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三亚旅游资源在中国得天独厚,在世界上也是不可多得的,是中国热带海洋旅游资源最密集之地,也是冬季避寒度假休闲的首选旅游胜地。  相似文献   

Q:Would you like to share your feelings about winning the "Peace Through Commerce Medal Award"granted by the US Department of Commerce? A:Today,the US Commerce Secretary Bryson presented the "Peace Through Commerce Medal Award" to the CCPIT and it is our honor to be the first winner of this prestigious award on the Chinese mainland,as it is an encouraging recognition of the CCPIT's efforts in strengthening the Sino-US economic and trade relations in the past years and it is also an encouragement for me.  相似文献   

三亚,地处北纬18℃,位于中国海南岛最南端,热带雨林、热带季风的原生地,是地球上最迷人的风景地带。久负盛名的阳光与大海,缤纷神秘的海底世界,稀有的  相似文献   

林莹 《中国广告》2021,(4):10-13
没有任何预言家预测到2020年发生的最重大事件:新冠疫情以及乔治·弗洛伊德之死引发的连锁反应(Black Lives Matter运动)。也没有任何水晶球会预测到2021年的趋势。真正改变我们命运的,很大程度上在于我们如何看待周围的流沙。每个危机之中存在着什么样的转机?新冠疫情就是一个突出的例子,让我们看到一些人和企业是如何成功地从根本上改变自己、改变命运。  相似文献   

The journalistic device of applying military imagery to describe business strategies is appropriate insofar as businesses implicitly base their strategies on a military model whose origins lie in Social Darwinism. What this involves is an unexamined understanding that any means may be adopted to achieve corporate objectives. Recent workforce reductions are manifestations of this understanding; but so are practices associated with mergers and acquisitions and with government-effectuated takings. Regulation, rather than being overbroad, cannot contain these corporate excesses; and social pressure is an underdeveloped counterforce. Business ethics will remain futile, unfortunately, so long as its practitioners assume a peacetime state of affairs and businesses assume a state of war.  相似文献   

How did we evolve from an- cient hunter-gatherers to modern consumer-traders? Why are people so emotional and irrational when it comes to money and business decisions? Bestselling author chael Shermer believes that evolution and evolutionary psychology provides an answer to both of these questions through the new science of evolutionary economics.  相似文献   

As Mark Twain noted of Mauritius in Following the Equator,"You gather the idea that Mauritius was made first and then heaven,and that heaven was copied after Mauritius."For those looking for the ultimate in exotic locations,Mauri- tius could be it.Mauritius continues to fulfill every visitor's dream of a tropical island,from swaying palms to the daz- zling blue of the ocean—Ile aux Cerfs,at bottom left,Belle Mare plage on the right,balmy nights and smiling people...  相似文献   

Much of the literature on negotiation focuses on the effect that various personality factors, characterizing the parties or mediators involved in the process, have on negotiation outcomes. Nevertheless, there hardly can be found a study, which examines these factors with psychometrically reliable and valid tools. The present study uses psychodiagnostic projective method for measuring the personality trait known as integrative complexity, which is considered as a basic factor that connects cognitive traits to attitudes toward conflict resolution. In a sample of 26 Israeli students this trait, assessed by two Rorschach measures - the blend responses and the frequency of organizational activity - has been revealed as a personality characteristic that might explain seeking compromise agreements in negotiation. Individuals low in integrative complexity tend to rely on highly competitive and less cooperative tactics much more than highly integrative complex individuals. Projective measures for integrative complexity, assessed in this study, are suggested to test people as they are assigned to teams charged with important tasks involving complex group decisions and negotiation. In future studies of complex group decisions this psychodiagnostic approach might be used as a part of the support systems in the process of group negotiation.  相似文献   

