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企业网络位置、间接联系与创新绩效   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
企业间合作创新的重要性已逐渐被学界和企业界所重视,为探讨企业在合作创新网络中的网络位置、间接联系对创新绩效的影响,本研究以深圳市IC产业为例应用社会网络分析方法和管理学相关理论进行实证分析。结果表明,占据网络中心和富含结构洞的网络位置有利于提升企业创新绩效;企业的间接联系也是提升创新绩效的重要因素;并且,间接联系对企业创新绩效的影响还依赖于企业的网络位置,位于网络中心的企业要比位于网络边缘的企业从间接联系中获得更少的创新收益,而拥有丰富结构洞的企业要比拥有较少结构洞的企业从间接联系中获得更多的创新收益。  相似文献   

Filling a gap in the interlocks literature which has been largely centered on the West, we present preliminary data on the pattern of interlocking directorates among the top 200 largest corporations in pre-1997 Hong Kong. Then we identify four separate groups of firms in Hong Kong, and suggest propositions based on the resource dependence perspective on the critical relationships among their interlocking directorates, firm strategies, and performance. These propositions have the potential to form the building block of an emerging research agenda that will shed light on the role of interlocking directorates in an increasingly important part of the world.  相似文献   

Research summary: This article explores the distribution of alliances across firms' internal structure. Focusing on multinational companies, we examine the impact of alliance portfolio concentration—i.e., the extent to which alliances are concentrated within a limited number of geographic units—on focal firms' performance. Relying on Knowledge‐Based View (KBV) insights, we hypothesize that an increase in alliance portfolio concentration positively influences firm performance and that alliance portfolio size negatively moderates this relationship. Our empirical results enrich the emerging capability perspective on alliance portfolios, point to the relevance of conceptualizing focal firms in alliance portfolio research as polylithic entities instead of monolithic ones, and provide new insights into how firms create value by potentially recombining externally accessed knowledge. Managerial summary: In the setting of multinational companies, we examine whether alliance activities are concentrated in a limited number of subsidiaries or are highly dispersed across multiple subsidiaries. We find that, over time, firms exhibit different patterns in terms of alliance portfolio concentration. In addition, the results show that, for MNCs with a relatively small alliance portfolio, an increase in alliance portfolio concentration is positively related to their financial performance. However, when MNCs' alliance portfolios are relatively large, the relationship between alliance portfolio concentration and firm performance becomes negative. Jointly, these findings suggest that the distribution of alliances across firms' internal structure is an important factor in shaping potential knowledge recombination benefits from alliance portfolios. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Developed and developing countries alike areprivatizing or corporatizing state owned enterprises(SOEs), often citing the flexibility to hire and shedlabor as an advantage. However, there is littleempirical evidence on the extent to which thisimproves firm performance. This paper investigates thelinkage between labor flexibility, ownership and firmperformance using China as a case study. We find thatSOEs are much less able to adjust quickly to demandshocks than are other ownership forms and that thedegree of worker input into hiring and firingdecisions slows the ability of firms to adapt,negatively affecting firm performance.  相似文献   

产权、管理与企业绩效   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
20世纪90年代中期以来,关于企业困境问题,社会上流行着管理论和产权论两种对立的观点。本文评价了两者的观点及其改革主张后,指出双方的偏颇,认为产权与管理是密切相关的,而非对立的,并从产权安排与管理制度以及产权运行与管理活动两个层次论述了产权与管理的关系。产权安排决定管理制度,体现为管理制度;管理制度则服从和依赖于产权安排,但体现产权安排;产权运行即为管理活动。在此基础上,本文提出一个关于产权、管理与企业绩效的分析框架。  相似文献   

North American firms have begun to show greater interest in sharing private business information with unions and employees, a labor relations practice widely institutionalized in Japan. This study uses a survey of Japanese joint consultation committees and publicly available business data to examine the effects of information sharing on a firm's profitability, productivity, and labor cost. The results generally show a positive association of information sharing with profitability and productivity and a negative association with labor cost.  相似文献   

国有控股、最高决策者激励与公司绩效   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
国内研究认为股权结构、董事会和高管激励对公司绩效有影响,而上市公司“国有一股独大”的国情使前两者不会有实质性作用;对于后者的研究则忽略了最高决策者在公司中的重要性。本文以1993—2002年数据为样本,研究国有股代理人(董事长和总经理)激励对公司绩效的影响。发现董事长是公司最高决策者,除政治激励能显著改善绩效外,最高决策者金钱激励、国有股权性质、两职合一、债权人治理等都和绩效没有显著关系;意味着只有将政治激励所附带的财富效用降低到一定程度,金钱激励才可能成为有效治理机制。  相似文献   

