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As the financial crisis, which was caused by the American subprime crisis, spreads across the globe, some countries and regions including the United States, Japan and the European Union bare plunged into economic recession. Some emerging economies have also suffered great shocks.China is no exception, facing looming negative effect.  相似文献   

The meaning of decoupling “You either believe in decoupling or globalization—but not both”, said Stephen Roach, an economist at Morgan Stanley. AND “you can have both decou-pling and globalization at the same time”, said an article in The Economist. How diffusing about the meaning of decoupling especially in the context of international finance crisis in which the developed countries can't hold the world together while the developing riecountries play a more increasing role in the arena of international affairs! We can get a clearer look if we go back to see what happened in the past thirty years. The global economic landscape has shifted dramatically since the mid-1980s. There are two phenomena which attracted our attention. First, with the cost-downing and demand-increasing, there has been a rapid increase in interna-tional trade and financial linkages across national countries. Second, emerging economies have increasingly become major players in the world and they now account for about a quarter of world economic output every year and a more major driver of global growth due to industrial economies' slowing economic development.  相似文献   

2008 is an eventful period: the ensuing financial crisis has put the domestic economy to a severe position. The financial sectors are the main impact body of the financial turmoil, because of the crisis the growth rate has slowed down a lot. In addition, the crisis also led to some phenomena took place inside the financial industry staff such as the layoffs and pay cuts.  相似文献   

During the Asian financial crisis, the exchange rate of Thai baht against U.S. dollar grew by 17%. The rate of Korean won against U.S. dollar skyrocketed to a record high of 1008:1 and that of Indonesian rupiah against dollar even crossed the 10000:1 mark. However, after the international financial crisis broke out in 2008, the dollar index turned out to rise dramatically. On November 21, 2008, the dollar index reached 88 points, rising by 23.3% over the 71 points on April 22, 2008. Conventional wisdom is that a currency should depreciate when the economic fundamentals are in a downturn. Then how do we explain the substantial appreciation of the U.S. dollar?  相似文献   

Reform the foreign trade policy, increase the intensity of imports For the future competitive pressures of trade in goods and the lack of competitive advantage in service trade, the policy adjustment should focus on improving the competitiveness of China's export products. Meanwhile, it should promote the development of appropriate import according to the needs of the economic development. This would include:  相似文献   

Being down-to-earth as always, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) has carried out its work based on the macroeconomic environment since the outbreak of the financial crisis. From October 24 to 26 in 2008, officials from CCPIT went to Zhejiang province and inspected about 30 private export enterprises in Wenzhou and Taizhou, covering textile, garment, footwear, valve, water pump, sewing machine, auto parts, motorcycle, pneumatic tools, sanitary wares, furniture and other industries. Through doing interviews, holding seminars and conducting field investigation, which were participated by private business owners, representatives from local industry associations as well as officials from financial institutions and government departments concerning foreign trade,  相似文献   

Due to the economic crisis, many companies are struggling for a living. So, should the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) be put aside before these companies can secure their survival? Of course the answer is no. The global financial crisis taught the world a bitter lesson, highlighting the importance of CSR. With development of information technology and economic globalization in modern world, the integration of global economy, society and environment is gradually deepening, and every company is involved in the global industry chain, especially the large enterprises. In this way, any flaw will create an influence to the global market;  相似文献   

Domion effects of the global finance agitation
As the origin of the subprime crisis,US financial institutions lost US$45 billion last year,accounted for over half of the total US,EU&Japan loss.Since January 15th ,Citigroup released its financial statement of the 4th quarter.  相似文献   

As we can learn from this world financial crisis,it seems to be an acceptable fact that China can not be regarded as a heavy victim.On the contrary,in the opinion of many foreigners,China is greatly benefiting from this financial crisis by holding its exchange rate fixed as a heavy victim. On the contrary, in the opinion of many foreigners, China is greatly benefiting from this financial crisis by holding its exchange rate fixed against the dollar, which obviously fuels its export an important engine for economic growth. Statistics show that China has maintained strong economic growth in the first three quarters of 2009,  相似文献   

In 2008, the momentum of the outward investment of Chinese enterprises was strong. The amount of outward investment continued to grow rapidly, and has for the first .time exceeded USS50 billion, reaching USS55.91 billion. China's automobile industry has undergone decades of development and has formed a huge production capacity, with part of its pioneering enterprises having conducted a number of useful attempts in internationalization. The once-in-a-century financial crisis influenced various industries in every country. Nevertheless, China's auto enterprises are facing a rare opportunity in outward investing. Enterprises need to achieve their own technological upgrading with the "going global" strategy in order to maintain long-term stability and sustainable development.  相似文献   

2010,defined as the most complicated year in the economic circle,has already witnessed quite complex and changeable uncertainties of the macro economy when just passing the middle of the year.Before April,the academic circle was still very confident about the recovery of the macro economy and many data also evidenced that the China's economy was the engine for pulling the world economy out of the bottom.  相似文献   

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