During World War II American troops sent to Europe were provided with small handbooks which contained a smattering of words and phrases and comments on customs designed to permit those troops to exist with the Dutch, the French, and even the Germans. When dealing with people in the Pacific-Rim area modern American businessmen still use the “handbook approach,” and they are frustrated when they can't understand the attitudes, subtleties, and procedures of Pacific-Rim business practice. They know the details of the “handbook,” but they fail to understand the roots of cultural differences. They fail to understand that they are dealing with thousands of years of philosophy, ethics, and culture, and for this necessary understanding they have to realize both how and why their counterparts think as they do. The modern business person should go back to Taoism and Confucius for an explanation of contemporary business practices.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2016,59(5):463-470
Ethical leadership can lead to many positive organizational outcomes. Previous studies have shown a correlation between ethical conduct and profitability; in addition, firms that have high ethical standards have fewer legal issues. The existing ethical leadership literature assumes a stable external environment. The business and peace literature, on the other hand, assumes instability but has thus far largely ignored the role of leadership within companies as a possible driver of peacebuilding activities. The practitioner community has already begun to recognize that leaders of organizations are the key drivers of change in the peacebuilding context. The Business for Peace Foundation, the foremost organization in the practitioner community, gives its annual award to business leaders who promote peace within their organizations and communities. These Business for Peace honorees represent the ‘ethical leadership’ qualities of peace promotion, without reference to academic theories in either area. We conducted semi-structured interviews with the 2015 Business for Peace honorees and combined those with their public speeches at the Business for Peace events to examine what role these business and peace leaders saw between ethical leadership and peace promotion. Unlike the academic research that suggests only a theoretical and sometimes a direct but tangential connection to peacebuilding, the honorees highlight the direct and visible connection of ethical leadership to peace in unstable environments. We begin by describing the relevant business for peace and ethical leadership literatures. Then we highlight the significant aspects of the interviews and speeches and relate these to the prevailing theories of both business and peace and ethical leadership. Our findings suggest that ethical leadership may be an important missing link within the business and peace literature as an avenue for peace promotion, and that the leadership literature may be ignoring an important positive impact of ethical leadership.  相似文献   

当代企业社会责任发展呈现出的一个最突出特点就是“跨界”,这不仅体现在企业社会责任理论本身就是多学科交叉集成的领域,更体现在组织管理的具体实践中有诸多反映.“责任品牌”这个概念就是体现了这种“跨界”特点的创新词汇.国内已有不少学者从各自角度对“责任品牌”进行注解和诠释,一些企业正在不断进行“责任品牌”推介,“责任品牌”大有成为企业社会责任发展和品牌价值提升助推器的趋势.  相似文献   

近期我国ETF市场出现了大规模异常赎回而导致资产规模大幅下降的异常现象。本文对这一异常现象分析后发现其主要原因可能是:(1)我国市场为弱式有效市场,被动式投资业绩不如主动式投资;(2)成份股经常出现涨停而导致投资者难以购买到涨停股份,制约了ETF的申购规模;(3)我国投资者不愿长期持有ETF,而只是把ETF当作波段操作工具。ETF资产规模大幅下降归根结底是由于投资者对ETF产品没有信心,也就是投资者对上市公司存有很大疑义,对股市缺乏信心。  相似文献   

For most people, investing in stocks is a stressful experience, and this is particularly true in a loss situation. The emotional stress from a significant loss is quite likely to hamper effective decision making with respect to future investments. In three separate studies, with a combined sample of 60 professional investors and 154 lay investors, the authors compare differences in the magnitude of gain and loss affect felt by experts and lay investors as well as differences in affect regulation strategies employed. The findings demonstrate that professional investors are more effective than lay investors in coping with ups and downs of investing. In particular, professional investors show a lesser degree of gain and loss affect than lay investors with regard to both anticipated and experienced affect. Additionally, professional investors demonstrate a pronounced tendency to reappraise a loss situation as a positive learning experience, and to attribute failure in investment to themselves rather than blaming the market or blaming others. These types of affect regulation strategies result in a lower loss affect experienced by professional investors, which in turn leads to greater loss realization and better investment performance.  相似文献   

At present nobody doubts the fact that the Czech Republic ranges among the popular and well-established tourist destinations. The interest of tourists in spending holiday in this country has grown significantly, especially after 2004, when the country joined the European Union. Behind this increase in the number of tourists travelling to the country and spending more days in the tourist regions lies also a new promotion concept for the  相似文献   

These words by the 19th-century Russian poet Fyodor Tyutchev still resonate today. Russia is beyond comprehension; it can only be felt. And to do that, you have to come to Russia, see Russia, travel through Russia.  相似文献   

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