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China‘s export of passenger cars,private cars in particular,has maintained a momentum of fast growth this year,which serves as the highlight of the auto market in 2008.The latest statistics show that in the first seven months car export grew by 85.98% over the same period of last  相似文献   

The seemingly rebound global financial crisis has seri- ously eroded world economy from 2008, of which China's tumbling auto imports and exports business is a good example. At the beginning of 2008 it kicked off as an excellent year for the Chinese automotive market, but ended with the onset of a recession in last quarter both from the perspective of import and export.  相似文献   

Over recent years,China auto ex- port has seen rapid growth.It is expected that China will export 510,000 cars valuing at US$5.6 billion in 2007. Statistics show that China auto ex- port has been expanding for 3 consecu- tive years.In 2006,China exported a total number of 343,500 cars,up 97.2% year on year,representing an increase of 97.8% in value over last year,about US$ 3.13 billion.China autos have attracted great concerns as a hot export product category.  相似文献   

As the basis of automobile industry,auto parts are the necessary factors for sup- porting the automobile industry to develop continuously and healthily.Especially now when the independent development and innovation of automobile industry is developing vigorously and  相似文献   

陶永 《中国海关》2001,(6):12-13
打击 全国海关把"整顿进出口秩序、规范进出口行为"确定为工作重点之一.自1998年7月全国打击走私工作会议以来,坚持严防猛打,常备不懈,打击走私取得明显成效,大规模走私得到有效遏制. 针对重点地区、重点渠道和重点商品走私,全国海关连续开展了珠江和西江、北部湾和北仑河、东南沿海等水域打私联合行动和"两惠"等地区的打私专项斗争,有力地打击了汽车、成品油、香烟等敏感商品以及毒品的走私活动.  相似文献   

It has been four years since China Export & Credit Insurance Corporation was founded. Under the concern of relevant departments, the support of all the enterprises, the scale of credit insurance for export support has expended rapidly. In 2005, China Export & Credit Insurance Corporation supported foreign economy and trade export US$21.2billion. The function of Export & Credit Insurance in the development of our foreign economy and trade export is showing up.  相似文献   

It has been four years since China Ex-port &Credit Insurance Corporation was founded. Under the concern of relevant departments, the support of all the enterprises, the scale of credit insurance for export support has expended rapidly. In 2005, China Export & Credit Insurance Corporation supported foreign economy and trade export US$21.2 billion. The function of Export & Credit Insurance in the development of our foreign economy and trade export is showing up.  相似文献   

This Exhibition Tour is the fourth international exhibition tour, and I have attended two former exhibition tours, once in Vietnam, the other in Cambodia. Compared with the former tours, this Tour has several apparent characteristics.  相似文献   

通过实证检验,发现改进后的引力檬型对中国汽车零部件出口的影响十分明显;运输成本是影响中国汽车零部件出口的重要因素;人民币升值会对中国汽车零部件的出口产生较大的负面影响;传统的贸易壁垒对中国汽车零部件出口依然产生较大的负面影响。中国应注重自主创新,提高汽车零部件产业发展水平;拓展新兴市场,推动区域经贸合作;有效规避汇率风险,适度调整贸易产业政策。同时,汽车零部件企业也应转变营销理念,充分了解出口市场,提高企业及其产品的知名度,提升国际交流能力,培养全球化战略眼光。  相似文献   

外贸经营权开放后的出口竞争秩序探索   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
行政垄断与无序竞争并存的二元结构是中国外贸体制转换时期的显著特征。现阶段的出口无序竞争是出口企业经营战略选择上合成谬误的表现 ,而这种合成谬误是外贸业市场结构不合理、行业协调约束机制缺失、政府外贸竞争政策目标偏差共同作用的结果。纠正出口无序竞争行为有赖于市场结构的优化、制度环境的改善和出口企业经营战略选择的调整。  相似文献   

中国与东盟国家是经济发展程度和地理位置接近、外向型经济都十分活跃的发展中国家。本文对双方在出口结构上的相似性程度进行实证,分析结果表明双方在总体出口、工业品出口以及对美国市场出口等方面都具有很大的相似性,这反映相互间存在很强的竞争关系。对此,本文认为双方应该建立竞争与合作共存的一体化制度,从而实现共赢的局面。  相似文献   

"夹着批评的增长",3月13日公布的《TeliaSonera2012年度报告》中,TeliaSonera执行总裁兼首席执行官Per-Arne Blomquist如此总结2012年欧亚地区业务的进展状况. 欧洲第五大电信运营商和上市公司之外,国有控股是这家电信巨头的另一个身份"标签",其主要持股者为瑞典政府.2012年,欧亚地区实现14%的业务增长.其中,TeliaSonera 持股60%的塔吉克斯坦电信公司,占据36%的市场份额,成为该国最大的电信运营商.  相似文献   

