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环境成本内部化与我国对外贸易环境竞争力   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
由于污染而导致的环境外部性如果未计入生产成本将使国际贸易商品价格发生扭曲。但由于技术和政策等原因,各国的环境标准不同,环境成本内部化程度也不同,由于导致的绿色贸易壁垒对自由贸易产生了较大冲击。本文从社会经济剩余的角度对环境成本内部化进行了分析,并提出了加强我国对外贸易环境竞争力的重要性。  相似文献   

环境成本内部化与我国对外贸易   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贸易发展与环境保护之所以发生冲突,其深层次的原因是由于环境成本外部化造成了产品价格的扭曲和市场的失灵,纠正外部性的最好办法是实施环境成本内部化。但由于技术和政策等原因,各国的环境标准不同,环境成本内部化程度也不同,由此导致的环境贸易壁垒对我国对外贸易带来了挑战和机遇,需要根据实际情况,采取循序渐进的方法解决贸易和环境保护的问题。  相似文献   

南非投资环境考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

从2008年开始,我国已成为世界第一大贸易强国。在对外贸易发展迅速的同时,环境污染十分严重。环境污染是经济快速增长的产物,而对外贸易则是我国经济增长的强劲动力。对外贸易发展对环境造成了不良影响,而环境问题又阻碍了对外贸易的进一步发展。因此,为了使我国的对外贸易与环境走向良性循环,必须协调好两者的关系。  相似文献   

对外贸易与环境问题关系研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘林奇 《经济师》2008,(6):83-84
对外贸易与环境问题的关系是当今学术界的一个热点问题,对外贸易与环境问题关系研究主要围绕在四个方面:一是自由贸易对环境的影响;二是贸易政策对跨国界环境污染的影响;三是环境管制对出口贸易的影响;四是贸易政策与环境政策协调问题,不过,上述研究主要是以发达国家为对象的,因此,加强对发展中国家特别是中国对外贸易与环境问题关系的研究,应该成为我们一项非常紧迫的任务。  相似文献   

江苏对外贸易的环境变化与对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经过2001年的国际政治经济形势动荡,江苏外贸应把握机遇、应对挑战,继续保持外向型经济持续稳定增长。本文对国际国内政治经济形势及江苏外向型经济发展客观现状进行了分析和研究,并提出了对策。  相似文献   

2009年云南进出口总额已达95.99亿元,进出口的增长对云南经济的增长有重要影响,但对环境损益的影响尚不明确。利用投入产出模型计算了云南进出口和调入调出的贸易条件,结果表明云南的进出口或调入调出的贸易条件都小于1,即对外贸易使云南环境受益,并分析了其中原因,最后依据此结果对云南节能减排提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

经济概况南非是非洲大陆经济最发达的国家,1997年南非的国内生产总值为5260亿兰特(约1265亿美元,人均3163美元)。南非的交通、电力、通讯等工业基础设施先进,矿产资源丰富,其中黄金等数十种矿产品的储量及出口均居世界首位。南非还有众多优良的港口...  相似文献   

本文基于1985-2008年间宁波市的6类环境污染指标,运用改进的熵值法计算出能够代表宁波市整体环境污染状况的环境污染指数,通过ADF和协整检验研究对外贸易、FDI对宁波市环境污染的长期动态影响.结果显示,进口贸易有利于宁波市环境质量的改善,FDI一定程度上影响了宁波市的生态环境,而出口贸易则相当程度恶化了宁波市的环境, "污染避难所"假说在宁波市得到实证;出口贸易是环境污染加剧的重要变量.  相似文献   

本文基于1985-2008年间宁波市的6类环境污染指标。运用改进的熵值法计算出能够代表宁波市整体环境污染状况的环境污染指数,通过ADF和协整检验研究对外贸易、FDI对宁波市环境污染的长期动态影响。结果显示,进口贸易有利于宁波市环境质量的改善,FDI一定程度上影响了宁波市的生态环境,而出口贸易则相当程度恶化了宁波市的环境,“污染避难所”假说在宁波市得到实证;出口贸易是环境污染加剧的重要变量。  相似文献   

