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This paper presents a forecasting model of economic assumptions that are inputs to projections of the Social Security system. Social Security projections are made to help policy-makers understand the financial stability of the system. Because system income and expenditures are subject to changes in law, they are controllable and not readily amenable to forecasting techniques. Hence, we focus directly on the four major economic assumptions to the system: inflation rate, investment returns, wage rate, and unemployment rate. Population models, the other major input to Social Security projections, require special demographic techniques and are not addressed here.

Our approach to developing a forecasting model emphasizes exploring characteristics of the data. That is, we use graphical techniques and diagnostic statistics to display patterns that are evident in the data. These patterns include (1) serial correlation, (2) conditional heteroscedasticity, (3) contemporaneous correlations, and (4) cross-correlations among the four economic series. To represent patterns in the four series, we use multivariate autoregressive, moving average (ARMA) models with generalized autoregressive, conditionally heteroscedastic (GARCH) errors.

The outputs of the fitted models are the forecasts. Because the forecasts can be used for nonlinear functions such as discounting present values of future obligations, we present a computer-intensive method for computing forecast distributions. The computer-intensive approach also allows us to compare alternative models via out-of-sample validation and to compute exact multivariate forecast intervals, in lieu of approximate simultaneous univariate forecast intervals. We show how to use the forecasts of economic assumptions to forecast a simplified version of a fund used to protect the Social Security system from adverse deviations. We recommend the use of the multivariate model because it establishes important lead and lag relationships among the series, accounts for information in the contemporaneous correlations, and provides useful forecasts of a fund that is analogous to the one used by the Social Security system.  相似文献   

Longevity risk is among the most important factors to consider for pricing and risk management of longevity products. Past improvements in mortality over many years, and the uncertainty of these improvements, have attracted the attention of experts, both practitioners and academics. Since aggregate mortality rates reflect underlying trends in causes of death, insurers and demographers are increasingly considering cause-of-death data to better understand risks in their mortality assumptions. The relative importance of causes of death has changed over many years. As one cause reduces, others increase or decrease. The dependence between mortality for different causes of death is important when projecting future mortality. However, for scenario analysis based on causes of death, the assumption usually made is that causes of death are independent. Recent models, in the form of Vector Error Correction Models (VECMs), have been developed for multivariate dynamic systems and capture time dependency with common stochastic trends. These models include long-run stationary relations between the variables and thus allow a better understanding of the nature of this dependence. This article applies VECMs to cause-of-death mortality rates to assess the dependence between these competing risks. We analyze the five main causes of death in Switzerland. Our analysis confirms the existence of a long-run stationary relationship between these five causes. This estimated relationship is then used to forecast mortality rates, which are shown to be an improvement over forecasts from more traditional ARIMA processes, which do not allow for cause-of-death dependencies.  相似文献   

Companies undertaking initial public offerings (IPOs) in Greece were obliged to include next-year profit forecast in their prospectuses, until the regulation changed in 2001 to voluntary forecasting. Drawing evidence from IPOs issued in the period 1993–2015, this is the first study to investigate the effect of disclosure regime on management earnings forecasts and IPO long-term performance. The findings show mainly positive forecast errors (forecasts are lower than actual earnings) and higher long-term returns during the mandatory period, suggesting that the mandatory disclosure requirement causes issuers to systematically bias profit forecasts downwards as they opt for the safety of accounting conservatism. The mandatory disclosure requirement artificially improves IPO share performance. Overall, our results show that mandatory disclosure of earnings forecasts can impede capital market efficiency once it goes beyond historical financial information to involve compulsory projections of future performance.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to add to the literature on volatility forecasting using data from the Hong Kong stock market to determine if forecasts from GARCH based models can outperform simple historical averaging models. Overall, unlike previous studies we find that the GARCH models with non-Normal distributions show a robust volatility forecasting performance in comparison to the historical models. The results indicate that although not all models outperform simple historical averaging, the EGARCH based models, with non-normal conditional volatility, tend to produce more accurate out-of-sample forecasts using both standard measures of forecast accuracy and financial loss functions. In addition we test for asymmetric adjustment in the Hang Seng, finding strong evidence of asymmetries due to the domination of financial and property firms in this market.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the forecasting accuracy of correlations derived from implied volatilities in dollar-mark, dollar-yen, and mark-yen options from January 1989 to May 1995. As a forecast of realized correlation between the dollar-mark and dollar-yen, implied correlation is compared against three alternative forecasts based on time series data: historical correlation, RiskMetrics' exponentially-weighted moving average correlation, and correlation estimated using a bivariate GARCH(1,1) model. At the 1-month and 3-month forecast horizons, we find that implied correlation outperforms, often significantly, these alternative forecasts. In combinations, implied correlation always incrementally improves the performance of other forecasts, but not the converse; in certain cases, historically-based forecasts contribute no incremental information to implied forecasts. The superiority of the implied correlation forecast holds even when forecast errors are weighted by realized variances, reflecting correlation's contribution to the dollar variance of a multicurrency portfolio.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a regime-switching combination approach to predict excess stock returns. The approach explicitly incorporates model uncertainty, regime uncertainty, and parameter uncertainty. The empirical findings reveal that the regime-switching combination forecasts of excess returns deliver consistent out-of-sample forecasting gains relative to the historical average and the Rapach et al. (2010) combination forecasts. The findings also reveal that two regimes are related to the business cycle. Based on the business cycle explanation of regimes, excess returns are found to be more predictable during economic contractions than during expansions. Finally, return forecasts are related to the real economy, thus providing insights on the economic sources of return predictability.  相似文献   