在加入世贸组织后到金融危机前,我国汽车出口对国内生产总值的影响显著,汽车整车出口的增加带动了GDP的增长。即使在遇到金融危机的2009年,汽车出口对GDP亦有很明显的拉动作用。我国政府对汽车产业的扶植政策应该一直坚持下去。尤其是对于具有自主品牌的民营汽车企业采取海外并购,拓展海外市场的行为应该给予鼓励。同时,我国汽车企业需要提升产品的质量标准,符合国际规范,从原材料的采购到最终的销售环节都需要以国际标准要求自己,在此基础上。积极实施品牌战略。  相似文献   

通过蜜蜂形象来诠释积极履行企业社会责任的优秀企业,这样的创意让很多人惊叹:“想不到小小的蜜蜂凭借与环境、社会的和谐共生竟然生存1.2亿年之久,还有什么能比蜜蜂更能准确、生动地诠释企业社会责任与可持续发展的实现途径和深远意义?”理论总是来源于实践,“金蜜蜂”的理念也来源于企业的优秀社会责任实践,来源于“责任竞争力”理念的贯彻和履行。  相似文献   

Facing a free-falling economy, the presidents of the Commonwealth of Independent States (formerly the Soviet Union), led by Russian President Boris Yeltsin, began to administer shock therapy in order to transform their economy into a market-driven economy as soon as possible. On January 1, 1992, a series of decrees by Yeltsin freed almost all prices, privatized ownership of most land, permitted privatization of collective farms, motivated privatization of all small enterprises, and enabled the transfer of almost all state enterprises into joint stock companies. A few days later, other Commonwealth states, such as the Ukraine and Byelorussia, adopted similar measures. As a result, five full years after the far-reaching concept of perestroika was put forth by Mikhail Gorbachev, 1992 seems to be the year of the acid test of the market economy in the Commonwealth. In the meantime, over 80 ministries, which had controlled the Soviet economy, collapsed. What do these changes mean to the international executive in terms of risk, opportunity, and strategy?  相似文献   

整顿和规范市场经济秩序的工作正在全国如火如荼地展开.在进出口贸易逐年大幅度增长的情况下,进出口环节的经济秩序是否公平有序越来越受到国家和广大外向型经济企业的关注.海关是如何参与整顿和规范进出口环节经济秩序的呢?本刊记者为此走访了海关总署署长牟新生.  相似文献   

文化贸易出口持续期与文化产品出口品质之间存在何种影响效应?文章基于1996-2013年联合国贸易统计数据库,通过构建文化贸易出口品质和出口持续期指标,实证分析发现:由于文化消费的"理性成瘾"和消费惯性特征,文化贸易出口持续期对出口品质提升具有显著的促进效应。在不同文化产品类别和出口持续期样本中,上述影响效应存在显著的差异,在"退出"、"进入"和"只存在一年"等样本呈现显著的负向抑制效应。此外,文化产品的进口规模、出口目的国文化差异与经济发展水平等因素均与文化出口品质存在显著的影响。本文多种稳健性回归估计验证了上述结论。基于此,如何有效提升中国文化贸易的出口持续期,发挥其对出口品质的促进效应,可能是提高中国文化产品的国际竞争力的关键所在。  相似文献   

近年来,国家频繁调整出口退税率来限制"两高一资"产品的出口。文章在回顾国家1994年以来对钢铁产品出口退税率的调整变化的基础上,运用计量经济学模型,采用月度数据分析了2003~2010年期间出口退税率的调整对钢铁产品出口的影响。研究显示,出口退税率对钢铁产品出口影响的长、短期系数均不显著;国外需求因素对钢铁出口的刺激作用最为突出,无论在长期或短期影响都非常显著;汇率和价格因素对钢铁出口的刺激作用次之,只存在长期均衡关系。  相似文献   

蒋冠宏 《财贸经济》2016,(5):106-118
与直接出口相比,间接出口降低了企业出口的固定成本,但增加了出口的可变成本.本文首先在Melitz(2003)的理论框架下引入融资约束和多种出口模式,研究发现融资约束大的企业更倾向于选择间接出口模式,以节约出口固定成本和缓解融资约束.基于此,本文利用世界银行2012年中国企业调查数据实证检验了融资约束对我国企业出口模式的影响.本文发现:第一,融资约束的增加不仅增加了企业间接出口的可能性,也增加了间接出口规模;第二,对外部融资依赖较大的企业而言,融资约束的增加对企业间接出口模式和间接出口规模的影响更加明显;第三,生产率对企业出口模式的影响不明显,但企业规模、经营时间、外资和研发投入的增加降低了间接出口的概率和规模.总之,融资约束的增加迫使企业选择间接出口模式,以节约出口的固定成本,而这对外部融资依赖较大的企业更加明显.  相似文献   

This study empirically examines the impact of export promotional services on the export performance of manufacturing firms in Tanzania. The results suggest three broad tentative contributions to our understanding of export causal relationships: First, awareness per se of export promotional services is a poor explanatory factor of export performance. Second, as expected, usage of the services is a better explanatory factor than awareness. Third, contrary to expectations, satisfaction with the services tends to be inversely associated, though not significantly, with export performance. More empirical research elsewhere is recommended to validate these results.  相似文献   

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