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In the United States, there is a tremendous amount of interest in community‐supported agriculture (CSA) among farmers, consumers, activists, and policymakers. Despite the attention garnered by CSA and the resurgence of local agriculture, relatively few studies have examined the livelihood opportunities for farmers within local agriculture. This paper evaluates the livelihoods of CSA farmers from the farmers' perspective in the Connecticut River Valley of Massachusetts. Results indicate that although CSA farmers earn more farm income than other farms across the United States on average, they still earn far below the median national income and generally fail to earn a living wage. Despite these findings, CSA farmers stressed the importance of the broader social, ecological, and economic benefits to farming. Although these non‐market benefits are a significant source of well‐being from the CSA farmers' perspective, CSA has largely failed to provide adequate livelihoods for farmers to date.  相似文献   


This study uses secondary longitudinal data and a first difference pooled Poisson regression model to explain annual counts for farmers’ markets in the United States. Data were collected for all 50 states and the District of Columbia for 10 years, from 2004 to 2013, leading to a longitudinal data set with 510 observations. Results indicate that population growth and funds routed toward Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) farmers’ market nutrition programs increase farmers’ markets’ annual counts. The rate ratio of farmers’ markets’ counts for highly populated states that have both WIC and senior farmers’ market nutrition programs is approximately three times greater than their counterparts. Areas with high agriculture output experience a significant increase in counts. States located in the south and in desert areas have lower counts than other regions. This study suggests important recommendations to policy makers, farmers’ market managers, and researchers.  相似文献   

With the development of farm management extension services in Australia, a need has arisen for an analytical technique which can be handled by extension officers and readily comprehended by farmers. Inter farm comparison met this need at a similar stage of development in the United States and United Kingdom, and its application to Australian conditions is discussed. Comparative analysis is presented as an integral feature of farm management accounting.  相似文献   

Improving personal income in low income rural communities is of widespread interest in many areas of the United States, Canada and in other parts of the world. This paper suggests a useful method of analyzing inter-area income differences and identifying factors that are useful in developing alternative policies to raise low per capita income levels as wetl as in delineating areas for public investment. While the results of the study are of special relevance to the Omro area of the United States, the mythology and the general reacts have much wider implications.  相似文献   

This article analyzes determinants of growth across labor markets in the United States, using a production function approach based on four inputs: labor, manufacturing investment, human capital investment, and public capital investment. We find little role for public capital investment in growth, but that manufacturing investment spurred growth in nonmetropolitan areas, in contrast to metropolitan areas. We also find that human capital investment mattered more for metropolitan areas than for nonmetropolitan areas. Further, the presence of more colleges and universities, more household amenities, and lower tax rates are all found to have encouraged human capital accumulation in U.S. labor markets.  相似文献   

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was referred to by U.S. President Trump as one of the worst trade deals ever made. Given this billing, one might have expected the result of its renegotiation to be a major change to the trading relationship between the United States and Canada. The new United States, Mexico, Canada Agreement (USMCA), however, retains a great deal of its predecessor. This is particularly true for agricultural trade. Canadian market access into the United States remains virtually unchanged. No major domestic regulatory changes were agreed to by Canada. While there were concessions made on market access for U.S. products into Canada's heavily protected sectors where the supply management policy applies, they do not appear to threaten the system. While the value of the compensation has not yet been announced, compensation for losses that will be suffered by farmers producing under supply management is agreed in principle. The USMCA is an agreement to keep things pretty much the same.  相似文献   

A partial equilibrium four-region world trade model for the soybean complex is developed in which Roundup Ready (RR) products are weakly inferior substitutes to conventional ones, RR seeds are priced at a premium, and costly segregation is necessary to separate conventional and biotech products. Solution of the calibrated model illustrates how incomplete adoption of RR technology arises in equilibrium. The United States, Argentina, Brazil, and the Rest of the World (ROW) all gain from the introduction of RR soybeans, although some groups may lose. The impacts of RR production or import bans by the ROW or Brazil are analyzed. U.S. price support helps U.S. farmers, despite hurting the United States and has the potential to improve world efficiency.  相似文献   

