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在风险投资决策中,由于传统评价方法的缺陷,形成实物期权这一新的研究方向.基于实物期权定价的改进净现值模型为评价项目的投资可行性提供了新方法,并通过这一新的定价模型对投资案例进行了可行性分析.  相似文献   

浅析实物期权定价模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
常见的实物期权定价策略将项目中包含的实物期权演化为简单金融期权,然后使用金融价值评估工具,例如布莱克-斯科尔斯(Black—Scholes)模型来进行定价。实物期权理论虽然来源于金融期权,但其投资特征不同于金融期权,这些区别导致实物期权定价比金融期权定价更加复杂。本文通过对B-S模型在实物期权估值中的应用的分析,最后得出结论,将金融期权定价模型简单应用于实物期权定价往往是无效的。文章最后提出建议,实物期权理论与DCF分析类似,其目的在于通过提供“评分”的量化技巧来帮助决策过程,实物期权在某个时间点上的价值只能提供决策参考,而不能用来代替最终的商业判断。  相似文献   

风险投资项目种子期具有期限长、不确定性因素多、变化程度剧烈的特点,有极高的不确定性。因而合理评价种子期投资至关重要。传统采用DCF评价方法评估种子期,但已无法胜任对高新技术研发项目价值的评价因此运用实物期权方法就成为必然选择。采用二项式期权定价模型,由于可以把给定的时间段细分为更小的时间单位。适用于评价种子期风险投资项目。  相似文献   

本文着重从实物期权理论在投资决策领域的适用性以及投资决策中NPV评估方法的局限性两方面,阐述了实物期权投资理论在投资决策中的必要性,并且依据定价模型,计算分析评价在投资环境发生变化后项目的真实价值,说明实物期权价值实施的可行性.  相似文献   

实物期权在自然资源投资中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章对有关自然资源投资中应用实物期权的文献进行了回顾,探讨了资源商品价格、储量估价、勘探阶段的信息投资期权、开发阶段的PSS模型、生产阶段的Smith 和 McCardle模型,并指出资源商品的价格过程、储量价值与资源商品价格的关系、生产项目的价值函数、基于实物期权的投资业绩计量、投资项目的权利义务框架及投资项目有关义务的建模等问题是未来研究的重点.  相似文献   

银行不良资产的估价体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对银行不良资产的估价问题进行了全面和系统的研究,尝试建立了银行不良资产的估价体系。本文首先提出了对银行不良资产估价应该具备的制度环境;在对不良资产的特点和估价对象进行研究的基础上,得出了银行不良资产的价值是由不良资产的基础价值和期权价值两部分组成的结论。针对不良资产的基础价值的估价问题,本文系统构建了模拟清算价格的评估方法。对于不良资产的期权价值问题,本文在提出不良资产的期权价值理论的基础上引入了实物期权定价方法的分析框架。  相似文献   

刘峰 《北方经济》2006,(2):72-73
文章介绍了实物期权理论的基本概念,论述了实物期权在风险投资中的应用。通过借鉴金融期权的定价方法,得出实物期权的定价公式,并以分段投资期权为例证明实物期权确实能给风险投资家带来某些创见,最后对实物期权的适用性进行了一般评述。  相似文献   

刘峰 《北方经济》2006,(4):72-73
文章介绍了实物期权理论的基本概念,论述了实物期权在风险投资中的应用.通过借鉴金融期权的定价方法,得出实物期权的定价公式,并以分段投资期权为例证明实物期权确实能给风险投资家带来某些创见,最后对实物期权的适用性进行了一般评述.  相似文献   

在实际情形中,项目价值暂时或在其生命周期内的某个时刻可能为负数的情形是非常普遍的,此时用GBM模型对投资机会进行评估就不合适.而算术布朗运动(ABM)恰好能处理项目价值为负值的实物期权.本文在引入ABM模型的基础上推导了基于红利支付模式的欧式看涨和看跌期权的解析式,同时进行了实证分析.结果显示,对项目价值可能为负值的情形,算术布朗运动的实物期权定价模型更能合理地对潜在的投资机会进行判别和评估.  相似文献   

周锋  邹晓明 《老区建设》2010,(10):29-31
铀资源是我国的能源和战略物资,在国民经济建设中起着重要作用。铀矿开采项目具有很强的探索性和巨大的投资风险,为了减少投资风险和决策失误,必须对铀矿开采项目进行经济性评价。文章分析了铀矿开采项目风险大、不确定性高等特点,基于实物期权法的相关理论提出了合适的实物期权定价模型,并通过应用实例表明,实物期权法不仅弥补了传统净现值法的不足,而且为铀矿开采项目投资决策提供了一个更为合理的理论依据,可以使铀业公司以较小的投入获得未来潜在收益的权利,避免投资失误。  相似文献   

