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6月23日,市场追捧的“海外银行第一股”交通银行在香港联交所挂牌交易,代码为3328。据香港联交所的消息,交通银行股票开市报2.8元,其后在2.8~2.9元之间徘徊,最终报收于2.825元,较招股价2.5元上涨13%,全天共成交51.6亿元。  相似文献   

略论我国保险公司上市   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放以来,我国保险业一直处于快速发展之中.从1981年到1999年,我国保险费收入年平均实际增长率高达30%左右,高于同期我国GDP的年平均实际增长率2倍多.而与保险市场和保险业的快速发展相比,目前我国保险公司的融资渠道还很窄.让符合条件的保险公司发行股票上市,既是我国保险业持续、快速发展的需要,也是我国证券市场发展的需要.从世界各国和地区、特别是发达国家和地区保险业的发展情况看,保险公司上市十分普遍,德国安联、法国安盛等知名保险集团均为上市企业.而在我国,目前在沪、深股市挂牌的一千多家上市公司中,金融类上市公司寥寥无几,保险上市公司更是没有一家.加入WTO后,我国的保险市场将逐步走向自由竞争,一方面将放开人民币业务寿险及产险的市场,另一方面,外资保险机构允许介入中国保险市场的地域将会扩大,中资保险公司所面临的竞争将会十分激烈.面对挑战,我国保险公司如何在进一步开放的趋势中进入股票市场充实资本金、增强综合实力,是我们需要研究和解决的问题.  相似文献   

9月22日,招商银行(3968.HK)在香港联合交易所正式挂牌上市。当日,招行高调入市后立即呈现出活跃交投态势,总成交量超过10亿股,成交金额约为116亿港元。每股最高报11.14港元,收市报10.68港元,较招股价每股8.55港元上升约24.91%。  相似文献   

一、当前研究中国企业在香港上市问题的意义 1.1 随着中国经济改革不断深化和对外开放日益扩大,中国大陆与香港之间的经济联系与政治关系将变得越来越密切,1997年香港主权回归大陆后,如何保持香港的繁荣与稳定,如何巩固其国际金融中心地位,是海内外人士极为关心的问题。从经济关系看,中国与香港的证券市场合作关系将是九十年代最引人注目的关系,对保持香港的繁荣与稳定具有重要影响。这是因为,自七十年代香港经济发生由单纯转口贸易到逐步建立加工行业以来,香港在大陆的投资不断增长,许多厂商将主要生产加工放在珠江三角洲和广东一带,据统计,到1991年底香港对大陆的投资总额已达163亿港元,仅广东省就有港商投资企业16,000多家,产值相当于香港本地制造业总产值的80%。这种中港之间的产业融合关系,使得保持香港国际金融中心地位在一定程度上依靠中国经济的增长作为支撑。  相似文献   

李勇 《金融博览》2004,(4):29-29
数年来,赴港上市的内地企业负面传闻多多,而香港证监当局的调查几乎无一取得实质性进展,更遑论作出结论,原因何在?  相似文献   

Many previous studies on insider trading are based ondata in the U.S. capital market and conclude thatinsiders can earn abnormal profits. This paperexamines abnormal price performance associated withinsider trading in the Hong Kong stock market. We findthat abnormal profits associated with insider tradingare all concentrated on small firms. Trading volumedoes matter in determining the magnitude of thoseabnormal profits. Our results show that insiders ofmedium-sized and large firms do not earn abnormalprofits. Finally, it is found that outsiders who mimicthe information of insider trades associated withmedium-sized and large firms cannot earn abnormalprofits.  相似文献   

香港股市与内地股市的联动性研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文分3个阶段考察了香港回归以来,香港股市和内地股市之间的联动关系及其变化。协整分析表明,香港股市和内地股市之间存在长期的均衡关系,这种均衡关系在内地资本市场实行股权分置改革后更趋于稳定。Granger因果检验表明,香港回归以来香港股市和内地股市之间的引导关系在经历B股开放和股权分置改革后发生了变化。脉冲响应函数分析从动态的角度进一步验证了香港股市和内地股市之间的引导关系及其变化,并深入分析了单个变量的波动或冲击对其自身及另一变量的影响程度。  相似文献   