One hypothesis explaining the persistence of farm programs in the United States is the public's altruism toward farmers. We utilize economic experiments to identify the motivations of selfishness, altruism, and inequality aversion toward anonymous members of the general population and toward different types of farmers. We find that people are generally less selfish and more altruistic toward small farmers than other members of the population. We also find that (i) people are more averse to inequality in a market‐like setting as compared to a nonmarket setting, (ii) there is significant heterogeneity across people in terms of other‐regarding preferences, and (iii) experimental choices accurately predict preferences for “real‐world” income re‐distribution policies that entail giving up one's own money to benefit farmers, but fail to predict preferences for policies that redistribute others’ incomes.  相似文献   

Trends and determinants in the adoption of recombinant bovine somatotropin are examined using data from across the United States. The core findings are: ( a ) moderate adoption rates and relatively small impacts on national milk production; ( b ) substantial disadoption, farmers who have tried the technology but stopped using it; ( c ) no significant differences in characteristics between adopters and disadopters; and ( d ) major differences between nonadopters and farmers who have tried the technology, with the latter group having significantly higher use rates of complementary, productivity-enhancing technologies and larger herd sizes. This last result holds across states with distinctive herd size distributions.  相似文献   

Cropping diversity, measured by the Gini coefficient, showed neither the United States nor Canada dominated in diversity along their northern plains border during 1975–1999. While cropping was slightly more concentrated in Canada for about two-thirds of the period, dominant concentration occasionally switched between the two countries. The relative price of canola to wheat and American wheat acreage restrictions were important factors determining diversity. In the early 1990s, American farmers lagged Canadian farmers in adopting alternative crops, possibly due to incentives to maintain wheat base acreage. The decoupling of American subsidies in 1996 had not significantly affected cropping diversification through 1999.  相似文献   

This study develops and estimates a dynamic multi‐output model of farmers’ land allocation decisions that allows for the gradual adjustment of allocations that can result from crop rotation practices and quasi‐fixed capital constraints. Estimation is based on micro‐panel data from Danish farmers that include acreage, output, and variable input utilization at the crop level. Results indicate that there are substantial differences between the short‐run and long‐run land allocation behaviour of Danish farmers and that there are substantial differences in the time lags associated with different crops. To our knowledge, this is the first dynamic micro‐model of land allocation estimated on data from the temperate climate zone. Since similar farming conditions are found in northern Europe and parts of the United States and Canada, this result may be of wider interest.  相似文献   

Regression methods previously employed to study stock price movements are used to test how well the present value model under rational expectations explains farmland price movements. Based on data on farmland prices and rents (returns to landownership) covering the period 1921-89 from three agricultural regions in the United States, the empirical results reject the present value model under rational expectations. These results suggest that farmers may be well-characterised as displaying satisficing rather than profit-maximising behaviour.  相似文献   

An understanding of farmers’ decision‐making behaviour is important for adequate forecasts as well as policy recommendations regarding structural changes. We experimentally analyse the investment behaviour of real farmers. The observed investment decisions are contrasted with theoretical benchmarks from classical investment theory and the real options approach. Our results show that both theories cannot exactly explain investment behaviour. However, farmers learn from former investment decisions and do consider the value of waiting over time.  相似文献   

新疆农业资金投入与农民收入效应关系的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]为清晰识别农业资金投入对新疆农民收入的影响程度,并给予地方政府进一步优化调整农业资金使用效能提供参考依据。[方法]文章选取1978~2013年新疆统计数据,采用协整分析、误差修正模型等方法对财政支农、农业贷款、农民自主投资与新疆农民人均纯收入进行了实证探究。[结果]新疆地区财政支农、农业信贷、农民自主投资与农民人均纯收入之间存在长期均衡关系;而短期内财政支农、农业信贷以及农户自主投资的促进效应不如长期明显,其中农业贷款的收入效应远低于财政支农和农民自主投资;财政支农、农民自主投资与农民人均纯收入在短期内具有格兰杰因果关系,长期则格兰杰因果关系解释力逐渐减弱,而农业贷款在短期内不是新疆农民人均纯收入增长的格兰杰原因,长期则互为格兰杰因果关系。[结论]该文提出加大财政支农投入力度,提高财政资金配置效率;推动农村金融改革,提高农村金融效率;提振农民自主积累资金投资的积极性等政策含义,以期为新疆"三农问题"有效解决提供坚实可靠的资本基础。  相似文献   

In this article, we analyse the (dis)investment behaviour of farmers in a within‐subject designed experiment. We ascertain whether, and to what extent, the real options approach (ROA) and the classical investment theory can predict farmers' (dis)investment behaviour. We consider a problem of optimal stopping, stylising an option to (dis)invest in agricultural technology. Our results show that both theories do not explain exactly the observed (dis)investment behaviour. However, some evidence was found that the ROA predicted the decision behaviour of farmers better than the classical investment theory. Moreover, we found that farmers learn from repeated investment decisions and consider the value of waiting over time. Socio‐demographic and farm‐specific variables also affect the (dis)investment behaviour of farmers.  相似文献   