The reverse mortgage is a very useful financial product for senior citizens who own homes but do not have a cash income, while it is a high‐risk product from the lender's perspective. One of benefits of reverse mortgages is that the debt limit is restricted to the scope of the disposition price of the collateralized house, which is considered a put option to borrowers. The present study evaluates the option value of the reverse mortgage in Hong Kong through an empirical analysis using the Black–Scholes option‐pricing model. Moreover, the present study shows specific monetary values through option matching to the consumer situation, contributing to the increased understanding of reverse mortgages from the consumer's point of view.  相似文献   

The capital structure theory based on option pricing model is an important embranchment, which connects the capital structure theory with its most essential issue, debt and equity pricing. The kernel of B-S option pricing theory is no-arbitrage, which initially appeared in MM theory of Modigliani and Miller. Merton illuminated that debt and equity were in essence options subsequently, so the method of option pricing was applied to debt and equity pricing. The relation of option pricing and capital structure theory is compact in the beginning. This paper reviews capital structure theory based on option pricing model, and proposes future research direction.  相似文献   

对生产资料价格指数作为先行指标的有效性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
风险项目投资常常采用分阶段投资的形式 ,它为项目创造了一个追加投资的机会 ,本文引入期权理论、利用B—S期权定价模型来评估这个机会的价值 ,从而有效克服了传统净现值法的局限 ,增加了风险项目投资决策的合理性和科学性。  相似文献   

It is often thought that the arrival of the Black–Scholes–Merton (BSM) model of option pricing in the early 1970s allowed traders to understand how to price and value options with greater precision. However, our study suggests that interwar commodity options traders may have been able to intuit ‘fair’ value and to adjust their prices to changes in the market environment well before the advent of this innovative model. A scarcity of historical price data has limited empirical tests of option price efficiency well before BSM to studies of stock options in the 1870s and the early twentieth century which revealed contrasting findings. This study deals with option pricing in a different market—commodities—during the interwar period. We conclude that option prices were closer to their BSM theoretical values than prior studies suggest. Institutional differences between interwar commodity options markets and stock options markets in the 1870s and the early twentieth century may partly account for this result. Furthermore, we find that interwar option prices were no more mispriced than in modern times, and were as sensitive to changes in volatility—the key valuation parameter in the BSM model.  相似文献   

实物期权在人力资本价值计量中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
贺向华 《华东经济管理》2005,19(11):115-117
由于人们对人力资本的理解看法不一,以及人力资本价值未来收益的不确定性,使得准确计量人力资本价值成为一个难点。实物期权是一种新的价值计量工具,对于处理未来收益的不确定性有着独特的优点,因此用实物期权的方法能更准确的计量人力资本的价值。  相似文献   

吴烨 《特区经济》2007,(3):293-294
利用实物期权理论可以对不确定性条件下的各种选择权进行定量分析,从而提供一个有用的投资决策框架。文章详细论述了实物期权在风险投资中的应用,并以延迟投资期权为例证明实物期权确实能给风险投资家带来某些创见,最后对实物期权的适用性进行了一定评述。  相似文献   

CEV模型下有交易成本的期权定价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Black & Scholes和Merton的两篇开创性论文对完全市场下无摩擦的期权定价进行了研究,而不完全市场下的期权定价一直是学界和业界都很关注的问题。假定股票价格遵循CEV过程,研究存在比例交易成本时欧式看涨期权的定价,给出了在股价遵循CEV过程时有交易成本的期权价格的数值计算方法,并显示了数值结果。  相似文献   

基于所建立的信息服务优先期权定价模型、实物期权定价模型、完善的二叉树模型和完善的Black-Scholes模型,利用样本数据对图书馆信息服务进行了定价研究。结果表明:当基本的下载服务费为3元、服务周期为一年时,四个期权定价模型均表明消费者只需要额外支付约0.2—0.3元即可购买优先期权直接享受下载服务,同时也验证了信息服务优先期权定价模型的有效性。  相似文献   

本文从种子期风险企业价值评估的特点入手,分析了传统的净现值(NPV)法在其价值评估中的局限性,然后分析了种子期风险企业的实物期权特征,并在此基础上将净现值(NPV)法和实物期权相结合构建了种子期风险企业的价值评估模型,最后通过一个案例分析说明了该模型的应用过程。  相似文献   

Statement of Financial Accounting Standards 123R suggests that lattice valuation models may improve the estimates of reported employee stock option values relative to the more commonly used Black–Scholes (BS) model. However, lattice model critics have expressed concerns that managers may use lattice models' flexibility to opportunistically understate option values. In this study, we investigate a sample of firms that recently adopted a lattice model to value employee stock options to provide evidence on this issue by identifying the determinants of lattice model adoption and examining the effect of lattice model use on reported option values. We report three main results. First, we find that firms are more likely to adopt a lattice model when it is more likely to produce lower values than the BS model and when managers have incentives to lower stock option expense. Second, we find that firms adopting a lattice model increase understatement of reported option values more than firms that continue to use the BS model and that the incremental understatement is due to use of the lattice model. Third, we conduct several tests to examine whether the valuation effect of lattice model use is consistent with efforts to correct for documented shortcomings in the BS model and find no evidence that this is the case. Taken together, the evidence in this study suggests that firms adopt and implement lattice models primarily to lower reported option values.  相似文献   

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