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A theoretical, cross-disciplinary model for cooperative buyer–supplier relationships is proposed which integrates information obtained from prior research on organizational culture and transaction cost analysis (TCA). The authors describe key elements of TCA and review the three types of transaction governance structures commonly used to explain relationships within an organization. The authors extend this by applying structure type to buyer–supplier relationships. The researchers propose several types of interorganizational relationships and conclude with an in-depth discussion of a successful supply chain consortium used by Boeing Aircraft Company and several key suppliers.  相似文献   

The idea of corporate social responsibility is neither new nor radical. The core belief is that business managers, even in their role as managers, have responsibilities to society beyond profit maximization. Managers, in pursuing their primary goal of increasing shareholder value, have social responsibilities in addition to meeting the minimal requirements of the law. Nevertheless, the call for increased social responsibility on the part of business managers remains controversial. At least two major perspectives on social responsibility can be isolated. The classical view, most closely identified with Milton Friedman, suggests that social responsibility is incompatible with a free enterprise economy. By contrast, advocates of increased social responsibility point out the desirability for voluntary (and at times costly) corporate activities which promote society's well being. The purpose of this essay is to briefly describe both the classical and pro-social responsibility perspectives. We suggest that while important differences in assumptions characterize the two distinct views, there is enough overlap and agreement to move the debate beyond the current stalemate. Specifically, we argue that the concept oflifnim mishurat hadin, an innovative and ancient Jewish legal doctrine which is usually translated as beyond the letter of the law, might serve as a model for modern legal and social thought. We examine talmudic and post-talmudic sources which apply this concept to the area of business ethics, and explore its applicability to the modern situation. Although the business ethics literature rarely refers to Talmudic and rabbinic sources, these texts reflect a sophisticated understanding of business practices and ethical problems. Moses L. Pava, associate professor of accounting is the occupant of the Philip H. Cohen Professorial Chair in Accounting. He has taught at the Sy Syms School of Business of Yeshiva University for the past 5 years. In addition he has taught at Hunter College and New York University. His research interests include financial accounting, business ethics, and the social responsibility of corporations. He has recently published articles in the Journal of Accountancy, Management Accounting, Torah U'Maddah Journal, Managerial Finance, Business Credit, U.S.A. Today.His book, The Shareholder's Use of Corporate Annual Reportsis being published by JAI Press.  相似文献   

One of the most divisive, controversial issues confronting Americans today is the regulation of firearms. Statistics pertaining to firearm-related injuries and death in the United States are staggering; approximately 32,000 Americans die annually from gunshot wounds, the vast majority of which can be attributed to handguns. Estimates of the costs of gun-related violence in the United States run as high as $100 billion/year. Not surprisingly, the firearms death rate in the United States is among the highest in the world, and clearly the highest among industrialized nations. To what extent, if any, do manufacturers and retailers share responsibility for harm caused by firearms? Manufacturer/retailer responsibility for firearm-related injuries may be tested under any one or more of a number of legal theories: products liability, public nuisance, and negligence. Of particular interest to marketers and retailers is the assertion that responsibility can be traced to negligent distribution practices. Although negligent distribution has been alleged in a number of key cases, the concept remains ambiguous. What does seem clear is that legal responsibility for injuries and death attributable to handguns has expanded, and negligence in marketing and distribution practices will become a paramount issue shaping the future direction of the firearms industry worldwide.  相似文献   

As the cornerstone of the Conservative Government between 1979 and 1996, privatisation has undoubtedly had an enormous impact on the UK economy. On the whole, privatised companies have improved their performance in an ever increasing competitive environment by focusing on, among other things, a drive to reduce costs through bought-out goods and services. Research into Japanese companies, meanwhile, has highlighted the key role that supplier relationships play in their success. It has stressed the advantages of co-operative over adversarial relationships with suppliers, and evidence shows that an increasing number of Western companies are adopting this practice. This has raised the profile of purchasing in these companies with a change towards `better practice’ and improved management of the supplier base. From this new research a model of Feature and Construct Evaluation and Aggregation (FCEA) has been developed, in the search for a link to support the proposition that privatisation has an influence on purchasing strategies concerning supplier relationships. The research has shown that only a very limited link exists. Whilst Purchasing as an activity has increased in its importance and control, it has not become strategic. Purchasing strategies have not evolved or supported the business strategy as a result of privatisation, nor does privatisation encourage the development of purchasing strategies towards closer relationships with suppliers. This is compounded by the EC Directives that reflect an `open tender’ model of procurement, particularly evident in the emphasis on formal competitive tendering procedures and maintaining an `arms-length’ relationship with suppliers.  相似文献   