This paper studies the effects of a countrys regulatory setting and competitive environment the performance of second-generation (2G) mobile on telecommunication. We consider three dimensions of sector performance: entry time, service prices and diffusion. We address the question of non-random selection arising from cross-country differences in the timing of the commercialization of new technologies. Our empirical exploration shows that this type of sample selection may indeed be a substantial problem in cross-country studies on technology diffusion and yield biased estimates of the policy variables of interest. Our estimation results suggest that standardization accelerates 2G entry and diffusion, although within-standards competition triggers less aggressive price competition than between-standards competition. We also find that an early monopolist will price more aggressively to build up an installed base. Furthermore, we find that liberalizing markets for incumbent technologies (i.e., fixed line telephony) has accelerated the commercialization of 2G.  相似文献   

Although multinational corporations (MNCs) are not new to business research, Asian MNCs and their performance have yet to be widely studied. This study investigates the relationship between international diversification, industrial diversification and firm performance of MNCs from Hong Kong. In contrast to previous findings, the results show that Hong Kong MNCs are more internationally diversified, but not performed better, than domestic firms. Also, among Hong Kong MNCs, international diversification has a positive impact on profitability and sales growth, but not on the profitability. Industrial diversification also enhances profitability stability but reduces profitability significantly. Neither the hypothesized inverted U-shaped relationship between international diversification and performance nor the interaction effect from both international and industrial diversification strategies on performance can be validated. Implications are discussed with reference to the local context.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that flexibility enhances the long run prospects of the small firm is explored by examining precipitating causes of organizational change within it, and consequential adjustments. The study is fieldwork based and uses evidence gathered directly from entrepreneurs. New measures of flexibility and firm-specific turbulence are used to explain long-run performance, measured over 28 distinct attributes. Econometric estimates (using GLS and Heckman selectivity correction) are reported, on the relationship between flexibility, firm-specific turbulence and performance. Firm-specific turbulence is shown to have a negative effect on performance, but the latter is enhanced by increasing the flexibility of the small firm.JEL classification: C42, D21, G33, L2, M13, M21.  相似文献   

知识是企业的战略性资源,是企业竞争优势提升的重要源泉,但关于知识如何影响企业绩效的内在机理尚不明晰。本文引入企业双元学习中介,探索并检验知识存量对企业绩效的作用过程。采用回归方法分析了223家科研技术类企业数据后,本文得出结论:(1)企业知识存量对企业绩效有着促进作用;(2)知识存量是通过作用于双元学习而对企业绩效产生影响;(3)企业规模在此过程中有着显著调节作用。本文研究为企业有效开展知识积累及双元学习活动提供启示。  相似文献   

Sales in a new market generally follow a hockey‐stick pattern: After commercialization, sales are very low for some time before there is a dramatic takeoff in growth. Reported sales takeoffs across products vary widely from a few years to several decades. Prior research identifies new firm entry or price declines as key factors that relate to the timing of a sales takeoff in new markets. However, this literature considers these variables to be exogenous and only finds unilateral effects. In the present article, new firm entry and price declines are modeled as being endogenous. Thus, the simultaneous relationship between price declines and firm entry in the introductory period of new markets when industry sales are negligible is studied. Using a sample of new markets formed in the United States during the last 135 years, strong support for a simultaneous model of price and firm entry is found: Price decreases relate to the competitive pressures associated with firm entry, and, in turn, firm entry is lower in new markets with rapidly falling prices. Furthermore, a key driver of firm entry during the early years of a new market involves the level of patent activity, and a key driver of price decreases is the presence of large firms. In contrast to the recommendations from other research, these results indicate that rapid price declines may further delay sales takeoff in industries by dampening new firm entry. Instead, rapid sales takeoffs in new markets come from encouraging greater innovative activity and the entry of large firms.  相似文献   

以2006年~2007年间我国A股上市公司为研究对象,实证检验了我国上市公司中独立董事的政治关联是否具有业绩后果。研究发现,独立董事政治关联程度与企业以托宾Q值度量的业绩存在显著的正相关关系,该正相关关系在第一大股东为国有股的上市公司中表现尤为明显。该结果表明,我国上市公司独立董事的政治关联是一种有利于增加企业价值和提升企业业绩的至关重要的政治资源,对于第一大股东为国有股的上市公司,该政治资源的业绩后果更明显。  相似文献   

