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旅游企业电子商务成熟度测量指标体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旅游企业电子商务成熟度是用来量化旅游企业电子商务发展成熟程度的指数。本文从基础设施建设、电子商务行为、业务改进、电子商务安全、电子商务效益五个要素建立旅游企业电子商务成熟度的指标体系,并采用Delphi算法确定其指标权重。  相似文献   

China Mobile, the country's largest mobile phone network operator, said March 19 its net profit jumped by 29.6 percent in 2008.  相似文献   

The paper describes the approach by which ethics are integrated into the undergraduate curriculum at Northern Illinois University's College of Business. Literature is reviewed to identify conceptual frameworks for, and issues associated with, the teaching of business ethics. From the review, a set of guidelines for teaching ethics is developed and proposed. The objectives and strategies implemented for teaching ethics is discussed. Foundation and follow-up coursework, measurement issues and ancillary programs are also discussed.Dr. Bishop teaches in the Management Department of Northern Illinois University's College of Business. He teaches managerial principles, human resource management and strategic management. His research interests have focused on applied human resource issues and managerial ethics, including the professional ethics of human resource managers.  相似文献   

A project on teaching business ethics at The Wharton School concluded that ethics should be directly incorporated into key MBA courses and taught by the core business faculty. The project team, comprised of students, ethics faculty and functional business faculty, designed a model program for integrating ethics. The project was funded by the Exxon Education Foundation.The program originates with a general introduction designed to familiarize students with literature and concepts pertaining to professional and business ethics and corporate social responsibility. This may be accomplished through orientation sessions, readings, packages, short classes and lectures.The key segment of the plan is to have ethics modules developed and systematically integrated throughout key business courses. In the project experiment, sample modules were developed for courses in introductory marketing, introductory management, corporate finance and business policy.The modules are designed to respond to the concerns of functional business faculty that they cannot be sufficiently authoritative in teaching ethics and that inserting coverage of ethics will displace critically important topics in their already crowded courses. On the other hand, the functional instructors found that, once encouraged, students were very willing to discuss ethical issues and that their sophistication increased throughout the course. Thomas W. Dunfee is the Kolodny Professor of Social Responsibility at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Author of numerous textbooks (Random House, Prentice-Hall, John Wiley), he teaches courses on business ethics and commercial law. He has published numerous articles in law reviews and business periodicals and has consulted to many corporations, government agencies and law firms. Currently President-Elect of the American Business Law Association, he is a former editor-in-chief of the American Business Law Journal. Diana C. Robertson is a Senior Fellow in Business Ethics in the Department of Legal Studies at The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. Her publications in business ethics include Corporate Restructuring and Employee Interests: The Tin Parachute, The Ethics of Organizational Transformation: Mergers, Takeovers and Corporate Restructuring, Quorum Books, 1988, Why Superimposing Ethics on the Corporation Won't Work, Corporate University Journal, Vol. 1, No. 1, July 1988, 18–23, and Work-Related Ethical Attitudes: Impact on Business Profitability with Thomas W. Dunfee, Business and Professional Ethics Journal, Vol. 3, No. 2 (Winter 1984), 25–40.  相似文献   


Understanding, building, and predicting customer loyalty in e-commerce are critical activities for long-run profitability. Successfully carrying out these activities is challenging due to the complex mix of both business organization and customer factors that may influence and drive e-loyalty. We demonstrate that business factors, such as credibility, e-satisfaction and site knowledge, and customer factors, such as inertia, innovativeness, and aggressiveness, influence e-loyalty. Our analyses show that business credibility is affected by the reputation of the e-business and its congruence with the customers’ self-image; e-satisfaction by the customers’ value perception, care, and choice; and site knowledge by customer experience, involvement, and expertise. Business factors account for about 75% of the explained variation in e-loyalty and customer factors for the rest. Understanding the controllable business and uncontrollable customer factors that drive customer loyalty should enable e-commerce retailers to continually assess these factors and make appropriate changes in marketing strategy.  相似文献   

90年代以后电子商务的发展非常迅速,随着国际互联网和电子商务的相关技术不断成熟,电子商务以更为惊人的速度发展.美国ForresterResearch公司的调查显示,电子商务将成为全球发展最快的商务模式.蓬勃发展的全球性电子商务模式对传统商务模式产生了巨大的冲击.现本文就什么是电子商务,和电子商务对传统商务的冲击进行简述.  相似文献   

针对电子商务专业实验教学中存在的问题.旨在探索适合专业特点的实验课教学模式,分析博客在实验课搬学要求的发放办法与模式、实验课学生作业的布置发布与收取办法与模式,实验课学生作业的评价办法与模式.让教师在教学活动中与学生充分交流协作,让学生在愉快的环境下掌握学科知识,完成教学要求.  相似文献   

