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贫困线的确定是贫困研究中的一个重要的基础性问题。与绝对贫困线和相对贫困线不同,主观贫困线是基于个人主观福利指标从而确定贫困线标准及其影响因素的一种研究方法。本文旨在通过对主观贫困线方法的以往研究进行梳理,总结和评述此方法的现实意义及在中国贫困问题研究中的应用前景。  相似文献   

对恩格尔系数测定贫困线的思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
消除贫困和缩小贫困差距是中国建设和谐社会的重要内容。对贫困线的测定存在许多方法:恩格尔系数法、基本需求法、比例法、收入替代法等。但利用恩格尔系数来测定贫困线不符合中国现实情况。测定中国的贫困线可以在扩展的线性支出系统 ELES 测定的基本消费需求总额的基础上,综合考虑恩格尔系数分布等情况来确定各地的贫困线。  相似文献   

通过分析奖学金评定的主要因素,建立了合理的奖学金评定指标体系;为提高计算的准确性和实用性,引入主观权重确定方法(AHP)和客观权重确定方法(熵权法)分别计算权重,通过两者的结合确定组合权重进而得出了更加合理的奖学金评定模型。最后,应用此模型对四川文理学院某专业奖学金进行了评定。  相似文献   

关于贫困的概念至今尚没有统一的表述,因而也出现了许多贫困线测定方法.例如:预算标准法、食物比例法、相对贫困线、混合贫困线、主观贫困线.还有利用剥夺指数来分析贫困的方法等。本文将对既有贫困线测定方法进行系统的梳理和评述。  相似文献   

农村贫困线的测度与优化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
贫困测度是监测贫困状态和制定反贫困政策和战略的重要依据.农村是我国反贫困的主战场,如何准确地界定贫困村,特别是如何科学地确定贫困线,是全面描述和正确评估农村贫困的现状和脱贫进程,及时把握扶贫政策对缓解农村贫困的实际效果的关键,并成为当今理论研究和反贫困实践的热点.文章对贫困线的构成要素、测定方法、演变过程和调整方法作了初步的探讨.  相似文献   

一、引言 提到贫困,人们不免立刻想到贫困就是缺吃少穿.然而,西方经济学家鲁西曼(Runciman,1966)和汤森德(Townsend,1971)提出了相对贫困理论,对贫困的概念作了具体的划分,认为贫困分为绝对贫困和相对贫困.绝对贫困以收入作为决定性因素,如果达不到一定的基本生活必须就是贫困的.相对贫困则是由社会经济的不断发展,社会成员和地区之间不同而形成的.为了使贫困的概念更加具体,国际经济与发展组织制定了国际贫困线标准:以一个国家或地区社会中等收入的50%--60%作为这个国家或地区的贫困线.按照我国统计局和国务院扶贫办制定的中国农村贫困标准,改革开放之初的贫困线为100元,90年代初为300元,2003年为637元.近年来,随着中国GDP的增长,中央最近宣布将农民人均纯收入2300元作为新的国家扶贫标准,这一标准似乎更接近国际标准.  相似文献   

社会保障制度中贫困线和贫困率的测算   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
确定合理的贫困标准和贫困线是建立社会保障制度的重要一环。本文从贫困的定义与分类出发,论述了计算贫困线和贫困率的几种主要方法,然后提出了利用收入分布函数计算贫困线和贫困率的新方法。本文还同时提出了一种拟合收入分组数据的分布函数,效果十分理想。收入分布函数的拟合是本文所提出的算法之关键,计算结果的准确性直接取决于分布函数的拟合质量。本文将生物学中常用的逻辑期蒂函数稍加变形应用于收入分布函数的拟合取得了理想效果,并给出了计算这例。  相似文献   