This paper empirically tests how formal retail entrepreneurs’ perception about the business environment in Cameroon affects the performance of the retail sector. I use business owners’ responses from the 2009 Enterprise Survey to estimate an econometric model that corrects for heteroscedasticity. The results show that regulation costs, corruption, credit constraints, and lack of infrastructure negatively affect the gross margins of firms. In contrast, the competition of the informal sector – perceived by many formal entrepreneurs as a major constraint – is positively associated with the gross margins of formal firms. Policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

I apply limited-information maximum likelihood (LIML) to estimate import demand and export supply elasticities for a range of eurozone countries. The results highlight inconsistencies in the parameters estimated by LIML relative to an estimator that is robust to heteroskedasticity. The nature of the structural equations reveals complications generated by the limiting behavior of the parameters that can be replicated in finite samples. The results of simulations underscore improvements in parameter estimates in a three-dimensional panel, suggesting that the problem of limiting behaviour can be overcome in larger dataset/panels.  相似文献   

This article investigates the effects of horizontal acquisitions on the performance of target firms in the 1990s. Using French manufacturing firm-level data, we examine two main indicators of performance: the profit and the productive efficiency. We distinguish domestic from cross-border acquisitions. To evaluate the impact of take-overs, we implement appropriate difference-in-difference estimation techniques associated to a matching propensity score procedure. We find that Mergers &?Acquisitions (M&A) do not increase the profit of French target firms, even on the long run. However, they clearly raise the productivity of target firms. These results suggest that firms probably redistribute efficiency gains at the upstream and/or downstream production stage. There is no evidence of an increase in market power. In addition, the consequences of domestic and cross-border M&A significantly differ. Efficiency gains are stronger for cross-border M&A. This conclusion is however true only for extra-European Union operations. The achievement in the European economic integration certainly explains the absence of difference between European and domestic acquisitions. Finally, our results cast some doubt on the frequent discrimination attitude towards foreign takeovers and the fears of their impact on firms’ performance and the host country's welfare.  相似文献   

The paper analyses some questions arising in connection with inflow of foreign capital into a host country and its free zone. When capital is mobile between sectors capital import into any part of the economy decreases welfare. With sector-specific capital, import of capital into the protected sector (export sector) decreases (increases) welfare. If capital import into the export sector of the domestic zone is infeasible, there may be a case for establishing a free zone and allowing capital import exclusively there. With a suitable tax policy, capital import into the free zone will always be beneficial.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The recent microeconomic literature on international trade has highlighted the importance of firm characteristics and trade costs for exports. This study provides evidence on one type of those costs, the costs of doing business overseas, from a theoretical and empirical perspective. Controlling for firm- and industry-level covariates, we find that improvements in the business environment of foreign countries lead to an increase in the export intensity of exporters in the UK manufacturing sector and additional export market entry. Further investigation suggests that important determinants of foreign business costs include factors relating to legal structure, property rights, and business regulation.  相似文献   

中国银行业的开放及相关法律调整   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
加入WTO的重要标志是开放过去相对封闭的金融市场,作为其中不可或缺的组成部分而令人瞩目的正是———  相似文献   

非洲林业:持续生产与贸易展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
非洲森林资源丰富多样.森林覆盖面积大约为6.5亿hm2,占世界森林覆盖总量的17%左右(FAO2001a);平均每人占有森林面积0.7hm2,略高于世界平均水平(0.6hm2);森林覆盖率为22%;木材蓄积量约464.6亿m3,在世界木材积蓄量上居的第四位,每公顷的蓄积量为72m3.是世界热带木材主要产区之一.  相似文献   

China and the global business revolution   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
As China joins the World Trade Organisation, the author questionswhether China's large firms will be able to compete on the globallevel playing field. Over the past two decades, Chinese largeenterprises have undertaken extensive evolutionary change (comparableto that of other latecomer countries such as Korea, Taiwan andSingapore) but, at the same time, the world's leading firmshave undergone a revolutionary transformation. Based on analysisderived from case studies made in the course of the China BigBusiness Programme at the Judge Institute of Management Studies,Cambridge, the author concludes that China's large firms havenot caught up with the world's leading businesses.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analytical reformulation of the Marshall–Lerner condition under the assumption that the independence of the GDP from the exchange rate cannot be postulated in open economies in which the foreign trade flow/GDP ratio is high. This paper attempts to analyse how, in open economies in which the export and import flow/GDP ratio is very high, independence between the GDP and the exchange rate is not a plausible assumption, so the traditional version of the Marshall–Lerner condition is not sustained.  相似文献   

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