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In this article, we analysed data from the National Education Longitudinal Study to investigate whether experiencing parental divorce during adolescence had an adverse impact on students’ performance on standardized tests. To account for the potential endogeneity of parental divorce we employed double and triple difference models that rely on observing teenagers from intact and divorced backgrounds before and after the divorce occurs. We found that parental divorce does not negatively affect teenagers’ cognitive skills. Our results also suggest that cross‐sectional estimates overstate the detrimental effect of parental divorce.  相似文献   

Although research on organizational ambidexterity has exploded in the past several years, the determinants of individual‐level ambidexterity have received little scholarly attention. This is surprising given that management scholars increasingly highlight the benefits of combining explorative and exploitative activities in individual employees’ work roles. Using data collected by a two‐wave survey of 638 employees nested in 173 groups across 34 organizations, our research demonstrates that both psychological factors and leadership predict employees’ ambidextrous behaviour. Our results demonstrate that general self‐efficacy positively predicts ambidextrous behaviour through learning orientation. In addition, we show that employees exhibit higher ambidexterity when their group managers demonstrate paradoxical leadership; that is, a leadership style that couples strong managerial support with high performance expectations. Paradoxical leadership also moderates the relationship between learning orientation and individual ambidexterity such that employees’ ambidextrous behaviour is highest when paradoxical leadership and employee learning orientation are simultaneously at high levels.  相似文献   

This study explores how engineering students studying project management perceive their learning experiences. To facilitate an understanding of the constituent components of engineering students’ experiences and to understand how these experiences influence preferred learning styles, a comparative study of university students studying engineering in South Africa and the United Kingdom is conducted. The study finds no significant demographic differences in learning experiences across the two student cohorts. However, the South African cohort reports higher levels of overall experiences. They also report higher usage of online learning materials but lower levels of blended learning and individual critical evaluation skills experiences.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the case of the Professional Institute of the Southern Region (IPRES), an institute of higher education in the State University of Morelos, with the aim of showing the measurement results of organizational climate before and after the change of the principal to know some internal features and describe the organizational climate of workers' perception in a transition stage; besides, the influence of the current director's leadership is analyzed in the achievement of organizational goals and how the perception of organizational climate or working environment can be affected by female leadership is also dealt with. In Mexico, there are more and more women running various organizations, including those belonging to the field of education, and universities are no exception. On the other hand, the type of leadership being exercised can promote or hinder the proper performance of the institute and may be a factor of distinction and influence the behavior of those who integrate it; therefore, knowing how it works provides feedback about the processes that determine organizational behavior and the working environment.  相似文献   

就业乃民生之本。解决好大学生就业问题,是党中央、国务院和各级政府高度重视的工作,既是民生大计又是维护社会稳定的重要内容。本文以安徽经济管理干部学院为例,通过对毕业生开展社会评价的调查,看出大学生就业困难的根本原因是大学生就业能力较弱、不能满足社会对人才的需求所致,并有针对性地提出了加强和改进大学生就业能力培养的对策。  相似文献   

The current rhetorical study used McGee's theory of ideographs to identify how cultural politics influence efforts to portray “leadership” in a military setting. Such an approach seeks to better address some of the enigmas that have complicated the understanding of military leadership—and leadership in general—for decades. McGee's theory emphasizes that language reflects political as well as referential qualities and, in some instances, these attributes come into conflict. Acknowledging this reality in an applied setting can help address ambiguous issues that escape the net of prevailing social‐science approaches to leadership inquiry. The rhetorical analysis, which examines U.S. Air Force leadership training material, documents the manner in which ideographic portrayals of leadership were pervasive in each training program, and it considers practical implications of such a situation. Most notably, the analysis provides an explanation of how ideographic portrayals of leadership implicitly emphasize cultural indoctrination over promoting social influence skills. Such an orientation fortifies the military hierarchy and perpetuates romantic views of the military profession, but it also blurs key distinctions between social control and social influence. It is suggested that because ideographs reflect vital cultural motives, associated problems are inherently difficult to remedy.  相似文献   

Policy debates across advanced industrial economies are stressing the centrality of skills and training to compete in the new ‘knowledge economy’. In the UK increasing importance is being placed on improving workplace learning, yet policy has so far failed to confront the issue of employers' lack of investment in training and development. This article examines whether the high skill sectors that exist within the UK can provide a model of workplace learning for other such sectors to emulate. By using case study research from the aerospace and pharmaceutical industries, training and development practices are examined in relation to the requirements of the business and individual employees. The article will argue that the companies in question, despite their favourable product market position, remain constrained by the broader institutional environment.  相似文献   

James G. March was a founding father of modern organization theory, and arguably its most eclectic scholar. His elegant writings, which were underpinned by a behavioural view of organizations, spanned ambiguity and choice, rationality and decision‐making, organizational change, organizational learning, and institutional theory, among others. In this editorial, we remember Jim March by reflecting on his lessons for leadership. It is structured into three parts, each portraying a key aspect of contemporary leadership: imagination, self‐knowledge, and poise. March believed that these qualities were essential to leadership, and he embodied them to the fullest.  相似文献   

