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Since 1995, major domestic commercial banks are beginning to have a variety of credit cards issued. However, at present, China's relatively low profitability of the credit card business, it accounts for a smaller proportion of total bank income. By means of credit card revenue/cost structure analysis, the authors found spending and overdraft balances affecting credit card business, an important factor in profitability. At the same time, combined with a commercial bank's existing statistical data, using SPSS software correlation and regression analysis, the authors found that the key to improve the bank card revenue is to raise China's commercial banks, credit card revolving credit utilization, and expand the scale of overdraft balances.  相似文献   

The development of E-commerce accelerates the development of invisible market; the tangible market's functions of the retail trader will be replaced by the invisible market's function of the Intemet. The retail trader's functions tend to be weakened. With the direct integration by producing and consuming with the progress of E-commerce, the wholesale trader is going to shrink. Simultaneously, the E-commerce has solved the unsuitable contradiction of the producing and consuming structure and challenged the traditional storage industry. By the instance of changing from tangible function to invisible functions and improvement of information environment, the precondition of enterprise's expansion happened to be varied, and the scale of modem business enterprises will have a new developing trend.  相似文献   

A large market exists of online users who desire online video and music content. However, recent developments have shown that some industries, such as music and videos are not fully utilising the market benefits that disruptive technologies can bring to organisations despite the change of value drivers. According to Christensen et al (2004), and based on RPV theory, organisations may decide not to pursue disruptive innovative ideas for a variety of reasons, such as their values are set in another direction, processes do not support the new technology and resources may become under-utilised or even obsolete. Trying to pursue partly aggressive strategies, partly defence or avoidance strategies, it is suggested that the music industry has missed to reengineer its business so far. At the same time, music consumers have found various peer-to-peer models to execute their own avoidance strategies, i.e., avoiding to buy music but to share it. Various consumption platforms for music, such as, pandora, hulu or spotify, emerged, which themselves show significant innovative power. As scholars' research tested, innovation has two beams, technology and market linkages. While the technological part is inevitably developing further, the music industry erects legal barriers to bloc those sites by applying the presently unclear DRM, since the new ways of music consumption threaten their established ways of content distribution. At the same time, barriers are placed that those consumers being online specialists find ways to circumvent them. The proposition is that by the salient marketing concept of CRM such behaviour increases the pressure on incumbents since risking market linkages with their customers. This paper will contrast technology and market linkages, discussing how online innovations may alter the status quo of the music industry, especially its record business. Research provides evidence that technological implications are supporting a sustainable shift of consumers' behaviour and the ways, by which consumers are able to overcome the legal and technological barriers for accessing P2P sites despite industrial prevention. It is suggested that there is further significance this paper addresses, since what affects the music industry today, will likely have an impact on the movie, games, software and other industries in the near future: Disruption of existing resources, processes and values and threatening market linkages by redefined ways of content distribution.  相似文献   

This essay, through comparing venture capital in China's modernization with U.S.A., Japan, summarizes the different characteristics of venture capital of the United States and Japan, and thinks that China's present modernization, as a flag of developing countries, has already entered middle period of industrialization, according to the experience of U.S.A., Japan and reality of China. The technological progress mode has already been changed from technology import to technological innovation stage at this time. In order to encourage innovations, we must develop venture capital in a more effective manner. The national conditions have determined the technology import of China, which must start with a high points, this is the most important condition of target to choose. The venture capital of China in system transitional period should use U.S.A.'s experience for reference even more on the capital source to pay close attention to the capital sources of the government and bank. Once the government guides and starts the market, the folk capital will show the natural instinct of the capital automatically Risk investment is the embodiment capitalized personality spirit, in order to dispose such ambitious culture. We need the reform of the system as well as dispose risk investor's stratum at present.  相似文献   

Global e-commerce has changed the business operation style of the world economy. However, due to its young age, it has encountered various barriers which include social/cultural, political/legal/governmental, economic/commercial, technological obstacles and other relatively minor impediments. Given the global e-commerce's importance and unprecedented growth potential, it is very essential and critical to point out these barriers and give a complete analysis on them. This research report is presented on the basis of a large amount of research, and secondary data are widely used.  相似文献   

During the new epoch of reform, the discussion and practice launched by the government and the Communist Party of China (CPC) has experienced 4 stages. Since 1992, China has entrenched formally establishing the Socialist Market Economy System, which is a so-called China's Mode development way led by the Deng Xiaoping's theory. This paper tries to set up an index system to evaluate the development level of China's market economy from 1992 to 2001.  相似文献   

