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Although Judith Butler's body of work is complex, many of her arguments have the potential to help us understand and generate new leadership realities. How Butler conceptualizes the concepts of intelligibility, performativity, discourse, and social change all have implications for the practice of leadership. The use of a critical leadership approach permits the exploration of parallels between her writings and two contemporary approaches to leadership: the Social Change Model of Leadership and adaptive leadership. Through the application of Butler's work to contemporary leadership discourse, the potential to render a broader range of subjects intelligible as leaders and to catalyze social change is explored.  相似文献   

The current article makes a distinction between pedagogical delivery and “disciplinary foundations” in our approaches to leadership studies. Although the liberal arts are helpful in the delivery of leadership content in the classroom, it is argued that the content, at its core, remains a social science enterprise. Therefore, leadership programs should help students understand how leadership works as a social phenomenon. The current article shows how the McDonough curriculum moves students beyond leadership training (with its focus on skill building), using a social science–based working definition of leadership. Leadership education provides the opportunity to organize the curriculum using the social science lenses. By moving the focus away from the leader and examining instead the complex interaction of multiple components, a deeper understanding of how leadership works under different contexts, influenced by a variety of societal norms and values can be obtained.  相似文献   

We present a method to estimate jointly the parameters of a standard commodity storage model and the parameters characterizing the trend in commodity prices. This procedure allows the influence of a possible trend to be removed without restricting the model specification, and allows model and trend selection based on statistical criteria. The trend is modeled deterministically using linear or cubic spline functions of time. The results show that storage models with trend are always preferred to models without trend. They yield more plausible estimates of the structural parameters, with storage costs and demand elasticities that are more consistent with the literature. They imply occasional stockouts, whereas without trend the estimated models predict no stockouts over the sample period for most commodities. Moreover, accounting for a trend in the estimation implies price moments closer to those observed in commodity prices. Our results support the empirical relevance of the speculative storage model, and show that storage model estimations should not neglect the possibility of long‐run price trends. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Florida State University has recently introduced the LEAD (Lead, Engage, Apply, Develop) Mobile Application for undergraduate students. The innovative platform has situated potential building of leadership capacity directly into the hands of students. Individual modules are available in the mobile application and designed to introduce leadership concepts, activities for users to practice applying these theories to their own reality, and reflection for students to make meaning from the theories learned and their application. The current article explores the application's innovative features, lessons learned from the development, and implications for leadership educators and learners.  相似文献   


Companies have started using social media for screening applicants in the selection process. Thereby, they enter a low-cost source of information on applicants, which potentially allows them to hire the right person on the job and avoid irresponsible employee behaviour and negligent hiring lawsuits. However, a number of ethical issues are associated with this practice, which give rise to the question of the fairness of social media screening. This article aims to provide an assessment of the procedural justice of social media screening and to articulate recommendations for a fairer use of social media in the selection process. To achieve this, a systematic literature review of research articles pertaining to social media screening has been conducted. Thereby, the benefits and ethical issues relating to social media screening, as well as recommendations for its use have been extracted and discussed against Leventhal’s (1980) rules of procedural justice. It turns out that without clear guidelines for recruiters, social media screening cannot be considered procedurally fair, as it opens up way too many opportunities for infringements on privacy, unfair discrimination, and adverse selection based on inaccurate information. However, it is possible to enhance the fairness of this practice by establishing clear policies and procedures to standardize the process.


Corporate leaders are increasingly called to enact roles as climate change leaders because of escalating risks to production and operations from man‐made climate change. An examination of corporate leaders’ roles within a United Nations Global Compact initiative, Carbon Pricing Champions, shows that three core practices were critical in advancing climate change leadership efforts: securing and maintaining top leader support, embedding the work within the organizational culture, and collaborating with like‐minded companies.  相似文献   

在信息化社会,筛选信息是使信息产生真正价值的必经之路。而把有信息需求的客体变为客户,向他们提供信息筛选和信息分析的服务,就成为一种商机。  相似文献   

We study the interactive association of press freedom, access to media and education with a nation's corruption levels. A free press generates unbiased information that greater access to the media helps propagate; and a greater degree of education, in the same context, helps individuals apply that information. This entire process generates a vigilant and corruption‐free economy. It is therefore important to consider these factors in conjunction.  相似文献   

以社会需求为导向的艺术设计教育新模式探索   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王若鸿 《价值工程》2011,30(4):211-212
随着经济的发展、科学技术的不断更新,艺术设计人才越来越受到社会的重视,艺术设计教育与社会需求之间的关系日趋重要。从某种意义上讲,能否适应社会需求已经成为检验艺术设计教育成功与否的尺度。艺术设计教育必须从经济、技术、信息等各种社会需求关系中认真思考,明确教学重点与自身位置,推进艺术设计教育教学改革,以培养出适应社会需求与经济发展的有用之才。  相似文献   

