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财务报告有计量观与信息观之分,公允价值的运用使得财务报告从信息观向计量观的方向转变.本文讨论了公允价值计量属性对会计信息有用性的影响,表明财务报告向计量观的转变在一定程度上提高了会计信息的决策有用性,但同时也降低了会计信息的契约有用性. 相似文献
从净收益视角看公允价值和历史成本计量属性的作用 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
论文在决策有用性的会计目标框架下,以权益投资者的企业价值评估为视角,探讨了会计计量属性的选择和应用问题。在资产负债会计体系下,即便采用公允价值计量也无法反映企业的整体经济价值。企业价值需要借助金融模型估计,传统收入费用会计体系下的净收益指标是模型中的关键变量,但资产负债表中公允价值的引入使净收益的计量失去了逻辑一致性。这对权益估价模型的应用造成了干扰,从而损害了财务报告对投资者的有用性。论文认为对投资者提供公允价值信息的最佳方式是单独披露,而不是表内确认。最近FASB为应对金融危机对有关会计准则的修订反映了计量方法多样化的趋势,但计量方法的优势并不取决于该计量方法是否符合计量对象的具体特点,而是是否符合会计系统的整体目标。 相似文献
根据决策有用性的计量观,我国新企业会计准则将公允价值引入到交易性金融资产等项目计量中,从而增强了财务报表信息对于报表使用者的决策有用性。文章以交易性金融资产为例,详细讨论了在公允价值应用中的会计处理及出现的问题,并对于优化公允价值这一计量属性提出了相应的解决措施。 相似文献
根据决策有用性的计量观,我国新企业会计准则将公允价值引入到交易性金融资产等项目的计量中,从而增强了财务报表信息对于报表使用者的决策有用性.文章以交易性金融资产为例,详细讨论了在公允价值应用中的会计处理及出现的问题,并对于优化公允价值这一计量属性提出了相应的解决措施. 相似文献
论公允价值应用模式的正确选择 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
公允价值是一种均衡价格,它能反映资产的本质,符合决策有用观中相关性和可靠性的要求,有助于理顺财务报表的逻辑关系,也有助于全面收益计量模式的实现。在金融危机中,公允价值备受争议,我国使用公允价值也经历了漫长曲折的过程。对公允价值理论基础的分析,表明公允价值相对于其他计量属性具有很多优势,在选择公允价值的应用模式时,应综合考虑其适用条件和使用成本,做出正确的判断。 相似文献
<正>本文通过对两种会计目标理论观点和我国会计信息使用者不同需求的比较分析,论述了我国会计目标的定位和发展方向,同时论述了公允价值计量是决策有用观的会计目标的反映,指出了公允价值计量存在的问题及提出了完善建议。 相似文献
公允价值会计涉及的三个层次基本理论问题 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
本文认为公允价值计量模式是与财务报告的决策有用性目标相一致的,如果财务报告决策有用性的目标不能被推翻,则公允价值计量模式不会被取消。但是公允价值计量模式在短期内不会成为唯一的计量模式,21世纪将是混合计量模式的时代。既然混合计量模式将是未来相当长时期内的主要会计计量模式,那么各财务报表项目采用何种计量属性应以财务报表需达到的质量要求为判断依据,采用公允价值计量的项目应提高其信息质量。 相似文献
对投资性房地产应用公允价值计量的思考 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
<正>在我国新准则实施的三年中,因为各种原因只有少数公司选择公允价值计量模式。但面向未来,我们应遵循决策有用观,采取积极措施完善公司治理、建立房地产市场信息数据库、提升资产评估水平、协调税收政策,在投资性房地产的公允价值计量方面实现进一步的国际趋同,向投资者提供决策有用的会计信息。 相似文献
文章试图探讨中国运作公允价值计量模式与会计信息、经济改革、资本市场之间的关系.新会计准则乃至其中最具特色的公允价值的应用是中国经济融入全球一体化的产物,是中国经济战略布局的规则之一,是发挥资本市场资源配置的工具之一,它对提高会计信息的相关性和投资的决策性发挥了政策导向的作用. 相似文献
从经济学角度分析公允价值与市场价值 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
公允价值是国际会计界公认的价值概念,在会计学理论与实践中已得到广泛运用,它与资产评估中的市场价值概念有共同之处,也有区别,但在实践中常常被混淆.本文试图从经济学角度出发,对这两个概念加以分析. 相似文献
Owing to special characteristics, classic option pricing models are not well suited to the valuation of employee stock options (ESOs). This paper attempts to conduct a more general fair value estimation based on attaching performance targets to option vesting. Considering a setting that includes factors such as options that may be exercised early at employee discretion, employee exit rates and firm default risk, this paper presents a sensitivity analysis and empirical tests of option value. The results highlight the importance of considering the characteristics of ESOs in the design of performance‐vested option plans so as to provide the most attractive incentives for employees. 相似文献
This study investigates the relative explanatory power of the Economic Value Added (EVA) model with respect to stock returns and firms' market value, compared to established accounting variables (e.g. net income, operating income), in the context of a small European developing market, namely the Athens Stock Exchange, in its first market‐wide application of the EVA measure. Relative information content tests reveal that net and operating income appear to be more value relevant than EVA. Additionally, incremental information tests suggest that EVA unique components add only marginally to the information content of accounting profit. Moreover, EVA does not appear to have a stronger correlation with firms' Market Value Added than the other variables, suggesting that – for our Greek dataset – EVA, even though useful as a performance evaluation tool, need not necessarily be more correlated with shareholder's value than established accounting variables. 相似文献