<正>近年来,历史国内生产总值(GDP)核算取得了众多成果。一方面,与经济相关的重要历史价格和产量数据不断得到整理发掘;另一方面,历史GDP核算的方法和国际间的可比较研究取得了不少新成果,许多欧洲国家的人均GDP估计追溯到了中世纪。作为国际比较项目的一部分,清华大学中国与世界经济研究中心承担了中国北宋(980—1125)、明代(1402—1626)、清代(1685—1840)历史GDP重构的重要工作。本文在该历史GDP重构研究成果的基础上,应用经济增长理论系统地研究了古代中国的长期经济增长。本文以经济  相似文献   

<正>1.减贫的快与慢。按十三五扶贫攻坚规划,到2020年中国要消除贫困,这个消除贫困并非是2020年以后就不会再发生贫困了,而是国家要对所有低于贫困线的农户进行社会救助的兜底,避免困难农户落到贫困线以下。贫困是伴随人类社会长期存在的现象,当前世界上生活在贫困线以下人口仍然有10亿左右,按国际通用贫困线标准,中国还有大约5000万贫困人口。改革开放之初,按国际标准,中国一半以上人口都生活在贫困线以下,经过三十多年的发展,中国绝大多数人口摆脱贫困,中国已经从世界上人均收入最低的国家行  相似文献   

侯震 《黑河学刊》2007,(1):24-26
随着扶贫工作的深入,我国农村现行贫困线已不再适应新形势下的扶贫工作要求。学术界和实践界一致认为需要制定新的农村贫困线标准。以“输血线”和“造血线”为标准的双层贫困线,对我国政府确定农村贫困人群,有针对性地开展扶贫工作,具有重要意义。  相似文献   

曾敏  向仁康 《特区经济》2011,(6):292-294
20世纪90年代以来,中国城市贫困问题日益显现,已成为国家经济增长、社会稳定、家庭和个人全面发展的阻碍。依据马克思贫困理论的三个层面,从技术基础、表现形态和制度决定,分析转型期我国城市贫困的产生背景、社会构成和结构成因,提出了城市反贫困的途径,旨在为我国的城市贫困研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

《China Economic Review》2006,17(3):239-252
Laid-off employees in the state-owned enterprises (SOEs) due to China's economic reform and the enterprise-restructuring plan created newly urban poverty, lending urgency to the task of constructing accurate measures of poverty thresholds. Along this line, a fundamental question is: given the widely used poverty threshold for an individual, how should that threshold vary across households with different demographic characteristics? Equivalence scales, which can be used to derive comparable poverty lines for households of different sizes and compositions and in different regions, are ideally suited for providing answers to this question. Accordingly, this paper uses the Urban Household Survey (UHS) data of China to estimate the equivalence scales for Chinese urban households. The results provide a quantitative reference to calculate the comparable poverty lines for households with different demographic compositions. A useful byproduct of this study is a specification of the demand system of China.  相似文献   

A multidimensional analysis of poverty in China from 1991 to 2006   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Most studies have reported non negligible improvements for China in terms of poverty during the last three decades. However, this result is potentially hampered by two limitations. First, it may be contingent to the specific choices made regarding the poverty line and the poverty indices used for the analysis. As a consequence, it may collapse if one uses alternative poverty lines or poverty measures. Second, it results from a focus on the sole monetary aspects of poverty. As income does not cover all facets of well-being and since the relationship between these two concepts are quite fuzzy, it may be worth using a broader view of well-being, hence opting for a multidimensional approach of poverty analysis. In the present paper, these two issues are addressed using multidimensional stochastic dominance procedures on the joint distribution of income, education and health in seven Chinese provinces.  相似文献   

Because of the shortcomings of the Malaysian official poverty line, this paper offers several alternative regional poverty line estimations with varying underlying assumptions. Using the Household Expenditure Survey 2004/2005, poverty lines are estimated based on the consumption patterns of 10th and 20th percentile household per capita expenditure. The regional poverty lines from these reference groups produced robust poverty measurement rankings across regions in the country. We suggest that the poverty lines from both reference groups be used as lower and upper poverty lines for the country.  相似文献   

