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A Schumpeterian model of equilibrium unemployment and labor turnover   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper constructs a general equilibrium model of equilibrium unemployment by combining an endogenous growth model with a variant of equilibrium search theory. The analysis offers two explanations for the causes of widening wage gap between skilled and less-skilled labor, and rising unemployment rate among the less skilled: technological change in the form of an increase in the size of innovations or skilled labor saving technological change in R&D activity. In addition, the model identifies two distinct effects of faster technological progress on the aggregate unemployment rate. First, it increases the rate of labor turnover and therefore increases the aggregate unemployment rate – the creative destruction effect. Second, it creates R&D jobs, which offer workers complete job security, and consequently reduces the aggregate unemployment rate – the resource reallocation effect.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to examine critically Lucas' argumentsagainst Keynes's General Theory and in particular against Keynes'sconcept of involuntary unemployment. It comprises two main parts.In the first part of the paper, the author questions Lucas'sclaim that Keynes betrayed the equilibrium discipline by freeinghimself from the postulates of optimising behaviour and marketclearing. In the second part, Lucas’ three arguments againstthe involuntary unemployment concept are discussed—first,that there is no rationale for drawing a distinction betweentwo sorts of unemployment; second, that every economic outcomefeatures the voluntary and the involuntary jointly; and third,that alternatives to unemployment are always present.  相似文献   

Taking as a starting point the evidence of growing disparities for most of the 1984–2007 period, this article investigates the nature of regional unemployment in Italy. In particular, we assess whether the Italian regional unemployment rates contain a unit root and are, thus, subject to pure hysteresis, considering as alternative hypotheses both a linear and a non-linear stationary process. For that purpose, we employ three recently developed panel unit-root tests, taking account of structural breaks, cross-section dependence and non-linearities. Contrary to previous studies in the literature, our results reject the pure hysteresis hypothesis and support the characterisation of regional unemployment in Italy as a stationary but non-linear process, subject to multiple equilibria, in line with the ‘structuralist hypothesis’ advanced by Phelps (1994).  相似文献   

Using an Endogenous Growth Model with physical and human capital and unemployment (Mauro and Carmeci in J Macroecon 25:123–137, 2003), we study the effects of subsidies to education in economic growth. According to the model, we conclude that government subsidies to education only enhance economic growth conditional on unemployment and that this relationship is negatively influenced by unemployment. We provide evidence from a broad panel data of countries that confirms the importance of unemployment in the relationship between subsidies to education and economic growth but dismiss its importance as a direct determinant of economic growth.   相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between the business cycle and individuals’ duration in unemployment. I use multi-spell unemployment duration data of British males and monthly series of regional vacancies over unemployment, referred to as labour market tightness, to control for the business cycle. In line with most previous studies I find that the observed negative duration dependence on an aggregate level is explained by both sorting and strong negative individual duration dependence, and that the individual hazard of leaving unemployment increases with labour market tightness. The new empirical findings emerge from the interactions between individual duration dependence and the business cycle. Individual heterogeneity, and in particular the variation over the business cycle in the composition of the newly unemployed, explains most of the systematic variation over the business cycle in duration dependence on an aggregate level. Individual duration dependence does not vary over the business cycle in a way that would lend support to the predictions concerning this of the matching model of Lockwood (Rev Econ Stud 58:733–753, 1991) or the ranking model of Blanchard and Diamond (Rev Econ Stud 61:417–434, 1994).  相似文献   

The Netherlands experienced employment growth higher than thatin the US and achieved an unemployment rate of less than 3%,but Germany's unemployment rate remained at high levels. A widelyheld view regards a distorted incentive structure in welfarestates as the ‘root of the European unemployment problem’,but welfare state institutions in the Netherlands are more generousthan the German ones. Therefore, differences in the incentivestructures between the two economies cannot explain the differencesin employment success. The reasons for this seem instead tobe rooted in coordinated monetary, wage and fiscal policiesin the Netherlands while these are incompatible policies inGermany.  相似文献   