Studying changes in cause-specific (or competing risks) mortality rates may provide significant insights for the insurance business as well as the pension systems, as they provide more information than the aggregate mortality data. However, the forecasting of cause-specific mortality rates requires new tools to capture the dependence among the competing causes. This paper introduces a class of hierarchical Archimedean copula (HAC) models for cause-specific mortality data. The approach extends the standard Archimedean copula models by allowing for asymmetric dependence among competing risks, while preserving closed-form expressions for mortality forecasts. Moreover, the HAC model allows for a convenient analysis of the impact of hypothetical reduction, or elimination, of mortality of one or more causes on the life expectancy. Using US cohort mortality data, we analyze the historical mortality patterns of different causes of death, provide an explanation for the ‘failure’ of the War on Cancer, and evaluate the impact on life expectancy of hypothetical scenarios where cancer mortality is reduced or eliminated. We find that accounting for longevity improvement across cohorts can alter the results found in existing studies that are focused on one single cohort.  相似文献   

Although the Lee-Carter model has become a benchmark in modeling mortality rates, forecasting mortality risk, and hedging longevity risk, some serious issues exist on its inference and interpretation in the actuarial science literature. After pointing out these pitfalls, this article proposes a modified Lee-Carter model, provides a rigorous statistical inference, and derives the asymptotic distributions of the proposed estimators and unit root test when the mortality index is nearly integrated and errors in the model satisfy some mixing conditions. After a unit root hypothesis is not rejected, future mortality forecasts can be obtained via the proposed inference. An application of the proposed unit root test to U.S. mortality rates rejects the unit root hypothesis for the female and combined mortality rates but does not reject the unit root hypothesis for the male mortality rates.  相似文献   

Evaluating Interest Rate Covariance Models Within a Value-at-Risk Framework   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A key component of managing international interest rate portfoliosis forecasts of the covariances between national interest ratesand accompanying exchange rates. How should portfolio managerschoose among the large number of covariance forecasting modelsavailable? We find that covariance matrix forecasts generatedby models incorporating interest-rate level volatility effectsperform best with respect to statistical loss functions. However,within a value-at-risk (VaR) framework, the relative performanceof the covariance matrix forecasts depends greatly on the VaRdistributional assumption, and forecasts based just on weightedaverages of past observations perform best. In addition, portfoliovariance forecasts that ignore the covariance matrix generatethe lowest regulatory capital charge, a key economic decisionvariable for commercial banks. Our results provide empiricalsupport for the commonly used VaR models based on simple covariancematrix forecasts and distributional assumptions.  相似文献   

