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This study investigated (1) whether potential future purchasing agents were predisposed to accept gratuities or whether the practice of gratuity acceptance is a manifestation of the job itself, (2) whether the existence of a code of ethics forbidding gratuity acceptance curtails the occurrence, and (3) whether disparities in ethics policies between the sales and purchasing functions affect gratuity acceptance. Hypotheses based upon the concepts of organizational concern and institutionalized ethics are developed and empirically tested. Results suggest that future purchasing agents are predisposed to accept gratuities and that formal written ethics policies decrease the acceptance of gratuities. Disparities in ethics policies between the sales and purchasing functions concerning gratuities failed to affect gratuity acceptance significantly.Gregory B. Turner is assistant professor of marketing at Livingston University. He has published inThe International Journal of Logistics Management and theTransportation Journal.G. Stephen Taylor is Associate Professor of management at Mississippi State University. His research interests include ethics in computer usage, performance appraisal, and turnover control.Mark F. Hartley is Assistant Professor and National Association of Purchasing Management/Carolinas-Virginia chair of Purchasing at the College of Charleston. His research interests include ethics and professionalization of the purchasing function.  相似文献   

A follow-up survey was conducted of members of the National Association of Purchasing Management to investigate the current level of responsibility, and level of responsibility expected in 2000 on 18 key decision issues in which the purchasing function participates. The results confirm and extend the previous study which indicated a transition from individual purchasing responsibility to a team approach all key decision issues.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to present the recognized facts about JIT purchasing benefits, buyers' expectations concerning JIT purchasing, and JIT purchasing success factors. The identification of these facts is based on the convergence of results found in reviewed publications between 1988 and 1993. After identification of the JIT purchasing related facts, partnership strategy is discussed and its suitability for JIT purchasing is demonstrated. The similarities between the favourable situations for partnership and the facts about JIT purchasing are also pointed out.  相似文献   

通过对组织理论两个范式的关联分析,初步提出组织系统再造的理论命题,在组织价值再造与工具再造统一的分析框架下,整体刻画了一个组织系统再造的逻辑拓展模型。价值再造与组织学习是一种理性的融合与发展,实际是对于"第五项修炼"学习模型的逻辑拓展与价值发掘;工具再造则是关于BPR工具模式的优化升级,即一个从价值链至集成供应链直至价值网构建所描述的逻辑拓展过程。  相似文献   

The study reported in this article is based on theories about job and competence analysis and a project in which job profiles were developed that were aimed at providing a framework of reference for evaluating in‐service training programmes for purchasing professionals (professional buyers of goods and services in various sectors of the economy) provided by a training institution of an association for purchasing management. This project was commissioned as part of the permanent maintenance policy of the training institution, but also based on experience with an earlier comparable project, and concerns about test development using job profiles and related attainment targets. The study is part of a research programme on course development for professional training. Ideas about course content validation were explored and tested. The article addresses the issue of trustworthiness and uncertainty reduction in the job profile research process. It specifically looks at the methods used in job profile development and perennial research problems that are related to that, such as stratification of a professional sector, sector‐specificity of job information, formatting job profiles, and the value added of small‐scale in‐depth analyses of work processes versus large‐scale job surveys. It concludes that small‐scale, context‐related analyses of jobs adds most value, but that this is not sufficient for ensuring faith in the study results. Large‐scale surveys complement the in‐depth analyses in this respect. So using a mix of in‐depth and large‐scale methods is recommended in conducting job profile research.  相似文献   

In the last few years there have been considerable changes in the National Health Service in the United Kingdom. Arguably the most significant of these has been the introduction of competition into health care with the split of the health service into purchasers and providers of care. Central to this development has been the introduction of General Practice fundholding, whereby practices purchase health care for their patients directly from competing suppliers. Those practices that have become fundholders have faced considerable challenges in developing their purchasing function given the complexities of contracting within the context of the NHS internal market. Although one of the original aims of GP fundholding was to facilitate locally responsive purchasing, such have been the complexities of contracting that many fundholding practices have attempted to reduce the managerial demands of purchasing through membership of purchasing consortia. Based on an in-depth study of GP fundholders across Scotland, this paper explores the development of consortia-based purchasing in terms of the managerial implications for the participant practices of purchasing through such inter-organizational networks.  相似文献   

Consumers frequently browse online stores via mobile (m-) channels but seldom realize transactions through m-channels. Although this m-purchasing yields an attractive growth opportunity for online retailers, existing research still insufficiently explains m-purchasing (intentions). Hence, this research develops and empirically tests a model of m-purchasing intention. This study's findings suggest that both task-related (e.g., perceived security risk of m-purchasing) and m-channel-related (e.g., perceived security risk of m-channels) factors inhibit consumers' decision to use m-channels for online transactions. Prior experiences with m-purchasing moderate the effect of perceived m-purchasing security risk on m-purchasing intention; the effect is stronger for experienced than for inexperienced consumers.  相似文献   