This paper assesses the theoretical justifications availablefor policies of flexible labour markets (FLMs) in reducing thelevel of unemployment in developed economies. It empiricallyassesses the OECD's rationalisation of policy linking profitabilityto investment and job creation in four country cases. New capitalinvestment is found to be significant for unemployment in allcases but it is not found to be a consequence of the mechanisticachievement of ‘normal’ profits. Without an empiricallysupported mechanism for how FLMs reduce unemployment, the policyis open to the accusation of being no more than a politicaltool for altering distribution, without concern for the widersocio-economic consequences.  相似文献   

Schumpeter on unemployment   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Joseph Alois Schumpeter’s approach to the phenomenon of unemployment differs strongly from the traditional classification with its strict distinctions between frictional, cyclical and structural unemployment. By relating these three categories to his theory of creative destruction, Schumpeter collapsed them all into one: technological unemployment. In our paper, we provide a systematic overview and discussion of Schumpeter’s varied writings on unemployment, from 1908 to 1954. We compare his view with the positions of some of his contemporaries, such as Wicksell, Hicks, Beveridge and Keynes. Finally, we discuss to what extent recent writers, such as Aghion, Howitt and Caballero, have integrated Schumpeter’s approach into modern macroeconomics.  相似文献   

In this paper, by using a combination of long-run and short-run restrictions, we identify a small structural VECM which includes inflation, unemployment and the federal funds rate and study the dynamic interactions at different frequencies among these variables. Our results show that: (a) in accordance with the traditional view of economic fluctuations, aggregate demand shocks and monetary policy shocks push inflation and unemployment in opposite directions in the short run; (b) the permanent supply shock explains the long-run movement of inflation and unemployment. These conclusions are at odds with the prediction of “natural-rate” models but are consistent with the idea of a propagation mechanism which links productivity shocks to inflation and unemployment at medium and low frequencies. Thus, with respect to some recent studies (e.g. Beyer and Farmer, ECB Working Paper 121, 2002, and Ireland, J Monet Econ 44:279–291, 1999), we offer a different interpretation of the low-frequency comovements between inflation and unemployment characterizing the US economy in the last decades.
Antonio RibbaEmail:

This paper draws attention to the innovative but neglected workof Hans Singer on the dynamics of unemployment. Influenced byKeynes, in the late 1930s Singer enquired into the relationshipbetween the inflow into unemployment—resulting primarilyfrom (involuntary) separations from employment—and thesize of the resultant fluctuations in the level of unemployment.His focus was on the determinants of the severity—measuredin terms of how far unemployment rises—of recessions.We illustrate his approach by looking at quarterly data forthe claimant count and its associated inflow and outflow inthe UK over the period 1989–2003, a period which includesone major recession episode. In addition to drawing attentionto Singer's ideas, the paper also extends his model by takinginto account recent empirical evidence on the behaviour of oneof the key variables in his model. We argue that, with thisextension, Singer's elegant and parsimonious model of unemploymentdynamics is a useful complement to Keynes's ideas on the fluctuationsin aggregate demand and output, and is of contemporary relevance.  相似文献   

In this paper we simultaneously analyze transitions from unemployment to employment and to nonparticipation. We estimate a dependent competing risks model with nonparametric specifications of the destination-specific duration dependence and unobserved heterogeneity terms, allowing for mutual dependence of the unobserved heterogeneity terms. We use an administrative data set covering all registered French unemployed over the period 1988–1994, stratified by gender type, duration class and exit state. We thank the Editor and three anonymous referees for their useful comments. A preliminary version of this paper was distributed under the title “Individual variation in exit rates from unemployment: a nonparametric multivariate analysis using aggregate data”. The Département de Marché du Travail of the Ministère du Travail, de l’Emploi et de la Formation Professionelle of France kindly provided the data.  相似文献   

Keynes distinguishes three concepts: voluntary, frictional and(Keynesian) involuntary unemployment. Frictional unemploymentis a Classical form of involuntary unemployment (not voluntary,as Lucas suggests), and reflects the Marshallian, rather thanWalrasian, treatment of time and equilibrium. Lucas contradictsboth Keynes and Pigou in asserting that there are always immediatevacancies for unskilled labour, and abstracts from the veryproblem that Keynes seeks to address. If voluntary unemploymentis re-defined appropriately, as De Vroey helpfully suggestselsewhere, the prefix ‘involuntary’ is dispensable,not because all unemployment is voluntary, as Lucas would haveit, but because it is all involuntary.  相似文献   