在中国电子商务生态系统的发展中,第三方电子商务平台起着举足轻重的作用.它能够为中小型企业客户提供开放的交易平台,使得卖家能够通过较小的成本向更多的消费者推销自己的产品.它提供了一个在线的"集市",买家和卖家都可以通过这个在线"集市"来沟通、交流或者完成交易.本文旨在探索第三方交易平台在电子商务生态系统中的角色定位,并分析第三方电子商务平台的价值所在.  相似文献   

在我国,电子商务行业发展十分迅速,但在发展的过程中也出现了诸多问题。作为一个电子商务公司,我们既要关注产品、市场和营销,更需要关注一些数据所反映的问题,进而在这些数据里发现问题并制定出相应的解决方案和发展战略。本文将结合电子商务实例网站的一些实际数据指标来说明数据分析在电子商务中的具体应用及其重要意义,从而希望能促使更多企业真正去重视数据分析的工作,以帮助电子商务企业更好的进行客户关系管理,网站经营管理和结构优化以及为电子商务企业进行战略决策提供有价值的潜在信息。  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》1985,28(5):65-70
As one company found to its cost, there's more to business intelligence than the mere accumulation of data. Here's how one firm went about converting raw data to useful intelligence by setting targets and priorities and developing procedures for the evaluation, storage, and dissemination of information.  相似文献   

Since 1992, the national business systems (NBS) approach has been increasingly used to analyse not only firm characteristics, structures and strategies within NBS, but also the nature of international business and its interactions with both national and transnational institutions. In reviewing 25 years of NBS literature, we heed calls in IB journals urging researchers to use NBS notions and findings in IB research. Our systematic review of 96 articles analyses the patterns and contributions of NBS literature, revealing four thematic junctures: (1) comparative business systems, (2) firm internationalisation and the management/organisation inside MNCs, (3) the role of internationalisation in the development of organisational capabilities and innovation and (4) the emergence of transnational communities in and across firms and societies. Themes are described in terms of (a) the research questions (RQ) they focus on, (b) how NBS approach investigates the RQ and what are the major findings, (c) how IB frames and approaches the same RQ, (d) how does the NBS approach extend the perspectives of IB and (e) what are the problems faced by NBS in terms of developing further insights into the RQ. Our review contributes to the recent endeavour of IB research to institutionalism, encouraging a productive dialogue between IB and NBS research.  相似文献   

浅谈财务电算化在商业企业中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科学技术的进步、网络技术的发展推动的企业财务会计的变革,财务会计电算化系统在企业中的应用,也促进企业了企业的管理变革.本文将财务会计电算化在商业企业中的应用、积极效果、在应用中应当注意的问题等几个方面加以阐述.  相似文献   

随着企业信息化的快速发展,计算机网络技术作为企业信息化的实现手段显得尤为重要,作为网络的支撑部分,通信设备决定着企业信息化进程的脚步.面对数以百计的通信产品,企业在建设一个网络系统时,从软硬件平台选型到方案设计都存在相当大的困难,如何解决选型和应用中出现的问题,并进一步开发新的应用,成为当前的热门研究领域.  相似文献   

罗忠理 《广告大观》2008,(11):118-119
国内SNS网站开始风生水起,有如当初以Blog为主打的Web2.0概念渐入人心,借此契机众多的SNS网营商希望借助风险投资之力直上云霄,再造当初网界盛世领航的局面。这一拨力量尤其以开心网获得北极光创投首轮400多万美元的注资而推向高潮,或许SNS社交营销即将成为网络营销的一股新力量,借以占有广告市场的一席之地。  相似文献   

来自地面、他机和本机的多种航迹数据源为飞机的监视系统带来了新的应用,这些应用在飞行的各个阶段,辅助飞行员更加安全、有效地操作,减轻管制员对每架飞机的负荷。介绍了飞机监视应用系统的架构、组成和作用,讨论了航迹融合的过程以及对多种数据源的整合,总结了建立在ADS-B In基础上的8种应用,梳理了飞机监视应用系统、航迹融合和ADS-B In之间的关系,对飞机监视应用形成了概略的认知。  相似文献   

落实“丝绸之路经济带”建设战略,创新合作模式,充分发挥新疆地缘人缘优势,围绕中国与俄语系地区商贸的转型升级所面临的重点难点问题,研究解决方案。建设标准化中俄电商综合平台和行业标准体系,规范商贸企业客户群数据与交流,实现中俄实时在线智能互译、视频同声翻译、在线交易撮合等服务。组织在线电子支付和电商服务体系,通过协调联合中俄双方外汇、海关、银行、客户等方面,解决往来信息流、资金流、物流、贸易服务流等存在的支付、监管、仲裁问题,加快中俄诚信品牌商贸发展。由牵头公司新疆兄弟联盟网络科技有限公司与各合作单位以产学研结合的模式进行该项目的实施工作。利用公司前期良好的社会基础,完善贸易服务的各环节,解决传统线下贸易在俄语系地区遇到的保护主义、排华倾向蔓延的问题,建立制度化的综合服务完备通道。  相似文献   

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