创新是企业保持长久竞争力的不竭动力,创新行为对企业经营绩效会产生重要影响.运用面板随机效应模型和分位数回归方法,以2007年、2008年及2009年共3年的微观企业数据为样本,就创新行为与创业板公司的经营绩效进行了实证分析,研究表明:创新投入对经营绩效有正向促进作用,但缺乏弹性,并且其对经营业绩不好与经营业绩很好的公司影响都较小,最大受益者是经营业绩一般的公司.专利与企业经营绩效正相关,但专利对公司经营绩效条件分布的影响幅度并不稳定,表现出较大的波动性,非参数BootSrap方法表明以上回归结果具有稳健性.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the effects of decentralized wage schemes and temporary forms of employment on firm performance. The effect of monetary incentives on workers' effort and firm performance is a central topic in economics. According to the principal‐agent paradigm, firms (the principal) have to link employees' remuneration schemes to any verifiable indicator of performance to avoid opportunistic behavior. The empirical evidence shows that financial incentives have the potential to exert strong effects on indicators of firm performance, such as productivity and worker absenteeism, although the degree of effectiveness of such schemes varies significantly according to the institutional/economic context in which firms operate. From both a theoretical and empirical point of view, the prediction on the effects of temporary types of employment on effort and productivity is less neat. In light of these considerations, this study uses a sample of Italian firms to provide further empirical evidence on whether and to what extent performance‐related pay schemes and contract flexibility affect workers' effort (in terms of absenteeism) and, in turn, firm productivity. These effects are analyzed for different types of workers (white collar vs. blue collar), working in workplaces characterized by a different degree of uncertainty and risk and in firms operating in different economic and institutional settings. Our results show that wage flexibility has a significant effect on effort and then on firm's productivity and that white‐collar workers are more responsive to monetary incentives than blue‐collar workers. Moreover, the presence of a large share of temporary contracts, implying a lower dismissal probability for permanent workers and a deterioration of the working environment, appears to reduce workers' motivation and effort.  相似文献   

This article examines the effects of geographic portfolio concentrations on the return performance of U.S. public real estate investment trusts versus private commercial real estate over the 1996–2013 time period. Adjusting private market returns for differences in geographic concentrations with public markets, we find that core private market performance falls. Using return performance attribution analysis, we find that the geographic allocation effect constitutes only a small portion of the total return difference between listed and private market returns, whereas individual property selection within geographic locations explains, in part, the documented outperformance of listed versus private real estate market returns.  相似文献   

通过对中国建筑业技术进步的研究,发现建筑业研发投入不足且缺乏战略性、成果转化能力薄弱、创新阻力较大、企业创新能力较弱、合作创新网络未普遍形成、缺乏国际化的技术标准与技术扩散战略指导等,是我国建筑业技术创新面临的主要问题;明确了未来5年我国建筑业科技投入与产出、重点发展的技术领域、建设创新型建筑业等战略目标;提出了实现战略目标的总体思路和建议,包括构建中国建筑业科技政策研究的科学路径、改进和完善建筑业科技与创新政策、增进创新体系中相关方的合作伙伴关系、营造健康的创新文化与创新环境、开展自下而上的制度创新和建筑技术标准国际化活动等。  相似文献   

With the increasing desire for products suitable for widely varying markets worldwide, this study offers insight into capabilities associated with successful robust design in global product markets. These robust design capabilities (i.e., the possibility for success under varying circumstances or scenarios) are a potential organizational response to rapid change and uncertainty, which also improve the likelihood of product acceptance on a global basis. From literature, executive interviews, and anecdotal evidence, four capabilities associated with robust product design are derived: (1) functional; (2) aesthetic; (3) technological; and (4) quality based. A model is proposed and an empirical test conducted that considers the moderating influence of environmental uncertainty on the relationship between these robust capabilities and firm performance. The findings suggest that the use of robust design capabilities are affected by uncertainty and have an important influence on firm performance and speed to market. Specifically, the product development process tends to be characterized by aesthetic and technological robust design capabilities in more certain environments and functional robust design capabilities in more uncertain environments when seeking to improve firm performance. Alternatively, technological design capabilities in more certain environments and functional design capabilities in more uncertain environments are associated with improved speed to market.  相似文献   

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