A Hong Kong magazine Asiamoney declared recently that the selecting activity just ended "2004 best cash-management bank in Asia", Bank of China was elected as the "BestBank in China". This reward was voted and  相似文献   

Purpose: While research in marketing and management has addressed characteristics associated with buyer and seller, relatively little research has been reported on the marketing of relationship benefits and relationship bonding tactics, particularly involving their relationships with customers. Given a dyadic perspective, it can be surmised that gaps in buyer and seller perceptions may well dampen relationships, and will inevitably occur, since a perfect match is highly unlikely between two exchange parties. To enhance relationships, major gaps need therefore to be identified and eliminated. Therefore, the purpose of this study is developing matrices of customer relationship benefits and relationship bonding tactics separately from buyer’s and seller’s perspectives, together with the insights of interrelated propositions.

Methodology: This research subjects chosen for this study consist of those distributors of dental devices, procurement in hospitals, and dentists. Using the grounded theory, four stages of coding analysis are conducted.

Findings: The results indicated that buyers and sellers differed in their perceptions in all field interviews due to their different attitudes toward different benefits. While buyers’ perceived benefits were based on the consideration of confidence and trust in the practical use of purchased medical devices, sellers primarily considered specialized issues of provided services and technologies. Based on this, buyer and seller perspectives were distinguished.

Research Implications: As a self-enclosed system, the medical device industry is difficult to enter for new manufacturers. Therefore, from the perspective of product providers, academic support can increase their product visibility, improve their company’s image, and provide more opportunities to contact new clients. From the perspective of medical institutions, the participation of hospitals and clinics in relationship marketing activities and seminars can raise their prestige and provide more opportunities for gaining new information.

Originality/Value/Contribution: Theoretical contribution of this study is in building matrices of customer relationship benefits and relationship bonding tactics separately from buyer’s and seller’s perspectives, together with the insights of six propositions. These insights shall expose the undisclosed systems of the dental devices industry.  相似文献   

Good reputations are won and lost by individuals and companies in various forms on the Internet. eBay has the earliest and most well-known formal ecommerce reputation system and “terminates” members who do not play by the rules. We examine a dataset of 102,035 Not-A-Registered-User (NARU) eBay account feedback ratings from eight different countries. Careful investigation of feedback density over time reveals that threshold values for termination can be detected from feedback history. Several modeling approaches are studied and the Local Polynomial Regression Model (LPRM) is chosen for analysis because it is data driven and no prespecified parametric functional form is assumed. Analyzing US data, we find that large-volume sellers have a higher overall negative feedback compared to those of medium volume sellers. We use the second derivative of the LPRM to explicitly determine the threshold points, that is, the point where a seller's negative feedback increases significantly. These thresholds vary from as much as 18.5 weeks prior to termination (for Medium sellers), to as little as 8.5 weeks (for Large sellers). We find similar results in the other countries. These threshold points provide valuable information for buyers when choosing a seller. Our analysis suggests that eBay's termination policy appears to be correlated to fee revenue.  相似文献   