Investment in vocational education and training is commonly regarded as a prerequisite of competitive success. Training is also seen as a cornerstone of management initiatives designed to enhance employee involvement and co-operation in the production process. Ironically, however, commentators have rarely sought to assess employee attitudes towards, and experiences of, training provision. the claims made by advocates of a high skills strategy with respect to employee commitment and motivation have not been empirically tested. This article seeks to fill the gap through a presentation of findings from a unique survey, undertaken by the authors, designed to examine the link between training and employee attitudes.  相似文献   

The current article provides empirical evidence in support of a new Cognitive‐Experiential Leadership Model. The foundation of the model is based on the integration of the Cognitive‐Experiential Theory (CET; Epstein, 2014), a personality‐based theory, and the Full‐Range Leadership Theory (FRLT; Bass, 1985). Results show a strong connection between the rational system and constructive elements of the CET’s experiential system, and transformational leadership and conflict‐handling styles. There is also preliminary evidence that developing leaders’ CET information‐processing systems could increase transformational leadership. Leaders who are high in rational thinking and constructive thinking may also elicit extra effort from their followers, effectively manage conflict, choose effective influencing tactics, and achieve positive organizational outcomes. Implications and future research directions examining the Cognitive‐Experiential Leadership Model are discussed.  相似文献   

A significant body of research has described effective leader behaviours and has connected these behaviours to positive employee outcomes. However, this research has yet to be systematically integrated with organizational justice research to describe how leader behaviours inform justice perceptions. Therefore, we conduct a meta‐analysis (k = 166, N = 46,034) to investigate how three types of leader behaviours (task, relational, and change) inform four dimensions of organizational justice (procedural, distributive, interpersonal, and informational) referenced to the leader and to the organization. Further, we examine the joint impact of leader behaviours and justice perceptions on social exchange quality (i.e., leader–member exchange), task performance, and job satisfaction. Our results suggest that leader behaviours differentially inform leader‐ and organization‐focused justice perceptions, and the joint effect of leader behaviours and justice perceptions offer more nuanced explanations for outcomes.  相似文献   

叶青海 《价值工程》2014,(20):255-257
硕士研究生培养质量的提高,需要构建多维度体系化的质量保障体系,本文提出从导师效率保障、学生效率保障、课题质量保障、学术环境保障、程序与制度保障五个维度加强硕士生的质量保障体系建设。五个维度之间互为基础、相辅相成,存在很强的内在协同性,要从体系上完善硕士生培养质量保障机制建设,强化各个维度的协同效应,提高硕士研究生的培养质量。  相似文献   

大学生的就业竞争力和领导力的培育是当前高校面临的一个亟需面对和要解决的重要问题,通过文献调查和实地调研,对资料和数据的整理分析发现,两者所包含的构成因素是高度吻合一致的,通过将两者进行二合一、又针对特定领域培育为高校的教育者提供一个思路,在文章的最后部分提出解决措施,从培育的内容——CVKS模型,即认知、价值观、知识和技能4个方面和培育的途径——CPI模型,即课程、实践和影响3个方面提供对策方案,从而使两者的培育目标产生最大的成效。  相似文献   

罗丹 《价值工程》2011,30(17):233-233
近年来,我国经济发展迅速,行业竞争激烈,毕业生就业形势日益严峻。本文将以英语专业女研究生为例,分析研究女研究生就业现状、成因及解决对策。  相似文献   

女企业家以其特有的魅力与领导风格在社会经济发展中起到越来越重要的作用,随之女企业家领导风格的研究也逐渐成为了热点.文章通过多案例研究方法探讨了性别因素、教育因素、企业员工数、企业生命周期以及企业文化对女企业家领导风格的影响,分析发现这五个因素在不同程度上都影响着女企业家领导风格的形成,进而得到了五个命题.最后,提出了促进女企业家健康成长的建议,主要包括女企业家培训机制,女企业家激励机制和女企业家监督约束机制三个方面.  相似文献   

Apart from local monographs and normative texts on community participation, research on community leadership constitutes a blind spot in urban leadership, urban politics, social movements and urban studies. This article, based on case studies in post‐apartheid Johannesburg, contributes to theorizing community leadership, or informal local political leadership, by exploring Bourdieu's concepts of ‘political capital’ and ‘double dealings’. Considering community leaders as brokers between local residents and various institutions (in South Africa, the state and the party), we examine how leaders construct their political legitimacy, both towards ‘the bottom’ (building and maintaining their constituencies), and towards ‘the top’ (seeking and sustaining recognition from fractions of the party and the state). These legitimation processes are often in tension, pulling community leaders in contradictory directions, usefully understood under Bourdieu's concept of ‘double dealings’. Community leaders are required, more than formally elected political leaders, to constantly reassert their legitimacy in multiple local public arenas due to the informal nature of their mandate and the high level of political competition between them — with destructive consequences for local polity but also the potential for increased accountability to their followers. We finally reflect on the relevance of this theoretical framework, inspired by Bourdieu, beyond South African urban politics.  相似文献   

专业学位研究生培养是对接市场需求的新的学位培养体系,从培养目标、培养过程及质量评估等方面均与学术型研究生有所差异。本文在了解当前全日制研究生培养模式的发展现状及存在问题的基础上,针对全日制专业学位培养的培养目标的不确定性、培养过程的重知识性、质量评估的雷同性等问题,提出相对应的创新发展对策。希望通过本论文,在实际应用上能够为专业学位研究生培养模式的改革提供参考。  相似文献   

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