Ensuring that farmers comply with the terms of agri‐environmental schemes is an important issue. This paper explores the use of a ‘compliance–reward’ approach under heterogeneous net compliance costs with respect to cost‐share working lands programmes such as the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) in the United States. Specifically, we examine the use of a reward under asymmetric information and output price uncertainty. We examine two possible sources of financing under the assumption of budget neutrality: (i) funds obtained by reducing monitoring effort; and (ii) money saved by reducing the number of farmers enrolled. We discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each source of funding and analyse these numerically for both risk‐neutral and risk‐averse farmers. We also examine the trade‐off between increased expenditure on monitoring effort and compliance rewards when additional budgetary resources are available. We show that under certain conditions a compliance reward can increase compliance rates. For risk‐averse farmers, however, conditions that ensure a positive outcome become more restrictive.  相似文献   

农户经营性投入的高低反映农户参与农业生产的积极性.该文通过引入社会资本、农户预期、农户技术满意度三个隐性变量,采用陕西省洛南县208个核桃种植户的调查数据,运用WLS对影响农户农业经营性投入的关键因素进行了实证分析.结果表明,户主的性别、农户核桃种植面积、社会资本等若干因素与农户种植核桃的经营性投入呈显著的正相关;而户主年龄、农户对未来市场的预期两个因素与农户的经营性投入呈显著的负相关.并据此提出加强项目区农民培训、培养专业种植户和提高政府、村委会的组织能力等提高农户经营性投入水平的对策建议.  相似文献   

研究目的:基于耕地多功能价值的视角研究农户土地投入行为绩效并诊断其障碍因子,以探索当前形势下城市近郊区农户"既不愿意种地,又不愿意将土地流转"的深层原因.研究方法:在构建农户土地投入行为绩效分析框架的基础上,通过农村入户调查获得样本数据,采用熵权TOPSIS法和障碍度模型,对不同性别和年龄阶段农户的土地投入行为展开绩效分析.研究结果:总体上,城市近郊区农户的土地投入行为绩效水平为"良好";多群组对比分析显示,男性绩效水平高于女性,青壮年绩效水平高于老年;补贴标准偏低和职业认同感差是制约土地投入行为绩效的主要障碍因子,而满足就业和养老需求依然是耕地资源的核心价值功能.研究结论:耕地在农户认知层面发挥着"弱保障"功能,"存而不用"的保守心态在事实上导致家庭承包地处于闲置、撂荒状态,这便是当前形势下城市近郊区耕地资源低效利用的底层逻辑.  相似文献   

研究目的:分析农地流转对不同类型农户的农地投入行为的影响。研究方法:比较分析法,问卷调查法及回归分析法。研究结果:(1)不同类型农户的行为目标不同,农地流转对其农地投入的影响存在差异;(2)农户的农业生产行为市场化程度越高,农地流转对其农地投入的影响就越大,农业生产的规模效应就越明显;(3)农地流转市场发育程度和农户农地流转的市场参与程度,对不同类型农户农地投入行为都有影响。研究结论:完善农地流转市场,规范农户农地流转行为,对引导不同类型农户进行农地的合理投入、促进农地可持续利用、提高农民收入和保障国家粮食安全都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Farmers are decision-makers in a complex system of cause and effect. They decide with respect to their own attitude and beliefs, according to their farm structure and they take into account programs and regulations of the overarching policy scheme. In this paper we used mail surveys with identical questions to establish a cross-national comparison of two case study areas. The questionnaire investigates farmer's perspectives on what influences their own decision-making as well as their perception of the socio-ecological environment to relate these findings to the respective policy schemes in the case study areas. The two case studies are located in Southern Illinois, United States and in central Switzerland. The analysis shows that full-time farmers of the Southern Illinois case study area rate constraining factors such as financial aspects higher than Southern Illinois part-time farmers and farmers from the central Switzerland case study area. Furthermore, it is apparent that Swiss case study-farmers rate aspects of their land use responsibility and the Illinois case study-farmers rate ecological aspects higher. The empirical findings can be qualitatively explained through analysis of agricultural policy schemes.  相似文献   

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