This paper aims to examine how network relationships influenced the internationalization of small Italian wine producers characterized as late starters. It is based on four cases. It shows that foreign tourists helped these firms to expand internationally: they identified business opportunities, suggested firms to contact importers, contacted importers themselves to get access to the same wine in their home country or provided foreign market knowledge. Thus, small wine producers should pay more attention to attracting tourists and creating network relationship with them. Several other network relationships ? for instance, with friends and relatives, Italian expatriates and other business partners ? also advanced the case firms’ internationalization. Moreover, they were affected by lack of time and resources, language barriers and other factors. Thus, all these aspects also need managers’ attention. Furthermore, they should take a more strategic approach towards internationalization and understand that not all internationalization attempts succeed or result in continuous orders.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the new approach of the Community in the area of services, namely the principle that every service — like every good — should be allowed to circulate freely in the entire Internal Market provided it meets the standards of EEC law and of the country of origin. There are some exceptions to this principle, especially in the insurance area (market segregation in the industry's interest). The paper points out that the new approach might endanger consumer protection of Member States unless adequate standards of the receiving country exist. ECLG makes a number of suggestions to overcome the lacunae left by the new approach, especially by opting for minimal harmonisation, by applying rules of private internal law under the Rome Convention, and by providing for safeguard clauses.
Verbraucher und Binnenmarkt für Dienstleistungen: Mängel der sog. neuen Konzeption der Gemeinschaft
Zusammenfassung Die Gemeinschaft versucht in Vewirklichung der Grundfreiheiten des durch die Einheitliche Akte geänderten EWG-Vertrages die Vollendung des Binnenmarktes auch im Dienstleistungsbereich. Dabei sind unterschiedliche Herangehensweisen denkbar, nämlich das Prinzip der Minimalharmonisierung, die Marktsegmentierung oder die sog. neue Konzeption. Letztere findet sich vor allem im Banken- und Rundfunkbereich; dancah soll es für den Marktzutritt im gesamten Binnenmarkt ausreichen, daß die (angeglichenen) Standards des Ursprungslandes eingehalten werden. Die ECLG befürchtet einen Abbau des Verbraucherschutzes bei einer konsequenten Durchführung dieses Prinzips und macht Gegenvorschläge. Diese beziehen sich auf eine verstärkte Durchsetzung des Prinzips der Minimalharmonisierung, auf die Notwendigkeit der Anwendung der Regeln des Internationalen Privatrechts nach dem Römischen Schuldrechtsübereinkommen von 1980, und durch Verankerung von Schutzklauseln.

The European Consumer Law Group (ECLG) is a group of lawyers and law scholars in the EEC and EFTA countries, concerned with legal aspects of consumer protection. Correspondence regarding the paper should be directed to: Professor Norbert Reich, Centre for European Legal Policy, Universitätsallee GW 1, D-2800 Bremen 33, Federal Republic of Germany.  相似文献   

The article starts by arguing that seeing the firm as a mere nexus of contracts or as an abstract entity where different stakeholder interests concur is insufficient for a “humanistic business ethos”, which entails a complete view of the human being. It seems more appropriate to understand the firm as a human community, a concept which can be found in several sources, including managerial literature, business ethics scholars, and Catholic Social Teaching. In addition, there are also philosophical grounds that support the idea of business as a human community. Extending this concept, and drawing from some Phenomenological-Personalist philosophers, we propose that the firm should be seen as a particular “community of persons” oriented to providing goods and services efficiently and profitably. Being a “community of persons” emphasizes both individuals and the whole, and makes explicit the uniqueness, conscience, free will, dignity, and openness to human flourishing. This requires appropriate communication about and participation in matters which affect people’s life, and makes it essential to cooperate for the common good of the business firm and the society.  相似文献   


The transition to adulthood, often accompanied by an emptying of the family nest, has implications for family relationships, identities and consumption practices. Despite this, the voices and experiences of emerging adults are largely missing from literature on family consumption. Emerging adult families typically combine digital natives and digital immigrants, but little is known about how their interactions around digital communications technology relate to emerging adult preoccupations with affiliation and autonomy. This interpretive study explores how emerging adults’ smartphones are bound up with a complex network of family communication and consumption practices, often across household, geographic and generational boundaries. Affiliation and autonomy emerged as intertwined rather than competing dimensions of participants’ smartphone use, contributing to the distribution and development of family as the nest empties.  相似文献   


Using an extensive and unique data set that has been created to record the composition of the boards of directors of the top 250 British firms between 1904 and 2010, this article builds upon a previous study by the authors on the corporate network to 1976 by extending the study to 2010. The analysis revolves around three key observations: the nature and depth of the corporate network; the distinct stages in corporate connectivity between 1976 and 2010; and the 1980s watershed in the relationship between financial and other sectors, following which financial institutions withdrew from the corporate network. The article concludes with an analysis of how the data set has changed our perceptions of British corporate networks, wider changes in British business, and a discussion of implications for future research.  相似文献   

While existing works pay little attention to price setters and the application of artificial intelligence (AI) agents in second-hand trading, the current research examines whether, and how, price setter (AI VS. seller)affects buyers' willingness to pay (WTP)in the case of second-hand trading on P2P platform. 25 interviews and 3 online studies have been conducted to demonstrate the results: (i) compared with goods priced by sellers, buyers are more willing to pay for goods priced by platform AI (Studies 1&2), (ii) buyers' perceived objectivity mediates the relationship between price setter and buyers' WTP (Study 2), (iii) perceived reductionistic of AI eliminates the effect of price setter on WTP (Study 3), and (iv) augmented intelligence (vs. AI)can have equal effect on buyers’ WTP (Study 4). These findings offer considerable implications for practitioners on how to build an AI pricing agent that is superior to humans on P2P second-hand trading platforms while ensuring the well-being of platform traders.  相似文献   

