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在媒介技术创新优化的同时,媒介技术的发展环境发生了转变,广告传播进入了数字化、数据化与智能化的时代,为广告传播的互动性增强、信息接触方式优化以及广告形式重构产生了驱动。在直播平台、电商平台诞生后,传统的广告传播方式逐步被短视频、电商直播及场景营销等新的方式所取代,致使广告传播的形态及理念均有所转变。为此,本文以新时代背景下媒介技术环境的分析为切入点,对媒介技术驱动下的广告传播新形态及新理念进行了逐一阐述,旨在为广告传播形态及理念的科学运用奠定基础,从而优化广告传播效果,驱动广告业的稳定与长效发展。  相似文献   

舒咏平 《中国广告》2009,(10):102-106
以互动性、自主性为特征的新媒体使得广告主自主传播获得实现,也就使得"广告"的"付费"、"可识别"、"非个人的传播"等核心要素遭受致命挑战;广告内涵的演进势在必行。而热极一时的"整合营销传播"某种意义上是消灭广告本体,如此,"品牌传播"就成为广告内涵演进的必然取向。  相似文献   

网络视频广告作为一种比较新颖的网络广告形式,结合Web2.0所带来的巨大技术变革,使得网络视频广告开始"飞入寻常百姓家",网络视频广告中又以病毒式网络视频广告具有很强的代表性。本文结合网络视频广告的特性,试图从病毒式网络视频广告的内容、目标受众以及运作时应注意问题等方面探析病毒式网络视频广告的传播策略。  相似文献   

数字技术和网络技术的迅猛发展引发了媒介融合。媒介融合的影响面涉及媒介生态系统中的每一个环节,其中也包括广告传播,媒介融合对广告传播的影响是全方位的,本文着重探析媒介融合对广告主体、广告媒介、广告信息以及广告客体的影响,以期找到演变中广告传播活动的正确方向。  相似文献   

陈亮 《广告导报》2006,(5):82-83
许多企业的营销有一个不成文的策略:广告投放和公关是分开的。由于中国企业的营销职能大部分没有在组织中高效整合,使得广告传播和公关传播分别执行企业营销战略的不同部分,也造成了本应同属于营销行为的这两者的人为割裂。  相似文献   

顾伟 《现代商业》2007,(30):279-280
广告传播是一种特殊的传播现象,广告传播遵循传播学的一般规律。随着广告传播的发展,舆论领袖在广告传播的作用也日益明显,既有积极的一面也有消极的一面,为了更好的进行广告传播必须扬长避短,充分发挥舆论领袖的积极作用有助于实现广告传播的效果。  相似文献   

顾伟 《现代商业》2007,(36):279-280
广告传播是一种特殊的传播现象,广告传播遵循传播学的一般规律.随着广告传播的发展,舆论领袖在广告传播的作用也日益明显,既有积极的一面也有消极的一面,为了更好的进行广告传播必须扬长避短,充分发挥舆论领袖的积极作用有助于实现广告传播的效果.  相似文献   

张惠辛 《中国广告》2005,(12):19-19
我们正有幸或不幸地置身于广告大变革的背景之上。这场变革大约可以从两个方面来加以描述:第一.广告的话语如此坚决地摆脱了行业的限制,而成为品牌、媒体乃至全社会的共同话语第二,品牌的传播同样有力地摆脱了传统广告的狭隘概念,长驱直入终端、公关.活动与事件等领域。舒尔茨曾经的线上线下、点与面、各种传播手段的整合传播的理论憧憬,仿佛一夜之间在中国成为现实。一个超越广告的时代真的到来了。  相似文献   

广告语言是传播广告信息的主要工具之一,从本质上来说,广告语言不是静止的语言,而是发生在广告传播过程中的言语行为,是一种动态的传播语言。因此,在广告传播过程中,广告语言有效地维持传播活动的顺利进行,使广告意图为目标受众所理解接受并产生预期的反应,是广告语言建构的基本取向。这种取向决定着建构广告语言必须以突出语言的传播功能为原则,我们称之为有效传播原则。语言的传播功能一般可分为指称功能、表态功能,指示功能、接触功能和界说功能五种,以不同的功能为中心建构言语形式具有不同的传播效果。在建构广告语言时,可以根据传播意图和具体情况,充分利用言语形式的不同传播功能,以达到传播的最佳效果。  相似文献   

陈亮 《广告大观》2006,(6S):83-84
许多企业的营销有一个不成文的策略:广告投放和公关是分开的。由于中国企业的营销大部分没有在组织中高效整合,使得广告传播和公关传播分别执行企业营销战略的不同部分,于是造成了本应同属于营销行为的这两者的人为割裂。广告和公关结合得好的企业,往往由老总直接指挥。老总最领会企业营销战略意图,把广告和公关同时都抓到手中,结合在一起执行,从而实现广告投放和公关有机的结合。此外,高效整合还能卓有成效地降低公关中的成本。统一润滑油的企业发展历程便展示出这一点。  相似文献   

