotically as efficient as the ML estimator under normality and asymptotically more efficient than the Gaussian QML estimator otherwise. Monte Carlo studies show that, with moderate-sized samples, the best GMM estimator has its biggest advantage when the disturbances are asymmetrically distributed. When the diagonal elements of the spatial weights matrix have enough variation, incorporating kurtosis of the disturbances in the moment functions will also be helpful.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a computationally simple GMM for the estimation of mixed regressive spatial autoregressive models. The proposed method explores the advantage of the method of elimination and substitution in linear algebra. The modified GMM approach reduces the joint (nonlinear) estimation of a complete vector of parameters into estimation of separate components. For the mixed regressive spatial autoregressive model, the nonlinear estimation is reduced to the estimation of the (single) spatial effect parameter. We identify situations under which the resulting estimator can be efficient relative to the joint GMM estimator where all the parameters are jointly estimated.  相似文献   

This paper proposes maximum likelihood estimators for panel seemingly unrelated regressions with both spatial lag and spatial error components. We study the general case where spatial effects are incorporated via spatial errors terms and via a spatial lag dependent variable and where the heterogeneity in the panel is incorporated via an error component specification. We generalize the approach of Wang and Kockelman (2007) and propose joint and conditional Lagrange multiplier tests for spatial autocorrelation and random effects for this spatial SUR panel model. The small sample performance of the proposed estimators and tests are examined using Monte Carlo experiments. An empirical application to hedonic housing prices in Paris illustrate these methods. The proposed specification uses a system of three SUR equations corresponding to three types of flats within 80 districts of Paris over the period 1990-2003. We test for spatial effects and heterogeneity and find reasonable estimates of the shadow prices for housing characteristics.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes spatial Probit models for cross sectional dependent data in a binary choice context. Observations are divided by pairwise groups and bivariate normal distributions are specified within each group. Partial maximum likelihood estimators are introduced and they are shown to be consistent and asymptotically normal under some regularity conditions. Consistent covariance matrix estimators are also provided. Estimates of average partial effects can also be obtained once we characterize the conditional distribution of the latent error. Finally, a simulation study shows the advantages of our new estimation procedure in this setting. Our proposed partial maximum likelihood estimators are shown to be more efficient than the generalized method of moments counterparts.  相似文献   

Stable autoregressive models are considered with martingale differences errors scaled by an unknown nonparametric time-varying function generating heterogeneity. An important special case involves structural change in the error variance, but in most practical cases the pattern of variance change over time is unknown and may involve shifts at unknown discrete points in time, continuous evolution or combinations of the two. This paper develops kernel-based estimators of the residual variances and associated adaptive least squares (ALS) estimators of the autoregressive coefficients. Simulations show that efficiency gains are achieved by the adaptive procedure.  相似文献   

This paper explores the properties of jackknife methods of estimation in stationary autoregressive models. Some general results concerning the correct weights for bias reduction under various sampling schemes are provided and the asymptotic properties of a jackknife estimator based on non-overlapping sub-samples are derived for the case of a stationary autoregression of order pp when the number of sub-samples is either fixed or increases with the sample size at an appropriate rate. The results of a detailed investigation into the finite sample properties of various jackknife and alternative estimators are reported and it is found that the jackknife can deliver substantial reductions in bias in autoregressive models. This finding is robust to departures from normality, ARCH effects and misspecification. The median-unbiasedness and mean squared error properties are also investigated and compared with alternative methods as are the coverage rates of jackknife-based confidence intervals.  相似文献   

We provide a new central limit theorem (CLT) for spatial processes under weak conditions that are plausible for many economic applications in which location is endogenous. In particular, our CLT is designed for problems that have some, but not necessarily all, of the following features: (i) Agents choose the locations of observations to maximize profits, welfare, or some other objective. (ii) The objects that are chosen (e.g., stores or brands) interact with one another. For example, they can be substitutes or complements. (iii) Interaction can be complex. In particular, interaction between i and j need not depend only on the distance between the locations of i and j, but can also depend on distance to or location of other observations k, or possibly on the number of other such observations.  相似文献   

This paper considers the specification and estimation of social interaction models with network structures and the presence of endogenous, contextual, correlated, and group fixed effects. When the network structure in a group is captured by a graph in which the degrees of nodes are not all equal, the different positions of group members as measured by the Bonacich (1987) centrality provide additional information for identification and estimation. In this case, the Bonacich centrality measure for each group can be used as an instrument for the endogenous social effect, but the number of such instruments grows with the number of groups. We consider the 2SLS and GMM estimation for the model. The proposed estimators are asymptotically efficient, respectively, within the class of IV estimators and the class of GMM estimators based on linear and quadratic moments, when the sample size grows fast enough relative to the number of instruments.  相似文献   

Instrumental variable estimation in the presence of many moment conditions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper develops shrinkage methods for addressing the “many instruments” problem in the context of instrumental variable estimation. It has been observed that instrumental variable estimators may behave poorly if the number of instruments is large. This problem can be addressed by shrinking the influence of a subset of instrumental variables. The procedure can be understood as a two-step process of shrinking some of the OLS coefficient estimates from the regression of the endogenous variables on the instruments, then using the predicted values of the endogenous variables (based on the shrunk coefficient estimates) as the instruments. The shrinkage parameter is chosen to minimize the asymptotic mean square error. The optimal shrinkage parameter has a closed form, which makes it easy to implement. A Monte Carlo study shows that the shrinkage method works well and performs better in many situations than do existing instrument selection procedures.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose estimators for the regression coefficients in censored duration models which are distribution free, impose no parametric specification on the baseline hazard function, and can accommodate general forms of censoring. The estimators are shown to have desirable asymptotic properties and Monte Carlo simulations demonstrate good finite sample performance. Among the data features the new estimators can accommodate are covariate-dependent censoring, double censoring, and fixed (individual or group specific) effects. We also examine the behavior of the estimator in an empirical illustration.  相似文献   

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