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Much agricultural economics research has been dedicated to determining the best time for producers to sell their commodities. Unlike this past research, we look at how producers actually sell commodities. The extent to which producers display an active or mechanical marketing style is measured using individual farmer sales. The activeness of a producer's marketing strategy is measured by how much the timing of their strategy varies from year to year. Results show no relationship between activeness and net prices received. Furthermore, the results show no evidence of performance persistence by individual producers.  相似文献   

本文应用经济学原理和图解方法 ,具体地分析了纸浆林生产外部经济存在时的市场均衡和价格政策 ,并提出了政府针对外部经济应如何进行宏观调节的建议  相似文献   

We investigate revealed political market power reflected in the pattern of price discrimination by end use that is the hallmark of U.S. milk marketing orders. We show that the pattern of prices that would maximize producer profits, if producers operated a cartel with monopoly power in a regional market, is far above actual government-set price differentials between milk used for fluid products and that used for manufactured products. The pattern of actual price differentials is consistent with political welfare weights for producers relative to consumers that are small compared to the weights that would yield maximum producer profits.  相似文献   

本文回顾了广东土地市场的发展过程,就土地相关政策对土地市场的导向作用进行了分析,并针对土地市场运作中的一些问题提出了完善土地市场运作模式的建议。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to explore the relationship between state land policies, land markets and geographies of manufacturing in Beijing. Industries have decentralised moving from the centre, and agglomerating in various types of development zone in the outer city. The new patterns of industrial location in Beijing are to a significant extent due to state land policies that impact on manufacturing geographies through land prices, the land supply system and land property reforms. However, industrial relocation involves not only negotiations between government and firms, but is also a game played among different levels of government. National, provincial, municipal, county and even rural level governments bargain with each other to shape and gain from the relocation of industries.  相似文献   

This article develops measures of marketing style for advisory programs in corn and soybeans and estimates the relationship between style characteristics and pricing performance. Style is measured by the intensity of futures and options use, degree of activeness in marketing, and seasonality of sales. The data set consists of advisory programs tracked by the AgMAS project at the University of Illinois between 1995 and 2004. Results indicate that active programs making large bets on price movements obtain a higher average price than more conservative programs. This is consistent with active advisors possessing superior information and/or analytical skills rather than being overconfident. However, estimates of the relationship between pricing performance and activeness are sensitive to the inclusion of a single high-performing program.  相似文献   

探矿权、采矿权市场及其相关市场   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章分析了我国地质勘查市场、探矿权、采矿权市场、矿产品市场等三个关联市场制约因素及其相互关系和相互作用 ,从如何增加地质勘查市场、探矿权、采矿权市场的有效需求入手 ,提出了完善我国探矿权、采矿权市场的建议。  相似文献   

农村集体非农建设用地直接上市:市场失灵与其政策矫正   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究目的:研究中国农村集体非农建设用地直接上市陷于困境的制度之源,探讨农村集体非农建设用地直接上市的政策矫正。研究方法:局部均衡分析和交易费用分析。研究结果:中国现行法律法规对农村集体非农建设用地直接上市限制不当以及集体非农建设用地产权残缺提升了市场交易费用,减弱了当事人的集体非农建设用地供求,影响了交易效率,降低了社会福利。研究结论:必须"尊重农民土地财产权利",在明晰农村集体非农建设用地产权基础上,赋予农村集体非农建设用地直接上市的权利,从消除制度障碍、明晰土地产权等角度克服中国集体非农建设用地直接上市的瓶颈。  相似文献   

An attempt has been made in this study to assess the market power of major Asian exporters in world rice market using standard oligopoly models. Quantity has been used as the strategic variable based on previous literature. Structural and reduced form approaches have been used. Results indicate that the major Asian rice exporters like Thailand, China, and India face a downward sloping demand curve whereas the United States does not appear to possess market power. However, the results are inconclusive about the precise market structure. The results, in the backdrop of the history of world rice markets, indicate a need for Asian exporters to rely more on trade than on domestic stocks in order to reduce the thinness of world rice market.  相似文献   