Abstract. In this paper we look at unemployment as a phenomenon which reflects the co-ordination problems that characterize out-of-equilibrium processes of adjustment. The analysis carried out shifts the focus from structural factors to the economic process. It shows that unemployment cannot be satisfactorily explained – and policy interventions devised – by focusing only on specific characters of the technology or confining the analysis to structural factors concerning the labour market. The co-ordination mechanisms of adjustment processes rather than the fundamentals of the economy appear, in this light, as the main determinants of differences in unemployment trends in different economies; and monetary policy comes back to the center of the stage as an essential element of the working of these mechanisms. RID="*" ID="*" We thank anonymous referees for their very useful comments, and Elena Lega for the helpful support to the simulation analysis carried out. Correspondence to: J.-L. Gaffard  相似文献   

In this study we examine the effect of severance pay on employment and unemployment, using data on industrialized OECD countries. Our starting point is Lazear’s [(1990) Quarterly Journal of Economics 105, 699–726] dictum that severance payment requirements unfavorably impact the labor market. We extend his sample period and add to his parsimonious specification a variety of fixed and time-varying labor market institutions. While the positive effect of severance pay on unemployment garners some support, there is no real indication of adverse effects in respect of the other employment outcomes identified here, namely, the employment-population ratio, the labor force participation rate, and long-term unemployment. Moreover, with the possible exception of collective bargaining coordination, the role of institutions is also more muted than suggested in the literature. We thank, without implicating, an anonymous referee for most helpful comments on the first draft of this paper.  相似文献   

Using the panel data of 31 provinces during 1993–2005, this paper examines the factors that influence wage changes in China. During the process of the marketization, the linkage between wage and some factors such as inflation, productivity and unemployment rate has been strengthened. But there still exists large room for further development of labor market, as the relationship between the wage and productivity is not sufficiently strong, and the wage’s response to the unemployment is lagged. The wage forming mechanism in different regions also varies. The econometric results show that, contrary to some public perceptions, the eastern areas’ wage marketization is not satisfactory.   相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of unemployment insurance (UI) generosity on the distribution of the match starting wage and tenure. We show evidence of a positive shift in the location (mean) and scale (variance) of both variables: more generous UI increases expected starting wage and tenure, and this impact is greater at the highest quantiles. In this sense, more generous UI reduces the thickness of the lower tail of match quality (shorter and lower paid jobs), and, at the same time, increases the quality of matches available to all workers (the location effect on match duration and wages). These results can be seen as favorable evidence of match quality gains from UI generosity.The authors would like to thank Pedro Portugal, José A. F. Machado, Francisco Lima and an anonymous referee for helpful comments and discussions, as well as participants at the following conferences: ESPE – Paris, EEA – Amsterdam, LACEA – Paris and IV Brucchi Luchino – Milan. We are also grateful to Marianne Bertrand for providing a file used to construct the simulated unemployment insurance benefits. Opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the views of the Banco de Portugal.  相似文献   

关于教育与就业关系的一个理论模型及实证检验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper, we divide the process of educational development into two aspects: the change in educational structure and the expansion of educational scale. Based on this hypothesis, we analyze the relationships between each of the two aspects and employment respectively. In this paper, the factors and the transmission mechanism of the influence that education has on employment are also explained. Then, the theoretical models of the relationship between education and employment are built up. Finally, we use the empirical data collected in China to test the theoretical models and give explanations to the status quo of the unemployment structure within various educational levels. It suggests that: the development of education in China at present is beneficial to the increase in the employment rate, the increase in the proportion of the laborers with junior school education has negative effects on employment, and the development of higher education creates positive effects on the employment, but no evidence shows any significant correlation between the proportion of the laborers with senior high school education and the unemployment rate. Translated from Xin Zhengzhi Jingjixue Pinglun 新政治经济学评论 (Review of New Political Economy), 2006, 2(1): 46–69  相似文献   

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