This paper compares the incidence of poverty in three neighbouring rural villages in Bali, two of which have experienced the innovation of seaweed-growing and have become market dependent, while the third remains a traditional cassava-corn dependent village. Several alternative measures are used to compare the incidence of poverty in the villages, and these measures are discussed critically. All of them rate the incidence of poverty in the cassava-com village to be very high, and much greater than in the seaweed-dependent villages. Aggregative or macroeconomic studies of poverty, even at the regional level, are liable to conceal or overlook such differences. An innovation, at least in the Indonesian context, is the application of subjective or respondent-dependent methods of assessing poverty. These, it is argued, can make a valuable contribution to poverty assessment and in this case their results accord most closely with those of an average per capita expenditure method based on rural Bali, the World Bank and the KFM objective methods. Economic development and growth such as has occurred in the seaweed villages has not increased the incidence of poverty; instead it appears to have reduced it, contrary to what might have been expected if Kuznets' theory or the Neo-Marxian theory were to apply.  相似文献   

世界的贫困在亚洲,亚洲的贫困在印中,中国的贫困在农村,农村的贫困在西部.如何有效地识别出中国农村的贫困人口是新阶段反贫困工作的基础工程,同时提炼有中国元素的反贫困度量理论与经验也是国际和国内持续减贫行动的共同需求.文章分析了中因反贫困度量的二元性、当前度量的“一刀切”和贫困的多样性等特征,系统地评述了国内外研究的成效与不足,最后提出了尚待进一步研究的领域.  相似文献   

By incorporating imprinting theory into a political–economic framework, this paper studies the role of local political leaders in poverty reduction. Exploiting exogenous turnovers of city-level party secretaries in China, I find that city secretaries with early-life poverty experiences are more likely to increase the incomes of poor families in their jurisdictions. I further find that the effect of city secretaries' poverty experiences on the income of the poor is more pronounced in the counties that are not officially categorized as impoverished by the central government and among the families living above the poverty line set by the Chinese government but below the international poverty line proposed by the World Bank. It is suggested that local political leaders affect poverty reduction outcomes by instilling their personal preferences, which can be shaped by their early experiences, into their economic decisions.  相似文献   

近年来,学者和政策制定者逐渐将贫困的研究视角从单一的收入贫困扩展到多维贫困。文章基于CFPS的2010年基线调查数据,采取Alkire和Foster提出的双界限方法,根据《中国农村扶贫开发纲要(2011-2020)》提出的目标任务选取贫困维度,对我国农村的多维贫困进行了测度,并对测度结果进行了稳健性分析。测度结果表明,我国农村多维贫困状况比收入贫困状况恶劣。维度分解结果表明,社会保障和生活质量等维度的剥夺情况比较严重。地区分解结果显示,西部地区被剥夺状况高于中、西部地区。稳健性分析结果显示,测度结果对权重的选取是稳健的。因此,我国在此10年中,应从多维视角识别农村贫困,有针对性地提高扶贫政策的有效性。  相似文献   

曾敏 《特区经济》2009,(1):267-269
经济贫困是权利贫困的折射和表现,"交换权利"不足或恶化就会导致贫困的产生。本文运用印度经济学家阿玛蒂亚.森的理论分析中国城市贫困群体的权利现状,可以发现:除以生产为基础的权利无法获取外,以贸易为基础的权利、自己劳动的权利、继承与转移的权利都在不同程度上恶化,这是城市贫困群体出现和扩大的根本原因。从权利理论的视角反贫困,政府的工作重点应当是采取多种手段和措施改善构成"交换权利"的四种权利。  相似文献   

Wide arrays of econometric techniques have been proposed to assess vulnerability to poverty. All such measures attempt to determine the probability to fall (or remain) into poverty given households’ characteristics. We have used cross-section data from the Chinese Household Income Project Series and subjective poverty lines to shed light on the sources of uncertainty in China. The lack of a comprehensive pension system and distance from the markets raise vulnerability in rural areas, whereas the hukou registration system has generated a growing mass of exploited and unprotected migrants in urban areas.  相似文献   

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