In the late twentieth century there has been a proliferation, diversification and popularisation of New Age spiritual discourses and practices in Western industrialised nations. New Age spiritual thinkers such a Deepak Chopra, Ken Wilber, Gary Zukav and Shakti Gawain, have modified discourse and practices from Eastern and Western traditional religious beliefs, Western science and psychotherapy, to develop their own discourse and practices designed to assist individuals “transform” themselves. This article discusses the “commodified production of self‐actualisation” in consumer society and discusses how the discourses and practices in selected texts from four New Age spiritual thinkers take the form of an ever‐changing “social product”. The analysis shows how the discourse and practices of New Age spiritual thinkers align themselves with consumptive behaviour by secularising, homogenising and over‐simplifying scientific, social scientific and traditional religious discourse and practices into “social products” for consumption. The analysis also reveals that New Age spiritual thinkers are engaged in a process that could be described as the “consumption of the self”. The implications of the “consumption of the self” will be discussed in terms of the way consumer society requires New Age “technologies of the self” to be continually redefined, restructured and repackaged in new and different forms.  相似文献   

Professionals working in professional service firms rely on their human capital and social capital to deliver value in their service provision and delivery to clients. However, research to-date is limited regarding investigations into the relationship between human capital and social capital at the level of professional–client relationships, particularly in the context of the Asia Pacific where changes in business environment, professional jurisdiction and ways of working have been commonplace for many firms operating in this region. In this study of Australian corporate law firms and client organizations, our results reveal significant evidence of relationships between social capital and human capital in the form of knowledge acquisition, where social capital facilitates professionals’ capacity to acquire knowledge from clients and increases the overall amount of knowledge acquired. More research on social capital and knowledge acquisition has the potential to advance our understanding of the influence of professional–client relationships on human capital development in the Asia Pacific.  相似文献   

Detlef Lorenz 《Intereconomics》1978,13(7-8):169-173
In spite of all protestations and exhortations it is a fact that trade liberalization, the modern version of free trade, is caught in a crisis. Professor Detlef Lorenz is here analysing the causes of this crisis and suggesting alternatives for a future liberalization policy.  相似文献   

Steinhart  Yael  Kamins  Michael  Mazursky  David 《Marketing Letters》2019,30(3-4):245-260
Marketing Letters - In online auctions, as well as in other purchase settings, there are conditions when consumers embrace uncertainty instead of avoiding it. In these cases, consumers prefer not...  相似文献   

The process of enlargement would be facilitated if the EU and the candidates were less concerned about the date of accession and more keen to focus their efforts instead on identifying ways, on the one hand, to translate collective benefits into individual national benefits so that all member states would support enlargement and, on the other, to assess the readiness of the candidates with more precise criteria. Because of the nature of the negotiations, these two apparently unrelated problems are de facto interconnected. One way for the successful completion of the accession negotiations is for these two issues to be formally de-linked. The author, who is also acting as advisor to the Chief Negotiator of a candidate country, writes here in a strictly personal capacity. He wishes to acknowledge the very helpful comments received from Edward Best, Rita Beuter, Frank Bollen, Tom Casier and Antti Kuosmanen. Naturally, he is solely responsible for the views expressed in this paper.  相似文献   

This study explores a new type of greenwashing behaviour, through the lenses of the “communicative constitution of organizations” (CCO), which challenges the dominant view in corporate social responsibility (CSR) studies. A theory-building case study was carried out by analysing the Volkswagen scandal. Both qualitative and quantitative data were obtained via a content analysis of both 2012–2014 CSR reports of the Volkswagen Group and a sample of 1151 U.S. newspaper headlines concerning Dieselgate, together with semi-structured interviews with former managers from Volkswagen. From a theoretical perspective, the study extends the greenwashing taxonomy by identifying a new type of irresponsible behaviour, namely “deceptive manipulation”. This reinforces the CCO perspective according to which sustainability communication acts as a constitutive force. In terms of managerial implications, the study suggests some approaches to prevent this specific type of greenwashing.  相似文献   

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