China's supermarket sector has been growing with a high rate for ten years. Relying on the advantages of new formats and adapting to the economic change of China, several China's supermarket companies have replaced the traditional department stores to become the leading player in retail industry of China. Although the interesting phenomenon shows that although these supermarket companies have the inherent problems of shortage of capital and weaknesses in management, their expansion is more emphasized on sizes and speeds. Being weak in management and over squeezing ,margin from suppliers that might lead their position to be vulnerable. Their market share is taken by different competitors, more notably by foreign giant retailers. Competition will become more fierce and complex. Merging, making joint ventures with foreign investors, expanding into chain and fuU-format retailer, hunting for skillful people would be the key strategic options to keep the sector's growth.  相似文献   

Internationalization of company activities is the necessity of the development for majority of entrepreneurial subjects in the Czech Republic. Internationalization of entrepreneurial activities becomes a tool of business competitiveness. Selecting the right foreign entry mode is an important decision, which demands a lot of resources and thorough planning. The factors influencing company's choice of entry mode are divided into two main groups subsuming--external and internal factors. External factors consist of determinants regarding the company's environment while the intemal ones are determined by the company's specific factors. The opening of new markets such as in the Czech Republic has created the potential for small and medium-size enterprise (SME) expansion and investment. The objective of this paper is to present an application of the entry modes of the selected Czech entrepreneurial subjects. The companies included in the study are those that have undertaken internationalization activities and are incorporated in the Czech Republic. There were a total of 297 enterprises that participated in the research. The research method was an oral questioning and the main instrument was a questionnaire. A relatively low degree of Czech companies that have undergone intemationalization has resulted in the dominance of the least advanced forms of internationalization expansion, mainly exports with a small share of more advanced forms of foreign direct investments and a very low level of forms of international cooperation. Czech companies are in decision about the choosing the foreign entry mode influenced by the many factors. The greatest influence on the choice of foreign entry mode has entry mode variables. Entry mode variables constitute variables assessment characteristics of particular entry mode.  相似文献   

This paper is trying to make some improvement to Markowitz's Mean-Variance Model. In this paper, we try to solve the model of portfolio by using Evolutionary Programming under the condition of the covariance matrix which is a non-positive matrix, and design a new method which can improve Markowitz's model. At last, we give an illustrative example with the new method.  相似文献   

In the last 20 years, public administrations in Belgium have completely reformed their accounting systems. The new system consists in combining double-entry general accounting with budgetary accounting, which is traditional in the public sector. The accounting reform of 2003 marks a turning point in the history of accounting of the federal State and federated entities (regions and communities). The Brussels-capital region is the first federated entity to embark on the adventure and implement the new accounting system in 2006. The aim of this article is to introduce the legislative framework and the different implementation steps of the accounting reform in the Brussels-capital region and to provide a financial analysis of the region. The objective is to see if the region has a good financial situation. To do this, this paper analyses the data from the balance sheet and the income statements from 2008 to 2011. On one hand, it analyzes the evolution of the region's different results; and on the other hand, it presents different financial ratios. It also analyzes the evolution of the regional debt. This paper concludes that, although expenses and the debt are increasing, the situation of the region is not worrying, because of good budgetary performances, sophisticated financial management, and law loans rates. Even if the results of the analysis don't have to be interpreted as the same way as for a private company, the annual accounts provide interesting information that can be used to improve public finance.  相似文献   

Academic research into service industries has explored the characteristics of interpersonal interactions between employees and customers, but there are few studies addressing the issues of consumer interaction with technology and its influence on the objectives and results of the operations subsystem. This study examines the elements of the service encounter, and the changes automation originates in them and their relationships. The paper also examines changes in the elements and results of the operations subsystem, as a result of automation. We propose that the customer's relationship with employees and/or technology and automated systems for the service impact the objectives and results of the operations subsystem, all of which could have an effect on the company's competitive position. The empirical study is focused on four industries, namely, toll motorways, car parks, carwash and video/DVD rental companies, in an attempt to identify objectives that lead companies to implement automated processes affecting the customer's relationship with the company. The hypotheses generated are contrasted with a structural equation modelling. The results confirm that the customer's relationship with employees and automated systems for the service impacts the objectives and results of the operations subsystem. Also, the results show how automation can enable firms simultaneously to achieve acceptable levels of flexibility and productivity, two dimensions that have traditionally been considered opposites.  相似文献   

Enterprise's post monetization management is one of the important achievements of business management innovation. The paper defines the meaning of enterprise's post monetization management mechanism, which includes benefit, supply, demand, competition and incentive mechanism, and specifically explains the meaning and function of each subsystem in order to profoundly crystallize and grasp the importance of enterprise's post monetization management in the aspect of raising business management level.  相似文献   

The present economical conditions on today's world require specific point of view and policy making in business agencies. In this competitive world to achieve competence, competitive advantages in order to better governance, organizations have to increase their competitive powers through promotion and productivity. One of the fundamental approaches to elevate the productivity level is finding the complications and obstacles, and arise planning to remove them. In order to understand organizational complication, we have tried to take critical factors of success and continue improvement into consideration to demonstrate a model to find the main and radical problems and complications and recognize the recoverable areas in the business agencies. In order to verify and validate the performed research, he planned model has been accomplished in the Hydropower Plant Department, positive and acceptable results were obtained and organizations total factor productivity improvement was achieved which was appreciated by the organization.  相似文献   

Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) has given birth to an international carbon trading market prosperity, which provides developing countries with valuable opportunity to address climate change issues right along with economic development and environmental improvement to achieve sustainable development. However, most studies of CDM focus on economics, and few on its legal problems. CDM involves too many aspects. And the clear legal attribute of trading object is the basis of progress of the transaction and also the start point of legal protection. Therefore, this paper in accordance with the inherent principle of property rights economics, and environmental economics in CDM, only discusses CDM carbon emission right legal interpretation and its attribution. The paper recommends that in order to ensure and promote the carbon emission right trading, carbon emission right should be attributed into the system of real rights to be regulated by Real Right Law. In this way, carbon emission right can gain exclusive power of possession and use, which can achieve a clear right definition of environmental goods in line with Coase's theory to protect Chinese profit in carbon trading market and promote the development of the carbon trading market further.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate supply chain management (SCM) in China dairy industry. The result shows that it can make enterprises cut the expenses and raise the efficiency by implementing of SCM. However, compared with other enterprises which do not implement SCM, those companies which have implemented SCM have not received the anticipated benefit. The reason is that those companies usually implement vertical integration before SCM. This practice normally saves the information cost while increasing the operation cost. it is very difficult to implement SCM system among domestic enterprises that have only business relationship. It is a new subject that the industry faces to implement the SCM by combining each related enterprises of the business together, based on the analysis of vertical integration suiting to enterprise's own situation.  相似文献   

In today's globally competitive world, because of the globalization, new business patterns and the changing nature of consumers, the companies feel the necessity to act strategic in the market and to reach up the target markets and sustain maximum customer satisfaction in order to compete and survive. In this context, within the study it is tried to define product positioning in international markets and global branding strategies conceptually and to focus on their contributions to the overall competitive advantage of the company. Initially, the study tries to present the association between product positioning and global branding approaches of the companies and sustaining competitive advantage. Justifications for the examination of the importance of companies' international product positioning and global branding orientations as a basis of creating competitive advantage were derived from the literature. It is suggested that the companies' product positioning and global branding orientations and sustaining competitive advantage are the important aspects in multinational management and international business areas. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of product positioning and global branding strategies of the companies with special references to various industries and global brands.  相似文献   

The importance of the local economy of the development of tourism resources in China's relatively underdeveloped minority areas is already common knowledge in academic and business circles. However it's necessary to research more on specific patterns of tourism development in these ethnic minority areas. This paper studies Wulong Stockade in Beichuan County in Sichuan Province and examines the distinctive experience of the local Qiang community about developing local tourism resources and the local funding of the development. It notes how the introduction of new re-afforestation laws of 1999 affected the traditional, agriculture-based economy and how a member of the communio: was a key motivator in initiating tourism as a new economic resource. It has also explored changes in the economic conditions of Qiang peasants since tourism began in Wulong Stockade, where local incomes have increased considerably. This paper focuses on a characteristic Qiang area in the mountains of western Sichuan, demonstrates the necessity and feasibility of community tourism development, and uggests that other ethnic minority mountain villages in rural areas draw lessons from Wulong Stockade's experience.  相似文献   

The creation risk investmentof the high and new technology enterprise isthe way to finance:and invest for the business period. After we putting the capital into the high and new. technology project.that is in the devetopment stage, the enterprise can, acquire high, increase, by the. support and assistance 'of, the. capital and management. After the enterprise grew up, it can achieve high benefits by selling stock, attorning the enterprise, and dealing property rights, etc. Finally it secedes form the enterprise invested. The purpose of total analysis in the respective stage for the business investment cause including cause prosperities, object, risk, is to comprehensively understand the effect on the anticipation ratio of the benefit, investment distribution, the stock property proportion which is offered by the activity content, and the emphasis of the assessment in the respective stages of the creation risk investment cause.  相似文献   

During the process of enterprises' strategy evaluation and selection, there are many evaluating indicators, and among them there are some potential correlations and conflicts. Thus it poses the problems to the decision-makers how to conduct correct evaluation on a business and how to make strategy adjustment and selection according to the evaluation. Based on the qualitative and quantitative method, the paper introduces the Projection Pursuit Classification (PPC) model based on the Real-coded Accelerating Genetic Algorithm (RAGA) into the process of enterprises' strategy evaluation and selection. The characteristic of PPC model is that it ultimately overcomes the influence of the proportion of subjectivity and avoids precocious convergence, thus providing a new objective method for strategy evaluation and selection by pursuing the most objective strategy evaluation to make the relatively sensible strategy portfolio and action.  相似文献   

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