商业性矿产勘查活动的市场主体和市场规则   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
矿产品是私人物品,采矿是营利性活动,作为采矿业生产要素投入的矿产资源产地也应属于私人物品,因此矿产勘查属于商业性活动。商业性矿产勘查制度建设和政策设计的基本目标,是调动社会资本投入的积极性。以矿产勘查为主业的地勘单位,企业化改革的目标是成为矿权市场主体。地勘单位要积极主动加快改制为企业;国家要在制度建设、政策扶持和资金投入三个方面提供服务。国家投入资金,宜采取充实国有企业资本和对所有企业提供风险补贴两种形式,不宜沿用立项审批这种由政府直接经营矿产勘查项目的传统做法。  相似文献   

市场结构和行为对市场绩效的影响机制是解释产业发展的重要前因。通过实地调研,分析新疆林木种苗产业组织市场结构-市场行为-市场绩效内在规律。结果表明,新疆林木种苗产业市场结构属于垄断竞争型市场结构;相当数量企业生产能力效率较低;市场种苗产业的生产能力利用率不高,市场绩效低下。基于结论,提出从优化市场结构,调整市场行为两个方面进行产业政策调整,进而提高市场绩效。  相似文献   

The study of marketing margins and price transmission on various commodity markets has been a popular research topic of the past decades (see Meyer & Von Cramon-Taubadel, 2004 Meyer , J. , & Von Cramon-Taubadel , S. ( 2004 ). Asymmetric price transmission: A survey . Journal of Agricultural Economics , 55 ( 3 ), 581611 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], for a recent survey). However, with a few exception these studies focused on developed economies. This article examines this phenomena on the Hungarian pork market. The Johansen (maximum likelihood, 1988 Johansen , S. ( 1988 ). Statistical analysis of cointegrating vectors . Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control , 12 , 231254 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) or Engle and Granger (2-step, 1987 Engle , R. F. , & Granger , C. W. J. ( 1987 ). Cointegration and error correction: Representation, estimation and testing . Econometrica , 55 , 251276 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) cointegration tests do not reject the no-cointegration null hypothesis between the Hungarian pork producer and retail price series. Therefore, we applied the Gregory and Hansen (1996 Gregory , A. W. , & Hansen , B. E. ( 1996 ). Residual-based tests for cointegration in models with regime shifts . Journal of Econometrics , 70 , 99126 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) procedure with recursively estimated break points and Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) statistics and found that the prices are cointegrated with a structural break occurring in April 1996 Gregory , A. W. , & Hansen , B. E. ( 1996 ). Residual-based tests for cointegration in models with regime shifts . Journal of Econometrics , 70 , 99126 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]. Exogeneity tests reveal the causality running from producer to retail prices both in the long and short run. Homogeneity tests are rejected, suggesting a markup pricing strategy. Price transmission modeling suggests that price transmission on the Hungarian pork meat market is symmetric in the long run but asymmetric in the short run; that is, processors, wholesalers, or retailers might take temporary advantage should price changes occur.  相似文献   

Growers in developed as well as developing countries are seeking new or alternative crops to support rural employment, generate export earnings, and decrease crop surpluses in major crops. A key component of new crop development strategies is wholesale marketing feasibility. This article presents a model of how to analyze the feasibility of providing marketing services for new crops. The example used is a fresh-market, potato packing facility in Union County, New Mexico. The approach used in this study is applicable to growers in developing countries seeking to enter new or alternative crop markets.  相似文献   

Food insecurity is extensive throughout the world and hunger and malnutrition are expected to remain serious humanitarian and political concerns, both in the short term and for the foreseeable future, particularly in low income developing countries where many rural and urban households are both income and asset poor. In those countries, domestic agricultural production is expected to be especially vulnerable to the impacts of climate change over the next 30 years. Thus international markets for staple agricultural commodities, which have become increasingly important as sources of nutrition for both developing and developed countries over the past 60 years, are likely to become even more important in the future. Free trade policies allow countries to exploit their comparative advantages in economic activity, increasing average per capita incomes, longer term growth rates and a country's capacity to fund social safety nets for the poor. However, many countries abandoned those policies in favor of domestic protections in their efforts to mitigate the effects of short run food crises. The policy challenge is therefore to resolve the tension between optimal long run policies and short run initiatives to address food security concerns.  相似文献   