Societal change, which takes a variety of directions and forms and in no way can be assimilated or reduced to a single dimension, is often accompanied by a perception of insufficient understanding and lack of control. There is a frustrated need for mastering complexity and instability, separating the voluntary from the involuntary, the intended from the unintended, opportunities from risks, getting to the real causes and dominating the uncertain implications of social change. Social change catches us unprepared and confused. In this context statistics are generally considered a fundamental instrument of knowledge, but also part of the problem! In the public debate and in the specialized literature, the ability to measure social phenomena through current statistics and indicators is increasingly questioned. Data-it is claimed-are lacking, particularly longitudinal data; their quality (accuracy, relevance, timeliness, comparability, etc.) should be improved; indicators do not provide early warning signals, policy performance evaluation, and a precise indication of outcomes. Statistics cannot be used as a reliable and timely basis for decision making by individuals, organizations, governments, and for understanding these decisions. In some cases, statistics have been accused of giving a misleading and false picture of reality: do we measure the real extent of social exclusion and unemployment? Do we fully capture the quality of life and the degradation of the environment? Mismeasurement has been deemed by some commentators as being responsible for the wrong focus in inflation and stabilization policies, science and technology, unemployment and poverty. The productivity paradox, the informal economy, failure to measure welfare and the quality of urban life are instances where statistics do not seem to provide complete and satisfactory answers to the demand for information and knowledge. Our paper illustrates how, quite independently of measurement techniques and data production processes, the inadequacy of the conceptual framework may explain mismeasurement in relation to complex (multidimensional) and dynamic social phenomena. It is then to social theories, explanations and interpretations that statisticians need to turn, in order to come to grips with the new challenges in social measurement. We will develop this thesis looking at a few cases where measurement issues can be connected to both theoretical and empirical difficulties. The statistical gap which reveals itself in the mismeasurement or difficult measurement of social phenomena is closely interconnected with the social science gap. Only close collaboration between statisticians and social scientists can bring about continuous advancement in social science and quality improvement in social statistics.  相似文献   

Quality & Quantity - Social Media has transformed people’s lives and behaviour. Over the past decade it has also transformed the Tourism Industry. Despite this triumph, insufficient...  相似文献   

Although leadership education holds great promise for enhancing the effectiveness of individuals in their work lives, it is limited by certain critical shortcomings. Unless these are successfully addressed, the classroom experiences we create will not facilitate the transfer of useful learning and its application to the day‐to‐day challenges that leaders face. In this article, the author addresses three important gaps in our approaches: the reality gap, the skill intensive gap, and the application gap. The author illustrates how and why each gap creates barriers to the transfer of learning to individuals and to their work‐lives.  相似文献   

本研究结合自我决定理论和工作特征理论,将共享领导和员工创造力引入分析框架中,以心理所有权作为中介变量、任务重要性作为调节变量,构建了一个跨层的有调节的中介模型.通过对13家企业、74个团队的401个样本进行实证研究发现:(1)共享领导与员工创造力显著正相关;(2)心理所有权在共享领导和员工创造力之间发挥中介作用;(3)任务重要性增强共享领导对心理所有权的正向作用,并正向调节共享领导对员工创造力的间接作用.本研究拓展了共享领导的跨层研究,同时通过关注员工个体心理感受,丰富了共享领导对创造力的中介机制及其边界条件研究,并对员工创造力管理实践具有重要的管理启示.  相似文献   

Owing to innovations in information production and dissemination, the current rate of information creation is exploding exponentially, vaulting humanity into the Information Age. History has shown that revolutions in communication produce social upheaval, a phenomenon currently being experienced, particularly within the realm of leadership. Information overload is causing hyperstress, new forms of anxiety, and both personal and organizational issues relating to task focus and completion. The current article provides the context surrounding the issue of information overload, as well as suggestions for leaders to address the side effects created by a deluge of information.  相似文献   

Social entrepreneurs seek to improve the world through revenue generating businesses. Their resulting social enterprises have much in common with commercial ventures. However, striving to fulfill a social mission is associated with goals, missions, and stakeholders that can be inconsistent with seeking profit, creating strategic paradoxes, and fostering distinct challenges for social entrepreneurs. The current articles aims to advance current understandings of entrepreneurial leadership by identifying unique challenges and necessary leadership skills for social entrepreneurs.  相似文献   

互联网时代,组织越来越呈现出动态网状自组织结构特征,面对以客户价值创造为企业出发点和归宿点的企业生存价值取向,领导必须改变以往上对下的领导模式,代之以价值服务型领导模式,服务于价值创造的整个过程.通过对价值服务型领导内涵的分析以及与其他相关领导理论的对比,初步提出了价值服务型领导的理论构想,探索了新时代下领导模式的可能发展趋势.  相似文献   

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