There is no consensus about the cause for higher volatility at the market open than at the market close in the U.S. market. As an order–driven, nonspecialist market, the Hong Kong stock market provides a useful setting for an examination. If halt of trade were the major cause of higher open–to–open volatility, the open–to–open volatility in the Hong Kong market would be higher. However, this is not observed. The autocorrelation of the open–to–open return series also indicates that the temporary price deviation at the market opening is not significant. We view these findings as consistent with the specialist argument.  相似文献   

We examine the effects of the 2008 financial crisis on the cross-market efficiency of the Hong Kong and Shanghai stock markets. Our results show a sharp decline in the cross-market efficiency during the financial crisis. We investigate whether this is due to lower internal market efficiency or higher market co-movement. The results show no evidence that the internal market efficiency dropped in Hong Kong or Shanghai during the crisis. In contrast, we document a strong increase in the market co-movement during the crisis. These results suggest that the decline in cross-market efficiency during the financial crisis is due to increased market co-movement and not a decline in internal market efficiency.  相似文献   

Despite its obvious importance, little empirical research has examined the impact of political risk on stock market volatility. This paper uses data on the Hong Kong stock market over a long sample period to investigate whether political risk has induced regime shifts in stock market volatility. Regime shifts are modelled via a Markov switching EGARCH model that allows for regime-dependent volatility asymmetry. We find strong evidence of regime shifts in conditional volatility as well as significant volatility asymmetry in high volatility periods. Major political uncertainties were reflected in a switch to the high-volatility regime. However, contrary to popular perceptions, we find no evidence that the Hong Kong stock market has become persistently more volatile since the start of Sino-British political negotiations in 1982.  相似文献   

Many studies show that the use of technical analysis can generate excess returns. We test the “CRISMA” technical trading rule introduced by [Pruitt and White J. Portfolio Managt. Spring, 1988, 55–58] on global equity indices and common stocks in Hong Kong. Out study shows that no excess returns could be found in indices except those in Asia. This validates the claims that the Asian stock markets are not as efficient as other stock markets and hence can be exploited by technical analysis. How does CRISMA perform on common stocks in Hong Kong? Generally speaking, CRISMA does not fair better than the buy and hold strategy. Further analysis reveals excess returns for stocks with very large turnover. This is consistent with other recent research on CRISMA conducted on US and UK stock markets. We also amend part of the original CRISMA rules to yield better performance: shrinking the moving average window sizes can increase both the number of trade signals and the excess returns. Therefore CRISMA can be made to work with some judicious choice of parameters, depending on the turnover.  相似文献   

香港保荐人制度最新修订述评   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
香港保荐人制度最新修订分解了保荐人的角色,引入了合规顾问、独立财务顾问与保荐人共同承担证券首次公开发行推荐责任和持续督导责任.新的香港保荐人制度清晰地界定了保荐人、合规顾问和独立财务顾问在证券市场上的角色与责任,规定了保荐人的独立性及其判断标准,重构了保荐人的尽职审查责任.内地保荐制度应该强化保荐机构的角色与责任,从"双保制"回归到"单保制",适当引入类似合规顾问和独立财务顾问等中介机构的角色,降低对保荐代表人的过分倚重,形成对证券发行上市的监管合力.  相似文献   

引言 香港经济以外向型为主,多年以来奉行纯正的自由市场原则,每年对外贸易额至少是本地生产总值(GDP)的2.5倍1,已经成为全球最高标准的经济自由区之一.香港主要向国外输出制造业产品,以及广泛的一系列金融和其他服务.作为国际金融中心和金融自由港,香港拥有庞大的资金基础,吸引了世界的资本流入,而香港居民对外进行直接投资、金融投资或借款,对外埠经济发挥了巨大的影响.  相似文献   

天勤 《国际融资》2007,(8):37-39
记者:首先,有必要请你谈谈"一国两制"实施10年来给香港经济、社会分别带来了多大影响? 陈志武:在过去10年里,虽然出现过几次挑战,但在没有出现大的持续性政治或社会危机的情况下,"一国两制"运作得基本顺利,香港独特的法治体系和开放的新闻媒体基本被保留,并且还有许多好的发展,香港民主进程也在加速.  相似文献   

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