Despite its pivotal importance in enterprise management, cash flow forecasting gets little attention from academics perhaps because few of them have access to internal processes and data. In this article, however, the authors explain how cash flow forecasting is organized at Bayer, a large multinational company headquartered in Germany, and which factors influence the accuracy of its forecasts. The research focuses on cash flow forecasts based on the direct method, prepared three times a yearat Bayer, involving about 62,000 individual forecasting items each time. These forecasts form the basis of the company's liquidity and financial risk management, in particular, its foreign exchange risk hedging. The authors explain how local managers in Bayer's entities across the world derive the forecasts, i.e., what information they use as input, how they validate it, and how they deal with potential bias caused by managerial incentive systems. They also analyze whether forecasting processes are affected by characteristics such as business area, size, region, or specific local conditions, and ultimately whether forecasting practices and entity characteristics affect forecast accuracy. The findings show that cash flow forecasting procedures vary substantially across Bayer. While the central finance department gives general guidance on the required cash flow forecasting output and provides direction on the input to be used, there are no detailed instructions on how forecasts are to be prepared. Instead, local managers are free to determine their own forecasting practices. They use different forecasting inputs and validate forecasting inputs and output with different intensities, and they also differ in how they treat possible biases in input data. These findings document the limits of standardization and central control in large multinational corporations resulting from local managers’ need for flexibility to cope with the heterogeneity and dynamism of their environments. At the same time, however, local differentiation increases complexity and may increase errors. Quantitative analysis of forecasting errors shows that forecasts of receipts from customers (cash inflows) are more accurate than forecasts of payments to suppliers (cash outflows). Moreover, forecasting practices affect forecast accuracy. Outflow forecasts are more accurate if managers intensively validate forecasting input; inflow forecasts, if they eliminate input biases that may result from internal target setting or from other managerial incentives, and if they carefully validate their forecasting output. The study provides several insights.

An employer that sets up a defined benefit pension plan promises to periodically pay a certain sum to each participant starting at some future date and continuing until death. Although both the future beneficiary and the employer can be asked to finance the plan throughout the beneficiary's career, any shortcoming of funds in the future is often the employer's responsibility. It is therefore essential for the employer to be able to predict with a high degree of confidence the total amount that will be required to cover its future pension obligations. Applying mortality forecasting models to the case of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police pension plan, we illustrate the importance of mortality forecasting to value a pension fund's actuarial liabilities. As future survival rates are uncertain, pensioners may live longer than expected. We find that such longevity risk represents approximately 2.8 percent of the total liability ascribable to retired pensioners (as measured by the relative value at risk at the 95th percentile) and 2.5 percent of the total liabilities ascribable to current regular contributors. Longevity risk compounds the model risk associated with not knowing what is the true mortality model, and we estimate that model risk represents approximately 3.2 percent of total liabilities. The compounded longevity risk therefore represents almost 6 percent of the pension plan's total liabilities.  相似文献   

梁方  沈诗涵  黄卓 《金融研究》2021,493(7):58-76
本文使用组合预测方法,探究以“朗润预测”为代表的专家预测以及计量模型对于中国宏观经济变量的预测效果,并研究对不同预测进行组合预测是否有助于改进预测效果。本文发现,对我国CPI和GDP的增长率,专家预测效果总体上优于模型预测。从原因看,一方面,专家在预测时已经考虑了计量模型的预测信息;另一方面,在经济出现“拐点”的时期,专家通过对实际经济环境和政策的把握,得出更准确的经济预测。组合预测有助于提升预测精度,对专家预测进行组合得到的预测效果优于大多数的专家预测,“模型—专家”组合预测的效果也优于所有的模型和大部分专家预测。  相似文献   

The paper investigates whether risk-neutral skewness has incremental explanatory power for future volatility in the S&P 500 index. While most of previous studies have investigated the usefulness of historical volatility and implied volatility for volatility forecasting, we study the information content of risk-neutral skewness in volatility forecasting model. In particular, we concentrate on Heterogeneous Autoregressive model of Realized Volatility and Implied Volatility (HAR-RV-IV). We find that risk-neutral skewness contains additional information for future volatility, relative to past realized volatilities and implied volatility. Out-of-sample analyses confirm that risk-neutral skewness improves significantly the accuracy of volatility forecasts for future volatility.  相似文献   

《Global Finance Journal》2002,13(2):195-215
We first evaluate the performance of major commercial banks in forecasting future spot exchange rates, using the random-walk model as the benchmark. We then investigate the sources of forecast errors, and the forecasting tendencies of banks. Our analysis is based on the forecasts made for the US dollar exchange rates of the British pound (BP), German mark (DM), Swiss franc (SF), and Japanese yen (JY), over 3-, 6-, 9-, and 12-month forecast horizons. Key findings include: first, a majority of banks shows some evidence of outperforming the random-walk model for the three currencies other than the JY. Second, the imperfect correlation between predicted and actual exchange rate changes is the dominant source of prediction errors of banks. Third, the home-country bank generally forecasts the country's currency rate more accurately than the other banks, suggesting a degree of information asymmetry. Fourth, the forecasts of a majority of banks exhibit a bandwagon type effect. That is, most banks are momentum forecasters, tending to extrapolate the recent currency changes. Interestingly, a “contrarian” bank is found to outperform the other banks.  相似文献   