The popular belief in subliminal advertising has remained robust in spite of the fact that advertising professionals almost universally discount it as a practical technique. The current psychological theories of Silverman [Silverman, L. H. (1976). Psychoanalytic theory: The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated. American Psychologist, 31 (Sept.), 621–637] and his colleagues provide a conceptual basis for how changes in behavior might result from subliminal stimulation. However, the theory specifies stimulus conditions which make it highly unlikely that successful use of subliminal messages could be achieved in a promotional context. In light of Silverman's theories, even two recent demonstrations of subliminal effects in the advertising literature fail to enhance the credibility of subliminal advertising as a professional tool.  相似文献   

A meta-analysis is used to demonstrate the ineffectiveness of subliminal advertising to influence the consumer's decision between alternatives. A review of narrative reviews is provided to illustrate that sample size and effect size is seldom used as the basis for evaluating whether subliminal marketing stimuli are an effective means for influencing consumer choice behavior. The results of the meta-analysis indicate that there is very little effect. The resulting coefficient had a value r=0.0585, which places the effectiveness of subliminal advertising on choice between the impact of aspirin on heart attacks and the relationship between alcohol abuse and a tour of duty in Vietnam (Rosenthal, 1990). © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Every 20 years, subliminal advertising pops back into popular culture. August Bullock (2004a) is the most recent “advocate” with his book The Secret Sales Pitch: An Overview of Subliminal Advertising. This paper reviews nearly 50 years of research on subliminal advertising and comments specifically about Bullock’s more recent publication. The literature repeatedly shows that most effects are only obtained in highly artificial situations, and no research has shown an effect that changed attitudes or impacted purchasing behavior.  相似文献   


Studies investigating subliminal stimulation have generally held that such procedures are ineffective in an advertising context. This article provides a new outlook based on right brain processing. Evidence is presented that indicates that subliminal stimulation has impact when the stimulus is selected based upon the model presented.  相似文献   

舒咏平 《广告大观》2009,(5):101-105
现有的“广告”与“广告教育”的内涵规定,随着媒体与社会环境的变化而产生欠缺;由此,二者的内涵需要进行与时俱进的演进,其取向乃为“品牌传播”;体现在广告教育中,则应是品牌传播理念的注入、人才输送重点由广告行业到品牌传播界、课程体系与内容的相应变更、以及与包含企业在内的“品牌传播业界”互动。  相似文献   


A telephone survey was conducted among a national probability sample of 330 adults to determine consumer attitudes toward the use of subliminal stimulation techniques in a self-improvement product. Additionally, those most favorable toward the product concept were profiled. The study found consumers to be skeptical toward the use of subliminal messages for the purpose of self-improvement and concerned about being influenced to do something they did not want to do. Those consumers most favorable toward the subliminal technique had prior experience with computers and video equipment, were less educated, and had some family problems. Comparisons are made with prior studies of consumer attitudes toward subliminal advertising.  相似文献   

The effect of subliminal sex and death embeds on attention to advertising, change in attitude, behavioral intention, and day-after recall of advertising were investigated for two products. Contrary to findings in some previous research, no significant effects were indicated in the current study at any level. A review and comparison to previous research is provided, along with a possible explanation for conflicting research findings in the area.  相似文献   

Advertisers often have been accused of using techniques which manipulate and control the behavior of consumers and hence violate their autonomy. Some of these techniques are puffery, subliminal advertising, and indirect information transfer. After examining both criticisms and defenses of such practices, this paper presents an analysis of four of the concepts involved in the debate — the concepts of autonomous desire, rational desire, free choice, and control. Applying the results to the case of advertising, it is shown that advertising cannot be found guilty of intrinsically or frequently violating the consumer's autonomy in any of the relevant senses of this notion.  相似文献   

本研究从中观层面入手,把中观层面的广告经营观变革分为五个阶段:产品力阶段(1979-1983)、文化力阶段(1984-1993)、媒介力阶段(1994-1997)、营销力阶段(1998-2003)和品牌力阶段(2004-2008)。在对广告界多位资深人士进行问卷调查和深度访问基础上,从中遴选出最具代表性的15个经典案例或事件。考察各阶段广告传播的微观波动——消费观,并从宏观角度寻找其与中观、微观律动的深层原因——时代观,以此管窥中国社会价值观念的变迁机制。  相似文献   

This article reviews progress to date on research on the effects of subliminal stimulation on subject populations and potential applications to persuasive communications. Three areas of inquiry covered in the literature include psychological, physiological, and behavioral (choice) responses, the last of which is of particular interest to advertising and marketing specialists. The article identifies several fruitful areas for continued research and experimentation, especially in areas of social marketing research. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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