The progressive removal of trade barriers coupled with improved international communications, transportation and logistics offer increasing scope for procurement on global markets; on the other hand, use of JIT policies for procurement and production drive towards the greater use of local suppliers. The international purchasing decision is examined in cases where the vendor location has changed and a model is presented to identify those items which can beneficially be procured from abroad and those which are best obtained locally. The model is then applied to a number of items and some broad guidelines are proposed for selecting appropriate procurement strategies.  相似文献   

In the last few years there have been considerable changes in the National Health Service. Perhaps the most significant of these has been the introduction of competition into health care, that is the split of the health service into purchasers and providers of care. Central to this development has been the introduction of general practice fundholding, whereby practices are able to purchase health care for their patients directly from competing suppliers. Those pradices which have become fundholders have faced considerable challenges in developing their purchasing function. At the same time, provider units in areas where fundholding has become established face an increasingly fragmented purchasing base.

Building on existing theoretical work into the nature of organizational purchasing behaviour and current knowledge of the health care market in Britain, this paper attempts to develop an understanding of the dynamics of GP fundholder purchasing behaviour.  相似文献   

It is axiomatic that functional strategies cascade from corporate objectives. Local government has traditionally had priorities relating to public accountability, local democracy and policy creation. Those traditional goals are now being supplemented with new goals of local economic development and the environment. This paper examines local government goals as a definition of business success criteria. The conclusion arrived at is that local government Purchasing Managers are faced with new and differing demands from the private sector which traditional purchasing strategies fall short of addressing. New strategic options are discussed and tabled.  相似文献   

In this article, the development of management accounting is connected to purchasing and supply management. The accounting system can act as a strong enabler as well as a barrier to the development of purchasing. A number of measures are identified and discussed leading to the conclusion that there are some highly interesting and relevant new techniques available. Using these, it should be possible to foster a stronger relationship focus in the purchasing function, which would enable managers to carry out a segmented approach to purchasing and supply management. Today, however, it would appear that managers largely fail to take advantage of these techniques.  相似文献   

In this paper, we seek to contribute to the PPP literature by presenting evidence of a link between trade intensity and exchange rate dynamics. We first establish a negative effect of trade intensity on exchange rate volatility using panel regressions, with distance as an instrument to correct for endogeneity. We also estimate a nonlinear model of mean reversion to compute half-lives of deviations of bilateral exchange rates from the levels dictated by relative PPP, and find these half-lives to be significantly shorter for high trade intensity currency pairs. This result does not appear to be driven by Central Bank intervention. Finally, we show that conditioning on PPP may help improve the performance of popular currency trading strategies, such as the carry trade, especially for low trade intensity currency pairs.  相似文献   

Transaction cost analysis (TCA) includes the frequency of exchange as a significant dimension of the transaction, and order frequency is expected to influence the efficacy of inter-firm co-ordination arrangements. To date, transaction frequency has received little attention in empirical TCA-studies. This research focuses in particular on the frequency of inter-firm exchange and how it affects the calibration of inter-firm co-ordination efforts in supplier–buyer relationships. Empirical findings from a survey of 161 industrial purchasing relationships indicate that increased transaction frequency gives rise to administrative economics of scale, and there is a positively and logarithmic-shaped association between the order frequency of standardised items (low asset specificity) and inter-firm co-ordination efforts.Furthermore, increased asset specificity seems to improve the economics of specialised inter-firm co-ordination efforts when the transaction frequency increases. As asset specificity becomes substantial, the marginal co-ordination efforts of increased inter-firm exchange are significantly reduced. This research provides some new insight into the economics of inter-firm organisation and supports the TCA-assumption that the frequency of inter-firm exchange improves the utilisation of specialised co-ordination arrangements in business to business relationships.  相似文献   

Rogoff (Journal of Economic Literature 1996;34:647-668) describes the ‘remarkable consensus’ of 3-5 year half-lives of purchasing power parity deviations among studies using long-horizon data. These studies, however, focus on rejections of unit roots in real exchange rates and do not use appropriate techniques to measure persistence. Our half-life estimates explicitly account for serial correlation, sampling uncertainty and, most importantly, small sample bias. Calculating confidence intervals as well as point estimates for long-horizon and post-1973 data, we find that, even though most of the point estimates lie within the 3-5 year range, univariate methods provide virtually no information regarding the size of the half-lives.  相似文献   

This paper examines countertrade with a particular emphasis on the involvement of UK companies. A review of the literature shows that whilst international trade organisations adopt a negative attitude to countertrade, which creates difficulties for research into the subject, substantial benefits may be obtained by both parties to countertrade deals. The results of empirical research show that UK companies involved in countertrade play a largely reactive role, which mirrors the approach of UK government agencies. It is argued that purchasing can play a significant role in proactive countertrade through identifying appropriate sources, effective negotiation and disposal of goods to existing suppliers.  相似文献   

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