Mark Wallis 《Abacus》2023,59(4):1074-1115
Accounting theory and accounting researchers stress the importance of clean surplus accounting and comprehensive income to corporate valuation. However, casual observation suggests that sell-side equity analysts routinely ignore other comprehensive income (OCI) in their forecasts and instead focus on forecasting earnings (before OCI). Using a sample of analyst reports, I first confirm that analysts normally omit forecasts of OCI or comprehensive income from their reports, consistent with analysts forecasting OCI as zero. I then predict and find that a zero forecast for OCI generally produces lower forecasting errors than alternative time-series models, such as a random walk or AR(1) model, suggesting a rational reason why analysts take this approach. Finally, I predict and find that although analysts’ point forecasts of future OCI are usually zero, their implied cost of equity estimates are consistent with analysts forecasting a positive variance for OCI.  相似文献   

Linkages between banks and insurance companies are important when forecasting the fragility of the banking and insurance sectors. We propose a novel empirical framework that allows us to estimate unobserved linkages in panel data sets that contain observed regressors. We find that taking unobserved common factors into account reduces the root mean square forecasts error of firm specific forecasts by up to 9%, of system forecasts by up to 14%, and by up to 39% for systemic forecasts of more distressed firms relative to a model based on observed variables only. Estimates of the factor loadings suggest that the correlation of financial institutions has been relatively stable over the forecast period.  相似文献   

Quantile forecasts are central to risk management decisions because of the widespread use of Value-at-Risk. A quantile forecast is the product of two factors: the model used to forecast volatility, and the method of computing quantiles from the volatility forecasts. In this paper we calculate and evaluate quantile forecasts of the daily exchange rate returns of five currencies. The forecasting models that have been used in recent analyses of the predictability of daily realized volatility permit a comparison of the predictive power of different measures of intraday variation and intraday returns in forecasting exchange rate variability. The methods of computing quantile forecasts include making distributional assumptions for future daily returns as well as using the empirical distribution of predicted standardized returns with both rolling and recursive samples. Our main findings are that the Heterogenous Autoregressive model provides more accurate volatility and quantile forecasts for currencies which experience shifts in volatility, such as the Canadian dollar, and that the use of the empirical distribution to calculate quantiles can improve forecasts when there are shifts.  相似文献   

Focusing on a set of central banks that publish inflation forecasts in real time, this paper aims to establish whether central bank inflation forecasts influence private inflation forecasts. The response is positive in the five countries studied: Sweden, the United Kingdom, Canada, Switzerland, and Japan. Three hypotheses may explain this central bank influence: central bank forecasts are more accurate than private ones, are based on different information sets, and/or convey signals about future policy decisions and policymakers’ preferences and objectives. We provide evidence that the source of these central banks’ influence is not linked to their forecasting performance.  相似文献   

We use stock market data to analyze the quality of alternative models and procedures for forecasting expected shortfall (ES) at different significance levels. We compute ES forecasts from conditional models applied to the full distribution of returns as well as from models that focus on tail events using extreme value theory (EVT). We also apply the semiparametric filtered historical simulation (FHS) approach to ES forecasting to obtain 10-day ES forecasts. At the 10-day horizon we combine FHS with EVT. The performance of the different models is assessed using six different ES backtests recently proposed in the literature. Our results suggest that conditional EVT-based models produce more accurate 1-day and 10-day ES forecasts than do non-EVT based models. Under either approach, asymmetric probability distributions for return innovations tend to produce better forecasts. Incorporating EVT in parametric or semiparametric approaches also improves ES forecasting performance. These qualitative results are also valid for the recent crisis period, even though all models then underestimate the level of risk. FHS narrows the range of numerical forecasts obtained from alternative models, thereby reducing model risk. Combining EVT and FHS seems to be best approach for obtaining accurate ES forecasts.  相似文献   

We apply machine-learning techniques to construct nonlinear nonparametric forecasting models of consumer credit risk. By combining customer transactions and credit bureau data from January 2005 to April 2009 for a sample of a major commercial bank’s customers, we are able to construct out-of-sample forecasts that significantly improve the classification rates of credit-card-holder delinquencies and defaults, with linear regression R2’s of forecasted/realized delinquencies of 85%. Using conservative assumptions for the costs and benefits of cutting credit lines based on machine-learning forecasts, we estimate the cost savings to range from 6% to 25% of total losses. Moreover, the time-series patterns of estimated delinquency rates from this model over the course of the recent financial crisis suggest that aggregated consumer credit-risk analytics may have important applications in forecasting systemic risk.  相似文献   

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