This article analyses how transaction costs and imperfect competition in the land market affect the welfare effects of agricultural subsidies in the new Eastern Member States of the European Union. Benefits of land subsidies end up with landowners in new Eastern Member States also with imperfections in the new Eastern Member States land markets. With unequal access to subsidies, small tenant farmers may even lose out from the subsidies. Decoupling of payments shifts policy rents to farmers, but constrains productivity-enhancing restructuring. Using reserve entitlements to mitigate this effect reduces the intended benefits on distortions and target efficiency.  相似文献   

Communities downstream of hazardous on-farm water storages are at threat because of the severe consequences of potential dam failure. This threat exists due to inadequate development and integration of land-use planning and safety assurance policies in relation to private dams. Adequate policy integration is key to saving lives, public and private property and the environment downstream from dam failure. Whilst numerous studies have explored land-use policy and its relationship to safety, there has been limited attention to the safety risk posed by dams above increased housing development. Thus, this paper aims to explore the interrelated land-use policy and engineering issues associated with planning for and assuring safety of hazardous farm dams involving land developments and how best to integrate the policies. The extent of this problem is demonstrated in the Australian context but also has international relevance. Key guidance on the design of best-practice integrated land-use planning and safety assurance policy is provided based on (1) a comparative review of policy and practice in a wide range of different jurisdictions in Australia against indicative evidence of policy performance to determine best-practice policy elements for integration, and (2) development of a cost-effective flood safety review/design tool to help policymakers and planners with the integration process as well as minimising cost burdens to dam owners. This guidance follows on from previous research reported in this journal to help jurisdictions world-wide address the threats associated with farm dams and land developments within catchments.  相似文献   


A quarterly VA R econometric model of the reduced form relationships between the U.S. wheat market and prices of processed wheat-related flour, bread, and other bakery products downstream was estimated. The model then simulated under a rise in production- or import-induced increase in wheat quantity, and a decline in wheat price, to examine the dynamic effects on the U.S. wheat market and on processed wheat-related prices downstream. U.S. trade negotiators at the upcoming WTO agricultural round, Federal policy makers, farmers, and agribusiness agents should be interested in the dynamic patterns with which negotiated trade conditions, farm policy alterations, and climatic variation influence wheat quantity and price, and in turn the price of more highly processed wheat-based products downstream.  相似文献   

Kenya is one of the few countries in Sub‐Saharan Africa to experience an impressive rise in fertiliser use following a series of input market reforms in the early 1990s. Two major consequences of these reforms were declining fertiliser marketing margins and distances between farmers and fertiliser dealers. We quantify the effects of these changes on commercial fertiliser use and maize production in Kenya by estimating fertiliser demand and maize supply response functions using nationwide household survey data. Our results indicate that between 1997 and 2010, the estimated 27% reduction in real fertiliser prices that can be attributed to falling marketing margins associated with market reforms led to a 36% increase in nitrogen use on maize fields and a 9% increase in maize production resulting from both yield and acreage effects. On the other hand, decreasing distances to fertiliser retailers from the perspective of a given household did not appear to raise fertiliser use or maize supply, although a comparison across households using average distances over the panel indicate that those closer to retailers do apply more fertiliser on their maize fields.  相似文献   

The 1990s saw two different and even contradictory trends in Israel. On the one hand, there was a substantial increase in environmental awareness, on the part of both the general public and decision-makers, that led to a change in the land use planning policy at the national level. On the other hand, the Israel Lands Council (ILC), the body empowered by law to shape the national land policy, made a series of decisions that severely violated the principle of preserving agricultural land and led to massive conversion of agricultural land and open space for commercial, industrial, and residential development. Thus the national land policy became incompatible with the land use planning policy and the rise in environmental awareness it reflected.  相似文献   

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