公允价值的价值相关性:B股公司的证据 总被引:59,自引:3,他引:59
本文研究了B股公司按国际会计准则第39号(IAS39)披露公允价值的股价反映,以及公允价值揭示对会计信息价值相关性的影响。本研究发现,公允价值披露显著地增加了会计盈余的价值相关性。按公允价值计量的投资持有利得(损失)具有较弱的增量解释能力。而投资的公允价值调整没有显示出价值相关性。公允价值调整及持有利得(损失)对股价的影响存在差异,原因可能在于我国投资者对盈余的关注程度要高于对账面净值的关注程度。公允价值调整及持有利得(损失)缺乏很强的价值相关性的原因在于,公允价值存在计量误差,而投资者也看穿了这一计量误差。 相似文献
To Fair Value or Not to Fair Value: A Broader Perspective 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Joshua Ronen 《Abacus》2008,44(2):181-208
Fair value is considered here with respect to the two primary objectives of financial statements proposed in the joint conceptual framework that is under development by the FASB and the IASB, namely (a) informativeness—to assist providers of capital in predicting, evaluating, and comparing the amounts, timing and uncertainty of future cash flows, and (b) stewardship—to assist in evaluating how efficient and effective managers have been in enhancing shareholders' value. More specifically, a comprehensive set of accounting measures and a set of corporate governance reforms intended to align corporate insiders' and auditors' behaviour and decisions with the interests of investors is outlined. Suggested reforms show how to present a mix of effectively historical quantifications, exit values, and the discounted values of future cash flows expected from the particularized use of combinations of assets within the firm. Additionally, the article describes how markets can be reformed in order to align the interests of the officers who prepare such accounts, and the auditors who certify them, with those of investors. These market-based reforms would require auditors to insure misrepresentations, and managers to take equity to induce truthful reporting. Also included is a radical extension to earlier proposals by the author, requiring an officer of the company to make the market in shares in a way that would place limits upon the value of the insider's private information. 相似文献
Roger C. Graham† Craig E. Lefanowicz Kathy R. Petroni 《Journal of Business Finance & Accounting》2003,30(7-8):1065-1088
We assess the valuation implications of the fair value disclosures made for publicly traded securities accounted for under the equity method. We test the association between investors' stock price metrics and fair value disclosures while controlling for book values on a sample of 172 investor firm-years during 1993–1997. Our results indicate that the information in the fair value disclosures is incremental to the information provided by both an investment's equity method book value and equity method reported income. This suggests that there is nothing unique about investments in publicly traded common stock that involve significant influence that makes the fair value disclosures irrelevant for firm valuation. 相似文献
稳健性与公允价值:基于股票价格反应的规范性分析 总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15
本文讨论了企业内外信息不对称性对稳健性原则和公允价值计量方法的影响,并结合现代经济特点,认为股权投资者应该成为会计信息的主要服务对象。大量实证研究结果表明稳健会计方法和激进会计方法同样给股权投资者理解会计信息造成障碍,因此在会计准则中适当引入公允价值计量方法是有益于资本市场发展的。 相似文献